(Video) Naked Hillary Sculpture in Manhattan Causes Liberal Cunt Meltdown

Published on Oct 18, 2016

>Early Tuesday morning, Anthony Scioli raised a naked statue of Hillary Clinton in downtown Manhattan. The depiction is hardly flattering. It depicts Clinton with hooves instead of feet, and a Wall Street banker is shown cuddling up to her.

https:// youtu.be/6exBRvwug9M

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And he didn't punch her back why?

Topkek great sculpture

NY Post article: archive.is/JO08G

NY1 News article: archive.is/vBuop

NEW YORK - A mysterious sculpture of a naked Hillary Clinton caused a commotion in Lower Manhattan on Tuesday morning..

The Democratic nominee was depicted with horse hooves and standing on what appeared to be printouts of emails. The statue also featured a Wall Street banker pressed against her left breast.

It stood outside the entrance to the Bowling Green subway station for a couple of hours without incident, but a dispute eventually broke out when a woman knocked it down, kicked it several times and sat on it.

Man: Why are you sitting on that?
Woman: Because I find this offensive!
Man: Freedom of speech!

A crowd formed. Some took pictures, while others took sides in the dispute.

“That's not good. That’s a total disrespect toward women," one woman said.

"I wouldn't be surprised to see a Donald Trump statue, but to see a Hillary one, I think is really interesting," said another.

Police officers responded to restore order.
NY1 spoke to a man who said he represents the artists who made the Clinton caricature.
He said some of the artists support Donald Trump for president, while others actually support Clinton.

"The idea is that there should be equality in any way, shape or form. Everybody has different opinions, and that we should be able to express them how we want without that kind of backlash. We're trying to fight for the right to have the government of the people by the people for the people. Instead of, of the banks, by the banks, for the banks," he said.

The statue was eventually removed by an unknown person.
In August, a statue depicting a naked Donald Trump was erected in Union Square.


She's desperately trying to save the world, but the only point she made is that she's very heavy.

Liberals, everybody.

Imagine catching that bitch and torturing her. Her psychological breakdown would be a beautiful thing. She'd be reduced to a grunting beast in no time.

Gee, they seemed so happy when it was a nude of Trump.

>Her psychological breakdown would be a beautiful thing instantaneous.

FTFY. Simply tying her to the chair would probably cause her to snap.



go fuck yourself libs


I'm fapping to it as we speak lads

I cannot imagine why two ugly overweight woman were offended by that sculpture.

ayyy what about those monster girls?



She will feel the bite of the rope


She's basically an overgrown child. Just send her to the naughty stool.

So they protest against the sculpture by pulverizing it.




My sides are in orbit. These leftists are so stupid. When art can provoke people who pride themselves on being provocative, then it's highly successful.

okay last one


Ammit will not claim her.

They are offended by everything.

Libs should be shot, no exceptions.

those digits

these digits too

When they did this same thing to Trump, Holla Forums had a meltdown. I mean a HUGE meltdown. Trying to dox the sculptor, trying to get someone to steal the statue, calling for the artist's head to be chopped off Muslim-style.

People hate statues.


CTR detected.

thanks for going behind enemy lines user




Gas the left, civil war now!

Is there a sadder place on the internet besides plebbit's r/politics? Bunch of booger-eating retards and bulldykes.

It's almost as if liberals are mentally unstable people who instantly resort to violence while screaming that they're the victims

It's like walking into another dimension.


Kek has blessed this thread.



Ironically, they have no self-awareness.


the saltwater of all the earths oceans combined cant produce an equal amount salt that these liberals have


Heaviness is just a gravitional construct.


seems pretty sound to me. which one would you rather see naked?

That kookaburra man, so fucking cute.

It would have been funny if they put it in a higher place. Increased visibility and make the tumblr fatties have to climb to try and take it down.

Is that a trick question?

Other than the SPLAT!, what's going on in this gif?

Liberals are already so salty that Trump is this close to winning that we get vid related. I cannot IMAGINE the salt if/when he wins.

Trump has YUUGE hands, i'd like to see what else is huge. no homo

guess it really is true what they say about Liberals injecting their sexual fetishism into every facet of their life

Right. Those people were freaking out because the art piece wasn't original enough. They were just cultured art critics, expressing their opinion on a Derivative work.

in the same way a man wandering the desert think of water, a lib thinks of sex.

How can you honestly look at this and believe whatever that is, is human? That thing, which we term the "left", isn't an advanced form of life. Its on par with a chimp (probably even less so), so why do we consider it human?

