Here we go again
Meant county.
We need to stop Trump. It's his hate that causes this.
Obviously it's racist Trump supporters false-flagging. Peaceful, enlightened African American democrats don't do violent things like this.
it could be (((Neocohens))) trying to undermine trump
What the fuck is wrong with you cunts?
Hopefully undecided voters will interpret this as a clear instance of senseless leftist agitation
Literally terrorism.
Pence was on Fox10's live stream earlier today where they firebombed the office and he made some good talking points about it, political terrorism and an attack on our political system. He took some questions and the lefty faggots who showed up didn't even care about it, just trying to ask him gotcha questions about Trump.
Very Correct. Trump might as well have thrown the bricks himself *:^)*
Send in the Trump squad
who ever is doing this needs to be fucking crucified.
nonsense. you should encourage more of it.
Well look at that, it happened again just after yesterday another antifa group threatened a Scottsdale, Arizona HQ with pipebombs.
Some anons from the last thread said that the RNC deserved it but at this point, how do you not see this is going to continue on all pro-Trump RNC HQs until election day? Will you sit back while Mary Sue is too intimidated to vote because ravenous niggers and spics will attack her as soon as they notice she's wearing a MAGA cap or Trumpence shirt?
If this happens more than two more times, there needs to be some form of retaliation as this is obviously the work of the neocohens, masons, antifa, Holla Forums, or HRC.
What a peaceful protest. Even more peaceful than the last one.
Yes, Trump is encouraging violence.
Holy shit, I was just joking Satan.
Satan confirms that Trump's going to lead the Second American Revolution.
What a monster.
Lads I have a thirst for blood. I can no longer contain my rage. At this point I want Hillary to win so I can justify myself to remove libshits from our soil. The soil our ancestors fought, bled, and died so many different times. But now it is our time. I believe that many of us here are in our early-late 20s the prime fighting age. Get your guns ready, get your body ready, and more importantly get your mind ready. Meditate, pray, commune, what ever you need to do to clear your head. We need to focus on whats important, everything else can wait.
I know if Trump is elected I'm enlisting as I'm sure many of us will. Either in the military or police/security forces. But if he doesnt win, where do we go? Who do we contact? How and when will our bloody revolution begin? Who do you trust with your life?
Its time to start thinking about whats important too much is at stake. If we fall, our civilization will fall.
Delco isn't just a place to live; it's a way of life. And, Delco is not something you can obtain with a short visit or while you are only passing through. If you never been or don't actually live here, you just won't understand.
Delco is a blue collar kind of town. We're the ones who built the houses MontCo and Chester County. We're white collar wannabe's and don't really care how we do on our annual reviews. It's not a bad thing, it's just who we are.
Delco is something you can spot from across the bar while out of town. Speaking of bars, there's a 42:1 ratio when it comes to Bars to Library's. And, it's cool to be a 26 year old bar back…you're just waiting for your big break.
Delco is in everyone, you just need to find it and to find it you need to live it. It's the way you walk, the way you look and the way you talk. The residences of Delco aren’t cocky, we're confident….confident because we know.
When describing someone else from Delco, you say their name, state that you know them, say they're a good guy/girl, and then say their high school or the parish they're from. That's it. No need to disclose any additional information because that's all you need to know. Again, if you don't live here, you won't understand. (Not being cocky here either..)
When telling other people that you're from Delco, they'll look you up and down and snarl and stare. But hey, we're used to it by now.
There's no bigger bar tour the Saturday before St. Patty's Day. Philly's bar tour is 2nd best. If you're going to do it, you might as well do it right.
Bands have written songs about Delco. Band's that you might not know, but we do. They'll pack any bar, any night of the week.
Think we're not smart? Delco's got a few colleges and universities sprawled out across out great land.
We should have our own flag. It would be a map of Delco on a Green and White flag. And it would say DELCO real big through the center. Nothing fancy because that's not who we are and once you see it you'll know the meaning behind it.
Delco can be your friend if you would like it to be, but that's up to you.
You can find Delco and a whole lot of it down the shore on the weekends between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Delco packs 20 people into a 3 bedroom house each weekend during these months. Delco usually buy's your 1st round for you.
Delco is staying in on New Years Eve because showing up at the Trophy by 11am is too late.
Delco is the Pike Hike.
Delco is White Rock, The Palace, The Golf, Nailer's Run, The Tracks, The Pit.
Delco is a lot more than just this, but that's for you to find out.
Delco is simply is.
How soon, do you think, until retaliatory attacks against librul hq's take place?
inb4 "nice try fbi :^^^^)" I'm actually asking a question
won't happen. This is most likely BLM or anarchists. No one would cover for right wing attacks like they are for these.
never, right-leaning people are honest and respectful of their and other's properties
there may be unlawful incendiary or explosive devices malfunctioning in various librul hideouts causing their complete destruction, however
no doubt caused by mibrul moron incompetence in the arts and sciences of physics, chemistry and the appropriate use of napalm
You fuckers are so lucky. In your prime, in the age to attain glory.
I just want to crack commie skulls in Marduk's name, Ill be happy having had served him honorably.
Retaliation for what? They broke a window.
