Is Steven Universe secretly redpilled?

Think about it.

This show is a secret redpill show, coated with a tumblr flavored chocolate. It's the cartoon equivalent of tricking your dog into taking it's medicine by hiding it in its dog food. I look forward to the episode where the gems convince Steven to go through gender reassignment surgery (on the taxpayer dime of course) and the episode where Ronaldo is arrested for hate speech.

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Of course, how did I not see this before? Consider Peridot's declaration as she and Steven were drilling to the core of the earth in the episode "Gem Drill":
"The lesbian is the cancer of history; it is the gay woman and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself."
Clearly, a master stroke by Rebecca "Dyke Destroyer" Sugar

Consider this. The women in this show do all the fighting but they will always require Steven to ultimately solve their problems.

Their group dynamic is like a pride of lions with the lionesses doing the hunting (fighting) with a central primary lion figure that gives them drive and purpose and unites them. this is further reinforced by steven owning an actual fucking lion.

user, this is SU we are talking about here. It is a case of something called "Terrible Writing." Same goes for anything that comes from anyone obviously SJW. These people can't even manage slight subtly nor proper plot archs. What makes you think they would ever have the talent to "secretly redpill" anyone even if they tried?

we can also consider the revelation that Peridot is actually a dwarf wearing robotic stilts to make herself look taller and more intimidating, as a metaphor for how lesbians use technology i.e. sex toys to prop themselves up to make themselves and their lives/experiences look bigger and more sexually powerful and thus feel much bigger and stronger then they actually are(remember from the "we just needed a reason to fuse" arc that size in this show is a metaphor for sexual power), and the fact that if technology is striped away so is that feeling of size since the lesbian is a small and weak at her core, which we can see in Peridots personality shift from cocky and dangerous to comic relief after her robotic stilts are taken away coupled in with the desperation when she says "WHERE ARE MY LIMB ENHANCERS!"


No it isn't that show is literal MLP 2.0 with more Marxism.

Your aggressively retarded.

Feminist media is often unpleasant and full of bitchy nasty people. Its not because feminists have any sense of self awareness. Its because they see it as OK or even admirable.

Steven Universe is the most SJW animated thing on television at the moment. You gotta be as delusional as a SJW to believe otherwise.


Sure whatever.

I guess Brave is a Brilliant piece of anti-SJW literature. So is the force awakens, and Gravity Falls.

Hey Holla Forums

you know that the creator of steven universe hates SJWs? she based the current big bad yellow diamond after SJWs to make fun of them

Can you get anymore obvious?

Il take a bunch of unsubstantiated lies for 800 Alex.

Don't forget to sage.

No. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure painanon proved that it was blue-shading-to-indigo pilled.

wow this is some tinfoil fedora stuff here man!

>ending will probably be Steven saving everybody with fusion//sex

they think that it SJW bullshit because most of the fanbase are batshit crazy SJWs

Well since sage didn't work:

The empire doesn't hate sex. It hates racemixing. Fusion with the same of your own kind apparently isn't as powerful as fusion with a different race, even if its less stable.

Im not even fucking Holla Forums and I was shocked that they had that be plot. Like this is what happens when your so innane and take your sex standin to the limit.

But this is how pathetic Holla Forums is. If there is even the implication of sex, Holla Forums will lose its fucking mind and make up anything in order to jerkoff to this garbage.

Just ignore literally everything else.

Thats the dumbest fucking thing i ever read.

You're doing it wrong.

You know the creators are proven SJWs. Whether what you're saying is true or not doesn't change that.

You forgot to sage

That's pointless. If you sage, there will always be someone who replies without saging.


No and fuck off

you don't understand how sage works, do you?

Please lurk more until you have been purged of all traces of reddit or leave.

so? jesus christ you're thick. by not saging you're doing your part to keep a shitty thread high in the catalog.

I don't care. I want to keep arguing with idiots until they run back to Daddy Milo.

I would say kill yourself but this is probably bait. If that's the case then well played

Please, that degenerate is playing the alt-right for shekels.

It's not even well played. It's blatant bait.

Exactly my point.

You're measuring this wrong.

Can you fucks even name a liberal who isn't an SJW?


That is true though.
Her mom is a fucking retard.
I would rather patch myself up with a dirty plaster rather than get under her care.

Kill yourself OP

sargon of akkad, the amazing atheist, armored skeptic, and bearing just to name a few.

Kill yourself user


Both of my neighbors. My boss. Jon "Literally Hitler" Jafari. Ethan and Hila Klein. See vid related.

The request was to name them. Whether you like them or not wasn't part of the question.

Most everything he says is sarcasm or some sort of joke, so.

Saying anti-SJW things doesn't make you not an SJW. At the very least, it means you're virtue signalling to the right, and I have seen no evidence that those four and others are doing anything more than that.

You forgot to sage


I didn't forget,I just don't see a need in the practice.

You're fucking retarded user.

I'm just proving the point that liberalism needs to go extinct.