Even the turd that comes out is half-assed. They're just altogether born failures.


His gloves, pic related.

That's why we call them subhumans.

You just don't get art like these guys do.

I have small hands but a pretty huge cock, jfyi

t. manlet

There are still people on this board who refer to these things as "misguided people". While the jew is a danger to us, he isn't responsible for these genetic failures. We need to remove any belief that leftists are human.

some retard climbed a cell tower and fell off what else is there to say?

Oh wow, a fat, unattractive woman is acting violent and entitled. Who would have guessed?

alright quick question, what state will honor the same level of rights I have here without being as full of faggots, I'm getting tired of this shit


They're all Austinites/Houstonians Cali transplants.

-t. fellow Texan

Same shit, over and over again.

Are americans having another civil war? :^)

Pleb, I bet you think people saying 'Merica isn't liberal faggotry as well.

California is the greatest state in the nation. I'm going to enjoy watching it vote Trump while you Tex-cucks vote Hillary.

Reminds me of these 2 pics. Well folks, 2 posts were enough to eventually meme an absolute SJW butt-shoah across the country.
For them it's an unacceptable sight that needs to be eradicated from this Earth.
For us, it's just another day blessed by our glorious protector Kek.

To those who didn't understand: these are pics of Hillary composed by a mosaic of cunts.

Rollan 4 RaHoWa

What the hell kind of sign is she pissing on and why?

The point isn't to make sure the statue is up at all costs. It's to arouse irrational, violent behavior in leftists all over a piece of mildly offensive art and it worked beautifully. He turned their own garbage "art" style into a clear cut case of hypocrisy.

They are less than brain-dead. We aren't even dealing with humans anymore

Did you read the whole thing?

Whoops, didn't know it was satire. But still


mosaic images like that are useless if they're not at full resolution

Yeah, but he looks like he's posing something there.


Only in America will someone walk up to someone else and yell "get out of my face"

What is wrong with Yankees that makes you unable to behave civilly?


Bitch has never been punched/beat in her life. And the cops will come and rape you if you try.

It's not my image m8, and that thread is long gone.

The difference is none of us had a childish tantrum and started impotently kicking and sitting on the statue, which is the thing that's really aggravating us about the libtards here.

I don't remember that being the case. I think you are wrong.

She's shitting (you see the turds come out right before she grabs it) on a sign with Trump's face on it.

Are you sure you aren't talking about cuck/pol/? I don't remember anything like that over here.

It's intended to subtly redpill at a subconscious level. The reader starts out getting worked up about muh racist, violent Donald Trump supporters, and then BAM, all of a sudden they're imagining groups of Muslims committing sex assaults.

On the flip side, if they take it literally, then they may be prompted to find & dox the participants in the photo, who are themselves other leftists. We're setting Democrats on the war path against their own members.

Well yeah why wouldn't? This being political war. But to be this ass blasted and to act so childish in PUBLIC?

So thin skinned I am surprised she doesn't pop and treats start pouring out.

thats just a light on top he was holding onto


Yet he has a bunch of women working for him

so they had no message other than shock and little dick jabs. This is more like a political cartoon come to life.

Its all about dicks with these people

Its pissing in public

Hang'em all.

oh, come on! just, what!

checked and kek'd

kinda looks like he fell into a safety net, but the video cuts off too soon



probably afraid his symbol of male oppression would pop out and rape someone.

ikr. you'd think if someone is planning on some sort of "demonstration" that involves taking a shit they would eat some taco bell beforehand. i've seen cats take bigger shits. shameful.

Examining these digits

Post proof or GTFO.


Wait, wtf? Did it trigger itself?


he's dead jim
i remember the video of him on "craziest shit caught on video" or shome shit

Did they sodo izer the statute too, like in Benghazi?

i thought it was funny actually because other than appeals to emotion all the left has is mocking the size of someone's dick like a child. not to mention the artist's ties to fucking bumfights of all things.

(wew cHHecked)

I'm scared by what kind of cunts were used to compose the navy blue portions.

Any southern state is better than California by default, but this isn't the time for that type of devisivness.
Ein Volk
Ein Gott
Ein Flagge

Who is this semen demon?

jesus christ dude

I'm ready for blood.

Is that Nigress wearing a Hijab


Well, I hope it works, but I don't have faith in most people thinking or acting rationally, anymore. I can just see some dumb motherfuckers going in completely the wrong direction.

Females should not be allowed in public without a male escort.

hello achmed

It would solve some problems tbh

Who's that slinking around her left side? It looks like Gorbachev to me, which I know can't be right.


