Seems to forget to mention one minor detail about the ethnic origins of each of its members.
"MRA" cuck makes video on the Frankfurt School
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Why do we care?
Not sure if he's an eceleb or not.
Anyone have that chapter by Kevin Macdonald concerning Frankfurt?
There's two ways you can look at this
I choose the second. Once you start researching there is no way back.
Ideological purity is a shitty meme. The more people who are exposed to the crimes of der juden the better.
People weren't even talking about this shit a year ago.
Okay, I can accept that. But why ignore the issue entirely?
This academic qt3.14 is also softly dropping red pills about the origins of Cultural Marxism in Judaism.
Because people are still "trying not to be racist."
Because even mentioning the race of someone doing something negative is considered "racist."
And being racist is the ultimate evil. All the bad things happen because people are racist. Black people cant get jobs because people are racist. Islamic people become terrorists because people are racist.
Of course we both know all that is bullshit.
But we don't have to convince each other. We have to convince the left, and the "moderates" that only believe what they see on the news.
TLDR, because it makes them uncomfortable. That's it. They don't want to be seen as evil so they will ignore the real issue.
We have to meme racism into not being evil or something like that.
Two explanations:
1. The guy wants to coax people gently into the redpill. Jumping right to the JQ causes normies to have a kneejerk reaction, dismiss you as le ebil naughtzee.
Once they're convinced of the influence of the Frankfurt School, and acknowledge cultural Marxism, you can take them a step further. "Did you ever notice how many of these Cultural Marxists are Jewish … "
2. He's only moderately redpilled/still brownscared enough that he hasn't realized how Jewish cultural marxism is, or maybe he hasn't come to grips with it/is still trying to rationalize it away. If that's the case hopefully he'll get there in time, there's only so long you can stare truth right in the face before you stop denying it.
Either way I think whatever helps move people in our direction, and away from the blue pill, is good, at this point.
Should we open new threads everytime anyone on youtube makes a video now?
this is the definition of slide right here