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Normalfags think of Gaddafi as another Hitler. They're right but for all the wrong reasons. Focusing on how Hillary went after him doesn't really help us.
Gaddafi wanted to move all of Africa to a Gold Standard, which would have destroyed (((them))).
because Libya is a literal american scapegoat
That's probably the real reason why ISIS has to go, too. Gold dinars, oil being sold in a currency other than petrodollars, so much lost ((( revenue )))
Tell them about how shitty Libya is now.
Yes. I fully support an Islamic Gold Standard. It is the ONLY conflict-free currency.
Yes, he pushed things for the good of his people and worked against international bankers. As I said normalfags aren't wrong to make the comparison to Hitler, they're just wrong about why they do.
Gaddafi's Green Book is very close to Third Position. I would call myself a Gaddafiist if I wasn't white.
Do we have that anywhere on pdfs?
Maybe because Trump supported it.
Trump said: "we should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives [rebels]."
Yeah, I'm a big fan of Gaddafi, I even liked him more than I like Trump and I'm still pissed about what we did there. Thing is that as I said spreading this won't help our situation, it would just be detrimental.
Everyone knew that already
Because many don't now about Lybia before that.
Every sandnigger has free healthy, free education, free security and etc.
the real ammo now is hillary's campaign using "looted libyan money" as contributions post overthrow. it's in the podesta files
Clinton said: "of course I worship Satan… how could you doubt that for fuck's sake? Look at me right now. I'm eating a bowl of dried circumcised foreskins. I couldn't worship Satan any harder unless he came up from Hell directly to fuck my dusty cunt."
Because fuck Gaddafi. He was a punk. The only problem I have with knocking over Libya was that fact we had no real plan after it happened. That's the problem with Clinton's adventurism. There's no follow through It's like with Syria. Suppose we finally take out Assad. Then what? What the fuck do we do with a 10 sided civil war and who is going to run the place effectively and be friendly to US interests?
There's no one realistically to look towards. I'm content with taking out ISIS and just letting Assad/Russia and the other rebels kill each other off. Fuck them all.
It always comes down to (((financial))) reasons in the end.
If you don't submit to ZOG's financial scheme (petrodollar & IMF), you'll be overthrown and puppets will be put in your place.
Or they'll just say your killing your own people (like Assad) and the dumb Goyim will simply believe it.
No unfortunately.
You need to leave.
Bullshit. Trump is for a Gold Standard and ending the FED.
Trump was pretty bluepilled and bought the media narrative on Libya.
Because as a citizen of a shithole, leader of muslims, and not a natural born American, he is to be killed like the rest. With him gone, kebab and sand roach removes itself, saving ammo.
No he didn't. That quote is out-of-context.
Whoa. Link?
Yeah Trump just took the man's money, sang praises and did business. During a time that makes said business contentious. Much like Trump also accepted Iranian spooks while they're an enemy. Traitor tight there for render aid and comfort in housing.
You're trying to tell me that a sand nigga that lived in tents when he didn't need to and had a Jheri curl wasn't a punk?
You're a fucking retard. With him gone they flood Europe, he even warned that Libya was keeping the migrant flood at bay and sure enough now we see the millions of Libyans and Somalians entering western countries.
Which really just goes to show how stupid the defenition of traitor is and how it needs to be fixed not to include civilian business deals.
There was also an email about securing "bundles" after the war. No word on what those bundles were, but Hillary got them (sorry can't find link from other thread)
Come the fuck on, who names this shit. I see at least 8.
Tweet this to Jason Unruhe.
I posted it on /pdfs/.
Europe is not the US. They can burn for their faggotry and choices or embrace proper candidates and their "russian backing."
Oh jew.
Nice D&C shill. Now fuck off.
Their choice. They have the proper parties and people half the pop opposes. Can't do much more beyond kill for them and let them never learn.
Killed by the French in order to cause the current crisis and break Germany as well, based on the Hillary emails.
I'm guessing Trump will bring it all up tomorrow in the final debate.
You could not kill the only person that was stopping it just because your kike overlords wanted him dead.
The French prefferred a weak Germany and broken EU to being a Grrman state.
No, the (((French))) wanted their shekels and didn't give it a single thought beyond that.
How Serbian, Bosnia and Western Europa in general were before Kill Killnton fugged it?
Gaddafi was based. when he was the leader of Libya he looked out for his people.
He was killed for a plethora of financial reasons as always, also he was no big fan of israel.
same as today, American puppet states
go back to reddit
Anyone got a link to the Emails?
This whole thing was the thing that woke me up first.
I remember the Media was saying he had firebombed like 50,000 people and we were putting down a horrible dictator.
