Postcolonial theorists will defend this
i doubt that tbqh
To be fair, a large part of PoCo tends to run with the idea that pre-colonial hierarchies can provide points of liberation from colonial hierarchies.
And leftypol spookcucks will defend the strange and spooky notion colonialism is a bad thing.
I'll use it as long as your board continues misusing. Point is, whenever your lot come to spam other places you insist Communism contains absolutely no moral claims, and yet this board is teeming with them.
Oh a Holla Forums poster who's probably underage complaining about spamming other boards
How rich. How beautiful.
and that part needs purged tbh
calm down m8
You raid people, ergo, you deserve to have the inability and lack of freedom to complain.
Colonialism is a big part of what brought these attitudes back.
Agreed, but let's not think in such a binary fashion where resorting to caste systems, islamo-patriarchy, and ousted old monarchs are good means of anti-colonial resistance.
If anything, propping up pre-colonial systems as ideal only helps the colonial powers as neocolonialism can take advantage of those.
For example, one could argue that traditional Islamic ideas of sex, specifically that sex ought to be for the purpose of procreation and that Muslim families are religiously obliged to have lots of babies, helps maintain the reproduction of capital since it provides a larger stash of cheap labor. If Bangladeshi women were given an education and given the know on how to control their bodies and their livelihoods you may easily see a disruption.
Feminism > Islam any day
Tarek Fatah kicks ass.
He's a marxist btw
He's not a communist though.
What's not to like about Badiou?
Why don't we just sterilize all women in the third world? That way they won't have to concern themselves with producing children and can embrace enlightened western ideals like masturbation.
That doesn't solve the problem though. Then all those sterilized women will be put into prostitution as there's no need to worry about pregnancy.
That's why I specifically advocated feminism.
Why don't we sterilize you and people like you so that we don't have teenagers thinking twisted baby boomer strains of logic survive further into the 21st century.
I agree that postcolonialism is a retarded ideology, I'm just saying that "bring back colonialism" is even more retarded.
Yeah, but eventually they'll all die of old age and then we can reclaim those lands for communism without bothering with propaganda or whatever.
this is your brain on feminism
No disagreement there. It's just frustrating to see national liberation struggles be morphed into "noble savage" BS by do-gooder white liberals.
Baby boomers hated feminism more than we currently do. What the fuck are you even on, meth?
It was the boomer generation who started pushing second wave feminism.
If you're a colonised these attitudes are as sensible as colonialism is to the coloniser. And for all your harping about how retarded colonialism is, I've yet to see you really argue against it.
Serious responses get serious replies. The whingeing of sensitive menopausal freaks so insecure in the overwhelming logical and empirical inferiority of the notions they've constructed their identity around that they resort to weak insults and ad hominems do not.
Do you have any evidence for this?
Besides, I'd wager at least 75% of your membership are "raiders" from Holla Forums. If it weren't for insincere Holla Forumsyps coming here this board would just be two people arguing about which book they've never read is better and one closeted Fascist desperately trying to convince whomever is listening that Enver Hoxha did literally nothing wrong.
They also pushed Nixon and Reagan harder. You have to be on meth to look at history this fuckin stupidly.
Oh my god lol
God, I guess your home economics tutor browses Holla Forums by that criterion.
Anyone who worries about being called Holla Forums this hard is Holla Forums
Well, it should be noted that many of the things Western leftists like about "Islam" are actually NOT theological, but rather come from - surprise surprise - the authoritarian Islamic family unit.
Honor killings are such a thing. Nothing in Islam itself promotes them and there have been fatawa issued against them. However, the obsession in Islamic societies with honor and shame keep them alive, and this has everything to do with the Islamic family needing to maintain its honor and image in society.
Someone's grounded today I guess.
Well, this thread could have been interesting if Holla Forums didn't incessantly fall for babby's first troll.
So why aren't acts of Christian terrorism given any news coverage?
because it would undermine the narrative of Islam being The Great Other
They are. We just haven't had any abortion clinic bombings in a while.
Daily reminder that Edward Said hated Marxism.
Let me guess—muh railroads xDDDDDDDDD meme?
You realize that the caste systems, as well as a vast swath of reactionary legal codes in former colonies, were either created or propped up by imperial Powers? Do you not understand how imperialism works?
Yes, too many idpol-style post-colonialists have a weird fetish for the Third World noble savage and precolonial culture—I should know, I’m from a post-colonial society myself. But this thread is showing some Sam Harris-tier level of reductionism. Imperialism and neocolonialism thrive off the codification of local reactionary laws/customs/norms as a way of ordering and profiting from nationalist and other atavistic sentiments.
What you're saying would be true except for the fact that the Hindu caste system far pre-dates British colonialism by centuries, if not millennia. Colonialism only took advantage of these contradictions, it didn't invent them outright.
The Indian caste system, like the Spanish casta system, were the pre-industrial colonial equivalents of divide-and-conquer—either by importation or by building up pre-existing spooks. In other cases (such as reactionary anti-sodomy laws), imperial Powers imported their legal-penal norms and grafted them onto local customs as a way of legitimizing their rule. They were also a means of giving local elites the moralistic upper-hand over the workers and the poor.
They are the foundations of bourgeois nationalism.
Honestly anyone who thinks like this is 1. not a feminist and 2. a feudalist, since they seek not to abolish the gender hierarchy but rather revert to a more "pure" form of it.