Programming Thread

Holla Forums is full of larpers. prove me wrong

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B-but you're right.

It's not larping if it's over the internet. It's just regular role playing.

sitting on a computer shitposting about ada for 18 hours is larping

There. I proved I actually know something about programming.

write fizzbuzz in rust or GTFO

You expect someone to post a few hundred lines of code here?


I'm studying C at the moment.
Currently I wrote a simple implimentation of cat and a filter(reads lines from stdin, matches, transforms, puts on stdout), for lchat.
the second one is sort of shit because it just uses the string functions documented in beejs guide to c, so it matches patterns unreliably with strspn(). I compensated for this by making the patterns to match a very restricted subset of the pattern I want which will more or less always match the desired pattern. its just seeing if the line starts with 'me' then YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, or just YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, then cuts off the length of the date-time or that length plus three.
also because someth ing like that should really just be fucking awk/sed/shell, im fairly sure.

Do tripfags get gas, bullet, or the rope?

i get whatever you get

Roll threads are cancer. Thankfully tech hasn't bitten.


Archetypal social justice warrior. Would it be fair to say that you give speeches about diversity and shove pink dildos up your ass, while white men do all the actual work?

Now I see there's more to this than a low effort template thread. Very stealth rust shilling.


Nobody in the rust community was picked for their coding ability. I'm amazed you've produced anything at all.


Steve WTF are you doing here, you're supposed to be building an underground railroad for the Dreamers. XDDDDDDDD

im proving that Holla Forums is full of larper who can't code.
go back to your browser thread


Rust is dead. It's tied to mozilla who's flagship project is in terminal decline.
The autism of its designers is infused into every design decision making it totally unusable by neurotypicals or ASD-lites.

Then there's the name. It means oxidation. Decay. The useful metal flakes away until structural failure. If it had been called 'Brass bollocks' it might have had a fighting chance.

Very (((problematic)))

Just look at this shit. They spend all their time bikeshedding the least "shame-y" names for stuff.
This is the cancer that is killing tech. At least 30 of those "developers" need a bayonet up their ass.

In C, when using the standard library, am I required to initialize errno, or can I assume it's already initialized and just check it in case of error?

ok, let me start off with something easy: fn main() { for i in 1..101 { match (i % 3, i % 5) { (0, 0) => { println!("FizzBuzz"); } (0, _) => { println!("Fizz"); } (_, 0) => { println!("Buzz"); } _ => { println!("{}", i); } } }}

Here's your program without god-awful syntax that looks like a baby's spew. It's incredible how you make something so simple so complicated.
func main() { for i := 1; i

lol. in this case go looks worse than rust. kys
lol no generics

Why is "design an esoteric language" hard?

SBN dest, src, jump

Subtract contents of memory location "src" from the contents of memory location "dest" and store the results in "dest". If the answer is Negative, continue execution at "jump", alse continue execution at the next instruction.

Look at that! Babby designed an esoteric programming language!

you are the cancer that has killed Holla Forums

Please try to ignore troll posts like OP.

No. You are. Namefagging and tripfagging is pretty much the worst kind of cancer on an imageboard, with the possible exception of furfags.

no u

< reddit spacing

This is a singular concept.
This is a singular concept. Had the previous concept ended with a colon, then it would have been appropriate to have had only one line break. However, I wanted to separate it from the previous line to make it stand out.
This is a singular concept which describes the previous singular concept. It is separated by a whole empty line to create a visual break between the description of the syntax and the semantics of what that syntax does.
This is the final singular concept that is set away from the previous singular concept as it is the conclusion to my claim. Designing an esoteric language is balls easy: implementing it is hard.

Don't mistake block paragraphs for reddit spacing.

one sentence isn't a block.

< One sentence isn't a paragraph.
1) One sentence can be a paragraph. Look at the Preamble to the United States Constitution.
2) This is a terrible format for code. A *chan is a poor place to post more than 100 lines of code, and few of the things that you have put down are accomplishable in less.

you know what pastebin is?


I write code when people pay me to, or when it amuses me.

void SteveIsANigger_CrossProduct (double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, double* rx, double* ry, double* rz) { *rx = y1 * z2 - y2 * z1; *ry = x2 * z1 - x1 * z2; *rz = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1; }double SteveIsANigger_DotProduct (double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2) { return x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 + x3 * y3; }

Shit, what am I doing?
< return x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 + z1 * z2;

OP is passive aggressive because he's a beta faggot. He can't address his critics in a reasoned and structured manor, without resorting to green texting, bogeymen, and ancient (dead) buzzwords like "no u".
Forget the name for a minute and imagine who could be typing. It's indistinguishable from an angry fat dyke with tattoos up every limb, or a faggy nu-male with blue hair and those stretched earlobe plugs.
Do not fizzbuzz for faggots.

