Well after the huge failure of B████ and Syriza can we finnaly stop supporting democratic party's and reformism...

Well after the huge failure of B████ and Syriza can we finnaly stop supporting democratic party's and reformism all together?

Nope, it would be too painful for libetarian left to admit that we need a vanguard.

I don't think anyone here supported S█████ it was just memes. He was never a serious option.

How do you expect to build class con then?

Being edgy anarkid?

I voted Syriza the first time. Never again. But, noone expected Syriza to get elected. It wasn't supposed to happen.
Noone expecte B████ ██████ to manage to threaten Hillary.

Whoever expected any of them to actually do something, couldn't see beyond ideology. Myself included.

But, how else do you expect people to think "there might be another way"?

First by getting rid of Marxist dogma and check why the workers of the past revolted.
Protip it isnt surplus labour being extracted or any abstract concept like that.


Its the German Idealogy all over again lel.

Isn't there a theory that even though we do not support reformism, we still need to try it to show the proles that reform does not work and that they must choose a more forceful and aggressive change?

Protip: familiarize yourself with "Marxist dogma".

DiaMat specifically says that philosophy otside of practice does not exist. All "dogmatic" thinkers repeatedly said that as well: "cut the abstract".

That was either Castro or Che. And it's not a theory, but a tactical advice for rebels.


what are you doing?

It's 'United Front Theory' and it's retarded

That's the spirit!

Sounds a bit like the transitionary programme

No leftist voted for any of those people under the belief that they would somehow bring about socialism, they voted for them in the hope of moving the overton window, rehabilitating the word "socialism" and raising class consciousness.

Last time we tried revolution in my country around 10000 workers were excecuted and around 15000 starved to death in camps after it was put down.

The revolution failed because of a geopolitical advantage for Germany over Russia.

Why should I risk the death of thousands when I have my comfy alienated social democratic society. Its shit but its not that bad


Because your social democracy is going to disappear in a couple more decades thanks to neoliberals retard

What country is this commers?

Is pic related the kind of combatants that will free the country from bourgeois rule?


Also this , all the Nordic "official" SocDem parties are fucking worthless, they don't even do enough to reverse neolib decisions after whenever the right-wingers have had their fun with purely right-wing governments, not to even mention any real reformism

What? Most of the libertarian left is revolutionary

summerfag pls read

No it isn't.

An example that is occurring right now:

Spoken to a lot of people who are very disillusioned by this - are turning to more left-wing politics. The point is that a successful reformist movement will require more flagrant measures to stop it from the capitalist class - these are obvious enough that they can turn a lot of people on to revolutionary socialism.

>can we stop supporting democratic party's and reformism?

you mean the anarkiddies that whine "secterianism" inbetween sucking socdem cock, pointing at KKE and other ML organisations while having no relevance anywhere themself?

wont happen, they are faggots and just love to suck that porky dick, it's like stuck down in their throat, with a deep connection holding them together

oh sorry. I read it wrong. I confused the comment I replied too. I thought he said that the libertarian left were reformists and thus wouldn't support the vanguard.

Change happens from the ground up, even B████ said this, the left should make use of every tool at our disposal(yes even assassinations).
