Not a big fan of Crusader Girl normally but this is one of the best things she has put out so far.
Dear Hillary Fans
reported for shit OP, eceleb, don't care etc
She got them crazy eyes. Smells like Controlled Opposition
Immediate opposition. Immediate hate. 100 celeb threads left up every month.
WW3 is a Womb war! I keep telling you
Divide the yin from the yang.
Jewish dog shill flooding this line in 3.. 2..
You fucking imbecile. There's more important things that need to be kept on the first page and you insist on bumping this e-celeb shit?
Gas yourself.
No, I'm you're the fucking idiot. You don't get that women are attacked here as part of the MAIN FUCKING PLOT to make Holla Forums into an insular pedo posting sadsack community
I know propaganda better than you, or you're a fucking kike. One or the other.
Top of the catalog right now
JIDF shill pls go.
Not even Azaleia Banks and Tila Tequila lines were shilled like this.
I honest to god don't understand what the fuck is up with the current attitude towards Jewtube content creators.
Jewtube is one of the few mediums that can be used to redpill the masses, because it's a media outlet that's used by most normies.
Not everyone is cut out for our cool and hip imageboard format, so where do you expect them to get their alternative media?
Or maybe I'm just too fucking dense to understand it, and need someone to explain the problem to me.
Jews fear the Aryan womb most of all
stop posting girls here, the fapping to anime autists 2d reeee cuck virgins will get triggered and slander her. fuck it.
So that's what this is about? it's just those autistic MGTOW shills? wew, i thought it was something worth worrying about.
Carry on with the shitposting
part MGTOW white losers, part trolls lurking, part niggers and other non-whites that hate white women because they know they could never be with one.
That weapon is a BAR, indicating that this was set in the Pacific Theater of World War Two, where the enemy was, as I recall, the Japanese, not south-east asians who earn the moniker "gooks." "Japs" was the word the creator of this picture was looking for
Isn't she a kike?
Actually, the BAR was used during the Korean War too, where in fact, the Americans did shoot and call the people they shot "gooks".
No, they do actually have a point. Threads should never be made specifically for eceleb bullshit. And since when are hundreds of eceleb threads left up? where? I rarely ever see threads started specifically about ecelebs and when they are, they're locked or removed amid OPs bitching about the mods, because he doesn't understand how he's being a faggot.
Occasionally it's ok to post, say, a link to something like this or a Molyneux vid or whatever within a thread that's related to a noteworthy subject (like if a thread about hillary's corruption is there a vid from infowars or molyneux or something is understandable) but it should never be the subject of a thread all on its own, for reasons that should be fucking OBVIOUS to anyone that isn't a newfag.
And then when people call you out for doing dumb shit you aren't supposed to do, something you can see everyone here decrying over and over if you've been here even only for two fucking weeks, you cry and bitch and call people shills and mods are controlled, etc. If you unironically think eceleb threads should be left on their own, you need to lurk more.
Nah you're thinking about yourself
Its almost like (((somebody))) doesn't like it when QTs gather millions of normies orbiters and then red pill them into shitlords.
Take shoe for example yes we know she burned coal before but she is babby's first red pill for the normies. People don't go from being a massive cuck to worshipping nazi frogs in one step.
We just don't care for e-celebs because we unlike cuckchan have actually proven that 8 times out of 10, these people who come to the light to express our ideals have been nothing but controlled opposition.
Also it is us whom are fighting against the pedo rings amd exposing them whilst anything related to pedo rings omln cuckpol is deleted. It goes to show that the only ones fighting for truthand justice is 8pol.
It's quite interesting that on modern society those fighting against tyranny, pedophilia, and degeneracy, etc. Whilst also fighting to preserve family values, etc are catalogued as evil.
Whilst all the true evil and degenerate fuckers are being catalogued as the good guys.
If you wanna RP it…
8 pol are the dark knights whom left the order of the paladins because they sensed the corruption that was brewing in it.
Albeit for now we're merely seen as keyboard warriors but in truth most real Holla Forumsacks are actually fit and lead normal lives whilst hiding in plain site.
This is why your bullshit propaganda doesn't work on us. We have been blessed to see through the lies and this is what scares you jews the most.
So go ahead and grab that slut e-celeb of yours and stick her right up your ass. We endorse real women and they are amongst our ranks, and they also don't feel the need to reveal their identities for Internet fame.
We are everywhere jew. We are indeed organized and we can indeed identify each other. So continue eating rat. For its easier to catch you when you're so fat you can't crawl into the walls.
lol she has more subs than sargon
internet is trully full of cucks
I'd raep her but she's still a filthy e-celeb subhuman larping piece of shit.
Anyone else find it kind of offputting when women countersignal themselves and talk about men's rights issues and inferiority of women? I understand the issues are real but I just get an uncle tom vibe from people like Laura Southern or this shoeonhead person, like they are just doing it because they know having a girl saying these things will get tons of attention from men who feel justified that a girl is saying their views. It's like the girl equivalent of a feminist cuck.
If you want to shill your jewtube channel you should just be straight with us and explain why you're worth our time.
But no, you post a generic grrl image and expect us to cream ourselves and hand you gibes. Fuck your shit.
Just Sad. Completely Basic!
Stop using whom incorrectly.
Whom is not a replacement for who; despite what weird al says.
Read a book nigger.
People can say all kinds of interesting things on the Internet, there's no reason that we shouldn't share or spread useful information.
Thanks for correcting the record, start gassing yourself anytime.
This obviously isn't intended for us. Its for disenfranchised white normies who can instinctively feel something isn't right, but haven't realized what. This is babby's first shitlord outlet where they can signal against something pushed by the great coincidence.
You wish you could tap that nigger boy