Brit/pol/ UNCUCKED #0001 - Loyalist New Order Edition

Welcome to brit/pol/ UNCUCKED

Some anons might not be aware but recent events have seen a purge of the brit/pol/ community. Due to endless amounts of cancerous faggotry, shitstirring, d&c and divisiveness, the shitposting cuckchan clique that had invaded and co-opted brit/pol/ is no more. They have been now banished to the filthy refugee camps of /brit/ and /britpol/ where they continue to wallow in their own effluvia.

Meanwhile, the Holla Forums loyalist brits remain here as this is the community & board we feel kinship with. We have been here for years and will not abandon our home. It is important to remember that we are the Holla Forums loyalists and…

Please keep this in mind before you tar us with the same brush as the shitposters.

Now it is time for a glorious New Order - an uncucked brit/pol/ where the shitposting and divisive cancer that all of us have come to hate will no longer be tolerated.

Brit/pol/ is now a place to discuss genuine british nationalism. Holla Forumsacks of ALL nationalities are welcome to join in providing you are not here to shitpost or to antagonise.


Our motto is now "quality over quantity" and aggressive moderation is the order of the day in this new aeon.
CIVIC/HARRIS/ginnie/Jerrycuck/mummyposting, d&c and other divisive shitposting is now a BANNABLE OFFENCE

We humbly and respectfully ask the rest of our international Holla Forums bretheren to give brit/pol/ a chance to shine again and the BASED MODS to continue their righteous purging of the cancer.



With that out of the way, now let us begin the thread from #0001 in order to mark the glorious new era of uncucked brit/pol/

Burger debate stream here:
It begins at 2am

SJW mongs and whingers think army camouflage is racist Blackface

Previous Labour government called for dental checks of supposed underageb& migrants

UKIP support halved since referendum (sort your fucking shit out ukip)

Tories ahead by 18 points in polls. Labour scum on suicide watch

Tezza brings hard bants at PMQs (not really)

Remember to stick to the rules of the New Order lads and to filer & report any shitposting rulebreaking cancer that manifests. Do this and we can restore the standing of our general among the rest of the board and win back our pride.

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Her Majesty Lads


Go help Assange or go fuck yourselves.

All hail the new order lads. Posting this screencap for clarity of any visiting anons.

I dont live in london lad.

BASED MODS please dont delet this thread this is the proper one


I heard rumours about Farage and UKIP's top-doner maybe forming a new party that is right-wing rather than anti-EU.

Anyone got solid source on this?

You fucking spanner

nth for being a burger in a bong/pol/ thread

Our Nige, the queen, etc

Its posted at 00:01 because it is thread number #0001.

It is portentious. It will bring us good fortune.


cheers lads

Burger here. It's about fucking time, lads.

Evening lads. How are we all?

I agree with
But also
And welcome back lads.

Welcome to uncucked brit/pol/ burgerfriend. I sincerely hope you manage to get trump in old boy or else be ready to use those funs you chaps enjoy lording over us so much.

Does this mean you got rid of your NEET civic nationalist scum?

Laughing at Obongos brothers top draw banterous material to be quite honest.

thanks lad

Evening lad. Iv torn a ligament in my foot but apart from that im ok. Smoking too much at the moment thou tbh. Its the stress of following geopolitics i think

Anyone think Trump will bring up the UK blocking RT assets?

Fug mate, injured myself as well. Training, and fucked loads of places up. Gunna push back my recruitment which is a bitch.

Yes, they have their own board now with flags and twice the amount of tripfags.

There never were any civic nationalists on brit/pol/, that was shitposting to an autistic degree. But yes, I think they're gone, keeping to their confinement board. They'll probably get banned if they start all that nonsense again.

I saw that. Fucking hilarious. Trump's bringing him to the debate tonight. Should be a laugh.

How'd you do that? And yeah it can be stressful. Had one of these the other night. I recommend it.


About fucking time. Greetings and support from the colonies.

not bad for a negro, and an obongo to boot.

You are the 4cuck bridge, we bombed you for a reason

Tbh any bants is good bants, even from a kenyan



Oh fuck, after his trumps tweets today, it really is going to happen isnt it? Lefties on suicide watch, ctr in the bath with the toaster

Nice try, lad, but it isn't that easy.

Some of us have been here since 2013, myself included. The shitposters have been shoah'd, and will be banned in all likelihood if they return from their containment boards. Read the OP in its entirety you dumb Yank.

You lot have been following Trump's Twitter, right? He's linking to all of the stories revealed by Wikileaks etc. – the absolute madman.

two boards lad. Theyve had a split already due to an absent BO. Both boards seem to feature that fat welsh cunt shitposting the place up something fierce along with the vomit mural of flags and autism. Its a shitshow tbh.

Meanwhile we weathered it out and have emerged…



The cancer is excised.

glad to hear those cancerous cunts are finally gone

Lets all salute Trump before he gets Kennedy'd

t. shitskin imkampfy

From where? Your own board? That would mean they would leave /brit/ and come here, ostensibly. Are you retarded?

Hey burger

Its actually happening - I feel vindicated for my tinfoil based suffering (conspiracies not heroin). A potential world leader believes what we believe.

We gotta keep it that way though lad. Its on us to make sure that it is filtered and reported if it metastacizes again.

The mods are on board as far as weve seen. They have already shoah'd a couple of flase flag threads made by the refugees trying to spite us. We must remain vigilant

Nice Assad mate. Lion of Damascus.

you are not fooling anyone shitskin imkampfy

Im at the point where I cant keep up anymore, Trump seems to be violating the physical laws of bants and shitposting.

Feels good tbh lad

Fuck off


I don't think he will, honestly. If he does, that will just prove what he's been saying all along, and it will shake America – and the West – something fierce.

Why are you still here if you hate us so much?

I've been a Holla Forumsack for five years. This is my board; the other buggers can stay on their containment boards, as says.

Checking those digits.

Yeah, great addition to the family. Go away bongs, you have your containment boards now. You're worse than the gamergoobs now.



Can Aesthetics be mandatory in the threads now?

tfw I was on Holla Forums before the exodus

4chan cucks reeeeee

Heres you r(you)

We need a dedicated shitposting thread, lads


Back to your containment board faggot

No, but the mods' opinions had a sway over brit/pol/'s

Other board for you faggot

lad tbh smdh

Feels good. We're on the verge of a sort of Cæsarist situation. It's very exciting.

Stop it.

We aren't Finns you silly git.


Came here with the first exodus, but was on halfchan for a couple of years prior. I still remember the old brit/pol/ threads with all the old tripfags. Fun times. I sort of miss them, but the way halfchan is now, they're never coming back.

How much are they paying you, Jew?

Back to your filthy camp refugee

Lad weve excised the shitposting cancer. Stop conflating us with that 4cuck bunch of mongs. Most of us have been here for years, hence our reluctance to give up the board we call home.

Most of us contribute to other threads on Holla Forums too rather than just stay in the general like the cancer clique did. We are, and always have been part of the community here.

Stay on your containment island, Queencucks.

Thank fucking god, might actually get some uncucked politics talk concerning the UK without being smothered in shit.

Not sure if this has been linked but i saw it in another thread.

Nigel Farage: Trump To Destroy Hillary in Final Debate

Anglosphere unity faggot.

not being so subtle, shitskin imkampfy

I used to trip (picrelated) this was after the 1st exodus when things started getting shitty. I gave up a while ago though, made the trip public.


We are going no where.

I really hope are nige has been coaching trump well for tonight and he dishes out the bants like our nige does in the EU parliament

Our civilisation is amid the oldest in Europe. We birthed your country, and it's to us that you owe your very standing as a nation – hence you have our language, customs, law and dress (at least from a certain timeframe).



It auto corrects to be fair

you tell yourself that if it makes you feel better user.

1200 threads lad. 1200. Thats integral as fuck.

So far, so good. Good luck, bongers.

Dont tempt fate user.

you could be Heil, you know, the half-polish subhuman BO

Canuck here, god bless the Queen and long may the new brit/pol/ reign! DON'T FUCK UP


What do we think of , then, lads? Dickie "I Love the White Race and Cock in my Face" Spencer seems content on solidifying his rather strange image.

Why, lad?

Nope im just an oldfag stay at home dad user who sells 40k on ebay.

Now thats out the way, did you see Prince George cuck your fag-president?

Doesn't work though.

Ulster wouldn't exist if Mosley was in power lad

I actually quite like spencer sometimes although his effemminate mannerisms and naivete regarding the eu put me off him.

He did make that haircut cool for right wingers again.

Long time American brit/pol/ lurker here

Glad to see y'all back, always liked the magic you brought to Holla Forums and OC

Just looked it up. Lord almighty. Only JUSTin would try to high five a future monarch.

Please George, just execute him somehow.

Thanks lad, that actually means alot.

welp, that didn't take long.

I like the AESTHETICS of it lad, and the thoughts behind it. Its a talking and thinking point. Id prefer it if my flag of sussex to be shown tbh. But Mosley had the sexiest symbol do you not agree? Post best political symbols.

But that's not what happened.
What happened is that the half-breed mods decided that anyone who didn't 100% agree with their misguided views and opinions should be banned, hell, the mods even banned people at random, not even people who remotely disagreed with them. And the only people now left on this board are the cucks who get some sort of sexual thrill from being the mods' personal cuck slaves.

welcome back and well done chaps
Out of the night that covers me,Black as the pit from pole to pole,I thank whatever gods may beFor my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstanceI have not winced nor cried aloud.Under the bludgeoning of chanceMy head is bloody, but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tearsLooms but the Horror of the shade,And yet the menace of the yearsFinds, and shall find me, unafraid.It matters not how strait the gate,How charged with punishments the scroll,I am the master of my fate:I am the captain of my soul.

