What strawmen will he have for us today, Holla Forums?
Nick "The 38th Law of Power" Spencer Storytime
Now that we've got Nazi Cap out of the way, lets move onto the real show
I told you he was /ourguy/
Did…. did he just draw on his face with chalk?
Looks like his mother's make-up.
Wishful thinking at best. Delusional wishes in reality.
Why would his mother have a stick of yellow… whatever as makeup?
Anyone have that screencap of Nick Spencer trying to reason with liberals on twitter and then getting fed up that all they want to do is punch people?
I read the first pic with a southern accent, it made it more funny
Shitty lawyers?
Requesting a dast it mane edit on pic related
But wouldnt you go full nonimportant when the goverment put in jail your favorite sup?!
I don't feel suicidal today to read those, so could you tell me more or less what happened? I guess the Captain African American's nigger friend is going to jail because whie supremacy and racist culture and Captain Hydra is going to be blackmailed by Taskmaster and the Black Ant?
**If they kill the Taskmaster for some bullshit shock horror or make him a faggot I'm going to be slightly upset.
And it looks like I'm a fucking faggot who forgot how to spoiler properly.
Captain Nazi is bros with Baron Zemo now, and Taskmaster along with Ant Man or something know that Cap is a Nazi.
Nigger Cap tries to subvert the justice system to help his African American brother but gets slapped the fuck down by the evil racist Judge, also a "youth" decides to firebomb a bank in protest of the verdict.
So wait. At what point is satire no longer an extreme example but has reached reality for comics?
This isn't satire, fam, Nick Spencer is trying to redpill people while pretending to be a liberal. Remember Red Skull's speech about the current state of America?
Hi Nick. Stop pushing this shit on Holla Forums plz, thx.
Is this a 'blacks are prosecuted by the justice system' story?
A lot of older semi-autos (Broomhandle mauser and Luger most prominently, both something a nofuns normalfag would recognize) had adjustable rear sights like that. No fucking idea why it's on a Browning though.
How do you write that badly?
Looks like oil pastels
So how would you retcon this shit Captain Falcon is doing?
Captain Falcon was a Skrull.
What happened to the original Wilson?
It's very weird to go from Captain Holla Forums to Captain Dindu.
Also, when is Cap getting his head wings back? He looks weird without them.
Oh fuck me..are they really going to have Cap down the Hydra route that they retconned Steve's origin?
I they've finally done it, boys and girls. I'm pretty sure I'm done even bothering to download Marvel at this point.
Last I checked, the Cosmic Cube kid altered Steve's memory, not an entire time period The only purpose these flashbacks serve is to give Steve's Hydra sympathies context. They shouldn't be taken at face value
Poe's Law. Just because it sounds sincere doesn't mean it is.
Guy from Holla Forums here. Why do you keep on reading them?
Phew, close call there, Spencer.
Was that molotov filled with nitroglycerin?
Wait, does he also believe all historical record from those times have been altered? Because if this is all just in his head, how has he not run into conflicting information yet?
To bitch about them.
Who's still alive from his pre-WW2 days that would be able to verify what actually happened?
Even if he confessed, in real life you could get that guy thrown out of court because of possible duress. There's a reason why you have to read people their rights.
Since the comic has such a stick in the ass about the rigid justice system then it would make sense if his confession couldnt be used.
If it was so easy to find out the speedster, capture him, and bring him in, why did he wait until the last possible minute to do so?
Am I the only one still weirded out that Rick Jones was used as a Snowden analog? I don't mind if you want to use a Snowden type hacker to release government information to make some commentary on it but why use Rick Jones of all people? He never came off as the hacker type.
He was actually Obama.
No really think about it. Skrull invasion happened in 2008. The timeline fits.
I was thinking SHIELD stuff. Like, why would they have altered the record of Erskine's death or Zola's involvement in the super soldier program?
He also provided the opportunity for another criminal to corroborate his story, and if there's any evidence he was there, it's grounds for reasonable doubt. That's what's retarded about this trial, it's literally pic related. They're so brain-dead, they think if your defense doesn't consist of doing the justice system's job, you'll never be cleared.
oh shit. It could be a way to retcon this crap but they've abused that whole "it was a skrull all along!" schtick.
