
Looks like marvel are starting something new. I am not up to date with the comics, any clue as to what this might be about?

Other urls found in this thread:

Seriously though, my best guess would be a maxiseries showcasing Marvel's "legacies". Although there are only eleven in that picture, and Jean Gray certainly shouldn't count. If that's the case, it's pretty blatant bait for the same folks who like Marvels.

Marvel is going to try their own Rebirth, except they'll be keeping the #Hashtag characters.

They're going to Rebirth themselves.

Marvel will split into two groups, one focusing on the new characters, one on the old.
Neither will sell terribly well in the long run because they've still got the stench of the new characters around.

so Alex Ross still gets work I see.

I wouldn't say that. The return of the X-Men will probably put them on top again.

if marvel wants to be better then they need to get rid of assholes like Bendis and Ewing and get some real writers.

X-Men runs, and there's like 7 different titles in the past 24 months, aren't selling well, and they're relatively better than the rest of Marvel's shit. Some even pass as decent.

X-Men won't save them. They can try for Deadpool and Spiderman with the upcoming movies, but people don't even care about the Avengers and the individual runs of the team members. And that was before the Avengers got BLACKED

Yeah I am not buying it… That won't be a permanent thing. Didn't her current writer who turned her into Captain Marvel vowed that she would never b slutty cumdumpster again?

It seems like they got Alex Ross to paint a pretty picture that underlines the biggest problem with Marvel.

Aside from what I assume is a time displaced Jean Grey who likes to out the gays, It looks to me like

Fiction based affirmative action all wrapped up into a single powerful image.
Front and Center is Carol no less, the heavily pushed "who?" character as far as the general public is concerned, looking like David Bowie.
Their heavyhanded attempt at progress laid bare.
It is beautiful.

It seems like Marvel wants to fix their problem, they are about to try fixing it, but they can not fix it because they are morally obligated to not fix that problem.

I am okay with this.

This will be even more of a train wreck than civil war 2.

You going to post the rest of that picture.


Why thank you.

The artist that made those shilled them so hard people actually thought it was multiple people doing it.
Fucking trash meme.

The art's good though

His superb art style makes the retarded costume re-designs almost tolerable.

Legacy. They're creating the concept of legacy.

You know, like DC did in the Nineties before fucking Dan Didio threw it all out to revive a bastardized version of his childhood.

The problem is that most of those legacy characters are shit. Miles Morales is a shitty character because he's from another universe, and he wasn't mentored by Peter, he's not a legacy character, he's a fanfiction character. Ms. Muslim and Asian Hulk are the only real legacy characters on there.

I wish they'd bring back M2. That was a good way to do generational shift and legacy characters.

Perfect example

D-did they make Impulse a girl, or is that Bart in pigtails?

They did sort of just disappear didn't they. That is the only one I have.

This is trash,
"Oh we know you don't like us and our politics we'll change we promise!!!"

Then get rid of these stupid fucking new characters that they want to make hero names into legacies. No one fucking likes shit like Captain Obama, Trayvon Spiderman, and the Jean Gray that made Bobby gay.

It looks like an contradiction for the people that argue they are shrewd businessmen rather than demented cultists that they actually are.

Fucking Jewvel contract

Shit really? Damn that sucks.

That right there is what I thought DC was all about. Part of the reason I love Kingdom Come so much.

Can legacy characters still work or are they inherently shit? I know people bring up Jamie Reyes as the Blue Beetle but I know some people shit on him here.

The concept isn't bad in itself. It's just that it's considered impractical in an ongoing expanded universe because characters are awkwardly benched/killed in a contrived manner just so they can be replaced. Jamie is one of the few examples that have managed to transcend the circumstances of his creation through decent writing.

Left to right:
Jesse Quick (Liberty Belle at that point), Max Mercury, Kid Flash (Bart), Barry, Wally, Iris West II as Impulse and Jay Garrick.

It was a guy on Holla Forums who shilled his Pixiv for a couple weeks. He adds new ones all the time and posts them about. He's even made them specifically for threads before putting them on Pixiv.

Did DC remove their own hashtag characters with Rebirth? I remember there were supposed to be a Black and a Chinese Superman separate from Clark Kent, but I think they decided to keep them in separate universes and not try to replace the main Superman. I don't even know where they were nowadays.