You faggots realize what this means, right? We've won.

Liberals are now officially a full blown religious cult, and Shillcunt is their pope. Behead all who blaspheme her Holiness!

And here's the other thing: The left is made up of a small mass of contrarian faggots addicted to rebelling against society just for the sake of rebellion, and a large mass of groupthink faggots who just like clucking the same things as all their other fellow chickens. But the rebels have finally realized what a great target the groupthinks are.

Dubs of truth


Its like theyre crying out in pain as they strike. I wonder how they developed that trait

Leftist scum are shallow trash. Their sexuality is the centerpiece of their identities. its like theyre the eternal child going thru puberty.


how fucking stupid are these people? Horse hooves aren't split.

That was pathetic. No payoff assblast, just a trickle of impotent rage. Also, arent the mentally ill notorious for playing with their shit?

it would slow down the progress of males having to be tard wranglers and if we had that we wouldn't be able to laugh at stupid shit like his

you're the expert on hooves aren't ya brony?:^]

Except they march lockstep with all the most powerful people in the world. They aren't rebelling against anything. They are signalling their virtue to their masters because they want the table scraps it gets them in that world. Be a good goy and get rewarded with a goy biscuit.

Ropes n ovens, ropes n ovens.

Kek is my lord, kek is my light.

Do anyone lost the full faith in Democracy now?

Funny they're calling Stephen Miller a nazi when he's actually a kike.

i feel bad that i know what this is referencing.

maybe i should go interact with normalfags more.

I know all about hooves and furry critters
t. actual cowboy

It's the alpha-degenerates turning on beta-degenerates to devour their own. Power, at this point is irrelevant. Power rests with the powerful only because people believe it does. But who determines what they believe? The alpha-degenerates.

Even as the masses resist this mockery of their idols, through their anger they acknowledge that their side is losing, the mockers are powerful.

Nah niggers we autisticly keep tabs on everyone for dirt to shame them the same as are done to us. Muh pr get fucked

This sucks. It looks like it was a artfully crafted statue that dude probably spent hundreds of hours on. Hope someone got pics first.

John Wayne is that you???

Thank you for reminding me that I need to find a good copy of the man who shot Lance Valentine.

Yeah, imagine making her break down in tears begging for you to stop hurting her. At that point you should only ease up after she completely submits to you. Put her up to some sort of controlled test to see how loyal she is, and if she fails make her pain ten times worse.
How would you hurt her?


favorite Pepe

Whats wrong with this?

Amazing how the lifeless do the magick for us

Meme on wizards of Kek!


Good on you. Cows are curious animal.

calling hillcunt a heffer is an insult to bovine kind


Close enough to dubs for confirmation.

These sick fucks need to be out down en mass.

here have a webm

i just remember thinking about how humourless progressives are.
they make shitty memes.

this instance is like an experiment.
someone took their shitty meme and used it against them.
we get to see their hypocrisy.
it's beautiful.

however, i do kind of understand their reasoning.
it's like "cumskin" being unsuccessful because it smells too much like butthurt.

what interests me about all this is that it's like a little meme war irl with poopoo peepee statues.
seems like we're winning.

just the kind of girl to take to meet the fam.

They were BTFO and they have no clue as to that reality.

Nature is with us, un-nature is with them. Nature always wins.

whoa. haven't seen something that progressive in a while.

our culture…
the way people express themselves these days…
the direction we're headed is obvious.

Is this me?

Liberty Valance. Lance Valentine is a fisherman.

I've had the shit kicked out of me by ancient wiry heifers, every species has evil cunts.

Actually, our collective reaction to the nude Trump sculpture was basically gif related


hillary is such an evil cunt, making a burger out of her would kill the people who eat it

i prefer mine

I like how the libs reactions are
As if the worst thing they see in a gross sculpture is a lack of gross detail.




sounds like Red Bar Radio, same guy who made the "kill all the gays and the faggots" song

too bad that faggot promised like 19 songs on his album, then posts 5 pieces of shit

You think the pill in the water supply is bad, she would cause complications with people's prescription medicine and anyone over the age of 65 would die on the spot.

Weak shill. News said who made it. No one did anything about it because we knew the creators were already so low as to not be worth the effort.

sure thing Sinead

KEK did right here, denying you the Quads of Strength

My sides literally melted…

is that the same as 'we need to bring guns back' or whatever? Both of those are good (for that type of music), and I haven't found anything else like it

White women are infantile trash

This is not normalfag shit.

4th webm shes saying cuck like nips would

She's already one.