You're still fucking retarded especially when naming a couple ecelebs that are shilling a data mining bot net and are willing to gun down their own kind. Dumbass.

He's a naive liberal. I'm guessing you weren't present for GamerGate, nor are you aware of what he's been doing in the last few weeks. He's slowly waking up. Also, jokes at Trump's expense are not inherently SJW, nor are they even inherently left. There are plenty of conservatives who dislike Trump.
Again, a naive liberal. Loads of people are liberal through naivety rather than having a particular agenda. I'd argue that it's the most common kind. You've equated being liberal and any critique of the right with being an SJW. Both of these people have spent vastly more time fighting SJWs than critiquing the right.

holy shit do you wear a tin foil fedora while buying pills from Alex Jones?

I can't exactly put "user's not-sjw neighbors and boss" in a search engine.

So are SJWs.

No, but saying his presidency will lead to nuclear holocaust and referring to it as an "alternate universe" is.

And we call them cuckservatives.

Again, that could just mean they're virtue signalling to the right, much how a cuckservative virtue signals to the left.

I'll help you out;
>>>Holla Forums

Don't forget to sage

The guy jokes about everything on his twitter and youtube. You saying that he's an SJW for saying said jokes and without knowing his real believes, he supports Trump and doesn't buy the idea of systematic oppression, makes you look like a idiot.


*systemic oppression

See the bottom of

Again, I don't forget, I just don't see the point.


Could you also quit it with the memes? It's a blight on the digital age.

You really are an idiot aren't you?

That's not the point. You asked if they existed. I gave both personal and well-known celebrity examples. It's clear that you only wanted to whinge about liberalism in general and didn't care if even the most excellent examples possible were given.
This is so fallacious that I don't have a problem insulting your intelligence anymore.
Therefore, Dog = Wolf
Ron Paul exists. Do you remember Ron Paul, or did you arrive to Holla Forums in the last year?
To what end? Why would a fat Californian kid making reviews of video games in his mom's foyer be virtue signaling the the right? Is it all part of "the plan?"

Board health. Keeping off-topic discussion off the top of the front page/catalog.

Sorry, it's been so long since Poe's Law stopped working I didn't think to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Shit, I forgot MY sage.

You could be lying about the personal, and I debunked the well-known.

I hate using a mainstream media source, but

No, you can criticize Trump, but to outright hate him is ridiculous.

I hate Holla Forums. They're what happens when liberalism infects the alt-right. See also Carl and TJ.

So idiots like you think he's not an SJW.

Oh, fuck you.

Here-we-go, hey Holla Forums.

if those four can be lumped in with SJWs how far to the right do you have to be?

I hate Holla Forums, too. They just liberals too proud to be called liberals.

It's not a matter of being right, it's a matter of not being left. Liberalism is a poison similar to mercury or lead, and it needs to be eradicated.

stick to red ice tv



Well, that was my experience with them. One of them said, "You hate liberals, so do we," in response to a thread I had made about liberalism.

And seriously, knock it off with the memes.

user, they're reaction images, you're on a Filipino imageboard, you can't be this fucking stupid.

I don't care. They're used in the same way, so I categorize them the same way in my head.

Even so, isn't "bait" a meme?


Hey look! Its Reddit!


Boy, you're a special one aren't you?

I already said that I despise memes and meme culture, what makes you think I'd spend the necessary time knowing the intricate subtleties between reaction images and memes.

Why the fuck are you here then? Go back to reddit where you belong, you fucking attention whore.


Why would I go to what is ostensibly cancer-dot-com?

Because you're cancer.

Har har. Do you not remember me saying I hate memes and everything to do with them?

Yes we get it, you're autistic. No need to repeat yourself.

I think you've had one too many vaccines.

Nice meme

What meme? The vaccines? It's a joke.

Spoiler that shit nigga




You may be on to something OP…

Guess none of you cucks have an answer, just gonna have a good cry back to Daddy Milo?

Vernaculis, charmingman93, Chris raygun, sargon of akkad, shoeonhead, and bearing.

A Southern Democrat during the great depression.


Okay, maybe not before SJWs, feminism and Marxism were things in those days.

Okay, I'll bite.

The anons in this thread are giving good examples of people who are not SJW, but the problem stems from the way you are defining the word SJW, which based on how you replied to , seems to be anyone that is slightly left leaning. When in reality, people use the word SJW as a pejorative phrase for people who advocate for social justice while believing in an axiomatic definition of systemic oppression.

In addition to this, you seem to have a problem differentiating between the different left leaning ideologies, which can be seen in . With this, you seem extend the definition of what an SJW (who tend to be marxists or progressives) to people who aren't SJWs (classical liberals and other left leaning moderates).

Also, you using the word SJW this loosely makes you look as bad as the SJWs that use the word nazi for anyone that is to the right of them.

If you're not this user, ignore the mini rant.

This is what happens to a child raised in a home with liberalism-based paint.