I don't know what they did with Chinese superman but I liked his story. I think he was just doing his own thing in China.

DC never really had hashtag heroes outside Batgirl and the version of Black Canary that was with Batgirl.
Can't think of a black Superman, and Chinese Superman teamed up with Chinese WW and Chinese Batman, formed their own League then the series ended.

So in other words, DC decided to written them out entirely until second notice. I figured as such. This makes Marvel's problem with their own characters much harder to fix since they have way too more characters like this and no way to write them competently without that precious virtue-signaling that is assuming if Marvel is serious about dropping the soapboxing; I am extremely skeptic about it. They are gonna have to kill Morales, Khan, Cho, the teen X-Men, Ironheart, Whor… Goddamn even when DC was at its worst, it wasn't as bad as Marvel.

Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
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Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
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Go back to reddipol, retard.
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Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.
Go back to reddipol, retard.

Looks like someone got triggered.
Kike, nigger, faggot.

Every damn time.
I really hope it's just a troll, you have to be some special level of retarded to think this makes you look like anything but a massive sperg.

Reddit is a pretty leftist website, how is it related to Holla Forums??

Looking at Marvel now doing a reboot seems very tempting.

Cho can just lose the hulk shit and be the super-intelligent guy who won by thinking instead of lolinventions he was meant as.

any stories of cho back when he was like that?

No actually. I believe they made a point of saying that they weren't just dumping everything preceding Rebirth. They still have Black Wally alongside the original Wally, among other things.

He pretty much acted as Hercules' sidekick, serving as straight man and dating some gorgon chick. That is pretty much what I remember him for.

I see, I see.

The fuck is even the point of a hulk that's smart in green mode? The entire thing that makes him relatable to readers is his lack of emotional control.
Cho might as well be an uglier superman.

Without flight, heat vision and all other shit.

To be fair at one point Bruce was in control of the Hulk's body while the Hulk was in control of Bruce's. During that time the Hulk was smart.

Point was more that he's a nigh invulnerable, and who needs flight a heat vision when you can jump into the stratosphere and just pulverize anything with punches.

And that works fine as a gimmick for a couple issues.
But when you try to make a new version of the hulk and take away his most defining characteristic it just feels like they completely missed the point of the character.

It all depend son the writer. The same can be said for anything. A good writer can make anything work if they know how to spin it.

The Grey Hulk and The Professor were two of the stronger runs IMO.

Which really only work because they have a norm to deviate from.
If sales for all their pozzed titles hadnt gone down the shitter, cho, femthor and captain dindu would have become the new norm (and still might depending on how this new change of theirs is actually gonna pan out).

The Negotiator is shitting up our board.

Clearly you haven't actually read Totally Awesome Hulk (or David's run, for that matter). Hulk Cho is hardly perfect, as his powers have made him somewhat thick-headed and impulsive, much to the chagrin to his sister and superhero peers. Bruce's shitty death didn't help, and funnily enough the CW2 tie-in arc was a highlight.

And to be fair to Bruce, his gimmick got old a long time ago. Marvel shouldn't have let Bendis kill him, but they've been struggling to keep him interesting for years.

Every single one of those on the bottom is a girl or minority.

What the fuck

Pure coincidence, true believer!

What's the point?
These days I'd rather pick up a book, read some nip comic or anything that isn't marvel or dc.
I just hope you're not paying for that literal garbage.

I'm really considering reading some French comics. Any you'd recommend or ones with Moebius' art?

Depends what you're looking for really.
I recently read Requiem, which was incredibly entertaining but very dark and edgy.
If you want some more adventure themed comics, having a look at Spirou, Asterix or Alex or Blake and Mortimer (not french but w/e) might be worth the effort.
There's also a bunch of gag comics, petit Spirou, Gaston (which is about the publisher most french comics are released by) or Mortadelo y Filemon (spanish but pretty entertaining).
There's also some more obscure things like Les Sisters or that hamburger comic people translate on this board, but if you don't read french it can be a bitch as they've never been translated by proffesionals.

Oh and if you want some good art, really check out requiem, practically every panel is a gourgeous painting.
Probably also why it takes so long between volumes, but if you havn't read it yet there's more then enough to keep you going for a while.

We used to have a storytime thread for it that I posted a couple of volumes in as well, but I expect it to have 404'd by now.