& then I actually read comments from actual Libyans and they were fucking ripshit. ie Get the fuck out of our country UN & Nato.
So I began youtubing for videos of these 50,000 who were killed - and there were no videos of bodies.
There were no large rallies of anti-gaddafi protesters. Tops maybe 1000 out of like 50 videos.
Then, I decided to look for pro-gaddafi protesters, wondering what the other side looked like:
First video, with tons of copies, one after another:
1.7 MILLION PEOPLE. More than 1/4 of the entire population of Libya, had amassed one 1 day, in the city of Tripoli, to support Gaddafi.
Video related is of This historic speech.
now that i think about it, I wonder if this was the largest protest in recent human history….
Anyone know?
Here is a better quality video of the "Million March"
Here's a video of Gaddafi Riding around Libya with 0 GUARDS, being met by THRONGS OF PEOPLE. Literally being followed by random citizens in their cars, enamored with him.
Here's the same video of the car trip
ENJOY Holla Forums
lurk moar faggot
It's true. Gaddafi was a based and fearless motherfucker, but it's not a stellar angle for the NPC's.
Also, Gaddafi wrote a book called the "Green Book"
Here it is:
In it, he says things such as - Representative democracy is slavery. That the people you elect will betray you.
Instead, he says direct democracy is best.
He instituted direct democracy at the local level - banning most politicians.
These people were living under direct democracy and monarchy.
Again, if you want to understand what direct democracy and monarchy can accomplish - see this video:
BTW op, I just stopped to look at your video.
You low information tard. Terrible op
Ma nigga.
It's the only video I could find explaining what happened, unfortunately.
My favorite quote from The Green Book:
nationalism has been destroyed and which are thus torn apart. The social factor is,
therefore, a factor of life - a factor of survival. It is the nation's innate momentum for
Yea, Full house confirms. They nuked like all the videos….
There used to be shitloads of videos about that 1.7 million person march. One literally had over a million views.
Idk I'm saging lol. bump
This unfortunately. Though given all the things he wanted to do for Africa, one could tap into the "we wuz kangz" crowd and make it seem like Hillary was tying to stop Africa from being kangz again. I've done this a few time and it actually works since most people are willing to blame Hillary and government for anything, even more so when that blame has a lot of truth to it.
here is a question:
is all this welfare sustainable? i think its stupid to have a welfare state reliant on oil unless they had something else going on..?
No probably not.
I think they were just using their gold and oil to launch the country into the first world.
I don't think the people could actually sustain a first world nation - once you go nigger, you're lineage is DONE.
Regardless, he took the nation from goat fucking sand niggers who were the shittiest nation in the world - To wealthier than most 2nd world countries, and gave them universities and technology from Aryans.
So I think they would have sustained themselves for at least a few hundred years, before collapsing back into goat fucking mongrel niggers.
Gaddafi's regime was national syndicalist with an Islamic twist.
Nobody should be sodomized without a trial.
0.2 shekels to your account
(((French))). Anybody else having a hard time with French people with curly hair and big noses?
I been talking about it since 2011.
Before he was killed there was news about his pan african currency plan.
fuck off Holla Forums
I agree.
Youre going full retard. Never go full retard.
sound like a neocoon bitch nigga that needs to die. You'll hang with the leftists traitor
short sighted autistic nigger loving spergs like you will be crucified for their treachery
It's really funny, things like this are more damaging to her:
It'd be funnier if it weren't so damn sad.
Makes me realize how some posters defend country invasions and their citizens casualties as a punishment for not standing up to their corrupt gov
And then you see that more than half of the world wants the U.S. gone
I take not too many american posters here would like to get slapped for shit the jews make on behalf of their name
>>>Holla Forums
Wasn't Gaddafi worth $200 billion?
That's just sad.
Forget about it, goy
For saying that if people want to live like cucks and not own their lives, that's their fault? Scared of laying blame on those responsible or something?
Really, there's plenty of nationalist parties, front national, UKIP, NASOC,SOO, etc…, vast majority of the populayion doesn't want this sort of thing, but they will not snd refuse to act.
Its also rather hard to be treacheroud when I have entered no agreemrnt with them.
Trump also rented out land for gaddafi to put his tent up when he visted the un in new york. He only cares about whats good for business which is a good thing imo
i actual feel bad for the guy…. good ole Muammar
i'll take no democracy with it's "civil rights" and give me a republic with NATURAL RIGHTS pls
Isn't bumrape some sort of hilarious joke for american normies?
You mean Sarkozy the Hungarian jew ?
It's funny because Soros too is from Hungary.
Yes, Gaddafi was a giant WUZ but he was our WUZ aka Third Position.