Boneyard Storytime

Some regular guy becomes the caretaker of a mansion full of monsters… and a sexy vampire… and a sexy mudskipper

Issues 05 through 08: making a new thread because last one got the 404 error glitch

Other urls found in this thread:!xoJFlIBB!dJVn6eRsOpbE-jRZ2LRj4A























More issues later.

You should be posting his deviant sex comic…except for the pages with fags.

Thanks OP

Is this Monster Musume?

Moar OP

Anyone know where to find this? OP's too slow

For you darling

Also, I torrented the comic, I don't remember it being hard to find, though there were a couple of issues that were corrupted and I had to find another version. Besides, it's such a rare comic it took me months to download because there were almost no seeders

























More later, possibly this afternoon

Take your time.

This is actually a great comic. Drop the torrent when ya get the chance

bamping for when OP returns.




Bloody Innsmouth Cuckold racemixing propaganda




















G'night. Next batch tomorrow.

At least post the download you lug

Bretty gud

Thanks for the read OP. The way he draws woman's heads is kinda weird, but it's a pretty cool comic.

oh fuck
I was gonna buy the whole set of these comics for christmas and completely forgot about it.
Now I gotta figure out how best to get my hands on it.

Oh really? I heard the comics are quite rare now, since Moore only works with small publishers and orders small prints of his comics. Would you believe I only knew this thing existed because I was browsing an issue of Heavy Metal?

I'll try making a MEGA file with them once I'm done.


17 - 20 NAOOOWWW
























Really like this series.

Issues 21 through 28

I'm getting this shit over TONIGHT















































So it ends… Shame Moore never continued the series.

Thanks for your time and patience

Thanks for the storytime OP. Did he just move on to something else or what?

Here's the MEGA link for everyone:!xoJFlIBB!dJVn6eRsOpbE-jRZ2LRj4A

It just wasn't selling user, so he stopped. I don't think he even makes comics anymore

Not bad, I wonder what hes up to now?
Someone should contact him and call him a faggot, and good comic.

Well that's a shame. Now about this other comic I have been hearing about.


I don't donate to the CBLDF because all they defend is porn.

Mike Diana's work isn't porn, it's transgressive, but you're not supposed to wank over it. He's working out his issues from being raped by a priest when he was a child.
A comic shop owner being charged over selling adult comics and his store shut down is going to affect all of us. You can't just cherry-pick and say you shouldn't contribute to the CBLDF because they "defend porn", they don't defend porn, they defend artists and writers and publishers and retailers and distributors who are being attacked, and porn, or at least mature content, is being used as the excuse.
It wouldn't be fair to tell the CBLDF not to defend cases where adult material is the bone of contention, because that is what politicians and soccer moms and SJWs use to shut down entire companies, shops, studios, they don't like. Work of worth has been produced with explicit content, along with pure exploitation, and separating the two shouldn't be the CBLDF's job, they should defend everyone being stepped on by some politician or put on mock trial by some witch-hunter. You defend the sleaze along with the art because that's the point of having freedom of expression, that you can write what you want, draw what you want, and read what you want, with your dick in your hand or not, as the mood takes you, because it's a free country, and artistic freedom is what true oppressive nightmare crapsack countries take first. And if you don't think it can happen to your country, you haven't studied history, even the recent history of your own country, whatever your country is, any "free country" today is only a few decades from when they were burning books and jailing writers and artists over religious and sexual mores, and it never takes much to backslide.

Wait what his store was shut down? For what, racy images? Does he live in the 18th century?

People, this is recent history.
Recent history in a single medium, a current issue, and one community, this should be common knowledge.
Instead all we get is "CBLDF defends porn".
You know, I keep harping on this, but you are literally sitting in front of a computer, accessing the greatest research tool in human history, you don't have to wait for some guy to spoon-feed you your own history that you should already know, by writing a book about it, go out and hunt it down and drag it back to the cave!

pant pant

Is it too much that you assholes show a little solidarity? I know comics have a grand tradition of throwing each other under the bus to save themselves, like when we tripped up horror comics when the the comics code authority zombies were chasing us, but Friendly Frank was busted for Omaha the Cat Dancer, Weirdo, and Heavy Metal, then Elektra: Assassin, Love & Rockets, Ms. Tree, Bodessey, and Elfquest. All for "obscene content", and, according to the arresting officer, "satanic influence". Not exactly the fringe element you're suggesting.

Last time they used horror comics as the easy target to choke the rest of us with a Comics Code Authority, now the temptation is to let the soccer moms kill the smut artists and pretend it won't impact the rest of us.

Like any scene, there's always cliques and schisms, the undergrounds hate the capes, the capes hate manga, the furries hate the bronies and everybody hates the furries, and newspaper comics and political cartoonists like to pretend they're better than the rest of us, and webcomics don't seem to interact with the rest of the medium, but attacking the industry through censorship affects the whole medium.

They don't want to just stomp the smut peddlers or the gorehounds, the people who want control always want to control everything. And destroying comics financially, making it impossible for retailers and publishers to support themselves and their creative talent works as well as direct suppression. Lawsuits and arrests do the job, and it's easy to force a small business like a comic shop out of business when the profits disappear on bail and lawyers. That's why we need a CBLDF, because nobody outside of the industry gives a rat's ass about the bastard child of prose and visual art, because we're seen as an easy target, a culture of cowards and manchildren. Because as long as circuses like the CCA and the Oz Magazine trials keep happening, carpetbaggers and ambulance chasers like Dr. Frederick Wertham will be trying to choke us out.

If Jack Thompson had decided to attack comics instead of video games, he probably would have won, and been able to institute a new Comics Code Authority, because we are such a pit of vipers, so ready to turn on each other out of cowardice, like it doesn't matter, it's just the porn, it's just the horror, it's just the minicomics. Just how the Romans bulldozed Britain, because it was all tribes and not a nation. They pay one tribe to betray the others, and elevate them as a puppet government. We're easy pickings because of our internecine warfare and provincialism, our preoccupation with school over movement.

Cutting off our balls and throwing them to the wolves will just make them hungrier for the rest of us. I'd rather keep my balls, build a fire, and make a spear. Y'know?

I kind of see where you are coming from, but it probably will not take considering everyone here hates the current state of the industry.

Where the 4 issues missing?

You could use this, almost word for word, as an ACLU mission statement. Go look up what the ACLU actually defends and tell me that's something you want to support.


Gosh, well, obviously they're monsters.
I agree with everything except the death penalty, but I suspect I couldn't be in the same room with them for five minutes without choking the shit out of them. Then again I already want to choke the shit out of you and I haven't even met you yet.

Here, this documentary has a section on Mike Diana and the court case against him.

Thanks user

Well thanks, never knew it existed.


Abortion is cool though
Keeps nigger population in check

And the 4 first issues?