That shit was amazing

Daily Hymn lads

It's your browser settings which need to be changed. If you're running Firefox, open a new tab ([Ctrl+T]), type into the address bar, "about:preferences#content" and change the preferred language to "English [en]," instead of "English [en-us]." It should be a similar process for other browsers.

He's a smart guy, but the fact that he's an open Hegelian and doesn't seem like he's going to drop the "white imperium" fantasy shows that something's missing.

Yeah, you and . Congratulations.

Now post some dank Nigel Farage

Can you guys not just ignore the fellow? Surely if he talks but you do not listen he might eventually stop and go away?

cheers lad that works

Haven't posted in these threads since the referendum due to the sheer amount of cocksucking faggotry they engendered. Good riddance.

Glad to see brit/pol/ is officially back in business.

I knew they'd come back.

Deploying tactical Niges

Another American lurker here, I think brit/pol/ is a net positive on this board. It's fun, and I think your people are very solid. I hope we can all work together in the future, banter included! The American-British rivalry is a tradition to be loved and encouraged. I cannot imagine a better example of nation-state brotherhood.

Forgot one

England and Nepal tbf.

Based Ghurkas

Thats it m8, that-ll do

Thanks lads. Remember, if the cancer shows back up to filter and report. Dont give it a chance to mestasticize again and we can keep this general decent.

I second this. Brothers in arms. Requesting pro-gurkha propaganda.

When it's not being run down by an assortment of troglodytes, Brit/pol/ seems to fall on some kind of memetic leyline.

I remember CIVIC shitposting started as an ironic joke, then not only did people here take it seriously but Cuckswell actually became the embodiment of the backstabbing miscegenist he'd been mockingly portrayed as.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure we killed Jo Cox.

Remember to meme responsibly, lads.

So glad we're back lads


We memed too hard tbh
What did she even die for anyway?

Take that Anti-fa trash out of here, cuck.

I cant wait to start making threads again, ive missed this place

I refuse to acknowledge a /britpol/ thread without Ginnieposting.



Harris is Brit/pol/ essential and the core to any patriot

Post favourite British equipment from WW2 lads





The planes used to firbomb dirty german women and children lad

Is a man who destroyed many of our European brothers and sisters a patriot? I think not.


Tommy is our meme breivik come to life. He didnt let his dreams be memes.

Reminder that the true Brit/pol/ has moved due to the faggot mods and that pic related was the last true post by Brit/pol/ on Holla Forums

Kek fuck the kraut cunts lad

All germans deserve firebombing

Nice one you fucking idiot.

no lad, we renounce harris. He is not condicive to our cause and damages good relations with our nationalist bretheren

Hope it goes well for you bongs. I don't really care if you hate another country just keep it out of the op and it's all good.

Based harris combing the hair of dresden

Reminder that Bomber Harris posting is part of what caused Holla Forums at-large to hate us. All it does is make us look like cunts and start arguments with Germans and others. I'm personally convinced it's part of a D&C campaign by some cunt somewhere.

Filter and ignore Bomber Harris posts. There's a reason is saging the thread.

You're a naive fool. Stop trying to cause rifts between fellow Europeans.

filtered & reported.


You sound like an N/A cuck retard

I think we should also report them.

This. We must not allow the cancer to take root again.


Threads dead again lads.

Just filter, report and ignore the D&C shitposters, lads.

Good, it's what you modcucks deserve

If i was filtered why did you respond to me?

Sad lad

Brit/pol/ is a thread for British nationalists, not cucks like you


"Not caring" about it is what allowed the cancer to take root.

Filter, report and ignore always.

This. Most of Brit/pol/ was banned not for shitposting, but for disagreeing with the mods on a number of relatively small issues. Specifically, iirc, about how white """""nationalism""""" is retarded, which anyone with any semblance of national identity should be able to recognise. Cue WNs flooding Brit/pol/, reporting the regulars en masse and talking like lefties about how they're allegedly committing hate crimes against their white "brothers" because they don't fantasise about sucking German dick all day long.

Reminder that Brit/pol/ is too racist for Holla Forums.

Don't give up so fast. We're being brigaded by /Brit/

The filtering and ignoring is the important part. They thrive off of attention; they seek to derail the threads and alienate other Holla Forumsacks. Mods don't always ban everyone who gets filtered, unfortunately. The best we can do is to simply not give them attention. Even by talking about them now we're doing it wrong, so from this post onwards, the Bomber Harris posters should be ignored, and filtered and/or reported.

this. Theyve all flooded over here all of a sudden.

Jesus Christ lads, it's worse than we thought.

No wonder you cucks stayed here. You're reddit cancer.

Nice OP, good hearted brits will always be welcome on Holla Forums.


Aye, I'll abstain from replying to them.


Except when the non-white mods mass ban us for no reason

brit/pol/ is what brought me to this board back in late 2014.

For a while it was the only thread I read. Along with /r/european

For the last year its been the only thread Ive actively avoided.

It was great around general election time though. But even the brexit threads I wasnt really reading much.

It would be a shame if you lost the old number system as the numbers show just how long its been going.

I concur user. We have to deal with this right. Hopefully the based mods will do their work now.

Thanks lad. Most of us are the old guard anyway who were here long before the cancer took root. Its just nice to have them gone.

whoops, not sure how that box got un-ticked, guess I'll have to

Speak for yourself comber harris

Welcome back.

Whats Nigel up to these days lads?

Who here is watching the U.S. debate tonight? It's happening in about two hours, so at around half-past three o'clock, lasting for over an hour. Going to be difficult, but I'll manage it and be up tomorrow for midday-ish, then to work.

Not sure. And nice ID.

Rumours hes going to form a new right-wing party with a top-doner.

I thought you were a white nationalist?


Playing multidimension chess with Trump IIRC

Disregard Mods
Acquire Memes

The burden of Ginnies is on the /britcuck/

Fuck off lad, im english through and through. Where are you from anyway?

Probably a turk

So it's treason

Just this once lad





Fuck off, kraut

Given yourself away there Ishmael

I cant hear you with all those cocks in your mouth m8, try again.

It is a shame, I agree. However, we've had so much cancerous posting over the year that the number would be significantly lower had we not had so many shit-posters. So starting from a fresh seems like the best move forwards.

I used to post on /r/european. It was good to see what my fellow Europeans were going through.

I think its 2AM lad, going to shitpost with the amerifats with a bottle of old mout and watch hillary get absolutely destroyed.

Only thing i've heard lately is that he refused to go on "I'm a celebrity" and this video

btw great idea lads, thanks OP

That would be a mistake. I think he should try to influence the Tories and use this populist energy for some good. Making another party would just further fracture the Right.

This. Ignore the mods. As long as these threads behave, we'll go ignored like most everyone else.

Don't respond to the Bomber Harris posters. Just ignore them. The second anyone posts a pic of him, filter them and ignore them.

This 1000x. Don't give them the attention then deserve, just blank them as if they didn't exist. Nothing else will work, and anyone who doesn't do this is contributing to the decline of brit/pol/.

Ignore him.

Really? Glad it's earlier tbh.

No problem lad.


Then fuck off to /brit/ if you don't like it

Then police yourselves. When you see a Harris poster report him on behalf of /britpol/. When you see a trap poster or slag poster report them. Be the ones that keep your streets undesignated.


Jesus Christ, it's like a parody of real life.

But it doesn't matter who we report, mods gladly banned shitposters and non-shitposters alike.

They already shoah'd a couple of false flag thread attempts by the refugees. We just have to continue to petition them and as tthe other anons point out, make judicious use of the filter/ignore buttons so as to starve them of the attention the autistically crave.

But seriously though. I do need some fresh Ginnies. Am I going to have to return to posting
every thread? I gave it up because it looked like you finally unfucked yourself. Don't make me change my mind.

That is why in the report you explain that someone is shitposting your thread. Let the mods know you don't like this shit as much as they don't.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of these moody pricks is SA mad he doesn't get to police us anymore, or any of the other mods for that matter


You really don't get it, do you?


I think it reached a point where the mods had to take action. Some of those banned maybe were collateral damage. But that's OK, we can move forward now as a unit. If we simply report those who disrupt/divide our thread.

Also, you'll see how the innocent helmers was banned and look where he is now… Modding a hellish place called /brit/

Whereas he could have simply appealed against the ban.

We are doing that, but on a quality board rather than this infected cesspool

Looks like UKIP is fucked and the media are playing a part in it, Lisa duffy on fucking QT tomorrow and the other bitch on this week I think

Much like the people of pic related

Wow so edgy

Hear, hear! This can and will be done.


It's not
I don't see how that will stop the mods' hate for true nationalists
Oh, like the other Brit/pol/ users who appealed and had their bans lengthened indefinitely?


Which one of you cringy r/european-browsing faggots posted this?

Some articles for you all. Been ages since I've done this.

Hating Whitey: On Negative Identity

The Revealed Cynicism of 'Benevolent Hegemony'

Notes on Peter Thiel’s Zero to One

Donald Trump Is America’s Julius Caesar

A Refugee, a Marxist and an Ultra-Right-wing Modernist Walk Into a Café…

The Great White Suicide

So what was the official last count before the great purge? I haven't participated in these threads for a while because of cancer and lost count.