Do not underestimate libshit stupidity. I have to remind you all that pic related appears to drop some insane truthbombs… But then the comic ends with his vision for the future which is America society being torn down and controlled by Hydra, where facism is in vogue, POCs are persecuted alongside mutants and inhumans. It sounds like Holla Forums's ideal dream, but given Nick Spencer is a liberal first and foremost, we are not meant to see this as a good thing according to the author.
which is a shame because its probably one of the smartest commentaries on modern capeshit a writer could present.
Especially that ending about how the superheros get to fly higher and higher while common people are left to wallow in the mud. I think everyones had that thought, if tony stark is so smart why hasn't he cured cancer. or more relating to his field. If tony stark is so smart why does the world still use fossil fuels.
It strikes a chord with everyone who can think about these things logically instead of being wowed by the in your face presentation of an arab woman who can make her bodyparts larger at will.
To be fair, it's just another way to keep the kid who helped assemble the Avengers relevant. And I believe it's at least consistent with recent retellings of the Avengers' origin. Not long ago he was another Gamma-powered off-shoot until they Hulk depowered him.
True, but then why would Cap want to dig into SHIELD files at all. I doubt they would be that comprehensive, and even if they were, why would he be eager to believe them over his own memory?
>…instead of being wowed by the in your face presentation of an arab woman who can make her bodyparts larger at will.
I think people are waiting for the inevitable event where the writers finally decide to increase…the plot.
considering its written by tumblr style feminists I doubt so Dobson.
And it's not like it hasn't been done before. Supers using their powers for sexual exploits have been done before..why do you think Sue never left Reed?
Uhm..Dugan? Fury? Fucking Bucky? Oh, don't forget Namor and the original Human Torch.
I never thought of that before.
wait the original human torch is still around?
And last I checked, Dugan was recently retconned into being an LMD, the original having died on a secret mission with the original Nick Fury. It was apart of all the Original Sin bullshit. Fury himself is stuck on the fucking Moon because he shot The Watcher. He can't say shit.
Bucky, Namor, and the Torch came after the serum. They're certainly not in the best position to know and validate Steve's life before he became Captain America. After, maybe, but then there's the fact that Bucky spent decades as a brainwashed assassin, the Torch was dead for a while, and Namor is Namor.
Seriously though, this entire discussion is predicated on the assumption that Spencer would permit Steve to second-guess himself, which would go against whatever he's trying to do with the plot. It's pretty pointless to brainstorm scenarios where this isn't the case.
Wait are you implying they're so desperate that they'll be willing to hire him?
They just make the villains look like the good guys.
No I meant its made by tumblr feminists so they won't do inflation porn. I only mention Dobson because he's into inflation porn.
Depends on the amount of money
It's just me or it is really fucked up what the "good guys" just did with the "bad guys" to justify their own exist. I mean they fucked up Helmut! For fucking what?
Jesus Christ suddenly Hydra doesn't even seems so bad!
Every day, groups like Hydra and AIM seem more like controlled opposition.
you guys are faggots
What did they do to Helmut?
Not sure about Helmut but I know for the other villains they were captured and put into this prison that brainwashes them into thinking they are normal citizens in a small town.
Dude did you read the pages? Pretty much was fucked up by Shield and the (((Hydra))).
Fucking this!
any other evil organizations left in Marvel? I know there was this one group called Leviathan that was made of former Soviet officials and military leaders.
What about, um, The Right? Or the Red Skull's various goons, like the Watchdogs, Ultimatum, Resistants.
There's The Hand, they're reliable evil goons. They even dissolve so you don't have to clean up the mess.
Are the U-Men still around? Or the Power Broker? He had his own goons.
Some of the larger groups of name villains are so big they practically count as goon squads, like the Serpent Society and Zodiac.
There's the Maggia and Roxxon.
Didn't know Roxxon was still around. I remember the Skeleton Crew worked for the Red Skull at one point with Crossbones in it.