So have you watched (legally) my movie yet, pathetic goyim?

So have you watched (legally) my movie yet, pathetic goyim?

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wtf is she doing in that pic?

Yes my internet connection is legal, streaming is also legal, there is no laws against streaming stolen material.
t. Chin Chan



Streaming is stealing, you uncircumcised subhuman, I hope you already pre-ordered the steelbook.

If she would talk to me like that I might be aroused but coming from a virgin on an image board I feel threaten.
Reported for harassment and creating an hostile environment.


I-I'm not a virgin though, I had a girlfriend once, 11 years ago, and plenty of prostitutes since.


You can do geometry with her ass.

If only. Gadot wishes she was curvy like this pic.

Fatty lover spotted.

he's cute

Plankfucker detected. Still hurt over those splinters in your dick?

technically you can do geometry with any ass, since circles and other curved shapes are also part of geometry

You need your eyes checked.

Well I can.

You can't because you don't know what geometry is.

The BMI of those two combined must be elephantesque.
Truly horrible.

You know, user…the problem with pretending to be retarded is that everyone will just think that you're a retard.

Being obese should be illegal.

b-but Holla Forums told me that it's impossible to lose weight because the human body is not a closed system

אני רוצה לשבור גולגלות ילדים פלסטיניות קטנות על הבטן שלי

solve this with pen and paper you poser log is in base 10


in case you wanted to ask Wolfram like a retarded nigger

but if you just say log without any added qualifiers, isn't that by definition base 10?

no it goes for the natural base logarithm. Also in higher maths they write log instead of ln


Yeah huh

omg shut the fuck up nerds!!! can we please go back to lewd jewish femdom already please

It's like a mix of the worst things in the world in one 90 minute movie. I'm not watching your shit, Chaim.

fifteen and angry at the world.

t. (((Aaron Shekelstein))), WB's marketing operator

How do you know my age?

ln is the notation for natural base logarithm. log stands for logarithm in base 10.

I know your dubs.

For engineers, high school and college students - yes; for professional mathematicians log is used to denote the natural logarithm.

Wolfram also assumes you mean the natural logarithm when you input log(x), as opposed to log(x,10) or log[x,10]

I want to lick her sweaty vagina while she works out.

גוי טוב


They even have Jews in wrestling. Truly degenerate.


of course they do

math>jewish femdom


I want to find the square root of her hypotenuse. If you know what I mean.

There's a good chance you will only be able to do it approximately, if you know what I mean

Of course Gal "All Niggers Must Go" Gadot

Can you stop with the fucking reddit meme

seriously unironically posting a fucking jew who cant act who does capeshit and fast and the furious
literally fucking dumb autistic faggot tier

to white christian countries?

so do any of you POG ass niggers know what this cunts MOS was in the IDF infant killer army? all i can find is she was in the 06 hezbollah "war", hezbo kicked those kikes hard in the cunt on that one hue i wonder if she wore diapers like her fellow comrades

israelis are so disgusting to me on every level, there is almost nothing redeemable about them, they are spoiled incompetent children and ironically they have raised their enemies into the most competent and experienced arab fighting force in the region, quds and hezbollah would dismantle them in any kind of "fair" fight at this point, ziofags are so fucking shook right now their think tanks are openly saying we should support isis to undermine Iran and lebanon

t. mehmet

Wonder Woman is certified DCkino

You are a fucking asshole and you have shit taste

It is in fact the opposite tbh

cry me a river muhammad


*drops bombs*

I'm falling in love with her.
God help me, all this Galposting is working.

look at these dirty kikes, be glad you are burgerniggers and dont actually live in that desert shithole, the israelis have made their bed and are going to lay in it, arabs have a history of being kind of incompetent militarily, this has a lot to do with despots and tribaliosm and the like but both Iran and their proxy Lebanon are some heavy fucking dudes right now, you faggots have no idea, the burger and the schlomo fears them deeply and its entirely their fault

the fact that she boasts about being in the 06 "war" that they completely lost says everything, the jew will twist reality to fit the agenda

IS says thank you for the CAS

here's a twist

Hopefully they all kill each other off. Nothing useful comes out of the middle east except oil. Don't really need any dune coons or kikes alive to extract oil.


Any context for this?

ew, when she's not under photoshop or tons of make up she reveals her true ugly kike face

Perfect tbh

would racemix repeatedly with

When will Muslims ever learn?

No it isn't you actually are fucking cancer

I weigh 68 kg

Your impotent asshurt is so cute.