I'm not familiar with what's been going on there. I know it's only a matter of time before UKIP splits apart or changes due to it being, in truth, a single-issue party. Something else will have to fill that void, and it does look like the Tories are trying to prevent them becoming a second or third party.

Sorry, but your formatting of that post was hideous. In future steer clear of so much greentext, blimey.
I'm not surprised, not at all in fact. I have been to the board and it was mostly shitposts, hence me calling it hellish.
Post proof. I don't believe you, on the contrary I believe you're here to cause trouble.

Praise Kek. This can't be real, can it lads?

maybe in the berenstainbears universe



Stop responding to him, or anyone that's saging the thread. They're baiting you into filling the thread with offtopic bullshit. Stop taking the fucking bait.

Of course it is, lad. Have you not been paying attention to this year thus far? It's been mental.


Thanks lad, some good links there.

Have a Kai Murros

I bloody hope it is! It's hilarious


Autistic, retarded burger here. I'm curious about something. Are the Harrisposters and so on actual British nationalists, or are they goons of some sort? I ask because I've seen them gleefully attack Germans, Poles, French, Irish, Americans, Afrikaners, Argentines, Romanians, Bulgarians and so on, but I don't think I've ever seen them joke about killing Pakis or any non-white group.

When criticized, they call everyone "Jerrycucked" and wail about how they are British nationalists instead of "h'white 'nationalists,'" which I can understand, but they don't seem to apply their ethno-nationalism consistently. They just attack white nationalists and white people in general on a board where such groups dominate. It just seems like the "British nationalist" label is a convenient excuse to stir up the maximum amount of trouble on this board.

They remind me of some other "nationalists", tbh. Where is the IRA now that Ireland is being flooded, where is the FLQ now that Quebec is being flooded, why does the SNP want to be in the EU and flood Scotland with 200% of it's current population in rapefugees, what did Harrisposters do about Rotherham?

Some Ethno-nationalists seem very "ethnic" and not very nationalistic…

That's just my uneducated opinion; I'm perfectly willing to read through any alternative views, should anyone think I need to be corrected.

Douglas Murray on Sky News debating Migrant Crisis
Are migrant age checks offensive?

In case you're not aware, we've been taking in "Migrant children" from calais, with children classed as 14/15/16 maximum, yet there's been cases where 20+ have gotten in.

Not to mention the fact that if they get rejected, they cant leave because they have no papers.

Not surprising really, UKIP got too infested with people that tried to pull it in different directions and Farage seemed to be the only one actually keeping things together.

Hopefully the rumor that he's going to start a new party is true so we have somebody to vote for that isnt just another face of the same coin.

Good on you guys.
I was a little worried when i popped by /britpol/ and saw unironic lefty shit.
t. burger
polite non-contributing sage

Thanks lad. Kai's alright for a Finn, though I don't like his dialectical materialism.

They're shitposting twenty-somethings who have too much spare time. Their jokes, while funny in small doses, quickly become cancerous (as we've found out) when left unchecked.

I can't be the only person here to somewhat dislike Murray, can I? His lisp infuriates me.

Oh boy, this meme again

Lad… I need to see what was said in the appeal.


**Divide and conquer autists that thrive on attention.
Harrisposting gets a reaction, so they keep doing it amongst other things.
Report filter and ignore them. **

His lisp is annoying, but that was the first video i found on the subject and it should probably be talked about because this sort of thing isnt too far off from sweden-tier.

No, I don't believe they are. They know what kind of reaction they get from posting images of Harris… They do it as a joke. Real nationalists do not waste their time winding fellow Europeans up.


it's divide and conquer shitposting, just filter and ignore.

Doesn't mean it's not true, lad

That sheboon barrister hes on panel with is fuckiing infuriating.

Thanks, lad. We'll have this place ship shape in no time. Hope DJT smashes the debate.

I would rather there be no war

test post

This. Europeans should only ever fight side by side.


I'm from Northern Ireland and I think it's very important to note that nationalism doesn't mean the same thing to you burgers as it does to us. Irish nationalists are as left as it gets and will do anything as long as they think that it'll annoy the British.

Polite sage because you seem genuinely curious, this just happens to be a shitheap of a thread full of redditors pretending to British. If you want decent answers about British politics, ask on >>>/brit/.

That's not what you were saying though. You said I wanted Nazi Germany to invade and take control of my lands, but the wars already happened so how could they?

Im of that opinion too tbh lad. No place for fratercidal chauvenism these days, especially with the third world horde swelling and slavering its feral lips at the thought of all that is ours.

Glad to see you faggots back. I stopped posting in brit/pol/ threads over a year ago because of the quality.

I dont know if i can forgive farrage for not seizing the unbelievable opportunity after the referendum.

Nice strawman


>If you want decent answers about British politics, ask on >>>/brit/.
Top kek. Go shill somewhere else, you drunkard.


Wipe the floor with that cunt

This is why the threads went downhill, because you awfully stupid bastards kept taking the fucking bait.


How are these so called ethno-nationalists so blind to this? It truly baffles me.

As long as you realise that I'm not wrong, cunt.


Anyone watching the debate on filterman?

Oh, you're wrong. Believe me. The fact that you're having to shill your board here is pathetic. It's so SAD!

/Brit/cucks out, we're real nationalist here, not some faggots who cry behind the computer screen. I bet none of the /Brit/cucks have ever been on the street and marched for nationalism.

They just know that Trump is going to drop some serious bombs on Hillary tonight.

Following geopolitics is taking its toll on me lads. Iv started going grey at the temples this year.

Im taking a some valium too see me through this debate

Dont judge lads, i fucking need it at the moment.

You are a chronic shitposter. Why don't you go back to /brit/ and shitpost with your own ilk?

Hillary claiming to stand up for the people is making me cringe. Corporations is all she'll stand up for. Lies upon lies.

You're nothing but a kike

Trump is off to a strong start. Straight no nonsense talk about what he intends to deliver.

We should try to make Trump our King

Hes doing well, keeping her on the defensive again.

Onto immigration now…..

He would make a good king.

I hate how Hillary has that smug look every time it's her time to speak.

newfag here.
who is harris poster you people keep talking?
i know a guy /sp/ keeps talking about over at 4chan is it him ?


A guy who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of German civilians in ww2

Any user that posts images of a man called Arthur Harris. (He bombed Dresden killing 20,000+ innocents) His image is usually posted to start a shit storm with other Europeans specifically Germans.

Sir Arthur Harris was the head of the RAF during WWII.

People post him because they like posting British historical figures.

The anons that dislike Harrisposting are anti-nationalist National Action autists. see here

Can anyone explain what group I would be if all of my family is 50/50 British and German on both sides? Besides being a mutant bongkraut you fucks

t. D/C shitposter from refugee camp known as /brit/

Which ever side you feel more drawn towards, I suppose. The "brits" from /brit/ would see you as nothing more than a mongrel.


>>>Holla Forums

Topkek. No wonder you jerrycuck traitors love it here. Your cuckold fetish for foreigners seems to know no bounds.

I'm half German too, brought up in England, but I have to save I feel more European than either


Posting in based thread. Also good luck Mr Trump!

Congratulations, Brit/pol/. Welcome back

I kind of meant like anglo-saxon type designations or does it not work like that? I would like to identify as that not sure if it is just me being autistic or not.

It's good to be home, lad.

I'm just writing in this thread because it's awesome.


thanks lad.


May brit/pol/ ever remain uncucketh'd

Have you planted some fuckin' trees yet, lad?

Thanks lad


Welcome back, glorious saxon.

Serious question lads. Would you be willing to bring in 1k+ polish, french, german people into britain?

Thankyou lad, your words fill me with cheer


Thank you, BASED user.

To help us fight and remove the third world xenos?

Yes, absolutely. They are my white european brothers, I would gladly fight shitskins side by side with them.

Worst Pepe ever.

Yeah, we've got too many pakis here and need to drown them out, i'd take other whites for this happily.


Nice OC lad. Saved for future use

Sounds too civic tbh. I thought Holla Forums was ethno-nationalist.

amen user

For what purpose?

Your first post was a "civic" shit-post. Your baiting is boring. Why don't you go back to the Holla Forums version of Calais(/brit/), where you belong.

If it is on a one in one out system and the 1k leaving are pakis, then yes

But user don't you want to use genetic engineering to create a British/German 40k army?

Why does it matter to you? You seem just as civic as any "civic-shitposter" tbqh

So is this some elaborate Brit/pol/ ruse? It doesn't sound like a plausible story.

no thanks lad
i don't like the mixing of hwhites

There are still some shit-posting stragglers who are hanging around. But they will be dealt within time. Overall, this should be a NEW uncucked Brit/pol/

Come on user if you aren't exterminating all other Europeans you aren't really British. ;^)

That's what they are actually like, SAD!

I guess I'll begin visiting Brit/pol/ again, somewhat gave up on the place sometime in August.

Don't disappoint me, I like having a place to lurk and talk about British politics and not constantly see pictures of a 4/10 slag or mummyposting.

I for one, am very pleased with DJTs performance tonight. I have my trust in the USA to elect him on November the 8th. It will truly be the cherry on top of the cake.

Favourite moment from tonight: "Excuse me, my turn."

Brit/Germans are the master race, combine nothing can beat us.