I like where you guys are going with this, I really do

but I think it's more a case of the left becoming so disconnected that everything they try to do actually has a detrimental effect on their goals

well marxism existed back then just not heavily in america. Though 1st wave feminists existed then though.

Which is why I corrected my "before SJWs" point.

The point is, this whole site is filled with memes. You can't avoid it.

It's also the last haven for free speech, and is being threatened by liberalism from the likes of Holla Forums and Holla Forums.

You get more and more retarded every post.

You forgot to sage

Jesus you are an idiot.

Given the times I've been banned for criticizing Trump's stance on tranny bathrooms, I'd call you the retards.

So after getting banned from Holla Forums (because you're an autist and are probably triggered by cartoon frogs), the place you decide to shit up in the name of "free speech" is Holla Forums. I don't know what sort of hugbox website would be appropriate for your dumb ass but it's definitely not here.

Trump's transgender stance was in support. That's what I was criticizing, and I got banned for it. It had nothing to do with me getting "triggered" by Pepe or whatever that liberalism-infused gasoline makes you think; I was giving my opinion of what Trump said (hyperbolic it may have been), and they responded by attacking one of this websites core values.

Glad to see you can't defend the blatant censorship on this website.

I hate Holla Forums, because the mods and the userbase are terrible, but judging from what I've seen you post so far, you were probably banned for being an autist.

If being an autist means going against the wrong ideas of a respected person, so the hell be it.

Look buddy just a tip from a general newguy.

Play it cool. When you get too personally upset over something, its showing weakness and you end up a fool. Don't reply to trolling and don't let it be know that your getting upset. If people see that they can get under your skin your gonna get discarded.

Just the way it is here.


Jesus, if you people hate Holla Forums so much then why not fuck off and leave somewhere else?

I don't hate Holla Forums, I hate that the liberal practice of censorship is taking hold of what was once the last haven of free speech.

It's true, though. You can't criticize Trump at all on Holla Forums.

Then go to /n/. They even advertised it, quit bitching about your garbage on Holla Forums this shit isn't your personal blog, ya carpet munching attention whore.


No sir, you are the cuck.

Yeah, okay.

If you remember, I was actually following the topic at hand with

The president being a cuck isn't a personal issue, as in one that only affects me.

At least you said probably, because that's not what I said and that's not what happened. They shat on me because I disagreed with them, and they're a bunch of whiny liberals in alt-righters' skin.

Again, good to see nobody has any good rebuttal.

Buddy, Free Speech died on Holla Forums when Holla Forums died and left for freech, which was a long time ago


Free speech is only dying, not dead. It needs to start with an upheaval and undoing of all of liberalism's wrongdoings.

Holla Forums was the best board on Holla Forums after the rest of the boards turned into boring circlejerks. Then it died. The closest thing to Holla Forums nowadays is Holla Forums.

Holy fuck and I thought the other guy was stupid.

………………That actually explains a shit ton of questions and confirms many theories.




Nah. Not intentionally, at least. It's just another case of SJWs revealing a truth without realizing it. Remember the red skull speaking a page-full of truth?

Kill yourself OP.

Still no good answer. With titanium-armored logic like this, it's no wonder you creatures are ruling academia!


Holy fuck you're still here? It didn't cross your mind that nobody takes you seriously?

That's your fault, not mine.

Just don't respond, he's too stupid to notice.



You shits aren't even trying, are you?




You guys know there's no shame in trying again, right?


I see you removed my video. Curious as to why. /s

You done censoring me, now?



It is if it's not spam and you're just a bunch of butthurt cucks.

Apropos of nothing; I finally found an explanation for tumblr; people who rejected religion but kept all of the repression and mental scars from it, and then some.

That's pretty much Holla Forums too, come to think of it. People who can't bring themselves to believe in Jebus anymore need to believe in something, so it must be their identity as a proud woman of colour/aryan ubermensch, and a bunch of made up rules and categories in an attempt to make sense of their broken brains and genitals.


Then why are you speaking?

Your mom insisted.

Hello, Tyler. Is your mother aware that you're up past bedtime?

Is there an archive of painanons reviews? I know he did them, but I sort of put it on my to do list and forgot about it.

Still? Nobody has a good response? Oh, well…


Cause it was a drag scene! Like all dem classic cartoons!

Nevermind it didn't have the tone or reaction or ANYTHING of a drag scene, and made absolutely no sense in any fashion (How a little boy has the exact same body type as a Woman).

Just ignore the parts we don't like to justify to ourself the narrative that we aren't watching SJW bullshit.

It was bad in those, too.


No one cares, quit bumping another Steven Universe thread, its bad enough we got 5.

Another victim of liberalism in the water supply spotted.

At least it's Holla Forums related instead of a stealth anime thread or meme thread.

You people support this shit. I don't care if it's ironic or whatever the fuck, you're giving knowledge of this show's existence space inside your brain.



Why is this thread not bumping? The thread isn't bump locked or anything, is it?