Am I kawaii, Oy v - I mean Uguu~
Am I kawaii, Oy v - I mean Uguu~
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Gal πππ
Israel is best country
Antisemitic individual spotted.
unfunny forced meme spotted
Gal Goydot is 20cm of wood/10, post more sexy kikes
It is not unfunny if it is right.
t. Lea Darling.
Whats up with the second ones nipples?
(((kazar milkers)))
Not sure how to feel.
((100% kosher))
she looks like jeff goldblum
Fucking sexy kikes.
This very hot and disgusting at the same time.
I wish Seductive Jewess had a better layout.
It's true, the Jews produce the most beautiful females in the world. You cannot deny this.
I discovered she is lesbian but already donated 150$
She'll get over her "pretending to be lesbian" phase and become a whore soon enough
She has been lesbian for 10 years already, maybe I should fake my transition ^^
ill never undesrtand why muricuck imageboard faggots act like jews from israel are the enemy when they are conservative as fuck, have walled off their country to provent migrants coming in and kill sandniggers daily
Meanwhile mucircuks jews are all degenerate sjws making money from the retards that visit their sites\imageboards
She's like 12 years old
You can't transition to being another gender, so all "transitions" of that nature are fake.
Also kill yourself.
it's almost like jews just always serve their own interests at the expense of others
She is born February 22, 1999
but why do you faggots think they are the same jews? muricucks jews wouldnt even be allowed in Israel for being degenerates pieces of shit
They should all go to Israel and live among the dune-coons that they try so hard to bring into white countries.
They get to have their cake and eat it too. They get to leech off of white nations that they reside in, and demand to bring in violent immigrants to these countries that aren't their own. And they also get their own nation where they build a wall and insist that they can't let any violent muslims in. It's not fair. And this way, no matter how much they fuck up white countries, they can always just bail and go to their own walled-off nation.
Jews in white countries support Israel, and many of them freely make trips there and have citizenship there. It's a hole they can crawl back into after they anger their gracious hosts in other nations.
Not to mention US forces defending Israel, and US tax dollars going to Israel, which is, of course, voted for and supported by jews and their leftist gentile servants.
Meanwhile Europe, America, and every other white nation are being invaded by millions of violent immigrants, with no armed forces resisting that (but instead enforcing it), which again, is all supported and voted for by jews and their good goy slaves.
It's just jews being hypocritical shit-stains and demanding to have their cake and eat it too. It just displays their double-standards, how they support immigration into white countries, but are against it for their own.
The eternal cry of the impotent cuckold.
Apparently she has a store or something like thatβ¦
only white men have the capacity to care about fairness, honor, and integrity.
No wonder they are the ones getting cucked into extinction.
Why is she so perfect bros?
No more shekels for her, already 150$ I've spent on her just to discover she is a lesbian.
Face it, you're retarded.
oy vey!
Why is she wearing curtains?