You know where we're going…

Other urls found in this thread:


Here you go user.

It looks nice but kinda weird on the layers, like high budget flash animation.
also, fuck you for no sound, and less than a mb you cuck.

…do you have a webm of the Putana song? I uhh, don't really have a computer that lets me make ones easily

Is Wander Over Yonder any good?


I would say so. If you like any of Craig Mccracken's other show it's worth checking out.

H-holy shit. Hope she wasn't wearing panties.

no, just this one part:

what the fuck is this redditchan shit


Not really. Besides, Lady Dominatrix LORD DOMINATOR YOU SEXIST SHITLORD is an obnoxious Mary Sue whose sole purpose is to emasculate the main villain and showcase the writer's disdain for gendered stereotypes. She also look like something shat out by a DeviantArtist. There's some passable porn of her out there, though.

Well of course there is. people like being dominated.

Not all of us are subs, sub.

The whole concept of Dominator was that she was an edgelord in an anti-cynical show and she was lost past saving since she really enjoyed destruction but always ended lonely due to it.

Not all of us are spineless betas who let women walk all over us, reddit.

That's… pretty sad, user.

Is not taking over us, is hearing them out and considering that they might have the right opinion about your self improvement, they should equally hear you.

Normal love struck men act like lord hater.
But lord Hater was never emasculated by her at any point simply because Dominator wasn't interested in him enough to do that, everything Hater did was because he was an obsessive dumbass.

Dominator was textbook cartoon sociopath.

lol no. Only betas do. Nice projection, tho.
Have you even watched the show?

It's just a silly cartoon with silly characters.
The first seasons of this show is great.
But you can feel a difference between seasons one and two.
Season two is good (fav episode pic related) but isn't the equivalent.

Have you ever got a girlfriend, less even, a "girl friend".
Is impossible to interact with any human being while ignoring them and what they say just because it doesn't pleases your own ego, or considering them wrong because the same.

Holy fuck, learn English before trying to argue with someone in this language.

(samefag me)

How has your relationship with women been in general user?
I've met incredibly sweet, nice women all ever since I started noticing them in middle school until now and had great friends from both genders.

OK you fucking asshole, I've read that post trice and besides some "speed-write" errors like lack of punctuation I haven't found a single mistake.

Not the same user.
Yes it is more than possible to do that.
It doesn't bring to any good situation but it happens.

Relationship between people are diverse.
It is not mandatory that both parties are in love.
Sometimes one party will for x reasons accept anything from the other party.
Why ?
Generally it's because of mental problems.
But that's just some common example.

Ah, the old feminist "you're just a bitter virgin" canard; a.k.a. more projection.
More illegible nonsense, I see. Did we trigger you too hard or are you naturally this stupid?
Look, I know it's difficult for you to wrap your feeble, low-T brain around this concept, but the answer is still no: normal men don't turn into simpering betas when they like a girl. In fact, the more beta guys like you act the lesser your chances of getting said girl. Sorry to break it to you, buddy.

You wouldn't be able to find a mistake if you don't really understand the language in the first place.

Emphasis on "fag".
Still trying to play Freud, huh?
Holy shit, you're not only an illiterate beta, but a full-blown autist.

You really are sad.

I just sleep whenever I need to and work okay. I don't even get a chance to get near women to be anything.


Was the original thread about villain songs from foreign countries?

Yeah, I know where we're going.

Nope user according this user it's really about how children's cartoon's relate to modern day low testosterone counts and the relationships in Wander Over Yonder as it applies to Rollo Tomassi's rational male articles. Also pictured, how that user projects himself.

No it's the OP begging for free porn drawings for a literallywho character.

This thread is about DELICIOUS!


It sounds like "that user" really hurt your feelings. And who the hell is Rollo Tomassi?

So she's finally out of the closet, huh?