Why Jewish Journalists Like Me Face Unprecedented Online Abuse in Age of Trump

Stop being so mean, Holla Forums :^)

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Who knew that Jews would be the main targets of anti-Semitism? It's not like Muslims have culturally appropriated the term, lmoa

This is one ugly kike.

What a rat face

Maybe try being less jewish? I couldn't give less of a shit about online abuse, but this is no shoah.

I want to see the image of her head photo-shopped onto a concentration camp uniform complete with the six-pointed yellow Jewish star.



Why would anyone write an oddly worded email like that? Oh yeah, because it didn't happen. These kikes can't stop doing the "Hey Rabbi, whatchya doin'?" technique over and over. It's funny how she tacitly admits that there's a plethora of Jews in the msm though, truly a weak and stupid people. She was right about one thing though, she would make a nice lampshade.

I am sooooo afraid of eggplants! If people send me pictures of eggplants I will just FREAK OUT!!!


It's like that uniform was made for her.

I also think it is worth mentioning that

'The problem’s gotten so bad that the Anti-Defamation League created a task force combating online hate speech. (Their first report will be released this Wednesday - 10.19.16)'


I miss JIDF, they were much more fun than CTR fags.


Can we just throw them in the ovens now and not bother waiting for the election. Getting sick of this shit tbh fam.


oy vey goy, why do they hate me so?

wtf i thought we had a whole twitter army sending rape-speech to jewish feminists at all times

law & order svu lied to me

When the internet is all the social interaction you have, it is easy to be bullycided. I doubt that this kike journalist took it personnel, though.

That guy is globalist bitch #1, he's written whole books on the glories of the american middle and lower class serving their international jewish masters.

oy vey those evil white devils doing what they do best making all the helpless PoC cower in fear, you filthy go-antisemite racists. ;^)



The yid cries out in pain as he strikes you

I like it, let it be a long and prosperous one

The best part is trumps entire past has been him accepting every race/religion during his career then they demonize him as some giga-hitler. Their attempts at warping reality through lies are so blatant.


Yeah. Here in the UK its the lefties (the muslim lovers) who hate the Juice now.


Jews will never accept any sort of personal responsibility. Every Jew I have known is exactly like this.

Sorry I meant the skypes.

Forgot which forum I was on.


What a colubrine skypess.

This jumped out at me as I read it. That just doesn't sound like anything we would do, we'd be much smarter and funnier than that.

That was a definitely a moishe or goldblat email

My laws! FIVE, you say?!

She thinks journalists are the Chosen, now.

I'm with her! Shut down Twitter! Yeah!

Why is white race in quotes?

"Even if he does not bear direct responsibility, a bunch of emails that made me sad is his direct responsibility."

This is an indonesian basket weaving forum.

Why write shit like this? Do you have ANY idea what you're doing when you use your position to put a sentence out like that? You're anti-European racists and have gotten away with it for 40 years.


The Jewish transformation into Nazis is almost full circle

Nah fuck off m8. Call em kikes or piss off

Oy vey goyim how dare you go against (((my))) beliefs and narrative.

Everyone knows "white people" aren't going extinct! Why would you think that?


The irony

When done properly, putting a term in quotes is supposed to show that those are the actual words said by another person.

When done by kikes, as in this case, it's meant to imply that the white race isn't a real thing. Unlike, you know, literally every other race on the fucking planet.

They believe all these conflicting things at once.

Pic related, two kikes who pretended to be white and loyal Americans so they could sell nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.

mmm… because there's so many of them working in the media?

Besides the other user's point, there's a belief on the left that's percolated from the universities to public schools in recent times that the white race was socially constructed (making it totally arbitrary, thanks Derrida) in the 1600s to enable European Christian imperialist capitalists to separate themselves from and oppress the mud races.

With guns.

I'd like to socially deconstruct their teeth.


Certainly can't be because they're lying anti-white kikes. No, Jews are never at fault. It's that old disease antisemitism, caused by strange vapors.

kek two similar articles are up on the Times of Israel





Quick, quick! Take refuge in this newly opened
gas oven Israeli Embassy!

G-d bless the Forward.

Why can't we just control the narrative from our own perspective?

stop jewing.

That ID

Imageboards are forums

How to be a tolerable jew
1) Keep your jewish last name, the second you try to adopt a goy name you are immediately suspected of trying to be a subversive crypto
2)Don't be in media, law, politics, finance, or entertainment
3)Don't cry about anti-semitism, ever
4)If you can't do any of the above, fuck off to israel you already have your own nation and you don't need to be here

You must be new here if you don't understand how retarded that sounds.

Jews have no last name. Bismarck forced them to adopt one.

Jews cant do anything else.