Let's look at what's going on here, Hilary is getting BTFO left and right. The FBI just dumped files showing quid pro quo, Podesta is fucking fried l, and a "shadow government" just got revealed. There's also all the James okeefe videos destroying democrats.
The left has absolutely nothing on us. They're grasping at straws, 15 year old sound bytes, and fucking pepe memes. Is it any surprise they're resorting to smashing windows now? This is pure and simple desperation. Just sit back and relax, were winning.
Great news, this will only make the Trump supporters angrier and draw more people sick of bullshit to him
Of course this happened. Witness here - local DNC memo from Southeastern PA,I'm surprised this hasn't been posted before. The Party is directly advocating destroying the private property of Trump supporters. Us SE PA anons have seen this in action.
Nice. Makes me wish I could draw
Must have been spics
Satan, lord of lies
I knew you would strike eventually.
dubs confirm it is Satan.
Nah man, you're still a valuable asset. We will need wise men in possitions of power, I wouldn't trust anyone in their 20s to lead anything important to be frank.
What movie is that gif from?
I absolutely want to help. Im open to any position where I can do that. This new world on the horizon interests me greatly and I want to do my part in making it happen, beginnings as best as possible.
Whoa mama
Is it legal to shoot someone if they're vandalizing a commercial property like this one?
Just say it was in self-defense. I would.
depends on the state
So close, so fucking close!
I'm personally hoping for more. This is the kind of stuff that Pisses Off Normies©
MUNCIE, Delaware County, Indiana? Didn't realize it existed before this "event".
some high quality autism you got there
Well if you're inside the building and they're firebombing it then it would be self defense.
He is always with us. Check 'em.
He comes down into the waters closer sometimes though.
November nationalism civil war confirmed.
everyone with a hillary sign in their yard now needs to be on a list then
um no. not until every marxist has been drained of their blood.
Which email or chain of emails is that revealed in? I don't doubt the US has one, but would like to see the proof in the pudding, so to speak.
AKA: Source? I want to see this one for myself.
Saging for not contributing.
Those dubs cant be ignored. They speak TRUTH.
37 isn't that old. Stop being a bitch
I'm 32 and I could whoop 99% of people's asses on this board. Would say 100 but don't want to be cocky.
Lift weight and do cardio. Practice with your weapons.
You're 100% correct. Your divine dubs say so.
This is why I come here.
My wife's 5 year old son came into the room crying. I asked xir what was the problem, and xi said, with non-binary tears streaming down xirs face "Donald Trump wants to privilege America over other nations." I hugged xir in my arms and asked xir Father to come over and help heal our pain. I can't even.
Pretty interesting seeing it go down in real time, huh?
It's not enough to get some real outrage. I need a shitskin bombing a line at a rally. We need to get some real deal terrorism. If Trump starts making references during the debate, and it hits hard, they will flip their shit hard. The globalists reveal their hand.
Lets hope we get a Boston 2.0, but with actual deaths.
Dubs wasted on CTR.
Guys with the scandals coming so hot and heavy, wouldn't it be a good time for a hashtag along the lines of #nolongerwithher or #fedupwithhillary #mindmadeup #shesworse or something similar?
It might be just the meme we need to push these people sitting on the precipice over the edge to voting for the Emperor? I think the vector of attack is comments on any video/blog/article/etc… that reports on her ongoing corruption scandals. Pose as a former Hillary acolyte who just can't help but vote their conscience and leave Hillary behind. More of a Jill Stein kind of stance. These comments would be great for persuading independents even if her base stays strong. How sound? What do?
Or we can keep an eye on the more violent Cunton supporters and expose them to the world and connect them directly to Cunton's campaign and person.
fuck off you faggot retard. that is bullshit disinfo from real true news. clearly you don't give two fucks about the truth or you would have looked at who posted that document to scribd and understood it's disinfo shill material.
the PA strategy memo is faked by real true news. the whole thing is disinfo bulllshit. if you don't believe me, go look at the other shit they uploaded on their scribd profile.
Not mutually exclusive. I just mean if we make this an inflection point. Encourage people to think that anyone of conscience just HAS to give in and switch to the other side. Make people not want to be left favoring the unpopular/uncool candidate.
I wonder how much Hillary paid the mentally ill people who did this.
Thank you for correcting the record.
And how can the keep their conscience if all of the Hillary supporters keep leaving RDX cake at RNC campaign headquarters. Terrorism is not cool, and ol' hildawg has to disavow the turk wearing an "#imwithher" shirt.
If I'm understanding, you mean to stage tags with names claiming that they've left her support in effort to shake off the weaker and less dedicated? This might be useful.
I heard Illary pays her autists with Totino's pizza rolls
more tolerant lefties I see.
Okay I'm going to write up a new thread. See if we can get some traction.
they try to do it here all the time. might as well use the tactic against them
New thread discussing topic:
This was Delaware County, Indiana, not PA. Still, nice pasta.
The cornered beast, with no hope left, lashes out wildly. This is good, and if it continues until election day it is only to our advantage. Never interupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.
You mean CTR/JIDF/shills, not anons. I don't think any Holla Forumsack unironically condones terrorism, especially political terrorism.
Agreed, none of this would be a problem if Trump learned how to stop being so intolerant.
Tasty pasta, but wrong state.
t. Munciefag