>>>Holla Forums7196261
Triggered hotpocket is triggered
Mod deletes half the JENNAY thread
reported for twatter faggotry
It's the BO not the vol, if gahoole wanted everything deleted he would have done it earlier.
Whats this chicks instagram?
Can someone make a macro explaining this?
I'm serously lost here
it's just some autist trying to start drama.
he wants this board heavily moderated like Holla Forums is and the board owner isn't going along so he's spamming this stuff.
tldr: ignore and report
Wat? Vols deleting comments they don't like is exactly why Holla Forums is shit.
Explain pls how ignore and report isn't like Holla Forums
you know as much as i hate the waifu shit in general these anons got a point tbh
Meta questions can be emailed to me or the BO. That's why I anchored this thread.
You must have added about 150 uids with all the VPN abuse. This is why IDs are worthless, one autist can larp as 100 users.
The only vloggers that make sense for Holla Forums are movie and tv vloggers.
It's imkikefy 101
Still don't get what the Holla Forums thread has to do with anything tho
How can someone larp on a board with no IDs? Only someone who can see IPs would say this.
Meta threads get saged it's in the rules. This is an actual complaint though so I wanted to address it directly.
Why did you delete half the jenny thread and not just the Margaret posts either. Wtf is going on with this board? 6 months ago it was the best moderated board on the site now it's like some weird Holla Forums and Holla Forums hybrid. What happened?
plus BO and vol's get to see the ID regardless of whether or not it's publicly visible or not
why don't you guys just anchor non-directly related tv threads in general? like the politics stuff and the waifu shit. gives the people who like to shitpost in those a chance to fuck about but doesn't end up dominating the board. i don't know how much good it would do, but i think it's a fair solution for everyone. youtube and streaming is fine imo since it is basically the new television, excluding the waifu shit cause it's been dumb drama and not even fun shitposting tbh.
This. Remember when trump threads had to say "star of the apprentice" in OP to be on topic and stay up then "funposting" was allowed to be spammed then it was only allowed as long as vol liked it now it's openly the designated shitpost board with certain anons getting special treatment. This is why twatter is cancer.
i like the funposting, it's why i come to Holla Forums, but trying to keep things still mostly about television and film and anchoring waifu, politics, meta, and whatever else threads would be beneficial. i still like shitposting in those threads and think they should stay, but anchoring them would be fair.
either way it's still the only good board on 8ch even if it makes Holla Forums and Holla Forums salty. it's not their board so i don't care how they feel about it. there's dead boards like /television/ they can fuck off to anyway.
The concern kiking is obvious, no need to see IPs.
No need to see vol trips either, dumbass.
the entire site - Holla Forums as a whole - has been compromised by reddit fags and trannies. it's what they do, lurk a site, wiggle their way into positions of "power", then use that power to control what other people are allowed to see and say.
this board is shit. /k/ is dead. Holla Forums is on life support. Holla Forums is pedo and trannyfag central. Holla Forums is a disgrace.
It's why cuckchan stays intact by paying their mods. Imagine being a vol here basically working a part time job for free so why keep being a janitor when you can turn the board into your own private blog promoting your twitter eceleb pals and downboating posts you don't like? Jim knows the boards are doomed too which is why he shills Goldwater his own private blog so much. Take away the bots and all you have is a few hundred anons circlejerking in redundant echo chambers, and Holla Forums.
That happens on every site.