Fucking hell. It's been forever since I've seen that movie.

guck mal an diesen doppeln

this is why you have ur boy with you

smack her in the chops then have ur buddy "civilian's arrest" you until "the cops come".

of course you "accidentally" let your boy wrestle free so he can take off.

He knooooooows


So who did the Trump one, was it the same guy?

Anyone got the sauce of this? It almost seems too good to be true, a literal shit smearing retard protesting Trump will disgust normalfags. I don't want to spread it (kek) without knowing all the details though.

does it surprise you we take sides? Does it shock you that taking the middle ground is just code for being a thoughtless directionless rube?


I think it's this:
genius .com/Mike-david-untitled-buzzfeed-project-lyrics

you tube.com/watch?v=9i0BXy7lZAo

Dubs of truth, Nature doesn't give a fuck, that's why it fabricated AIDs, Cancer, and Ebola to rid the world of viruses like Niggers, Kikes, Fags, and Libcucks.

Funny how if you just rid the world of kikes, all the other people you mentioned would not be around either.

Or, in any position of influence.

I guess the Wall Street Banker misses his furry internet time and waifuness.

Not the most accurate depiction…

so it is anatomically correct then

awesome quads, friend

we did not. fuck off shill

Sooo who is this museum worker named "Nancy"?

It is supposed to be a generic wallstreet banker

Hey it's pretty well done.

For you

wouldnt it be "Cuckarerro"?

>mfw trumps statue stands tall and proud while hillary just lies on the ground. :^)

that let them fantasize about having their pussy grabbed.
hillary just reminds them they themselves look like dumpy shit naked.


I feel like we're grasping at straws here…

But.. muh Entertainment! ;(

man these leftycucks are gonna hang for the highest tree.

What language are those fuckers speaking, it sounds like Yiddish.

Trump is proud of the insults that are thrown at him, every time they demonize him, vilify him, it simply fuels him and makes him stronger. He is a man of infinite strength and Hillary is a pathetic dying old hag married to a redneck rapist and child fucker.

Hypocrite scum

So they can dish it out but they can't take it? Spoiled children the lot of them.

Shill detected!

they are literal overgrown children, spoiled rotten brats raised by narcissistic yuppie cuck boomers.

They need strong rope.

Did, did she just… ._.


Many of the far left are intensely disgusting. The anarchists I knew in college would shit on sidewalks, not brush their teeth, sleep several to a room on mattresses on the floor, etc. in an effort to get on the same level as the homeless.


Why would anyone do this? Do they think people brush their teeth because of the government or "social norms" or something?

Praise kek. Shadilay and honor.


Jap.-cuck, back to your containment board.


They're lazy subhumans, that's why they support something insanely retarded as collectivism. They have no qualities, none, except showing us how low bipedal hominids can sink. I'm sure retardation has something to do with it too which is why they seem to fail at drawing swastikas half the time.

Already filtered you, now go.

They're lazy and they have a vague idea that you can "find yourself" by putting yourself on the lowest level of society.


Can we meme some more please?

Subversive Soros Suffers Severe Stroke
Hillary The Hag Poops Her Pants At The Podium

i want to punch that cunt so fucking much

fuck yea, florida



Not sure what the fuck that thing is he's holding up there.

The most bizarre part of this video is when that bitch starts screaming "MAH BOIFREND DED!!1" when the guy is still alive and clinging on to dear life.

Talk about writing someone off.

I used to shill for that faggot until he got a little too flag-happy on youtube. Can't believe that video's been up for so long.

She's not even nude tho.
Some equality!

why haven't we been engaging liberals at their own level?

it's triggers them the most

Make a bronze then hammer drill an 8in sheelve bolt into the concrete covered in epoxy.

Literally "Its okay when we do it!" rhetoric here.
Do these mongoloids have no self-awareness?

I guess is only art if the cunt supreme thinks it is

What country is she standing on, Syria or Lybia?

"A woman's feelings are affected by little things."

Honestly I wouldn't have hesitated to grab her by the arm and move her. I don't care if that's illegal, she destroyed something she had no business messing with.

That chick has a dude's face.




androgynous 7-year old-ish, not a woman's face though unlike pic related

I don't even feel hate anymore.

How? I can't stop feeling this intense hatred

She looks common af.

After the rage comes pity, and then smug

You could call it enlightenment if you will, but after a while you come to a point where you realize the futility of being angry and became aware that you can kill.

That's the point.

Somali women are so ugly.