The bad side of Brit/pol/ - the Harris, CIVICs, LOCALs, Ginnie, and trap posters - have all been banished and carry on their silly ways on a different board, more suited to them

Most of them never belonged on Holla Forums anyway.

Maybe between my German and British half the burning urge to genocide/conquer large groups is caused by that and made 10x worse.

Is it over yet? I was hoping to watch a video after the fact as livestreamer is currently fucking me around and won't load any streams.

So are NA and Poles allowed now or are you still "too racist for Holla Forums"?

I think that was the old lot.

They were just cucks mascarading as trolls, still believing the best thing Britain ever did was beat the evil nazis.

A fucking sad blue pilled bunch tbh

what were yous up to before

I hope you being facetious because if not that is really fucking sad and more blue pilled than normalfags.

I haven't been on brit/pol/ in more than a month and you finally got rid of your shitposters? Way to go lads, here's to you having great threads again. I'm not even British, but talking to you anons had been a wonderful ray of sunshine for months for me. Godspeed my European brothers.

Sage because this is a shit post.

Great thread lads.

Morning lads, had to duck out before the debate last night sadly, glad to see the thread still looking strong.

Cheers, good to see you lad.


If you don't support us going to war against Germany in WW2 you need to return to reddit

If you don't support us bombing German cities into dust, raping German women and killing unarmed German POW's you need to return to reddit

If you hate Harris, Churchill or any of our Heroic Ancestors you need to return to reddit

If you feel a "Brotherhood" with anyone other than Anglos such as krauts, taigs, yanks, poles etc. you need to return to reddit

There are no half measures and i recommend they add these to the official brit/pol/ rules.. maybe also a sticky. i will wait

You are gay.

Pretty much always were "allowed", faggot. Unless some transparent d+c shilling against them is gonna stop you….

The blood is pretty much the same. You can pick one, but I'd lean towards staying British because Germany doesn't have Celtic blood.

I believe we were up to #1253. However, that number was vastly inflated due to threads full of shitposts.

I was very happy to hear that Farage was working with Trump.

We need more nationalist partnership.

100% we do. It's great when other nationalists support each other.

Soon enough they will all be gone, my friend. Thanks for your support.

Golly gee it sure is good to be back here along with all my 100% genuinely British friends.

Morning lads, how are we all today?


Javisst, enda en norsk kuksuger, akkurat det vi trenger!

I have done my duty. Now scuttle off, you D/C cunt.

good to see you guys back

Morning, lad. All's well for me, tad tired from staying up for the debate. But it was worth it.

How're you?

1 off

Thanks, chap. Hopefully things will stay this way.

Trump won't commit to accept poll result
Why should he? Lordy, this will scare a lot of cucks voting for Shillary.

friendly reminder that if you double space every single sentence you type you need to return to reddit.

I don't think very highly of niggers.

Nor do I.

And by niggers I mean TRS

Good. This was long due. There were always at least 2 brit/pol/ threads on the front page and filled to the brim with cancer. A cancerous board within a board. And every thread would contain an average of 2 "lads" per post.

Indeed it has been. Although slower than when it was filled with cancer, it is much better.



just my fucking luck


Post yfw Brexit from Holla Forums failed.

A doctor and a war hero, I'm sorry to see him go.

Feeling rather smug, to be honest.

Yes, it's such a shame we're losing someone like him, a brown coward who fled his country and had the skills to actually help his own people…

This is how ridiculous you sound.

Justin Trudeau’s policies aren’t registering with Canadians
Thank God for all the Canadians who aren't cucked.

God Save Britannia

I used to lurk and occasionally post brit/pol/ but stopped due to faggotry.
Im glad you fucks are back and hope the new Loyalist Order goes well.
Deutsche/pol/ is too depressing even with my limited german
Dont worry lads, help will always come from your brethren across the pond.

It's greatly appreciated, chap. Anglo-brothers til the end.

Bong here.

Been on Holla Forums about two years and I've never posted in Brit/pol/. If this promise of cancer free threads holds up, then you have my saber.


Cuck of the month?

OP of last thread here

I'm proud of you lads standing firm through the dark times unlike the bunch of pussy Syrians like SA who fled not once but twice.

Thats pathetic lad.

Based soccer and crisps man bringing the smackdown on the nasty racists tbh

A beautiful sight to see the Anglosphere reuniting again.
They've even capped this thread over on >>>/brit/. Good luck to you bongs in rebuilding!

the fuck?

Are the mods regretting banning us now? Too little to late

shitskin imkamfy

Definitely. Absolute diabolical cuck.

To be honest, you got cucked and there's nothing you can do about it.

Enjoy your dead general.
Remember to suck that mod cock extra hard. Get all the cum out of it so he has a nice fresh load to spurt all over your girlfriend, cuck.

God bless the Anglosphere!

Is this what you think about in your degenerate mind? Disgusting. Stay in your camp, scum.

Good. Lie down into your grave, you diabolical cunt. Christ, Gary Lineker stinks.

Fairly sure that his entire premise for letting our country be flooded with niggers with the iq of a decomposing turnip is that

He's such an epitome of sport plebs


Top kek, I truly wish he would.

He is. How anyone ends up like that, I'll never understand…

And if I'm honest, football stinks as a whole. "Oh, you kicked the ball into the goal, did you? Great job! Have £500,000 for doing great work!". UGH! SHUT THE FUCK UP!

It does. I can't think of anything more plebish than supporting a home team which is made up entirely of foreigners. I don't watch it, never will. Why anyone does, I don't know.

I enjoy keeping up with the footie tbh and I like the world cup but the way it dominates people's lives and mindsets to the point that it influences their political opinions is nothing short of bewildering. Gary Linecuck is a prime example of a simple mind thats been corrupted beyond repair by the mere spectacle of men hoofing an inflated bladder around a grassy field.

'I don't want MEN sitting with our pupils!' LBC callers on refugees 'taking UK for a ride'

SA is that you?

I can understand that, I suppose. If you watch it PURELY for the sport… It still baffles me if I'm honest.

Awkward moment John Legend mocks BBC’s ‘balanced view’ on Donald Trump during interview

Nah not really, I get fucking bored unless it's a big game. I've been to 2 games at Brentford with some mates recently for the experience but I still got achey feet and wanted leave after about 45 minutes.

If only these plebs applied the dedication of standing on a cold windy terrace every Saturday instead of being with their families to defending their country then we wouldn't be so fucked.

I've never been to a game, I can't imagine how shitty that must have been.
That's the truth.

Except you thunderous faggot there is a diference between not sucking their dick and shoving your dicks in their ass and in the ass of every other European nation.

I love you cunts, oldest ally and all that, but you guys are perfidious to the max and have been going back centuries to when youd hire corsairs to disrupt Portuguese trade routes from India this while Portugal was your alyy.

A semen cooking class could be coming to London



“You could also try freezing ejaculate to preserve it before you’re ready to whip up a light ‘Victoria Spooge Cake’ or a boozy round of ‘Schlong Island Iced Teas’, although this may affect the flavour and thawed consistency of the fluid.”

This is what happens when you don't beat your kids.

I'm not a footie fan but I did go to a game with a mate who had season tickets. We were in the rowdy end with the die hard fans.
Wouldn't go more than once a year but it was fun tbh, good banter and camaraderie.
The march itself was boring as shit but hearing the fans wind up the opponents goalie was hilarious.
Goalies should be the highest paid ones, they get ripped for 45 mins non stop every game.

Jesus Christ!

That bitch needs a good bayoneting.

Fuck off back to your containment board, cuck

Bitch needs one of these into the center of her heart.

She'd probably get turned on. She looks that depraved.

I would be an avid fan if teams were composed entirely of people from the area they are representing.

It would give international competitions actual meaning and national character too, instead of just jews pit fighting sambo with their wallets.

EU Human Rights Commissioner: Stop Ignoring Anti-Semitism
Unelected jewropean bureaucrat accuses EU of ignoring jewish needs, demands increase in holocaust education.

tl;dr There aren't nearly enough mandatory holocaust classes in EU schools yet…

I think I could possibly get into it if that were the case.
KEK! That's an apt description of what's going on.

I love her, lads

All these demands have faded into a dull background whine to me. One news story after another, it's always the same and nothing will change until we change it.




We're being brigaded!

Ignore, filter and most importantly REPORT the shitposters.

Any of you lads lifting today? You'll need those gains to clobber Abdul when the times comes

About to head out myself


This is not the real brit/pol/

This is just a jerrycuck NA thread

You've picked a good time to head out lad, looks like we're being raided.
I do what I can from home, I've got some dumbells I might go and lift for a bit tbh

Well, I'll be going for a run.

Lad, you need to discipline yourself to do it daily. It's an Englishman's duty to be the best he can, the envy of all mud-people.

We will. The tide will change one day.

I really hate exercising, though. I do it, but I can't make myself like it like people say they do.

Correction, I will.



Polish plumbers are a good example of cultural enrichment. Not only are they bringing valuable Polish culture, but they are also doing the jobs that Brits dont want to do.

looks like the world isn't ending after brexit

If they're anything like the U.S. beaners they drive down wages and monopolize entry into the trades.

Looks like the world isn't ending after Brexit

this cuckoldry again?

Oops, great minds think alike.


ncie post lad

you cheeky cunt


This, this is what they do. We don't want immigration into this country, that post you replied to is just mocking us(brit/pol/) for not hating Polish. Just because we don't hate them doesn't mean we want them in our country.

i honestly don't see the problem with tripfagging.
doesn't it make it easier to spot total cunts?

actually pathetic

Good lad, the squeamish nu-male looks worryingly in your direction

It does indeed, lad,


You're just upset that you're being utterly cucked by us.

