The (((mods))) are trying to censor this story of Mozilla partnering with the Washington Post.
The (((mods))) are trying to censor this story of Mozilla partnering with the Washington Post.
How are they censoring this story? Your thread is still here.
This is a new thread. The old one (((dissapeared))).
The one before this was deleted, maybe accidentally?
Anyway, whoever still uses Mozilla products, Firefox included, is an immense retard by now.
For years now Mozilla has only been doing shit left and right, descending into disgrace.
Jesus fuck it really is SJWFox
There's gotta be alternatives. I don't want
Sorry, I deleted your last thread because I thought it was a duplicate of this one:
I'm getting tired of Mozilla threads. This one really is new, though.
I'll append the deleted thread to this one.
I think the mods are just getting rid of some of the more retarded threads (like this one).
Pale meme, ice cat, or links. Ice cat still has backdoors from mozilla's new codebase being utter shit. Pale meme has backdoors from jewtel directly putting them in the code. Links will be backdoored in transit to your computer but can be unbackdoored with relative ease.
Pick two. Remember everything is still a fucking botnet though.
>(((Mozilla))) partners with the (((Washington Post))) to fight """""trolls"""""" and """"""harassment"""""""" online
It's really going downhill fast. I'm actually surprised by the speed.
No, but Mozilla has been like that for years, only idiots didn't listen.
Retards BTFO, the thread.
We already had this thread. Why did you start it again?
americans should just be banned from the internet at this point. why is it so important to put a bunch of markoff chains and shit tier "security" measures in place to prevent the possibility of an "abusive" comment appearing on the comments section of some stupid artticle on the web? spam filtering and captchas have shitted up the internet enough. mozilla is truly one of the most cancerous companies in tech (or maybe im just biased because people keep posting their bullshit here)
It's an echo chamber in here. Tech autists are hypersensitive to the fact that Mozilla doesn't work them.
Actually, if you guys ever used "normal sites", you would see that Holla Forums-rhetoric has been spreading everywhere and that people are starting to get "redpilled", lets say, by reading about certain Holla Forums-like informations on the most obtuse of comment sections:
Mozilla wants to nuke this message vehicle. Simple as that, it's just another form of boosting censorship.
Makes you wonder if it's doing anything wrong at all.
But,but,but goyim, mozilla has been like that for years. Americans should just be banned from the internet at this point. All because a (((rouge organization))) filled to the brim with (((us))) and (((our))) golems, pajeets, and chinks love censorship of you. Just because (((Mozilla))) doesn't work for you dumpf nazis doesn't mean pajeet here
can't use it to spy on you for more shekels.
You do wants shekels right goyim? Well none for you, only for pajeet above censoring you through disabling comments!
this post was obvious sarcasm. This was a PSA for the pajeets lurking. Use Ice cat already you faggots
lmafo at /*pol/tards
>implying it didn't take them 10 whole years to finally get electrolysis into a production build
Go away, Steve.
What do they want to do actually? Censor wrongthink comments such that the Washington Post site seems like a leftypol hugbox? Let them.
Check this out:
Mozilla have become evil. They have an agenda and they're working against the interest of their users.
But firefox isn't a Windows exclusive software.
I need to get around to installing a fork.
If you insist on using a fork, stick with GNU IceCat. It's the only fork that actually fixes some of FF's freedom, privacy, and security issues without introducing even more of its own. All the other forks are placebo or end up actually making things worse, especially security-wise.
Yeah I seem to remember shitloads of people ripping apart obvious propaganda stories in the media comments section and calling out lefty journos, especially in the guardian (shudder) before they lost the debate. It's not the omnipresent "troll" that is the reason for this shit, it's people being well aware what they're being fed is BULLSHIT and the media don't want to have their ability to brainwash diminished.
This is not a bad thing, at least not completely.
Obviously it sucks in the sense that again we see Mozilla proving how gay their politics are, and using Firefox feels even more of a shame. It's very upsetting to have a browser entangled in this.
But the thing itself is good, as explained in the article, the abandoning of comments sections just pidgeonholes everyone into Facebook amd similar shitholes. So if this crap were to work out (probably won't, as everything Mozila touches), at least it could give a little more varied experience of the web for normalfgs, and make people use the already established social media sites a little less.
And each tiny dent on the power of those fuckers is a good thing, considering how omnipotent they've become.
Does this really have anything to do with Firefox at all? I read the article and it sounds like Mozilla is building their own alternative to Disqus.
Only in the sense that the browser's future in terms of privacy and respecting the user grows even darker, as Mozilla sinks a new low ideologically and in terms of association.
But it's not near as drastic, or shocking as some posts here are making it out to be.
It's classic fearmongering of Holla Forums autists. There's no respect for facts and accuracy. There's only jumping to conclusions.
It's all already posted ITT. If you can't even do your own research to confirm it yourself (easy as fuck) that's on you.
Come on goy, there's nothing wrong with maintaining civility.
Centrally-reviewed comments are a fundamental part of the decentralized web.
Which is probably why your first thread got deleted
>you're FREEEEEEEECH!!!!!!!