Holy shit, haven't heard that since I first got RPed last year. Feels like an eternity ago…

Time flies, eh? I, too, had someone hurl balls of crumped up paper at me my while yelling LIGHTNING BOLT!


Fuck off FBI

I'd probably just tie her up and calmly read her excerpts from something like the unabomber manifesto, pausing to let her scream herself hoarse.

One eye lazing listlessly upwards, an indication of an oncoming seizure.

The same lib faggots that will drop 100k on a blank white canvas (from some schmuck artist) and invite their friends over
and everyone circle jerks how creative and deep the art work is.

Modern art is just a money laundering scheme.

thats a track from Mike David, like this one
dude is a maximum jew however, can't find his shit anywhere that doesn't involve shekels.

what the fuck is wrong with her face? why are her tits three times the size of her skull and riddled with blue veins? Those have to be implants

the point is that she's an adorable girl next door type and is completely gf/wife material. The whore you posted is good for fucking (with protection) but any other interaction or relationship with her ends there.

Can you not tell at first glance what girlfriend material is? Are you from brazil?

I'm not even MGTOW, but this shit is getting really ridiculous.
Why is it impossible to push a woman who is using physical force to claim your personal property or is being confrontational and not respecting personal boundaries?

If you pushed a woman now, you'd get sued.
If you pushed one back in the day, you'd get punched by some ~100 IQ Jewish-loving patriotic cuck who can't reason or perform mathematics beyond a medium-to-low highschool level.
Pushing a following aggressor away from you is not the same as punching them.

"Nothing is more imperious . . . than weakness when it knows it is backed by strength; look at women."
– Napoleon Bonaparte

imagine ayy lmaos ayy lmaoing all over the place that gets completely primal again once baited enough. I think thats actually how we look to ayy lmaos.
But Trump is just a step too far. Lowest bait imaginable, still 1/2 America AND Holla Forums is eating it up like nuffin

The world is a theatre.

If you guys are getting this mad and surprised at these then don't go to Holla Forums if you care about your health.

Of course back in the day women would refrain from doing this dumb shit in the first place.

what a cutie

1. We hold ourselves, personally, to a higher standard of conduct, although that might be what ends up getting us wiped out.
2. They've rigged the game in their favor with laws that protect them and demonize us

A little too generic. Should have made it someone infamous. Thanks.

It's calling her unhinged, not a whore. How does this remind them of calling her a whore, is it because she is naked?

Burst into treats?

I have a solution to this problem of fatties that don't let the guy keep the statue standing

If my drawing is unintelligible, it's 4 equal statues on a 4 sided die, 3 of them are always steps, and therefore one is always pointing upwards

Make a lot of pointy details

just need to be reinforced with steel or something

Good shit

It's like when Sigmund Freud came up with his theory of sexual psychoanalysis he only examined the most clueless people he could find, with the least-developed frontal lobe and their lives totally controlled by their amygdala. Because I feel like his theories would work well on these guys.

Put it on one of those round punching dummies that always bounces back. See how long it takes some enraged idiot to punch it hard enough for it to smack him in the face

into the trash it goes


I don't. I did once, but I've since managed to forget.

is that supposed to be soros sticking out of her armpit or cunt or whatever that is?


Disgusting. Truly disgusting.

Would you look at that. Not even a statue of Hillary can stay vertical.

Fukken saved.

jesus christ

Typical salty libs.

What a fucking pussy just push the fat bitch off

Are you the guy who wrote the "I hope someday for gulags filled with leftist subhumans, where they are rightfully forced to do useless labor to death while they are raped and mutilated at the will of their captors…. Imagine a fucking leftist numale having a mental breakdown coming to terms with its fate, eventually being reduced to a grunting basic animal sleeping in dirt and pissing on itself. Leftist cattle scum deserve the worst treatment that humans have to offer, leftists are sub-animal, they are below cockroaches and ant, they should be treated with no mercy or respect whatsoever." copypasta that I post on Holla Forums?


But user, the way you dress does not mean you're asking for it. Remember the slit walks. It's okay to walk around naked. It's a woman's right

Casey, you mad cunt!

You're all laughing at them but it just shows how much more potent and ready thwy are to actually fight. No conservative did shit when someone made the Trump statue, not because conservatives are so civilized and saintly but because they are a bunch of pussies that are literally being beat up and punked by sjw hipsters with butt plugs in their assholes.

Then fucking do it. I'm sick of you faggots always talking but not doing shit.

That would be incredibly satisfying. I can't think of a more fitting way for a subhuman leftist to go out.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv, Schlomo?