I don't like it either mate, but it's part of my routine and even though it's a pain in the arse to do some days it's improved my mental health and outlook massively and i'm thankful for the discipline it's instilled in me.

Downright laughable.

You do the same thing every day

You are irrelevant

>utterly cucked
okay lad

Nu-males all need a good head kicking.




Yeah, I thought that was bait but given the previous history of these brit/pol/ threads I've stayed out of them due to the incomprehensible shitposting and not wanting to be seen an interfering American.

Anyways good luck with the new general threads.

Check just under the headline

*as an

The cucks haven't gone anywhere they've just been hibernating, see

The jerrycuck/NA bullshit is detracting from the fact that NA finally seem to finally be getting their act together.


As you can see, some are back… It's a shame, but we'll drive them off eventually.
You're more than welcome to interfere, chap.
Thanks, we're all hoping you get Trump.




I've been with Brit/pol/ threads since the first one created on 4/pol/ and trough the exodus right up to the #1000 8/pol/ Brit/pol/ thread where we memed Brexit big time!
I stopped giving a fuck when it all fell into nothing but trannyposting, ginnie posting and a complete cancerous circlejerk. I'd be glad to see it restored to competent discussion…

Do you have any idea why these weirdoes follow you around?

Give credit where its due lad. There's still a lot of improvement to be done obviously but their last video was a marked improvement. Disciplined, well turned out, not looking like a drunken rabble e.t.c. I was pleasantly surprised.

Don't stick here then.

You'll get banned if youre not a hardcore NA sperg

An absolute load of degeneracy lads…

A homo Met PC was strangled by an (((italian banker))) at a (((sex party)))

Faggots, not even once.

We're hoping to achieve this here, lad. We need Brit/pol/ veterans like you to come back.

Nothing of value was lost.

How racist.

I gathered…

Where I live is a Fashy hotspot, but there's Jack shit happening.

Ban this poster for anti-white D and C

Lads who is cross posting from here to the /brit/ thread? Or is it /politics/ nicking the stuff here? That gay MET PC link got reposted there within seconds.

They're just extremely arse-pained. They believe you should hate pretty much everyone but Brits. They have no respect for other Europeans or even Americans. They follow us because the majority of them are just shit-posters who tag a long hoping to get some attention. It's a weird situation, chap.

Maybe a Discord server? at least then we can control who shitpost

It's some sad NA fuck

I agree, ban the racist!

Hear, hear!

Does this mean I can be NatSoc without anyone calling me a jerrycuck?


It's just the /brit/ lot bitchy that they're not getting their own way.

Yes, lad. Of course you can.

We have the actual Brits here and better quality posting, there is no competition, we already won.

Its you whos the traitor, lad

It might come to that.

Let's just ignore them for now, /brit/ will try something else in the next few days.

Thanks, lad

No worries lad, I'm more interested in how the press are trying to spin last nights debate into a Hillary win. I have, as well as many chaps here money on the golden haired Trump to win it's all consuming at the moment.

And heres me hoping the cucks had all fucked off. Ahh well…

BFC were a bunch of low IQ scum that not even the Germans valued

Can't help but find that pic quite a turn on. Reverse image search is a bit of a disappointment though.

and we wouldn't have it any other way

we are brothers against the outsiders so that we can shitposts and bantz against each other

One can dream. They'll be gone soon enough.


meant for

sorry lad


How is fighting for your country cucked? Is Mosley a cuck? Enoch Powell a cuck?

I think he'll win just based on voter turnout, Republican was up massively Democrat 1/3 down. Who knows though.

what would happen if that cube in mecca got destroyed? Would the muzzies still visit?

I bloody hope so, lad. I will barely be able to contain my joy when he wins.

Good question tbh… I imagine they'd think it was the end of times and begin blowing themselves up EVEN more.


No you mong. But if you cant differentiate between being duped into killing the wrong enemy and fighting for a worthy cause then you are a fool.

good luck lads, I'd like to visit one day and not see any shitskins fucking up the historical sites with their presence.


They have nothing to lose at this point. If he wins their gravy train is over and they know it.

I imagine that British cities being bombed would be enough for any sane person to fight to defend their country.

I'm sure that Germany invading Poland was a "worthy cause" according to you

The sheer amount of cuckoldry from you people is amazing. Krauts could drop a nuke on England and you'd still suck their cocks. You all wish you were German, pathetic.



What on earth are you on about?

Just post your Harris memes lad. They make more sense than the bullshit your spouting.

You just gave me flashbacks of when I saw a school of shitskins running around an ancient castle…


I guess that means it's ok for Germans to bomb us.

Germany literally invented modern terror bombing.

How do you think Guernica got turned into a pile of rubble.

Can't wait to read whatever shit they come out with after Trump wins. The saltiness will reach levels never before seen.




Where did I say that lad? Your argument was that Germany shouldn't have invaded Poland or bombed Britain. They did both with great provocation and after Hitler had numerous peace offers rejected.

Serious question…



They're foolish cucks from /brit/ tbh

Let me guess, you'll tell me to watch the greatest story never told

I used to be a dumb Holla Forumsack like you, but then I took my head out my arse and stopped believing stupid youtube videos.


What's so hard to understand about that?


I just saw an advert for a BBC 2 new 'mocumentary'
Oh how the beeb are beyond the word pathetic.

Not an argument


You will be banned soon enough, subhumans.

And you say you're not a LARPer

R u havin' a giggle

Aye, they will be.

If it was such a good gun then why did no-one use it after the war?

Just admit that you picked MG42 because you are obsessed with wanting to be German
You probably listen to German songs too


Here's the cancer thats fucked this board up. Learn his tactics well..

I won't because I'm not.
What kind of plebish insult is that? I do listen to some German songs tbh.

Thanks lad, now I can report each of his posts easily.

You wouldnt use a British gun, because you are anti-Brit

Go ahead and report me to your jew nigger mods. Do you think they care about you? They are not even white.

TOP kek tbh


Looks like brit/pol/ has picked up again and is running along nicely now, as it should be.

We weathered the storm out lads. Many others left but despite mockery and derision, we tenacious few stood fast and kept the general alive. In that general formed a vision of the future of brit/pol/ - a new uncucked brit/pol/ where the shitposting that bought us so low would no longer be tolerated. A new order where we wipe the slate clean and start over from #0001.

We have achieved this now lads. There is enthusiasm, cooperation, international cameraderie between anons the thread has picked up steam again. We have made brit/pol/ great again.

I am very proud of all of you lads

Long may our good fortune continue.

too small m8

Dutch MP: UNESCO Vote Shows It Doesn’t Recognize Israel’s Right to Exist

The Jerusalem Post reports: The UNESCO vote on Jerusalem shows the international body does not recognise Israel’s right to exist, a European Parliament member told the Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

Dont worry I've reported you lad. You are a traitor to your people and will never be accepted on this board.

Heres a non-cucked version lad

I will make it bigger, I will make it yuge!

Ah, my bad!

I will work on an un-cucked British edition.


Some people like watching British films, mein Bruder



are you autistic?

Some good films there lad.

Zulu and They Live are my favorites.

Khartoum, Battle for Algiers and Addio Africa & Dune should be on that list too.

Especially Addio Africa as is proper Holla Forums tier material and also probably the best redpill documentary/film ever made.

>>>/k/ uckold
You can stay there with your "friends".

How can we make americans vote trump?

Top quality films there, lad!

memes lad. Persuasive memes.

You mean normies? I think the best way is to talk to them about Trumps tax plan.

Yes. Normalfags are all that matter fight now


Another way to win with normies, is to convince them how fucking evil Hillary is and that Trump is the only realistic option for defeating her.


Problem, lad?


Look at my posts, none of them are shit.

Except hes not shitposting. Hes made actual contributions to the thread.

Kudos to the dedicated user tbh.

Thank you, lad. We're fighting the good fight.

Nice lad. In fact I'm watching Dune again tonight. Any more Holla Forums tier films?

Definitely. In fact its only thanks to people like that this place is still going.


Pay no heed to the detractors lad. Its just the refugees bitter as fuck that we managed to restore brit/pol/ to its former glory without them.

Remember last week when they were like

…well they are not laughing any more. We did it without them and our success stings them something fierce.


This, so much this. I can't believe how bitter our own fellow Brits can be. Sad!

…could it be?

Good luck in your efforts, lads.

Thanks, chap. We need all the luck we can get, we're up against some really arse-pained cucks.

Indeed, and we appreciate Nige's help as well. That's been a huge boost to morale. Cheers!

No shit. But how do you do that?

Great film. Id forgotten about that one.

I like this too, from the golden age of british filmmaking.


Trips confirm absolute truth.
I reckon a lot of them will end up coming back here now, and as long as they renounce their old shitposting ways and accept the laws of the new order, I would be happy to have them back. Its on them now - they can either man up, accept the new way of things and join their bretheren in a glorious new aeon of true nationalism or they can continue to be bitter shitposting cunts wallowing in misery and effluvia in their rapidly shrinking refugee camp boards.

You need to condense wikileaks info into easy to understand snippets that normies can understand.

You need to point out and explain her failures as secretary of state.

Especially, nail her on her failed 2008 presidential campaign.

With regret, I believe this is the route they will go down.

Not exactly a film but the kikeflix series Narcos is bretty gud.

It features a RWDS called 'Los Pepes'.

