When will the bigots at "The Simpsons" stop flaunting this antisemitic stereotype around?

When will the bigots at "The Simpsons" stop flaunting this antisemitic stereotype around?

When will the lolicons at "The Simpsons" stop flaunting this cunny stereotype around?

Never quite got what they were going for in that scene.

The nose is to make him look like a vulture.

Jews in the Simpsons are generally portrayed as being good, most of the writers are Jewish too.

judging by the flashes we see of his youth, Burns is full WASP

Burns is a goy.
Just a stand in like Rockafeller to divert attention away from (((them)))

How can antisemitism be real if semitism isn't rael?


Typically those fire torch dances are done by shamans or whatever, revered spiritual leaders who are men. So they made a little girl do it as some kind of statement.

wtf I love horsefuckers now

Fucking lol

The Holocaust was literally about making kikes work honestly for once.



Leftyfags need to go and stay go.

See, faggots like you confuse me. What part of this is hypocritical to you? The Holocaust never happened but it should have. Where do you see the contradiction?

It's hilarious to see neo-Nazis go to extremes to pretend the Holocaust didn't happen in order to rehabilitate the Nazis' image, only to turn around and say, "but it should have." It's the most transparent attempt to have your cake and eat it too. You don't have the balls to actually embrace the Nazis as they were.

My room has a more durable door than any of those gas chambers tbh

>communists still assmad (((their))) libel against the Germans is falling apat
Tee bee aych fam.

Image macros: for when you can't make an argument.

triggered lil baby Holla Forumscucks



Not an argument :^)

Wow, one jew got an actual shower. That totally disproves the Holocaust!

It was fake tho


1) There are no photos of a gassing
2) Gas chambers were only found in Soviet areas
3) creeible eyewitness accounts of the holocaust describe slave labor, imprisonment, or starvation, but no gassings. Any stories which describe eyewitness murders by bears or giant electric chairs are discredited. The Holocaust museum admits there were no Human lampshades.

The Holocaust museum admits there were no Human soaps also.

schindler's list shows them, and that's a documentary literally made with recordings of the time.

becuase only the soviets were interested in the truth and in avenging the victims of fascism, since only communism cares about people.

only because people were literally going into trauma by finding the truth, but all serious historians believe they existed, same as human soap.


Does Schindlers list even actually show a gassing?

I thought you were serious at first lmao

5 years of regime (try doubling the time and you'll still get unrealistic results).

That's about 1826 days (with one leap year added one).

1826 days are 43,824 hours.

43,824 hours are 2,629,440 minutes.

6,000,000 have died in 2,629,440 minutes.

6,000,000 divided by 2,629,440 is 2.281.

Or about 2.3 jews per minute (a modern crematory oven takes 1 to 2.5 hours to cremate a body)

Since day one. 24 hours per day. 7 days a week, without pause.

And that's the lowball estimate, not like 12 million.

Sounds totally legit, goy!

Pay reparations forever!

They hammered a nail into my head in 1933.

Then they tied me to a board with razor chains.

It was real in my mind.


Not to mention the other 6 million gays, gypsies and retards and all the time spent on shenanigans like masturbation machines and people meeting Mengele and all the people that survived being gassed multiple times.

And all the fuel that would be needed to burn the bodies…


Appeal to authority fallacy. It is illegal to question the Holocaust
They saw starved and emaciated skeletons who were dying from Typhus. There were no gas chambers on the Western Front.
Most survivors tell stories of being forced to work and having little food. No one has a story about being in a shower and being gassed.
You are confusing what causes what. If you come to realize the Holocaust is fake, you start to see how often it is used as a justification for various actions.
The Nazis did execute people, but they used bullets and dug graves. They didn't have giant electric chairs, or masturbation machines, or cages with a bear and eagle in them.
The simple fact is the evidence shows that they didn't, probably because they didn't have time or resources, or Hitler thought he could resettle them somewhere they couldn't cause trouble.

Not in the U.S. And crying "fallacy" doesn't undermine the actual evidence cited by virtually the entire profession of historians.
It's cute how you think you know better than the actual WWII veterans what they saw.
Wow, you mean nobody reports surviving being gassed to death? I'm shocked.
Or perhaps you are.
One can be aware of the exploitation of the Holocaust for political and emotional leverage without ignoring reality.
Nearly every historian of the period disagrees with you. Every time deniers have presented their results "proving" the absence of gas chambers, poison residue, sufficient ovens, etc., they have been proven to be wrong – or lying. Hitler et al. moved from expelling the Jews to eliminating them. Neo-Nazis unwilling the acknowledge the very heritage they want to claim just make themselves look ridiculous and intellectually dishonest by pretending the Holocaust didn't happen. Either say it was justified or say it was regrettable, but stop these long disproved nonsense arguments.

excuse me?

Which you have failed to provide, instead simply stating they all agree with you. In most countries historians cannot say anything different. Why is that? If it is so easily disproven, why make it illegal?

