Holla Forums META thread

What can we do against the Holla Forums menace?

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That pic reminds me of this: youtube.com/watch?v=nOeK0Ig-H9g

Holla Forums has been shitting it up lately but they do not represent our opinions or values.

tfw I always joked about building a computer with parts suspended from the ceiling

if you did that i would draw you an anime girl user

Who are you talking about?

Just accept us

install gentoo

Raise your tech game. Frogs can only engage with simple topics they can understand.

Fuck off back to cuckchan if you don't like it here.

but Holla Forumsyps keep dilluting the board with shitty meta-technology threads like CoCs or "this project is ran by trannies hurr"


Maybe "tertiary" is a better word. It's not about technology, just something that happens to involve it.

Social justice is now a central element of the tech industry whether you like it or not. The neo nazi panic and Google firing that guy were some of the most important things to happen in the industry in many years. Welcome to 2017.

Holla Forums is good for you.

this isn't a business forum about the tech industry. it's about the technology itself. that means only at most 5% of the threads should be about muh SJWs, not 99%

That's a trap not a natsoc. Why be so butthurt at the truth as to make threads like this you hotheads?

nothing, we couldnt exactly prevent the ultra-political pro-censorship "liberal" menace of reddit or 4chan either

take the heh pill instead

Really makes you think

Maybe if SJWs would stop trying to usurp tech, it wouldn't be so relevant.

What is up with this sudden influx of anti Holla Forums posters and concern shills? This place used to be quite pure but since a few days there is so much bait posting and concern leftist shilling it's not even funny anymore.
KYS, OP. Even if you were not a jidf concern shill this is a low effort, cuck chan-tier post.

that is a good impersonation of your typical Holla Forumsluter, gave me a laugh /10

have a bump, you earned it

Holla Forums is for the discussion of technology: logical and mechanical techniques as well as their application in the production of things. The politics of business policy and events belong to Holla Forums.

Mozilla supporting a SJW initiative is not relevant to Holla Forums.

Holla Forums's in it's state because of the current political enviroment regarding digital-age dragnet surveillance, and the dwindling trust between technology providers and consumers, and a digitized effort to "repeat enough lies". The shills seem to be a four-way-clusterfuck of curious government agents, corporate shills paid by the big boys in silicone valley, conspiracy theorists who are no less sheep-like than the so-called "normies", and people who are simply misled or misinformed.

as far as Holla Forums is concerned, I've always seen Holla Forums keep to itself outside of memes every now and then. There never any widespread bullshit until gamergate happened and hotwheels more or less endorsed it. shills have been trying to cause infighting while demonizing Holla Forums at the same time.

Most threads are at least sort of technology related.
Although, most OPs might put in a bit of their own opinion from time to time to spark a bit of coversation this is literally how communication works btw And then it's followed up by another poster's opinion/point of view.
Safe space faggots who constantly think that everything should constantly be on-topic are the most retarded of people. Simply because on-topic is literally what ever you wish to discuss, if you really want to discuss technology, DISCUSS FUCKING TECHNOLOGY! (holy shit!)
Instead of circle jerking about "m-muh p-pol" you could be making A REAL FUCKING THREAD!
This thread is only contributing to the politicizing of this place and you know it.

but making a really meaningful thread would require you to do footwork to contribute something meaningful. This is a shitty f'speech image board such things like effort and time-value are outside the awake/aware space of almost the entire userbase. Your suggestion is good, in that is completely right, stupid, in that it was directed at mouthbreathers that won't pick up on it.

sounds about right


see, even the guy with zero reading comprehension can sort of almost pick up what i'm putting down.

Yeah, you definitely exposed yourself as an outsider and you just want to stop people talking about certain things you don't like. Go bounce a bullet off your forehead, faggot (I promise you'll like it, bullets are very technological)

are you retarded? i'm not magically the same people that allegedly yelled at you for talking about windows


This place is and was always just Holla Forums in the name. It was always and still is just a bunch of autistic coders who constantly get trolled. is right. You're on an imageboard, that means there is no quality control and you should be happy with the decent threads that manage to last (most likely just some autistic coding thread again) All this whining about Holla Forums is outsiders looking in for the first time. If anything offends you you don't belong on an imageboard. Period.

Plenty of options:
1. Make better threads that aren't related to politics.
2. Embrace it.
3. Gas yourself.
4. Write a browser extension that replaces triggering text with the full text from Das Kapital.
5. Stop being so butthurt that some people don't have White guilt.

lmfao this entire thread

lmfao your entire reply


see the problem with polniggers in Holla Forums is that they drastically reduce the shitposting quality. it's probably only 5 dudes at most too because they say the exact same shit in every thread

nobody is being triggered. Holla Forumsposting is just mostly shit
pretty much all their posts are just
im pretty sure none of them even know how to program, yet they come in every 5 seconds to enlighten us about why Rust is shit
no, they say even more ridiculously stupid shit, i cant remember any of it at the moment. and then if you disagree with them, you are (((them))) or liberals or antifa or some other literallywhos even though you dont even live in their country
OTOH this board has had a history of retards who think using the word "nigger" (and other behaviours shared by every imageboard user since the beggining of time) is only done by poltards




Holla Forumstards come here to shill against Net Neutrality in honor of their Fuhrer trump, have blamed ICANN because domain hosts pulled the plug on their hatesites and spout MUH SJWs whenever companies do something they don't like.

They're tech illiterate cancer.