Always happy to help our fellow Anglos.

That was bretty gud tbh. Showed how savage South Americans are.

Those are all good. Do we hve any infographics?

This is a good one too

I think I'm lacking in the info-graphic department. These are all I could find in a quick search.


Fucking hell.
She's such a cunt, lads.

As a Brit/pol/ loyalist, I want to clarify things for any burgers of others who are unsure of what's happened.

The shitposting is >>>/brit/ and >>>/britpol/ who are the containment boards of the shitposters, who migrated after getting banned. We want them to stay there. They are not welcome back, they will just shit up the general again. Report them, then filter and ignore. You can tell them by harrisposting, posting civic 'jokes', and the use of the word 'jerrycuck' mostly.

To clarify Brit/pol/'s position on ethnic nationalism, I want to make one thing clear - this is not America. We are Brits with Anglo and Celtic heritage, not a mix of all kinds of whites. Hence we do not practice 'White Nationalism' in this sense. We do, however, support nationalist movements in Europe and elsewhere in the world, particularly for whites, who are our brothers. But this does not mean we want to be flooded with Poles or any other kind of white immigrants. They're better than pakis, but it's still a danger to our culture and genes. We can respect and help one another, but we must stay in our respective countries.

To sum up, this is Brit/pol/ Uncucked. We are not the shitposters, who we urge you to report, filter and ignore, we are up for quality discussion. As you've seen however, shitposting can easily derail the thread. We need your help, and that of the mods, to fully excise this shitposting cancer. And that mong who posted this thread link over at >>>/brit/ can go fuck himself. We must stand strong, but together we can Make Brit/pol/ Great Again.

She's not even witty. She thinks that substituting a generic insult with something else makes her some sort of poetic genius.

Fucking dried up dog.


She's a Scott and a single mom who collected welfare for a decade before Harry Potter became a hit, what did you expect?

She was a Remain supporter too.

You can tell from her violent temper tantrums and bitterness evident in almost all of her tweets.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Top lad.

I'm working on a better list, don't worry lad.


Good point, lad. Shouldn't expect anything but shit from her tbh.


She's not a scot mind.

Appreciate the thanks m8.

Look how gnarled and droopy her face is when she hasn't got 2 inches of foundation smeared on her battered muggin. No wonder she got divorced and no wonder she's so pissed off at men for not wanting her.

look at her twitter photo and you'll see what I mean. The insecurity is glaringly obvious.

I've been off Brit/pol/ for almost a month now, the levels of shitposting were insurmountable and I couldnt stand one more mummy post

What exactly is a 'Scott'

As long as we remain vigilant and report shitposters, we have our general back.

Brit/pol/ is a long running institution on Holla Forums, gas yourself/

we've been here longer than you have tbh

an illiterate porridge wog ;^)


Mother of god that is one weak looking...'man'

There is a core of Brit/pol/ that will never die lad. Get used to it ;^)

Roald Dahl was BASED

Your D/C shit isn't working tbh…

Remember, IGNORE. They feed off attention.

Aye, lad.
I occasionally just want to ruffle their feathers. It's a bad habit.

Just came back from work lads, good to see Brit/pol/ back up and running, let's hope we do better this time eh? Also, hope you guys have been prepping, because I have a feeling that things are seriously going to start happening after the US elections


You seem to have a problem understanding what 'nationalism' is

'''A Ministry of Defence spokesman said the ships would be "man-marked every step of the way" while near UK waters.
However, Nato said Russia had the right to operate in international waters.'''

So we've allowed them to pass through the Strait of Dover and they're legally allowed to move through international waters…

I know, it's tempting for me as well, just got to resist it.

Top lad.
I've started looking for some gear online, any recommendations?
>seriously going to start happening after the US elections
I've got that feeling too, lad. Troubling times ahead perhaps.

See, White Globalists.

Muh corsairs rofl

How hard are you reaching to hate le ebil Anglo?

Starting to think there's something to the SUCCESS BREEDS JEALOUSY meme

the hyenas and jackals envy the lion lad
the only ones who use the 'perfidious' term are yanks and the occasional kraut

Jealous and envy aren't the same thing.
You meant 'envy'




Email and the subject field aren't the same thing either dumbass


many apologies didnt know we had Dr John Watson ITT

He should never have been knighted in the first place tbh

Can't wait for the day we expel the Jews.

Are there many of us left? I don't want to think that the whole of last brit/pol/ was being kept alive by tripfaggots and 22 stone fat cunt.

Not that many, but it's quality over quantity now.


Dubs confirm quality post


Burger here. I always thought that you guys being on pol was far more dangerous than us, so the most shilling I would see was on brit pol, at least that is how I saw it, a pure GCHQ op to keep you from having a forum.

There's a lot of whites in Britain left, and you're close together, much more than burgers. Hope you get Nige back in office somehow, also hope he gets good security, maybe trump can help him, smart money was on him being threatened away from staying with ukip.

This tbh. Wtf limeys?

Why do you all assume we live in London? And what can we do anyway?

Did they finally ban assault automobiles in bongistan?
Run an ethernet cable through an embassy window. They are just Ecuadorians and can't be that strong

Lads, if we're not allowed to post Gin-Gin, can we post Marion instead?

It's still hell to get there from many parts of the country. It's not as close together as it looks, plus traffic.

I'm not getting arrested, WikiLeaks know what to do.

Marion's fine as long as it doesn't get autistic on the level of ginnieposting, et al.

we're still here but what's their really to talk about at the moment? The problem was that after the crazy levels of traffic during and just after britexit people wanted to keep that pace up but with no substance. hence the shitposting.

I fucking hate the virtue signalling cunt tbh

Interesting observation there, possibly true.

I do think we should stick to the old numbers. I think it'd be a shame to lose what we had, which is one of the longest running generals on any chan. We're still kind of unbroken.

Unless it's a mistake, you need to get >>>/out/

We need to distance ourselves from the shitposters. Annoying, but it's necessary.

Hear hear.

Well said lad.

Long live the Loyalist New Order

Make brit/pol/ great again!

Was just an amusing pic lad. I dont even know its source tbh.

is cuckchan /vg/ ks general still running? it must be in the tens of trillions by now if it is.

I thinks theres a traffic tax for entering london
plus it can take about 5 hours to get into london by car on a bad day

Not sure, but we kept count, so it's a bit different.

I suppose it might also help to draw back in the posters we want, by proving we;re not dead.

I guess we can just keep track of the last one we got to, number 1253.

May we exceed it. Just sans shitposting.

Alright, we're just on high alert for shitposters atm is all.

Depends, the congestion charge is only in the center of the city. It's got such a dense network of tubes there few people would want to drive there anyway.

We are not reaching out to the migration boards. If people want to come here, they'll come. Quality over quantity, lads.

>>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/ >>>/britpol/

Whoops, forgot to S A G E

I think starting from #0001 is best as it represents the new uncucked brit/pol/. True, it previous threads had a good run but it got the the point where the shitposters were actively turning the rest of the board against us thanks to the concentrated cancer they were spewing out thread after thread. I think its important to distance ourselves from that now.

#0001 signifies redemption and rebirth for brit/pol/, the beginning of a new order. Also the #0001 thread was posted at 00:01am last night so the thread is symbolically significant and portentious too.

Reported, filtered, and ignored.


I'd say we're at a permanent this level of alert for shitposters what with GCHQ being a well financed wing of the government compared to CTR shills

whoops forgot jpeg

Indeed Mosley and the BUFs response to the war was fairly consistent.

Stage 1: Demand a public referendum on the war or peace.
Stage 2: Support for Germany's request for peace and a ceasing of hostilities in line with its 16 point plan which included investigation of ethnic cleansing by Poles in western Poland, said investigation to be conducted by multiple uninvolved nations.
Stage 3: Well wars pretty stuck now. We're doomed to it. Save Britain, disregard Germany.

And little known fact.
During the war Mosleys few supporters who weren't in prison, the military or dead had to smuggle writing materials to him in prison so he could write pro-British texts.

Also British blackshirts were the first on the scene at Dunkirk.

True, it's a shame how our British tradition of freedom has been lost.


yeah when i go to london i always take the train or a coach
traffics a nightmare getting in and out of that cancerous tumour on the face of Britain

Oh no, I'm not advocating that at all.

My point is it just shows we're not dead. Had someone started a 1254, I probably would have ignored it and assumed it was just someone trying to wake the dead. This is a bit different.

I was drawn back in by it, and I suspect other people were too.

Lad, not fond of the trip tbqh.


Truly Mosley did it right without becoming a jerrycuck like NA
All in favour of peace but once they're in the war they're in, not going to become a turncoat and betray the nation

Vigilance is good lad.

I think its a possibility that GCHQ or perhaps [email protected]/* */ were responsible for planting the harris/CIVIC shit that caused the division and the 4cuck autists, being the spergs that they are just ran with it

Its tinfoil i know but the suspicion is one I cannt shake - at the least the possibility of such a scenario is plausable. It really ramped up around the brexit.

Apologies, misunderstood your post. I'd say you're right, starting at #1 definitely drew a lot of attention.

Make your pick:

master and commander was great

Oh everything ramped up then
Is Sharia May committed to cutting us loose from the continent once and for all do you reckon?
Or do you think she'll hold off until America/Germany drags us kicking and screaming into war with Russia like John Titor predicted

Trips confirm. M&C is one of the greats.