So, essentially this entire thread is "WAHH WAHH FIREFOX" with no suitable alternative posted. I have yet to see anything other than an alt of firefox be worth anything. Their user agent compatibility is usually the absolute bare minimum of a text box for a string, their anonymity standards leave a lot to be desired, or they are a chrome derivative and therefore garbage.
I challenge a sigular person in this thread to actually post a browser that can:
I don't think you're going to find anything. But have fun
Ok, I'll bite. What's a good alternative that offers the customization of FF?
They should just port Firefox Focus to desktops and give up this Chrome LARPing.
harmful placebo, you appear more unique when using one ip, and it is useless with tor
harmful placebo, screen size can still be determined through css
tabs are harmful bloat that occupies precious vertical space, use your window manager, every browser supports clearing history
Netsurf, Dillo
Should be easy to do with a qutebrowser userscript (which is very different from a greasemonkey userscript, in case you wondered). I can write one for you if you give me/tell me where to get a list of suitable user agents and tell me how often it should change.
qutebrowser does this, by blocking connections to certain hosts, that it scrapes from a built-in downloadable list of hosts files. Effectively like /etc/hosts, so not as good as a proper adblocker, but it tends to get the job done.
qutebrowser has that.
There are other reasons you might dislike qutebrowser, though. It's unusual.
No, it cannot.
Modern tech has become addicted to cancer. Look at all the new venture capital startups, they're all cancer. They are literally funding this shit.
Couldn't you do something like selectively display (and therefore load) media?
Pale Meme is taking a political position against AdNauseum. Never trust a fur.
please stop
pale moon is still the best option available, even if the chief dev bends over for googledosh
If no one can determine your true user agent you're much more anonymous when you want to be. There will always be ways to track someone.
Opinion disregarded.
I've looked into qutebrowser. I dropped it because it is very difficult and confusing to get up and running. If you can make a user agent changer (I can compile my own list) I may rethink my position on it.
Nah man, the spam was WAY worse than you remember. When was the first time you even went on the internet?
Fucking this. Shit used to be epic.
(((SJW)))(((zilla))) is le (((evil))) le (((jew))) and muh redpill muh white race muh trump
Nigger nigger nigger dindu dindu muffin
Omg a Mexican just walked past me and asked me what time was it omg he time-raped me I'm literally shaking right now pls trump save me and savve the white race
(((Whasshington))) (((post))) something something (((censorship))) something something (((parentheses)))
Found the shill
Didn't even see this, but I went to their forums and holy shit, what a fucking Cuck. then again he lives in Sweden so that shouldn't surprise anyone. We finally have something that fights back and this faggot pussies out.
Never trust developers who can't separate their shitty ideologies from their code.
zomg(((!))) you(((')))re right(((.)))
which browser should I use(((?)))
nothing from (((cuckzilla))) they're (((SJW))) (((alt-left))) muh (((soros)))
use (((insert browser name here)))
>(((insert browser name here)))
that's a (((le botnet))) you (((SJW cuck dindu dindu nigner)))
(((insert other browser name here))) is much better.
zomg(((!))) you(((')))re right (((!)))
what(((')))s the difference between (((insert other browser name here))) and (((insert browser name here)))(((?)))
>no (((le botnet)))
>no (((SJW cuck nigger)))
use edge IT JAST W*RKS hahahah
guise use AdNauseam
this kills (((le megacorporation))) XDDDDDDDD
Looks like Soros and Moz://a are in full damage control mode.
remember back when political discourse on imageboards took skill instead of just stuffing posts with wordfilters, slurs and highlights until they're an unreadable mess?
Hahahahaha thanks for the laughts. I use firefox and wasnt even thinking about using other browser but im definitely changing it now, after installing and using Adnauseam for some weeks of course.
So since every single piece of software a man can even conceive is NSANIGGERINFESTEDBOTNET, which browser do you suggest?
where do I sign up to get paid a living wage to mouthbreathe on the internet as hard as you do?
Hello 9gag? I asked a question, where do I sign up for a slice of your rich fulfilling lifestyle?
maybe it got deleted because it is a pol tier post
No kidding, fools like eat this trash up.
moz didnt even code it directly for wapo it seems like an ok software too.
Motzailla at it again
Well there you go
Holla Forums btfo
Oh look it's that faggot who uses triple parenthesis. Everyone point and laugh.
Look at (((me))). I am such a (((faggot))).
so they've designed the easiest to censor comment system to date
You do realize shit like this makes you look retarded, not the person you are trying to make fun of, right?
>(((You))) do realize (((shit))) like (((this))) makes you look (((retarded))), not the (((person))) you are (((trying))) to make fun of, (((right)))?
Fixed that for ya.
I can't blame anyone who wants to disable comments in this day and age. When are they ever not cancer? It's so bad that you can't even post porn without it somehow managing to turn into an argument about niggers or Trump.
Everything always has backdoors yet people are forever mysteriously unable to locate them let alone disable them (which is supposed to be the advantage of open source).
Go back to Holla Forums please.
Kill yourself, SJW kike.
>It's only (((possible))) for one (((person))) to have a (((different))) opinion than (((me))).
Yeah, okay retard. Whatever you say.
>(((retard))) in full (((damage))) control (((mode))) because he can't (((handle))) the (((fact))) that there are (((multiple))) people who have differing (((opinions))) from (((him)))