The Truth about WW3 US vs Russia.
A pretty damn serious video.
The current state of affairs and the stakes have never higher during a election
New Molyneux
Other urls found in this thread:
Trips don't lie. Sage wherever appropriate, newfags.
Mollyjew is the best jewtuber of 2016 hands down, his last few vids on Trump alone should be shown to all your normalfag sphere, he's killing it.
I can't watch Stefan anymore…his memetics have worn off tbh
wow i guess u could say i am now #ShillForTheHill
Thanks for correcting the record
Nod an argubend.
Stefan Pinochet Ugarte Molyneux does it again
Who let dog door open?
Molyneux is the most based e-celeb.
The fuck are you talking about?
Shills are trying to turn 8/pol/ and TRS against each other
hipsters pls go
You mean they've been coming here for weeks and forcing their homosexuality upon everyone
If you think the video is so insightful, surely you could take the time to make it into a WebM or an mp4 instead of embedding a direct link to an eceleb's jewtube channel.
Support for Bolyneu
I'm a NEET. I spend almost all of my time here. I haven't seen anything of the sort.
Sorry lolberg but trips nailed it.
Yes but TRS do not really need leftard shills to make an embarrassment out of themselves.
he makes a pretty good point op
God you guys are fucking retards sometimes.
for any jewtin shills here/ shills.
go listen to your podcast while to jack off to shemales alt kike faggot. no one gives a fuck TRS.
And it's the same thing with the rest of the pics in that set. Some faggot got a TRS account, invited his faggot friends, they started making incriminating posts (which the majority of the TRS forums users seem to have ignored), then posts pics of those incriminating posts on here to show us how terrible TRS is. What would they even be shilling anyway? Despite the fact that they're more moderate than we are, we tend to be in agreement about 90% of the time.
As for them embarrassing themselves, yeah, they tend to be a bit more moderate than we are and their site looks like reddit.
Stop projecting you tremendous faggot.
Just stop now. Putin is a dogshit oligarch who was in the KGB and might be a jew. I dont want war with Russia but putin is a faggot
apparently we're supposed to disregard the fact that we might have an account or two there as well.
Kill yourself.
How does that work?
Do you know anything about Russian nationalism? If you rush to putins defense probably not.
I understand the greatness of anonymous posting. I reeeeeally do. :)
But ever since evalion (no i wasn't here for the constant evalion spamming), you niggers have shit on every video which gives good information, just because it comes from someone considered an 'eceleb'. I think that's ridiculous logic.
Regardless, maybe you shouldn't introduce it as bolyjew, and instead just introduce it as: Truth about WWIII - If you make it about ecelebs, you are a nigger.
polite sage, nigger
Holy shit, my reddit spacing :(
I thought TRS fags were highly exclusive invitation membership only.
there's screencap of them actually organizing a raid aimed here floating around here somewhere (with many, many real accounts participating)
All it takes is for one shill to invite his friends, and for his friends to invite their friends. But, look, I'm not saying TRS is perfect, or even ideal, just that they're not our enemy.
Hmm, I don't think I've seen that one
The end where he talks directly to ladies is pretty great.
I'm a lolberg but like Molyjew I realize that ethnic tribalism is the only way lolbergism would work. So I don't rock the boat anymore. I think the rest are like me tbh.
Mods are actually deleting or bumplocking their shit, faggy trs-ish shit has been going on though. Look for shitty uninteresting threads and look for gay and racial compromise and civic
Fair enough, Tribalism is basically NatSoc though.
Hey but it's fractal cellular and based on voluntary association so that's an important distinction.
Stay triggered kike.
can anyone shoot me 1 invite
[email protected]/* */
Central planning only leads to failure and poverty.
Trips and dubs of truth. We need a free market solution that respects ethnic homogeneity.
I really don't like how Killary keeps bringing it up out of nowhere. What's going to be the reason? Russian isn't recognizing gender identities? I feel like Russia is one of the last places that still has its own culture. Maybe the reason is that it will allow them to spend massive amounts of money and ignore the debt for a little longer? One last masked orgy party before hellifire? I don't want to go out that way.
There's no distinction. You are or are not a Tribalist just like how you are or are not a National Socialist, it's completely the same as NatSoc. Both are collective and both are based on nature's law.
The only difference is that NatSoc was implemented over a large group of people, having a more complex model.
You think of the state having total control over resources? If so, that's not National Socialism.
Ukranian (((nazis))) ring a bell?