And even then. EVEN THEN.
He still supported Britain when the British government had many of his closest friends quietly killed in prison during the war.
And made it quite clear to his children that they'd meet the same fate if they didn't denounce him as viciously as possible.

Truly top quality film tbh lad


Trips were a tradition even when we weren't just shitposts lad. Some were even passable posters.

So I suppose the obvious question is do we stay here, or do we eventually add back on the old numbers?

he saw the enemy of globalism 70 years ago and predicted exactly what it would do to Britain and the world
it all came true
how did his children denounce him as much as possible?
they didnt become homosexual marxists did they?

Stay on new numbers. If we go back people will get confused and mods will probably mistake us for shitposters and delete the thread.

If you're sure, lad.

truly you are right at last I see now that the empire has collapsed and we have flooded with rapist child molesting pakis the best course of action is to attack the Germans and every other european that tries to befriend us. Maybe the Yanks or we can go tell the Aussies to fuck off next

Scott Adams makes the point that the media making a huge fuss out of this is how the media would "pre-suade" people if they knew the election was going to be rigged.

It will be rigged. Bear in mind what happened to Assange - John Kerry put the pressure on Ecuador, so it happened either with Obama's blessing or under his direct orders. If they're quite happy to endanger friendly relations with a foreign country just to help their preferred candidate, there's no reason they can be trusted to keep the voting above board.

There is too, of course, the project veritas tapes.


Erm, you might want to check my post history, lad.

Well now I'm confused. Why have you adopted Statham poster's trip? He was a shitposter.

I think the terms been conflated
jerrycuck means Germanophile to the point where even though you're British you support German interests above British interests
hence the term jerrycuck, because you're cucking yourself and the nation in favour of the Germans
its not about being friends its about retaining seperate languages, cultures and genes
im not attacking Germans im attacking autistic skinheads in the UK from the UK who wish they were German

I am now a reformed shitposter, lad. Only putting the trip on as the other lad said it was ok.

Stathamposter seems to genuinely want to contribute and has obtained from shitposting thus far.

I say we give him a chance

problem is lad that the shitposters used that word so much that it is now 'toxic' sorry for the sjw terminology btw around here. They purposefully used it in a reckless and provocative manner.

OK, based on your contribution in this thread you're welcome back.

Alright, just being vigilant. For the record I disapprove of trips, but Brit/pol/ has history in allowing them.

Too right. I see that lots of Trump lads have sorted out a possible way around the rigged voting machines. I hope it works out, but they have the odds stacked against them.

Oh man it was revolting. Disgusting.
They were quite literally tripping over each other to make all sorts of accusations and statements about what a terrible person he was.

And when he died? Fucking hell it was like round 2 after one of the boxers has died and the other one has been dosed with all of the steroids.

His children did well financially because of it.


Thanks lad.

laffin at u

I dont really feel like censoring myself though tbh I do too much of that already

Got a vid of any of it?
I hope it wasnt like the video with Enoch and that fat cocksucking alancarr-soundalike faggot on the radio

They could have got around the negotiating table

Lads I don't know what's going on, for some reason the thread doesn't update, I can't reply to posts and when I click the arrow on posts to filter it sends me to the top of the page

Are you using a web proxy, lad?

Just google for any TV interviews involving his children.
It always comes up and they always do the same shit.

If you folks cant see this as an attempt to normalize shitposting slangs again, you must have paki IQ. Stick to your guns and your words.

Actually, I think the voting machines aren't the biggest problem.

There are only two states in the US that are both swing states and have voting machines with no paper trail (Pennsylvania and Florida). The rest either have a paper trail or are solidly republican or democrat.

Now, whilst they're worth a fair amount (49 votes between them) I think the bigger issue is the type of fraud discussed in part two of the project veritas vids - shiping people from a solidly democrat state to vote illegally in a swing state. This will affect all swing states.

Whilst there's a plan to counter the machines, they really need one for this, and I have no idea how the hell one would work.

Ok then

says the man posting Ed Millibots

How long do y'reckon until the migrant crisis boils over, lads?

You have eye problem, lad?

No just seem to have highlighted alot of posts and forgot to click off them

That's proper fucked. What can be done to stop that? Aside from blocking the vehicle that's transporting those people. Argh.

Another evidence. These are the same fucks we were working hard to distance ourselves from.

Go spew jerrycuck somewhere else.

Alright lads just got back from work, what did I miss?

Exiled shitposters coming back and taking it in the ass like cattle. They still try to normalize shitposting, again.

Use photo ID at the election polls and cross-reference their address with their postcode
if the postcode or address is outside that state then disqualify them from voting and have them removed from the premises

I think by summer next year. Things seem to be coming to a head. I just pray that Trump gets in as hes less likely to interfere if some eurobros decide to go RWDS and remove EU traitor & kebab.

Top lad. Nothing too much, really. A lot of clingers from /brit/ keep popping up but get dispatched rather quickly. JK Rowling's done some cucked tweets and Trump has said he will accept the result if he wins(basedtbh).

Lefties got BTFO when it turned out that 38 year old that they claimed was a 'interpreter' was confirmed by the home office to be a 'child refugee'

The harris-posting level appears strong in this thread. Are they Americans doing it? Or is it a more sinister group (paddys, porridge wogs, the welsh)

Nothing I can see. Shipping people probably isn't the right word. The plan actually is to pay people money to use their own cars or rented cars, so it's not even like the yanks can play "hunt the bus." They explain why in the vid - its because it'd make it much harder to prosecute anyone at the top. Thanks to O'Keefe, they're fucked anyway now.

They should do that, but yanks do the same thing as us - if you can turn up and know your name and the address you're registered to vote at, you can vote. No ID needed. I guess now we know why democrats have opposed voter ID so much.

They'll also be registered at an "in state" location. The plan in the video was to give them pay slips from a company in on it and supply them with an address of a recently sold house. With those two things, they can register in most states.

vid below, for anyone who hasn't seen it. Pretty much required viewing tbh.

Not much lad. Alls quiet on the western front at present although uncucked brit/pol/'s renaissance has certainly lifted my spirits somewhat.

Butthurt refugees and possibly some antifa/goon/intl/ inflitrators trying to stir up shit.

Just filter and report if you see any. It is very important not to engage with them.

plus that and not many illiterate spics have photo ID i reckon
and not many arabs would be happy to show them their refugee visa shit as evidence

Thanks for the update chaps, much obliged.
Any word in the white wizard yet?

Fuck *of the white wizard
me a moron

I hate leftoids and i'd gas them all, but i love how they live up to their stereotypes so perfectly

Well that's the sort of reason they give, along with the claim that it's therefore racism.

Syrianons posting on my board? Shit lad thanks for the heads up

I'd believe that more if most of them could read or write in any language or if they could stop lurking outside nightclubs at 3 am for the drunk girls to come stumbling out so they can descend on them like a pack of rabid dogs


They really are full of contradictions.

Wait, wait, wait…
Stathamposter is itt, has been contributing and not being a dick at all.
Is this a ruse lad? you spent the best part of the first week of the exodus telling us we were pathetic, then you shitposted on the others new board until they b& you.
Are you really reformed lad?

I must confess I gain some pleasure from watching those butthurt remainer marches where they throw tantrums and hissy fits.

Did you see the one with ogre-girl and the pro islamic tranny? (vid related)

I am, lad. I am fully reformed, in fact, I might even drop the trip because of the negative connotations.

I mean the refugees from /brit/ and /britpol/ lad, not actual shitskin 'refugees' - the shitposters and spammers who were shoah'd in the purge.

Fair play lad, don't break Brit/pol/s heart…
Nice oc btw lad.

Are the mods finally banning for this shit? Has Christmas come early?

Of course it's a ruse.

Cheers, lad. Going to create more.

It's not, that post is in relation to /brit/

I know, I was laughing at the thought of a raghead posting here.

I really like those smuggy memes. They encapsulate the arguements of the average leftist drone perfectly.

Did you get the gamekeeper (or groundskeeper, cant remember) job I totally didnt see you post about when I totally wasn't lurking the other thread?

literally had to redpill this guy I knew who hated Trump because le racist white man
he changed his mind to fence sitter when I and another friend told him how Hillary is gonna push us arms flailing into world war 3


oh them
my mistake
they're not really refugees though are they, they're 'interboard migrants'

(checked) Nice full house lad.

I don't believe that the british tradition lends itself easily to fascism. My imagination of nationalism in the UK is that it would involve a strengthening of the aristocracy and the monarchy.

Uncucked king when?

To his credit, hes told them over at /brit/ to stop raiding our thread and hes openly said to them that hes come over to us now.

Cant blame him tbh, this IS the only brit/pol/ worth posting in. We are pretty supreme and uncucked tbh lad. Anyway, I think hes found some redemption here and im willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now.


I'm a burger but I'm just dropping by to say, if you can't see a wolf in sheep's clothing with catchphrase spammers and namecucks showing up again, I think you're too trusting. I'd ban em both, err on the side of keeping the board small and content rich, like the idea behind all of 8ch in the first place.

I imagine suffragettes sounded as pathetic as this back in the day

And yet he decided to raid /brit/

That is some really nice hypocritical projection those faggots employ.

My idea of your nationalism is the same as my ideal burger nationalism: non whites get the fuck out and stay out (white looking jew bankers especially), everything else sorts itself doesn't it.

this tbh
devolve parliament and restore the monarchy
its parliament thats outright betrayed us, the monarchy at the moment are no better than hostages, ever since Victoria they've been practically castrated

I didn't get the first one, lad. But I've got a part-time job as a warehouse operative now

If he fucks up he gets the filter and report like the rest of them. Hes behaved so far though and a gentleman is behooven to give his fellow man a second chance if the one in question seems genuinely contrite.