In fact most historians acknowledge that the Western allies encountered concentration camps, not death camps. Death camps were only found by the (extremely reliable) Soviet Union. Anne Frank died of Typhus. That is acknowledged as fact.

Funny to accuse us of lying. What about claims of masturbation machines, Jews being eaten by bears, human lampshades, and rail cars taking living children into blazing hot ovens? If it was all so horrible, why the need for the insane tales?

No speech should be illegal, but again, you can get anything published in the U.S. or online. That's how you and I have encountered Holocaust denial literature. I'm not going to rehash the assertions and rebuttals that have been going on for decades. If the Holocaust can be proven a hoax, why hasn't the opinion of historians been shifted? Are they really all under the control of the Jews? Is that really plausible?

And let me ask – why deny the Holocaust anyway? It's not necessary for it to be a hoax in order to criticize the Jewish elite, or Zionists. And national socialism should stand or fall on its own merits, regardless of the Holocaust.

Shower rooms with wooden doors do not qualify as gas chambers, moshe.

But wait, they didn't have just one gas chamber you retard.
Calculaing for 2 hours per crematory gives us that they would need 3000 crematories to burn all of those jews.

The last historian who tried to actually check the holohoax claim from a neutral viewpoint got his good goy card revoked and reputation dragged through the mud, so I don't see anyone trying that again anytime soon.

Irving wrecked his own reputation by repeating Leuchter's false claims, and then by initiating his lawsuit against Lipstadt. If the facts were on his side, they would have come out in the trial.

Thank god statist stooges in the court system wete there to protect us from this madman.


Just because he criticized the bullshit holohoax claims doesn't necessarily make him a national socialist. And being an ethnonationalist doesn't necessarily make one a statist either (although I guess being a socialist kinda does)

How you gonna have an ethnostate without a state?

Well, that sorta leads to a debate about the definition of "state". Depends if you consider any land that has borders to be a "state" or not.
Usually when people are referring to being "statist" or "anti-statist", they're referring to centralized government.



George Burns was a real person, and Simpsons Wiki literally copied his description from his actual life. The character is just a reference, and Mr. Burns' parents were called Clifford and Daphne.

For the simple reason that I am convinced it didn't happen, in the sense that there was no systematic gassing of six million Jews in fake shower stalls. I used to think Holocaust denial was crazy, until I actually read the arguments and realized that it made a lot of sense, and made more sense than the official history, of which if I can be immodest I had a pretty good familiarity. I had read all the old stories and famous survivor accounts, such as Night by Elie Wiesel. Really stop and think about it - the official history is the Germans killed six million people in fake shower rooms, and had no documentation of any of this. These murders occurred only in the places where the Red Army liberated people, the same Red Army which routinely accused political enemies of the most heinous crimes.

The Jews starved to death or died of diseases, which was caused chiefly by the failure of German logistics as the war turned against them. When the Germans committed atrocities, they would use bullets.

You didn't know that Leuchter got caught selectively testing for cyanide residue? Or that he hadn't read the construction commandant's own report on the gas chambers? Or that he didn't even realize the buildings he was testing were partially reconstructed after the Nazis demolished them?

I don't believe it was six million. The numbers have changed a lot over the decades, inflated to keep the sympathy and guilt going. And certainly there are liars like Wiesel. But there is ample evidence of systemic gassing.


And yet you still haven't provided any.

oh right anything that disagrees with your bias is fake history

Still waiting bub

You're the one positing a major revision to established history. How about you post some evidence that holds up?


You stated there is overwhelming evidence to support your side. You have been called on that assertion.

Get a load of this Jew!


You stated the Holocaust didn't happen. Prove your assertion.

You're right, Zyklon B was used in the camps… to kill lice and clean clothing to prevent the spread of disease.

Wrong, it was still one oven, but it was a single thulean, quantum oven, which is able to disintegrate 30000 bodies in 5 minutes. This is the fearful technology they were using, good thing they were stopped.
Checkmate, revisionists.

You first.


I have stated clearly why I believe it didn't. I can't make another case. All I'm asking for is your reasoning as to why it did, with something more concrete than "lots of evidence."

Every time I've seen denial literature, it sounds persuasive, and then I look into it, and it turns out that it relies on selective evidence, ignoring inconvenient data, and so on. It's B.S. The Nazis did in fact systematically kill people in the camps using a variety of methods, including gas. The idea that you can rescue the name of national socialism or Adolf Hitler by pretending this didn't happen is mistaken. Better to focus on exposing the crimes of the Jewish elite and their allies.

Evidence, bub. I'm not even a holocaust denier but if it's such a well-established historical fact it should be easy for you to produce it.


We're all waiting.

He's just going to keep calling you stupid while posting smug reaction images.
Honestly I don't know why anyone bothers attempting actual conversation on this board anymore, we haven't been able to do that since at least last November.


Where's your evidence that proves all the historians wrong?