Requiem Vampire Knight is edgy, but its also a black comedy too, so that makes it less edgy than say Crossed, which tries its best to be shocking and disturbing as it gets.

Looks pretty funny actually.

Thanks fam I'll check those out.

Getting rid of the other characters would be a terrible move. Fucking over characters because you don't like them is one of the biggest problems with Marvel and DC. No one wants to get invested in a character if the next writer comes in and claims that he's been a Doombot this whole time and the real character was off doing this other thing. By rebooting everything, but keeping all the creations people have made over the years, you basically telling everyone to stop trying to fuck with other people's shit. In Rebirth, they now have two Wally Wests, the black on and the white one. They didn't write Negro-Wally out of existence, they left him in, and are giving the chance for him to stand out on his own to the audience. If people will hate him, they'll just stop including him in comics. Don't tell me I'm the only one who's tired of writers genociding entire universes to make a point that they're going to change the status quo

While I do agree with this sentiment of the Big Two fucking up original characters trying to stand on their own, the problem with these ones is that they are the modern-day equivalent to the edgy 90s anti-heroes that were all the craze back then and in a decade or so maybe even less, they will be dated and represent a relic of a time social justice was at its peak. I don't see black Wally lasting very long while the original is around, and neither are the replacement hashtag characters, even if they were rewritten and given their own identity like Michael Lane / Azrael, they will get underused and forgotten in no time.

Letting them slowly die off and show how unpopular they actually are is the best way to deal with them. Though I think Kamala and the wall climbing nigger might have a future if they get a decent writer who thinks of something to do with them.

If enough people at Marvel were feeling balsy enough they could turn Kamala into a Muslim apostate so they could make an commentary on Islam and how incompatible it is with Western Civilization. But they won't do it out of fear of getting culturally enriched and the liberal backlash alone would have been enough to make them bend the knee.

Here I am trying to make a point about not raping a character just because you don't like them, and you're telling me what a great idea it would be to rape the character because you don't like her.

Kamala was made for a political purpose, but her creators lack the courage to follow through with the implications of the character.

too bad for marvel that actual Muslims hate Kamala

I would like to see what they specifically said. It would be funny.

Some part of me hopes it's a spiritual sequel to Marvels

not always true.
Professor Hulk and Green Scar are fan favorites for a reason

Renew Your Vows is good.
Gwenpool is alright when it's Gurihiru
That's it.

The only thing I could find was a subreddit for ex-Muslims saying how she is written for a liberal Western audience than a Muslim one.

It definitely comes off as that. Is there some divide between Western liberal muslims and the muslims that live in muslim countries like Pakistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and etc.?

they find everything about her haram


I am pretty sure the only difference between them is that the Western ones try to put a more friendly face than the Middle-Eastern ones, and pretend they accept gays, feminism and all that shit instead of going full-blown jihad. And many polls show that more than 50% of West-based Muslims privately agree with the radicals' actions. If there ever was a time they became a majority, they would persecute everyone else.
You are welcome.

It's called Taqiyya


Crossed is rancid garbage.
Requiem is actually a series with a lot of work behind it, from it's complicated universe to it's insane visuals. Where crossed just tries to be as edgy as possible for the memelords, Requiem is more of an homage to horror, metal and nazi aestethics.
The french comics industry also having little to do with social justice is a blessing.

Kamala is a raped character though, just a gender and religionswap of an alteady existing one.

According to the quran, women are supposed to cover their heads, serve their men, accept their mens polygamy, eternally wage war against all unbelievers and have less value then men do.
If they would write her as an actual traditional muslim the redpills would be dropping so quickly Disney would cancel the entire series before you could say "death to the infidels".

I didn't know they were allowed to be polygamous since usually Abrahamic religions they tend to be monogamous relationships.

Im on mobile so its a bitch to look up right now, but the quran literally talks about how you should fuck your female slaves.
Then ofcourse theres the 50 virgins thing, and how there will be more men in heaven then women.

I thought it was alright.

Wew lad.

It hurts that they don't have a clue why their sales are tanking based on this cover art. Sure they're going for legacy but the trick with legacy is to have popular characters take over. Instead they have characters no-one meets until they take over.

Can't say I've read the legacy but I never cared for Phoenix except as a villain.