Time will tell lad.

Where's your proof?

In order to make this place seem like the hub of Brit/pol/ activity.
Give it a week and he'll be back to the usual shitposting, now he has you as his audience.


See you in a week. (I'm not shitposting–shitposting disgusts me)

So, let me get this straight… Two anons said Ta'ra? Solid proof, lad.

Who the fuck says "ta'ra"? If SA's right, then you're the cancer that killed Brit/pol/ in the fucking first place.

I just enjoyed seeing him use my shit statham OC with kikes getting onto the train.

ve r defenders of Eurojpe mighty slavs

London landlord fined £150,000 after 18 people found crammed into Grade-II listed Kensington 'slum'

Landlord is called: ABBAS RASUL…

SA has a stick up his arse about me. I've never liked him, so believe who you want.

in medical and more accurate terms he'd be the karposi sarcoma that began to form after the HIV shitposters, shills and GCHQ agents reached critical levels and achieved AIDS

jesus christ what is this the 19th fucking century

I doubt he gives much of a flying fuck about you outside of you shitting threads up.

We'll need a new thread soon.

Do you lads want me to make it again or does someone else fancy a crack at it this time?

You're still here… Why?

It would be great if you could make it, lad. If not, I'll give it a shot.

tbh I'd prefer it if we had a designated NEET titled The Warden or something similar who made it their official responsibility

To cap all this shit you've said, let's see how long it holds.

Make your mind up already. You're almost as indecisive as a bint.

ok, ill make one up ready but ill not post it until we hit the bump limit.

Your good finding fresh links lad, can you post me a few in this thread to help me out?

Devolve or dissolve? Country parliaments could be pretty good.

The queen is far too neutral. I hope the next few are more politically involved.

Will do, lad. Give me a second

Can we please not descend into an argument about whether STATHAMPOSTER is allowed here or a shitposter or what not.

He's been posting good quality stuff ITT.
If he starts shitposting, filter him. That goes for everyone here, user or trip. If they shitpost, filter them. If we take that hardline from the start, hopefully we can avoid getting mired in them again.

well ideally dissolve it by locking all the doors and windows and pumping VX gas into all the air vents
but I see no reason why we cant go back to the rural local government we all had before all those reforms
the queens neutrality is a significant barrier to achieving anything really
its a pity her father was so neurotic
Charles is a pacifist and Williams just no
I dont think I could stomach William being king

Hope this is alright, lad?
UK warships shadowing Russian naval task force
MPs approve stripping Philip Green of knighthood
Trump will accept result IF he wins(he will win)
Mars landing is getting fucked up already
Country doing better after Brexit than before Brexit
More WARRR (turks being turks)
Brother of Sanders is cucking Cameron

Why have you suddenly started being a good poster?

I got a job. I guess I lost the NEET mentality.

truly the mark of the greatest threads out here.

thanks lad thats an enormous help.

Any time, lad. I will help out with future threads.

Good lad. I'll forgive your cancerous spamming then.

No one cares m80

Top lad.

NORTHERN FRIGHTS America has stashed thousands of tanks, artillery and equipment in secret climate-controlled caves in Norway ready for WAR with Russia

Lads, this is the equivalent of Russia stashing tanks in Canada…

What the fuck are the "Yanks" playing at?

Preparing to arm the radical islamic group of polar bears in Svalbard to support an islamic coup of Norway and give Sweden an ally in the region

Ok lads, new thread is ready. Ill post it once we hit the bump limit

What is the bump limit on this thread lad?

God knows. I think they want a shooty-shooty with Russia. (incredibly stupid if so)


I do kind of like this idea, being an ardent monarchist, but remember what happened in Spain. We cannot let that happen here. They don't even have an equivalent of UKIP nowadays.

God, some of you guys are retarded. The US has these stockpiles all over the world and has for a long time. Norway being NATO, so housing one of these places isn't a stretch. They're placed in places where reinforcements wouldn't be immediate and what's local would need to rely on the stock for a few days/weeks/months. There are even stocks in non NATO countries allied to the US. Specifically they're called war reserve stock. Go look it up, it's not secret.

Also, it would be equivalent to Russia stashing tanks in Mexico, if Mexico was a Warsaw Pact member.

I really do wonder what goes on in these peoples heads to make them think antagonizing one of the only countries, if not the only country that could be a military threat to them.

They must be mad, literally mad.

D-don't say that, lad. They'll start banning us again. We love our American brothers, we really do. hahahaha.

literally the only country that can kick their arse
its like Americas France and Russia is Britain and this is Henry V all over again

751 I think. Ill post it when we are nearing 740+

the Warsaw Pact doesnt exist anymore does it?

They're just trying to scare us. Or more specifically, the Americans.

Fair enough, lad. Don't get your knickers in a twist. It's just interesting given the current climate.
How would you feel if Russia were doing that tbh?

Of course, sorry lad. I hadn't refreshed the page for a while and I was on 760+

The point is it's something that was done in the cold war. They're re-escalating to that.

That's a likely explanation, but playing chicken with nukes is still madness.

Sorry! A-america's great, don't know what we'd do without our greatest ally! ha ha

Same reason why the majority of brit/pol/ shits on burgers because "lol, ur fat and black!~ XD".

I give 10 or so generals until the cancer comes back. Stay strong you limey fucks, not every burger here hates you.

To be fair, the USA has gone through a rough patch under Obama. When Trump wins, I think our alliance will be strong again. If May sorts her shit out.

Cheers, lad.

feels good

It'll be a very interesting dynamic when/if he wins.

It'll be fairly reminiscent of Brexit most likely, in that all kinds of world leaders will say all kinds of shit in the run up to it, but then turn around and start working with him as soon as the votes are in.

They're quite possibly mad, and certainly evil. It's terrifying to see the effects propaganda had on people. Ask most people why they hate Assad and they'll give a blank stare or cite the debunked chemical weapons story. Do any of them even know a damn thing about the Syrian conflict beyond the al-Beeb? Yet they'll still take the moral high ground. Infuriating.

I do have respect for the Americans, and I hope we can remain allied. Problem is, you're the main ZOG, so we really need to break free of your influence to thrive. Same goes for rest of world as well. Materialism and Americanisation is cancer.

Well, seeing as Mexico is a friendly nation it would be very odd. However there are no serious NATO war plans for invading Russia. There are serious Russian war plans for invading Europe. Norway being a big part in that because of access to the North Sea.

I think the needless escalation with Russia is stupid as fuck, however I don't buy into that we're going to start a war with them. It doesn't make sense, even a greedy sociopath like Clinton can see that. She won't pull the trigger. I'm more worried about the Russians trying to pull the same shit they're doing in Ukraine in the Baltic nations that have a sizable Russian minority.

That will spiral out of control quickly. However I think Putin knows that, knows that militarily Russia would lose a conventional conflict, so won't likely do that. Yet.

And there goes my last shred of sympathy. Burn in mudshits tripfags.

Rough patch is an understatement
cant wait til Obamacare somehow causes an Ebola outbreak on US soil tbh

oh no nothing not a damn thing
they probably still think its related to the gulf war somehow

What does this even mean?

It means that the mudshit problem over there is so bad they could be considered tinder at this point considering how common they are over there.

I truly cannot wait to see this happen. Regarding May, do you think it could be reminiscent of Thatcher and Reagans relationship?

I hope you're right, chap. MSM has sure been pushing the "war with Russia" propo lately.
Why aren't you in the pentagon, lad? They could do with you.

Same with Gaddafi, and pretty much every leader who pisses off the Jews. And if you try and convince them otherwise, you encounter what Yuri said.

I don't think so.

It'll either be even closer, with our two countries really having to rely on each other - us just kicked out of the EU and the Federal reserve having fucked over America's economy as soon as Trump enters office.

Or they'll keep distance. Hoping for the first. As far as I'm aware, May hasn't made any particularly egregious anti Trump comments though.

That sounds utterly fucking hellish.

New thread is going up now lads

How's about we turn over a new leaf. No one post "First" or any nonsense like that.

Top lad!

Good to hear.

Bloody hope so!
Good stuff, I'm glad she hasn't said anything stupid.

That's all pretty much to do with the election. They have to paint Russia has the bad guys in order to lend credence to them being behind Wikileaks email stuff. As for the Pentagon, I'm about positive none of them are eager to fight Russia. I think their position is "Look, if we have to we can do it, but we don't really want to."

A lot of this is move and counter move by both sides. Russia does something, we react. We do something, Russia reacts. Russia isn't innocent in all of this, and sadly I have to admit the US isn't either. It's all a game that we haven't played in almost 30 years. Hopefully they'll just keep it to all fun and games.

You are a top quality yank, to be honest.
I bloody hope so…

>implying we don't have the same problem of everyone blaming everyone else in the US

Don't worry about bans limeys, we like having Brits under our thumbs.

t. 16th generation Yankee.

Didn't you hear Hillary said last night Putin personally hacked her emails and the DNC?

Brits do have access to VPNs, right?

I'm not worried about changing anyone's mind. I just lurk here sometimes. I'm not a Nazi LARPer or a white nationalist or a Putin fanboy. Just a humble shitposter that wants to see things change a little, and hopefully my vote for Trump will help that.

lol thanks. I try.