Just Trump my shit up fam

Just Trump my shit up fam

We all know Trumpcucks are low IQ but this is pushing it.

this needed a second thread honestly

No it didn't. Now crawl back to Holla Forums and suck kike cock some more.


here's a bump

Oh, look, it's that famed nigger tier IQ I was talking about.

how does losing so much feel?

Losing implies that I was invested in it in the first place, if you legitimatelybelieve in the two party system then you deserve all of the disappointment that you are going to get. How does being delusional feel?

Reminds me of the sudden interest the left has with Christcucks. It's all (((for the greater good))) with you faglets.

t. Delusional Trumpcuck


You people are beyond retarded.

Public drunkenness charged are typically only pressed when somebody is being an obnoxious faggot.
You can be drunk as shit and walk wherever you want in public as long as you don't cause a scene.
You don't need to make up shit to hate America, we've got plenty of actual problems for you to nitpick at.

OMG, Holla Forums here, Trump is not only a Jew puppet but also a total tool of Poland. You guys hate the subhuman slavs, right? I'm going to spam this picture in every thread until you hate him as much as I do because he's such a f*cking gross shitlord manbaby. #NotMyPresident #ImpeachDrumpfyRumpfyStumpfy

sdey mag druppy guppy

Make America great again? Pffft, more like make Poland, Israel and porkies great again. You Holla Forumsyps should assassinate Drumf and make the real winner of the election president.

How many votes did Pence get?
Can you write in the vice president when you're voting?



That doesn't answer my question.

>Israel is out most cherished ally in the 'world
What do he mean by this?

It wasn't supposed too. I just thought i would post it to show that he sucks Jewish cock.

Reminder it's not gay if he doesn't have a foreskin.

So why did you direct it at me when I was asking a legitimate question?
Did I offend you somehow?
If so, why are you so easily offended?

I know, the guy is a total kike and polack shill. We need a president that will liberate Palestine and not ally with these un-liberal ***holes! Israel must open their borders and stop oppressing the poor progressive muslims. #DropDrumpf

You put the thought to post it in my head by mentioning him so I directed it to you. Also maybe you didn't know how kiked he was.

Kek. I hope you are a Jew but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you were just a Trumpcuck.

So you don't have the answer and you're just going on a tirade?

You're the jewcuck, probably a porkie reactionary too just like Israelis. Drown yourself in semen for following Gumpf. It's no wonder he likes them so much considering their shared autistic hobbies like promoting inbreeding by putting up walls, torturing and deporting poor Muslim children and nuclear physicists, and most of all being a fascist tw*ts.

Posting a few videos is hardly "going on a tirade". I don't know or care how many votes he got.

In other words, "Don't be drunk." Great country you got there.

He got a good spike in popularity with that "JUST DO IT" green screen thing he did. If he left it at that, it might have been a decent boost for his career.

But then he went and pulled that HWNDU crap and JUSTed himself into a laughing stock. Now he'll forever be remembered as "that faggot who had his flag stolen by autistic frogposters."

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics, is that you end up being governed by your inferiors"
Plato said that, but there are so few inferior to you that I don't think you should worry about it.

That was a meaningful statement in a milieu where the average man actually could participate meaningfully in politics.

you will never outrun your shame


I wouldn't even bring him up if he wasn't regularly mentioned here. How am I a Trumpcuck when almost all of my posts were pointing out that he is just another shabbos goy?

Your point being? If you think the type of democracy that exists today is anything like the Greek system then you are retarded, if you don't think it is similar then I don't understand why you would choose that quote. There will never be a return to pure democracy because mass media nullifies the whole process, it gives the elite the ability to reach directly into every home and fill the people's heads with their propaganda of choice from cradle to grave. If you are expecting any real change to come through the democratic process then you will be in for a very long wait.

You don't mess with PEPE!