Oh dear


What am I looking at?


A flowchart with no directional arrow.

So, essentially the product of a retard with too much time on his hand.

Anyways, shit thread, not much point posting this shit, as most of the characters aren't even Holla Forums.

Two retards, actually. Look at the bottom-right corner.

Sage for shit thread.

Well, they completely fucked up on literally the first point. Not every good character can "carry their own story". To draw a male example: Hayt from Dune Messiah is an excellent character, but his nature inherently prevents him from carrying a story by himself.
So yeah, it's a dumb chart that falls flat in step one.

You can tell how flawed the chart is if you broaden the net, drop the "female" bit, and run any character through this.

I like how this faggots bitch about fictional characters and the roles they have in the story

What kind of personality is that? I've only read Dune. Is it the generic outspoken friendly MC that bounces off of supporting and secondary characters ?

What's the point of this chart anyway?

To create an ideological justification for hating any female character in any medium.

To be fair, there are directional arrows, they just don't make sense chronologically.


Googled both of them.
Both have twitter, (of fucking course) Shana doesn't really have anything informative to say just virtue signals all day any anti Trump shit they can find. Basically the average libtard.
The guy unironically has "Architect of Social Justice" as a title under his name and spams motivational lines that he probably just copy pasted from brainyquote.
I'm starting to be not even suprised that the people who preach this garbage always look and act the same like a bunch of cultists.

>Implies Angelica of all people is a "voice of reason" rather than a manipulator

Let me guess… Shana is a single mother and the guy is one of her fuck buddies?

It's complete shit. Chart invents bunch of pointless categories into which almost every female character ever conceived can be pigeonholed into.

Couldn't even get that right.

Mlawski is also a New Yorker, went to Yale, and now works as a glorified SAT tutor. She wrote a kid's book too. It would be interesting to see where her characters place in that flowchart.

probably not, she just keeps him around because he can be useful and he is so thirsty he will never grow a spine and do something else.


There is nothing new or important about the information in this thread.

Showed this to my gf and she thinks that it's a parody. I could see it making fun of Sarkeesianesque analysis where literally any small thing can disqualify a character from being "good".

Pick one

The problem I find with this is that it's…

Allow me to get my soapbox really quick. There we go.

The problem is that people have to pigeon hole everything.

Guess I didn't need the soapbox just to say that. So, yeah, it's just them wanting everything to fit into their little categorical system.

please learn to not be a newfag.

To add to the user about your Reddit spacing issue, don't fucking LARP in text. Ever. Do not ever fucking type out an action, or narrate an action, or you're a filthy fucking redditor who can't figure out that over here, we don't care about your memes and don't upboat.


which Uhura the old one or the reboot one?

The more complicated and accurate answer is that this image is bullshit for a multitude of reasons and should be disregarded entirely, but I think it would be much more effective and crush these people more to simply (and very obviously) cover over all the current images and titles and make a version with male characters to demonstrate they're full of shit.

Wasn't there a version of this chart that had her as a "spoiled brat"? She's only a 3 year old.