the fact that both of the fizzbuzz posted had a special test for if it was divisible by 3 AND 5 annoyed me, so I figured out a way I havnt done it before anyways.
I won't post it though, since you're right.

lol. keep on larping faggot

I don't think you know what that word means.

keep larping

No, user, the word "LARP"
You're just spouting it off like "cuck" or "shitpost", misusing its meaning.

anyways, we're talking about fucking fizzbuzz. Noone has ever, or ever will pretend to have written a fizzbuzz as some kind of character roleplay to pretend to be a "coder." That doesnt even make any goddamn sense. a million pepole have almost certainly already done it the way I did, I just hadnt figured it out that way before. You can probably look up an encyclopedia of different ways to do it in different languages somewhere.

it applies to you.
keep larping


in what way is what you are doing not live action?

Its on the internet. Over text. If someone is pretending on the internet, on a forum or some text chat, thats just "role playing." Its not roleplaying in real lifek, where you dress up and run around pretending to be in the world.
Someone on omegle pretending to be a girl is not really RP, but if you insist on calling it that, its role playing. It is in no way shape or form "live action". Its not IRL.
Someone running around with foam weapons is LARP, LIVE ACTION roleplaying. If you insist on using it as a metaphorical insult, you might call protestors or doomsday preppers live action roleplayers.
This, however, is the internet.
What the fuck is wrong with you, steve?

keep on larping

Moreover, LARP/LARPer mean "LIVE ACTION ROLEPLAY"/live action roleplayer and that alone. They do not mean "people who do stuff(like the examples given) to pretend they're something they're not". Calling such people LARPers is drawing a comparison. The words themselves are not atomized meme insults like "cuck"

keep on larping

Jesus christ you really are retarded aren't you.



keep on larping


keep on larping

looks like i won the argument
still no code though

Back in a circle, I see. Not an argument.

Role-Playing as a programmer:
Engaging in an exchange over the internet in which you assume a character who is a programmer, in the messages you exchange

Live-Action Role-Playing as a programmer:
Going outside dressed like cyberpunkwojak, typing gibberish into terminals on a thinkpad in public spaces.

what /erp/ does is typed at a keyboard, but is obviously not live action to anyone who isn't brain damaged. The same is true of 13 year olds RPing as anime characters on forums or over IM. Thats just RP, not LIVE-ACTION RP. The same is therfore true here. As well, LARP is all caps. Since its an acronymn. L.ive A.ction R.ole P.laying. Your attempts to redefine these words into memes is pathetic.


Saying it more doesn't make your use correct, it just makes you look like more of a retard. Noones going to post code for you, because you obviously aren't here to have any sort of discussion, just to shitpost and agitate.
The more you use the word incorrectly though, and spell it wrong too at that, the stupider you look.

you are larping. the reason you dont post code is because you can't code. go back to your browser thread where you whine about webextensions and sjwzilla

I see you insinuate words don't mean what decades of prior use, or even the dictionary says they mean, they m ean what your half baked memes say they mean.
No, they don't. As you can see, I even linked the dictionary. Yet you still pretend that your incorrect meaning is official, attempting to redefine english words to mean whatever you want, then accuse anyone who doesn't conform to your personally constructed fake-reality of "redefining". You are not god, steve. You don't define the world. And so the word LARP means Live Action Role Playing, as everyone else has always used it to mean: Going to LARP events and running around in costume. The meaning of words is defined by their use by all speakers of a language on the whole, not by YOU, and YOUR incorrect, retarded use.
Either way, fizzbuzz isn't a test of whether someone can code or not. People who can somehow manage to get along hacking horrible fuckup UIs for shitty websites together have, it is documented, gone to interviews and responded to being asked to fizzbuzz with 'OMGMATH!!', people who can't even do what those losers can are able to go to wikipedia and learn how to write a fizzbuzz in most languages.

The cancer is real. Mozilla poz not even once.

Im done here, by the way. Its obvious I won this argument, so I'm going to leave and spend my time on more important things, like programming. Bye-bye, steve.

i know what larp stands for. i said so already.
how about you post some code or continue larping in another thread?




I dont even know what this is, do I just simulate people buying and trying to sell if it goes over a point, also I dont visit yahoo

Here is some shitty game of life, Steve.
Are you happy now, Steve?

I'd also like to note that almost all entries in your list are either retardedly simple (no grown man should demostrate his "coding skillz" with Fizzbuzz or digital clock) or require way to much time and effort for an internet argument, no matter how autistic you are.
Would be nice if you'd put some more effort into your bait next time, Steve.

lmfao this is why rust is being shilled so aggreessively. Literally one of the devs for the language is shilling it here.