Jews always cry antisemitism, even when they are the most expelled etnicity in the world. Everyone hates Jews, but it isnt the Jews fault.

Very nice

Be Leonard Cohen. Failing that kill urself.

So are we, lady, so are we. Now just step inside this chamber without making such of a fuss, darling.

Maybe stop lying and further the jewish anti-white agenda, you fucking piece of shit yid.

The eternal victim. I think its s genetic quality in jews.

fucking journalist blog posts

journalism went down the drain really fast the moment they decided that the news was all about themselves

How long before some Jews release a "best of anti-semitic social media hate" collection titled "Six-Million Characters"

Fucking kikes, whining as they hit you, again.
Nothing more to see here.

Not dangerous to me, kike.


If the white race doesn't exist, then I guess whites never oppressed anyone or killed American Indians or owned slaves, right?

Far right "extremists"

Yet fails to see herself as a far left extremist.

Shove a lightbulb up your ass and make yourself a lamp.


We haven't even gotten them to the gallows yet! Praise kek

Wrong. The only tolerable jew is a baked or gassed one moishe.

Redundancy in language is looked down upon in the chans, friendo


Kikes are so ridiculously whiny all the goddamn time, I have no idea how anybody but their own can stomach them.

Incapable of staying under the radar. They HAVE to make spectacles of themselves.


Unintentional slip or just plain hubris?

Oy Vey!

They are attempting to discredit the position by association. Many burgers want immigration stopped and illegals shipped back, but are still squeamish when it comes to the race question. Kikes journalists are hoping that when they tell readers that white nationalists who are automatically evil want illegals shipped back that the reader will no longer support it so as not to be associated with white nationalism, racism, or anti-semitism.

It's not only in America

Sent her a Pepe. Bitches love the Pepes.

People wouldn't resent your kind if they didn't antagonize and harm white people.

No one told you to denounce the white working class or incite action against those with "white privilege". If you wish to reduce anti-semitism, you have to cease being anti-goyim. Until you cease, then you will see nothing different.

Why do people hate the jews though? They never seem to address that question.

Someone show this kid the Wisenstein video

what kind of vpn is in argentina?

and why do you show it to the world

polite sage

I just used a random proxy
Nice trips tho

I know why Jews are evil, i'm saying that the media never seems to report on the root cause or show the other side. Why people hate the jews.

All intolerance, bigotry and racism stems from irrational hatred. There is no reason to think about it too much, goy.


lmao nice catch

Are jews aware that they are regularly kicked out of countries for this kind of thing?

yet they get pretty buttblasted when you don't capitalise 'jews'

Why do these people act like this isn't objectively true? Take all human race stuff out of it for a minute:

No. ;^D


Impressive digits

Quite a few different outlets covering the ADL study today. Wonder if Clinton will try to pull this out of her ass as an attack tonight.

NYT: Anti-Semitic Posts, Many From Trump Supporters, Surge on Twitter


pic file name is from NYT

San Diego Jewish Journal

ADL pegs spike in online harassment of reporters to Trump followers

Posting a Pepe is the same as burning a cross. Got it?

Disappointed they didn't have a higher res version of pic with their article.

link -→ archive.is/r9Ahj

I read it this way:
Yet another reason to MAGA.

CS Monitor

What's behind the rise in anti-Semitism toward journalists on Twitter?


Oh look, another copypaste of an ADL press release.

All hail Age of Trump!

Why do faggots like you constantly post thumbnail size images?
Is it because your using a fuckin mobile device?
You and your ilk should be introduced to the upcoming DOTR

This isn't fucking cuckchan you troglodyte faggot nigger

Apparently Zoe, Anita, and Wu learned how to make themselves look like victims from Jews.

What a surprise!

Don't mind me just funposting

I really hope the Jewish Supremecist organizations get what's coming to them. If history has a lesson to teach..

This looks like it should be the cover picture for some bands album.

Anyone have some insight to the kike mind when it comes to their usage of fruity language? Why they think it makes them look tough or they're doing something besides embarrassing themselves with grade 5 type snarky remarks? Case in point;

Let me at him with some knees and elbows then see if he's ever able to wipe his own ass again.

Mmm then there's the matter of this 'story' having already been done at least SIX MILLION times before.

Jesus Christ, what a Non-Story, did a (((paper))) really pay to publish this, or are we lucky and it's just a blog post?

he's only whining about tough talk, not running for his life. we're not doing it right.

Don't worry, they will shift back to the JIDF campaign on November 9th.


Hey Jane watcha doing?

The legbeard cries out in pain as she scams you

Nigger kike lol.

Just remember which side started hanging those with the wrong opinions first, and when the day comes haul away like you're raising a sail.