Doesn't work the way they've done it. If they had gone more Deathstroke with X-23's character when she took up the mantle it could've been great, but they've gone more Peter Parker's Spider-Man and it's retarded. Besides that, I don't think replacing your single most popular hero who's canonically long-lived is a good idea. I would've just tried to push X-23 in the hands of better writers and if she ever got more popular than Wolverine, THEN think about legacy.

The reader went the longest time not knowing who Whor was, got b8d into thinking it was some SHIELD chick then it was feminist propaganda. Her underlying issue from the very start was: if you don't know anything about the character you don't have investment in the character, if the story had been from Thor's perspective at first it had the potential to work, but someone else picking up the hammer has never worked, it's only pissed Thor's fans off.

Why?? Falcon's okay but he was never a fan favorite, Captain America worked because he's a soldier out of time from what many look back on as America's highest point. Without that identity he's just some asshole with a shield.

Never liked them, never read them, never cared.

I think this one works actually. I would not have made Ms. Marvel a legacy, but if Carol hadn't had a personality switch and… dumb haircut, I don't think people would've given much of a damn aside from the same complaints people had when Dick replaced Bruce.

ehhhhhh, Khan started okay-ish, she was targeted towards girls and worked for that to some extent. Then her identity became the centerpiece and she crawled up her own asshole and died.

Hawkeye's still around doing Hawkeye. I think I've seen his 'legacy' once or twice recently, though I do remember her from the Young Avengers abomination.


We had two issues with black girl before she was new Iron Man. I don't even remember her name. This could've been so much better if Rhodey's niece started working with Stark to feel closer to her dead uncle and worked as the new Warmachine for a while, but no, random black chick whose personality traits are nonexistent, whose connection to the existing character is non-existent and whose hair is stupid.

Miles doesn't have the same self-flagellation going on that Peter did. You could understand Peter being a hero, Miles is just kindof… "I want to be Spider-Man." Nowhere near the sympathy. He'd be passable as a non-connected character, but he's just inferior to Parker.

Cho is a cunt. He has always been a cunt. Please kill him.

Muslims can have as many as 4 wives (Quran 4:3). Jews technically are allowed polygamy (Exodus 21:10) (Deut. 21:15-17). Christianity is the only one that enforced monogamy (Mt 19:3-9)(1 Timothy 3:2,12).

Reminder: Iron Negress showed up during the confrontation between Carol and Tony and when all the young "diverse" characters were regrouping, her introduction was literally

And Iron Negress still isn't even part of the Champions, because they know the character went over as well as a wet shart.

Can you even have a dry shart?

In this context: Ms Marvel. A terrible character with bad writing, art, characterization, motivation, and rotten intent.. but pulled off in a way that's jut barely tolerable enough for people to say, "Could be worse..?"

A wet shart is sticky, horrible and gets all over the damn place enough that you gotta stop using the toilet paper and just use the damn shower to get rid of it as quickly as possible, but you feel ashamed afterwards and try to forget it.

A dry shart can be extraordinarily large and painful, and the damn thing just won't go through, but you really gotta force the damn thing out or it simply won't go anywhere and you'll be sitting down for a long while; and after all of that work it's just fucking dropped into the toilet bowl and you flush the fuck out of it. Sometimes you have to keep flushing, because the amount of effort you've put into forcing it is usually similar to the size of the shart.

Don't forget that female slaves do not count against the number of wives for Muslims too.

Fuck that made me mad. I was really excited at the thought of a Flash team and then they threw it all out the window.

DC was my favorite company during those years. I loved the thought of old heroes teaching the next generation. JSA was my favorite comic for awhile because of it.

Fuck I hate DiDildo.

I like X-Men quite a lot, Phoenix included (I think opinions have been soured by whiplash as writers play tug-of-war over whether she's dead or not). The most glaring issue with the chronally displaced classic X-team is that Marvel Girl brings nothing new. We already had a young, time-tossed, psychic successor to Jean; her name was Rachel Summers. It's the same deal with Ironheart vs. Rhodey's Niece.

lol. What's the story behind it. Is his head on She Hulk's body?

Reminds me of that shitty direct to dvd movie they did with kid adventures.

Hey Truthseeker

I knew you were going to do that.

Oh you mean that movie with the children of the Avengers fighting Ultron?

Was that anything like The Last Avengers Story?


Im not too sure, its been awhile.