The only issue I have with Holla Forums is that they need to stop pretending they're experts. I've never seen a community with such a strong Dunning-Krueger presence, and they're dragging down Holla Forums with constant threads about what little they know. (Browsers, "alt-tech", little spats with SJWs in the free software world, etc.) They are very happy to yell at people to lurk when they out themselves as newfags, so I'll repeat the same thing to them:

And that's exactly what causes Internet communities to die. Once you feel you can passively receive enough content to sate yourself, you stop contributing. This feeling spreads until everyone's just coasting on shitposting threads.

You're literally just as much of a cancer on this board as the Holla Forumsyps. Fuck off.

Holla Forumsyp detected.

Thank you. A sane voice among the shill hive.

Just using an anime picture doesn't hide your agenda, shill!

Those people sound like they're absolute niggers.

Perhaps you're too underaged to remember but back before Holla Forums existed stormweeners would organize rallies and assault minorities in the late 90s/early 00s

I don't disagree groups like antifa are pulling the same shit but it's pathetic to pretend SF is innocent, it was a dying forum anyways.

Were you one of those retards who unironically used words like "cyberbullying"? How long do you think it'll take before this place is identified as a "hatesite"? It's only a matter of time before we're next.

Not that you would care; your attitude and the timestamps on your reaction images makes it obvious that you don't belong here.

I couldn't care less about stormshit. This is all about the beginning of the end of the 'internet' as we knew it.
Additionally...it should be way more easy to control stormcucks when they have a containment site. Now? They're going to spread out.
Sage for still posting in a shit thread.

we could also migrate, us as in the Holla Forums crowd, hopefully Holla Forums doesnt follow

there are chans where Holla Forums wont ever go at all and where there are no global mods (well besides cp and spam), perfect for Holla Forums

The fappening was a turning point in the destruction of the internet as we know it.
This is another point, accelerating the inevitable.

Where is that? Everywhere I go there is something Holla Forums related. There is no place where Holla Forums content is banned globally. Even gentoo forum has some Holla Forums in it and youtube is basically Holla Forums - video commenting edition. And if there happens to be no Holla Forums there is reverse Holla Forums, you can't hide from this cancer.

Gee, all of the Holla Forumstarding everywhere is almost like an organized propaganda campaign. But who could be behind such a thing, and for what reason?


But what if a string breaks?

I wish I could, but you guys are pure cancer

That's why you should always use a RAIS

Mods should do their job and delete Holla Forums threads. If a user refuses to stay on topic, then a ban is in order.
A thread to discuss the technology behind Pixar's CGI is on topic. A thread to discuss the CGI itself is not and belongs to another board. Same thing happens with Holla Forums.

Intel just jewed my ass full of SJW. (((My dog))) should watch Yuri Bezmenov. Gas Rob Pike, 9base war now. Commiefornia is a slave to Google socialists. Kikebuntu is responsible - one of their interns is a heeb, I swear. I tried to learn Lua to script my own totally pure, non-degenerate trap loli VN, but I got (((bored))). Never connect your computer to the Internet, not even once, or the Judeo-NSA Frankfurt School will get you. Do not trust air. Filter your air. 'Hello world' is an inherently globalist slogan, reflecting the influence of the Chosen Ones on our most basic computer conventions. This fact triggered enraged me so much that I did not get past that part of the Go by Example tutorial. But it's still better than (((Rust))), which is programmed by MKULTRA tranny reject mental cases. Dog bless Drump, ok

^ What he said. It's ridiculous that Holla Forums is allowed to ruin other boards with their stupidity. Mods, do your fucking job. Unless you want Holla Forums to go down the same path as Holla Forums.

halfchan retards samefagging the hell out of this thread.

I tried to clean up the Mozilla thread.
It's okay if you're from Holla Forums, it's even okay if you're from Holla Forums, but discuss technology. If your post is only about politics, and not about technology, don't make it here.
Please report derailment when it happens.

can i also report >muh sjw >muh coc fags in my rust threads?


why not? it is derailment

It is very relevant to Rust.

wait do I have to type like a feminine somethingawful nerd to not be Holla Forums now

Those sound like they're still about technology.
You can reports posts you're not sure about, although if you keep reporting a certain kind of post and it keeps getting dismissed it's better to stop.

No it's not. These kinds of topics don't exist to discuss technology but the politics of the people that have association to that technology. Personal and business politics is not the concern of Holla Forums even if the people involved are notable in the tech industry. What is the concern of Holla Forums is the discussion of specific technology: the systems and tools that people use to achieve a specific outcome. Once again, discuss the tools, not the people who "act in disapproving ways".

>triggered enraged
As a Holla Forumsack, what the fuck am i reading. This is some grade-a leftist shit posting.

fuck you niggers

Holla Forums is the one derailing every thread with "muh SJW cuck nonwhite race traitor dindu dindu cuck cuck cuck hillary leftist."
I'd be just as mad if we had tumblrinas here, but that's not the case.

Educate yourself?

I'm a Holla Forums regular and I posted this pic for the lulz you dummy. He was going to some protest to bash Nazi baddies

We can't do anything. They demand open borders.

congratulations, you have won!

Are you serious? The political opinions of developers are not technology. The rules that dictate what is or is not acceptable in a community are not technology.

polniggers say "rust is shit", not me. i have no opinion about rust as i never used it
what did he mean by this

kys, and i have no words to describe your retarded attitude that I should care about NN and talk about it every 5 seonds


Never change, Holla Forumsweenie. Reported.

This is the definition of COINTELPRO. The reality is that the tech illiterate part of Holla Forums simply stay on its board.

Holla Forums never stays contained.

Holla Forums was always a socialist board