I swear you dumbasses are too much sometimes.
the Ukraine would have had a revolution with or without American fuckery. If you knew anything about eastern Europe you would know it was a long time coming in the previous election the two areas of Ukraine voted almost 100% against each other it has been super polarized for a while. Putin stamping out nationalism and making Russians meek faggots and tearing the heart out of rus civilization by separating them from the Ukraine makes him either a jew or a colossal retard.
Are you blind? Look at my fucking ID.
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking kike shill? The guy who revives the russian army, the church, bans faggots, bans porn is somehow making russians 'meek faggots'? Are you clinically retarded?
Kill yourself Soros shill, if your dear revolution was made by the people then why is every single one of their leaders a fucking kike? Why is Right Sektor owned and staffed by kikes? Why did they immediately attempt to ethnically cleanse ethnic russians from crimea and donbass?
Rope soon Chaim, all over the world. Not even screaming shoah will save you this time.
I'll upload a webm in a minute. Anyone know current webm max file size? Higher than 8mb?
Everything in your post is buzzwords and delusion. Putin has done almost none of those things and has forcefully suppresed nationalism several times and if you dont understand why the ukraine and kiev is important to russia you shouldnt be commenting on Russia. I have a question for you. Who are the leading nationalist figures in Russia? You dont know one do you?
You're gonna have to do better than that Chaim. Denying well-known facts doesn't help your case.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, and I'm pretty damn sure he's neither censored nor in prison. Hell even if Putin openly gassed the kikes you'd still shit on russia for not being nazi germany and putin for not being hitler.
Kill yourself.
Modern Russia is a multicultural empire that is very harsh on nationalism there are 3 state religions judism islam and orthodox christianity. The jews have their own oblast and ethnic homeland in Russia. The largest Mosque in europe is in moscow, and Russia has been having constant terrorist attacks since the 80's.Vladimir Zhirinovsky of the Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a joke guess again.
If you really want to be accepted be a real user lose the ego and drop your character. No one wants to look at your face 30mn, no one care about your life. Until then, fuck off
Explain to me how he brought back the orthodoxy? The patriach is know as a corrupt shitbag that owns a yatch and fucks prostitues. The Russian army has mass dessertions which is the reason why they mostly just use special forces and merceneries now, the cluster fuck and failure that was chechnya taught them that. Faggots were already banned, porn is still massive in Russia most of the sex slaves and pedo porn comes from Russia or the Ukraine.
7/10 would scour for artifacts and mutants with.
I don't believe I've ever seen the man look and sound so sinister
Jesus fuck, my anxiety is off the charts and beyond. I don't want to die this way, Holla Forums ;_;
maybe learn to
Do you want to die at home as an old NEET? Slip out in the shower, break your old spine and then struggle for 8 minutes where you'll be in fear and pain and longing for long lost love just before you draw your last breath and everything turns black? Is this what you'd prefer instead? Because there aren't many other options out there for our generation.
We will all be drafted then you can just defect go AWOL if you can't handle it.
ALWAYS the first post.
he's right hehehehe
forward march, goyim
Thanks stephan to shitting up the board with your VPNs
Even independent of stephan, it's incredibly important to get a hold on the situation between the US and Russia.
This is an issue we're almost missing amongst happenings in the election when it can be a vector of attack against Clinton if we hammer it home more.
I've seen some mention but not much major coverage, if we make it known that Hillary definitely will start WW3 with Russia over dumbass shit that will get to them. Not most libshits are dumb enough to want to die in nuclear hellfire, especially if they realize that Russia doesn't want a war with us.
It also serves a second purpose in that if people know more about the impending war with Russia they wouldn't be caught so flat footed, they will protest and try to fight against it. This may make it so that even if Hillary does get elected she will be seen as betraying the american people if she starts the war. They will actively undermine her.
In fact I was Trump I would hammer home that she will get everyone killed in ww3 if she is elected. She has been leading America down this path for a long time and now she wishes to finish the job.
sage for double post
to add to it i mean she has helped cause all the problems leading up the current situation in the middle east, which sent the migrants to Europe, which brought the US in conflict with Russia in Syria and which will put us directly in war.
The video is worth watching as it pretty much discusses the what and why WW3 is pretty much guaranteed if Hillary wins. Bump because it's actually useful for a entry-level redpill on the matter.
Not an argument!
No, you just need to join the circle jerk.
Could it be possible that Stefan Molyneux is hiding his true power level?
It's a good Molyneux video, worth the time and attention. I wish he were exaggerating the danger of a Hillary presidency, but he's not.
Another good video about warhawk Hillary. Not as detailed as Stefan's, but easier to follow.