This show is a secret redpill show, coated with a tumblr flavored chocolate. It's the cartoon equivalent of tricking your dog into taking it's medicine by hiding it in its dog food. I look forward to the episode where the gems convince Steven to go through gender reassignment surgery (on the taxpayer dime of course) and the episode where Ronaldo is arrested for hate speech.
Of course, how did I not see this before? Consider Peridot's declaration as she and Steven were drilling to the core of the earth in the episode "Gem Drill": "The lesbian is the cancer of history; it is the gay woman and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself." Clearly, a master stroke by Rebecca "Dyke Destroyer" Sugar
Alexander Fisher
Consider this. The women in this show do all the fighting but they will always require Steven to ultimately solve their problems.
Their group dynamic is like a pride of lions with the lionesses doing the hunting (fighting) with a central primary lion figure that gives them drive and purpose and unites them. this is further reinforced by steven owning an actual fucking lion.
Nicholas Sanchez
user, this is SU we are talking about here. It is a case of something called "Terrible Writing." Same goes for anything that comes from anyone obviously SJW. These people can't even manage slight subtly nor proper plot archs. What makes you think they would ever have the talent to "secretly redpill" anyone even if they tried?
Adam Perry
we can also consider the revelation that Peridot is actually a dwarf wearing robotic stilts to make herself look taller and more intimidating, as a metaphor for how lesbians use technology i.e. sex toys to prop themselves up to make themselves and their lives/experiences look bigger and more sexually powerful and thus feel much bigger and stronger then they actually are(remember from the "we just needed a reason to fuse" arc that size in this show is a metaphor for sexual power), and the fact that if technology is striped away so is that feeling of size since the lesbian is a small and weak at her core, which we can see in Peridots personality shift from cocky and dangerous to comic relief after her robotic stilts are taken away coupled in with the desperation when she says "WHERE ARE MY LIMB ENHANCERS!"
Nathan Perez
Wyatt Cruz
No it isn't that show is literal MLP 2.0 with more Marxism.
Ethan Rogers
Your aggressively retarded.
Feminist media is often unpleasant and full of bitchy nasty people. Its not because feminists have any sense of self awareness. Its because they see it as OK or even admirable.
Steven Universe is the most SJW animated thing on television at the moment. You gotta be as delusional as a SJW to believe otherwise.
Gabriel Reyes
Juan Hill
Sure whatever.
I guess Brave is a Brilliant piece of anti-SJW literature. So is the force awakens, and Gravity Falls.