

David Duke will be OUR VOICE in the U. S. Senate.

Imagine how great it would be to have Donald Trump as the God Emperor, and David Duke as his right-hand man!

To anyone in Louisiana: make sure to get your family and friends to vote DUKE and TRUMP on November 8th!

We're gonna' win this, goys!

Talk about ham-handed.

Nice digits. An extra 0.05 Shekels will be deposited into your account.

using jew cinemafag terms? the fuck does that even mean you piece of shit?


I can't imagine any user in Loosyanus not voting for David Duke

Thank you Mr. Duke, but I don't think 8/pol/ is a wise place to be campaigning if you want to avoid your inevitable 90 point defeat.

The JIDF is out in full force today. Seems like Dr. Duke must be doing something right!

Good to see you back on kikebook Dr Duke.


Why are you LARPing that David Duke has a shot to be senator? It's sad to see you shill for someone who legitimately has no chance. I can only think that you are actually David Duke, because I know he goes on the chans to shill for himself and collect content for his Twitter page. Because I cannot imagine a real human being who is not autistic actually sitting down and getting excited about making a post for someone who you know is going to have a very sad November 9th

Not even the FBI but the CIA? What sort of nefarious international activities is Duke complicit in?

thanks for correcting the record

This world needs more David Dukes.

You are the problem with the 2 party system.

Why do you invest your time and emotions in someone with zero chance to win though. Are you autistic.

His chances are bettered no thanks to you.

My post is supporting the doctor you dummy. Loosyanus detected.

Because he can only ever win if I do.

Do you not realise how the race works in Louisiana? There are literally over a dozen candidates, and the ones getting the top percentages then face each other in a run-off. Even 25% could be enough for Duke to win, and he's got at least 10-15% who will vote for him no matter what. We just need to try and convince another 10% or so to give him a chance.

Also, don't trust the MSM polls in Louisiana that don't even list Duke as a candidate and blatantly skew the results. Lots of people are fed up of the corruption and debauchery there, and are ready for change. Honestly, I'm disappointed in you goys.

My apologies; but it seemed like pessimistic Black-pilling to me.

In I meant to reply to instead of

I just looked it up now, that's pretty interesting. I figured Duke didn't have a prayer in hell but under that system it might be possible. not in LA myself but bump for people who might be

He's from stormfront or some similar skinhead site. I would vote for Duke if I lived there, if only because of how he made alex jones stumble over his own stupidity in that one interview, but he royally fucked himself for life by joining the Klan. I can't think of anything you could do to ruin your credibility more, other than eating babies or something. I'm sure his heart is in the right place, but he needs to wake up to reality and realize he would be more useful behind the scenes, because he can't make it in the spotlight with his history

Byrd pls

Do you disagree? Look, I am not saying that Dr. Duke is a bad guy or has wrong ideas, I am just saying that his stint in the Klan will most likeley keep him from ever being elected to public office. The name of the Klan has been as poisoned as the Klan itself has been subverted by federal agents. Even the most right leaning normie would never vote for a kkk member.

Anti-Duke is codeword for anti-Holla Forums.

If Duke won we'd have a great ally in public office. That paired with a Trump win would pave the way for am American Nationalist race realist candidate for President.

If we can get him in office then we can decrease the public hatred of the KKK. I don't see how that's a bad thing in the slightest.

We have nothing to lose by pushing for Duke to win his senatorial run.

The gas chamber is down the hall and to the left

Go home, Anglin. We acknowledge reality here. Duke is great, but he is never gaining public office.

I acknowledged that, but we have nothing to lose by supporting him and getting Louisianan Holla Forumsacks to go out and cast their vote for him.

And I would not argue with that. As I said, if I was there, I would vote Duke. I just wouldn't get my hopes up.

…is being unwrapped early.

Fuck off goon, no one's buying your kike defeatism. You're not in LA, you've no idea how the race is looking now, and even if Duke only reaches a point of public prominence is a victory. Reported.

Oh no user, please don't report me. I'll agree with all your retarded ideas, I promise. Of COURSE the American people would elect a former KKK member, what was I thinking?

Exactly, just like how they did with Robert Byrd. Now go kill yourself.

God bless Dr. Duke, donate y'all make your voice heard White brothers and Sisters! European Unity now and FOREVER! David Duke is a good man lets get him in!

You mean that skinny white basketball player? He was alright I guess, but I never knew he was KKK

I bet you're screencapping that post so that you can use it later to show that us evil antisemitic nazis are voting for Duke.

bls donate

Fuck off JIDF

Yea, fuck off you jew!

I live in La. I'll be voting both Trump and Duke.


NOLAfag here, the Senate debate was last night and only 5 candidates were even invited to the podiums. Duke wasn't one of them. I'd love for Duke to beat the odds but I just don't see him even making the runoff. He'll surprise and place in the top 5 though.
