How can socialists even compete?
How can socialists even compete?
shit game
it's kinda neat since i already bike and walk a lot.
Doesn't' change the fact that it's a bad game made for normies.
i think it's fine for a free app. i agree it has garnered excessive praise by people who likely had no interest in the mainline entries.
I can't tell if this is pro or anti capitalism
communism - first satellite to orbit earth
capitalism - free phone game where you catch imaginary animals
Comrade, I think you're forgetting that capitalism is also responsible for Mac n' Cheetos. History ended that day.
Probably anti, but his tweets aren't serious anyway
And how does private hierarchical ownership of the workplace make people more creative?
I mean shit, how the fuck could a worker owned game company make a barely passable mobile ar mmo game
it's on r/the_donald, so they thought it was pro
One may argue, but if this is the case, then that means only in a Soviet society, would we have been able to produce Tetris.
I think it's time you sit down your college-age children and explain that only capitalism could have produced a man child that obsesses over a stranger to the point of using her name on the internet to send political message.
It took me a second to realize she meant this as praise for capitalism rather than criticism.
Well, he's not wrong.
comrade pls
Statism: First man-made satellite
Statism: First man on the moon
Capitalism: Free phone game where you catch imaginary animals
Communism: Literally nothing because it hasn't really been tried yet
wew lad
To clarify, white statism and asian capitalism
I`m fairly positive that NSPD considered Russians to be non-white m8.
I think if you'd ask them they'd say slavs are white.
What's that supposed to be? Natio-nal Socialist police department?
He meant NSDAP. The Nazis didn't consider Slavic peoples to be white.
you're all faggots
The Nazis didn't really evaluate people in the white vs non-white way (though they did make that distinction). For them, the important thing was Aryan vs non-Aryan,and to them, Slavs were not Aryan.
At least I'm not a nigger
They explicitly despised Slavs, though. The irony lost as usual on Balkan fascists.
It's not irony, it's a political tool.
This is what most nazis in here don't get, is that racism itself is not part of the ideology or a defining part of it, but rather a tool used by fascist to keep the power, create enemies and divide and conquer.
Dude, the Japs and the Croatians were honorary aryan, and that's because they were useful allies.
Literally the Germans were at war with all the rest of white people, and were allied with shitskins, slavs and muslims.
The italians themselves despised the germans (the whole barbarian thing) but had little problems with arabs and even ethiopians, as opposed to slovenes and other brand of slavs which they planned to literally exterminate and all the jazz.
Would Spectacle still exist under global socialism?
every time something like this comes along, I wish for a few months to pass
and because some new fad always comes along, I find myself wishing my years away
It's a joke, niggah
Tetris was #1 game for a long time.
wew lad
Depending on how you mean "#1 Game" it probably still is. It gets ported to literally everything that can play tetris.
Here's something that universalists will never understand- you don't have to like the someone to support the notion of a series of independent states which all support the ethnic interest of distinct groups. In homogeneous societies, you end up with far higher social trust and a happier overall populace.
then why does Japan rank lower than the US and the United Kingdom on the happiness index?
Ever notice the lack of any practical government authority in the main games? Pokemon portrays an anarchist society.
Based on the provided chart it looks like they have the perception of non-existent corruption and don't give to charity very often, likely because there are very few poor people.
lmao go look into japan more fam
their work lives are what our lives in the west will be in 10 years
Well yeah, no shit.
The extended adolescence of college aged individuals (and older) is not a good thing, but she's right in the sense that it's made possible by capitalism.
This guy's right you know
Don't know about social trust, but people being same race as I am doesn't make me happy, if they're still bullies
Except it has money fam
I have the game and its fun and I won't be swayed by edgy anarcho primitivists shaming me for playing it.
I do, however, admit the game would be a lot better if produced in a communist society :^)
In a socialist society, people would make video games independently using their vastly expanded leisure hours.
I used to play tetris on my graphing calculator. I got so far the game sped up to the point where the cpu couldn't handle user input. I consider that winning
marxism-leninism: countless military victories and abolishment of enemies of all kinds, space exploration, nuclear energy, super power
revisionism: bread lines, collapse, pizza hut president
anarchism: sheep and cousin fucking and deserting combat lines against fascists while complaining about stalin for everything
imperialism: constant state of war, economic and ecologic catastrophes
The point is that people are more likely to engage with one another and their community if they don't feel alienated. Diversity of language, culture and race all contribute to alienation.
Understandable, given how all propaganda in both the west and east focused on demonizing the Germans to cover up their own crimes.
You fuck right off pack to Holla Forums with that horseshit. Literally 2 hours ago I went to a Mexican restaurant run by friendly Hispanics and had some delicious food. In your shitty nazi dystopia, I'd never be able to do that.
Why is the leftist's first response when confronted with the corrosive quality of diverse to appeal to
There's also the fact that I have more then a few nonwhite friends.
We don't compete. We cooperate.
The harmless aspects of culture are significant and extricable from the parts that make them mutually incompatible. The fact that law is cultural is practically a technicality–it's not what most people think of when they hear the word.
Yes, I am saying the word itself in the English language is the problem. It's too vague to be useful, but we need SOME umbrella term. Art, architecture, dress, decor, etc. No one wants to name all this shit.
How can capitalists even compete?
Why has no one pointed out that this is just utter bullshit to begin with? The only legitimate argument you could raise is MAYBE that a communist wouldn't come up with the original idea of Pokemon, but I find that unlikely.
The whole point of Pokemon is to teach children to compulsively buy shit. The entire concept of "catch 'em all" was created to get kids to buy trading cards and try to get all the cards.
Public AR parks with variety of AR games.
Instead, you have "Shitty game, that's barely a game and barely works most of the time and noone knows if people will still care in a month or a year."
is this the innovative capitalism i keep hearing about?
Ingress was shit and there wasn't enough dot density. Or whatever.
We are reaching cancer levels that shouldn't even be possible.