Nah its actually hilarious and it explains so much



It's like they think that "God's chosen people" is just a meme.

I bet she is a flincher and a spitter

Just makes it hotter when I degrade her with my cum tbh

So tell me again how much you want to slay some sandniggers for me user? I may let you suck on one of these toes.

I'd like to use DeMoivre's to find her double angle formula, IF you catch my drift lads.

Just how I like my bitches.

Why are kikelovers are always also femdom fags?

tell me more about your fascination with cheeky yet mischievous blond-haired-blue-eyed young lads clad in leather and Hugo Boss

Shame about the face.

Now, those are some big mental gymnastics.

Not wanting to dominate the woman means you are only 80% man. The other 20% is clearly not there if you think being dominated, and as a result not doing the dominating, is okay.

What's the context of this scene?

They're weak and want to subvert male/female roles.


You realise apart from the shitposting we hate both Jews and Muslims and saying that we have no sympathy for the Arab cause would be an understatement.

She is fucking deformed, Nigger shit tier taste. Obese/American ape lover spotted.

68kg for 1m50 you're fucking obese and a midget.

lol Holla Forumstards are so obviously homosexual


There is a huge difference between meat AND FUCKING FAT!
Using apes slangs should be a bannable offence, promoting chimps aesthetic illegal. Writing Muhammadan apologetic posts should be also illegal as are the posts promoting fat and obesity epidemic.
t.Chin Chan

want some more of that gods chosen ass, filthy goyim?

wrong. aside from the occasional self-referential antisemitism, Holla Forums's jewish essence is non-negatable

It's an outtake.


yes pls

Yes, mistress

I would drop white phosphorous on Gazan children for a chance to lick her feet.

I would slay every sandniggers in Europe for her.


Jamal, it is time to leave.

Who said anything about Europe you stupid gentile
You'll go to the Middle east to be my good goy and fight for Israel and Israel alone

You showed the example in the film, though I still hate the fucking arab from North Africa.
You have awaken the sense of Justice in my heart, I will slay them wherever I find them.
Thanks for showing us the way.

Everyone ITT needs to leave tbh.

We are just getting started Ahmed.

When I said "everyone" that includes sandniggers too.

Pff, for a 7/10 kikess at best? Haha, you're funny.

I'm only into hairy kike women, sorry.

Then show us what the ideal woman looks like you boipucci lover

Do you eat shit? How is that obese?

And how was that girl supposed to be fat?


its not always fat


It's not legal to be a white male anymore.

but where is it?


Getting arrested by the Gestapo.

100/10 would donate caucasian seed to.

You do realise that these "women " can't run fast, they can't fucking hunt or escape rapid predators.
Back in the Paleolithic these skills were essential to have a chance to escape the velociraptors.
t. fitness expert and paleo-diet nutritionist specialist.

Protip is it has a big butt it can't run.

1) These are useless traits nowadays
2) Even in the past, only a moron would send women out to hunt and not keep a perimeter to protect them
3) A thicc woman will have more fat to feed the baby. Women in early times were baby factories. Using them as a hunter or raider or whatever else pedowood told you they should do is retarded.

Nvm, just read your post. Disregard.

Admitting yet again that "thicc"= fat
You're fat, you're attracted by fat people.
Really disgusting individual.


So thicc guys

Niggerspeak for "fat."

When will Jews ever learn?

I'm sure they believe they are "warriors" like captain israeli tranny however the only thing the jews did in WW1 is sellout the Germans in order to procure a jewish state pic related.

Funny part is they achieved one in Russia thanks to the jewish take over of 1917 (oblast) before the creation of israel.

She has/ had a cute face & was in my op doable way back when she was chubby rather than morbidly obese.
Amazing she got that fat and her tits are still so tiny.

Shit sorry meant to spoiler.

literally garbage tier and the only titty shape that is completely shitty and worthless. Every other tits shape is better, from flat chested to massive, but saggy tiny tits are awful. bad enough on a thin girl but when she's a fat bitch she better have some big titties or else…

This used to be her (pic)
And yeah agreed about the tits or the lack of them.

It's a miracle they can walk with those huge fat legs.

Jesus Christ, get this disgusting shit outta here

Who's "we"? Got a turd in your pocket?

This is Holla Forums. The only anti-semitic posting is ironic self depreciating humor a la South Park, and an occasional buttblasted Holla Forumsestinian migrant like the one you were replying to.

You will never be /ourguy/