Anime is one of the most Pro-Leftist fourms of media that exists today

Anime is one of the most Pro-Leftist fourms of media that exists today.

Prove me wrong.

You cant.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cuckime fags will defend this

Can't argue with that. It's spreading karltural margxism all over the west with the support of the defenders of the western civilization

It works well at sissifying young white males and ensuring they do not breed.

Anything by Studio Ghibli is leftist.

Kill la kill is pretty anarchist.

Akame ga kill is explicitly about commies fighting fascists in the employ of porkies.

Rose of Versailles has jacobins.

TTGL is all commies and dialectics.

FLCL is class conscious.

that's just off the top of my head, many writers and directors are leftists. Miyazaki organised the animator's union and was with the communist party for a while iirc.

I agree. Lust for prepubescent children is quintessential to Leftist ideologies, and sexualization of children is paramount in anime. So it's basically pure Left-wing.

One Piece has a revolutionary army that's painted in a positive light while the existing government is treated as malevolent. Luffy's childhood flashback arc has some anti-capitalist tones as well.


grorious nipponisu srays jews with a katana

also, Dragon's birthday is October 5th because of the October Revolution.


And once again tbe joke goes right over reddipol's head. Shouldn't you be jocking the nuts of the cheetoman right now, chesscuck?

This user is an excellent example of the damage anime does to young white men.

Checked for wrecking kek.

What did he mean by this?


Murdoch please

Daily reminder

Today I will remind them.

Holy cherrypicking Batman!

A shame 99.9% of animu are total souless garbage made to sell merchandising to retarded otakus.

Anastasia isn't a boy!

I miss anime autist.

Ever wonder why Drumpfcucks are so addicted to those funny little japanese cartoons? It's because it's an acceptable outlet for their innate femininity. They just love watching cute animated pixel girls (who they often falsely believe is their wife) and wish they could be them instead of in their current miserable lives.

Stop living a lie Drumpfsissies, trade in those guns and cars and other small dick surrogates (nobody's fooled) and go buy a nice frilly dress like those boys in your mango comics. Who knows, maybe you might attract the attention of a real man? You wouldn't have to piss your pants at the thought of imaginary alpha hispanics and african-americans taking your women if you just gave in to your natural submissive insticts. I can just see you typing furiously now, how you are a descendant of a proud german warrior and totally manly viking or some gay shit but we all know the truth - Drumpfcucks are in major denial.


The kikes at Hollywood are scared of anime, thats why they will always make these shitty threads


Obviously OP. You only have to look at the greatest anime known to man to see it is a satire of the fall of capitalism seen though the lens of Hegelian dialectics.

Yeah I'm sure the kikes are pissing themselves at the thought of you jerking off to pictures instead of having white children.


You mean every anime fan?

Whatever you say pal, keep jerking off to your loli hentai while Jamal fucks your girlfriend in the other room.

Giving way too much credit with that assumption.

What I like about anime is that it doesn't force anything, it's easy to avoid blatant faggotry or such, but in american media you often can't do that because eveything is subverted. And the worst part is that it's done with malice, while in anime is not.

Anime is the most pro crasn vangleprop grumdel in he current croltppsak. Proof me wran.

What did he mean by this?

I think it's a public decalration of autism

What actually happens is that when a show gets popular, the merchandise follows. Most manufacturers are third parties and not directly involved with the anime, and how much they produce merchandise depends on how popular the show is or is predicted to be. There was a show this year that nobody expected to succeed, so there wasn't a lot of merchandise, but when it unexpectedly became a hit there was a surge in merchandise.

Merchandise is just another way to monetize a show. Regular television monetizes itself through commercials, sponsors and syndication. Making television programs isn't free or cheap.

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

It's like pottery

Not only this. Most anime companies do agreements with manufacturers before even starting the production of the anime. Toys, videogames, cardgames, clothing, stickers, pillows, figmas, whatever you can name it.


Yeah, but it's the only media left where, most of the time, 99% of characters look white.
I need it to cope with going outside and seeing arabs and fake ninjas everywhere.

Spotted the catamite. Cuckime is a hell of a drug, my dude.

This is your mind on cuckime

But Dragon really does lead a revolutionary army against the bourgeoisie, and his birthday really is october 5th. That isn't a shitpost. One Piece paints the nobility and capitalists in a really negative light. Only the leftist freedom fighters and anarchists like Luffy are shown positively.

They're 100% right.

The government in One Piece if the GLOBAL government. OP is an anti-globalist piece. Big Mom, one of the main villains, is erroneously trying to create a multi-cultural society that ONLY WORKS THROUGH FEAR OF DEATH, and implanted into her mind by an unscrupulous woman who worked with the globalists.

That isn't real communism. It is a puppet state enabled by the porky Celestials in order to use as a hammer to crack down on the proletariat. The seven warlords and four emperors reinforce the stranglehold of fascist society by driving even the disenfranchised and isolated new world further into despair.

Only one of the emperors(Shanks) looks in anyway like a moral person and he is most obviously a subversive element supporting the new generation and their revolutionary zeal.

But the World Government, Marines, Kings, Warlords, and Emperors are all at odds with each other. The Marines aren't portrayed as villains, just see protagonists like Garp, Smoker, Coby. Dragon isn't going after the Marines, either, he's going after World Gov't. World Gov't is same that has ties to the media (literally a big nosed bird), deals in child trafficking, and suppresses national aristocracy/royal families. Luffy even allies himself with a bunch of royalty.

Morality is a spook comrade.

Other than that spot on.

The whole Universal Century Gundam franchise was about proving that the Space Nazis were in the right.

At least watch any fucking anime before making a thread like this.

Jono isn't cuckime. It is MANime.

Why is popular with niggers then?

Kek confirms through Uncle A trips, Jojo not anime.

Because black nazis? Either that or niggers don't care about "muh racism" and thought the nazis did cool shit. I know at least 1 african dictator thought "Hitler didn't kill enough jews"

Yeah based niggers we should work together. They are super redpilled.

Manime amirite? Anime Jojo not Anime Moe. ok. Praise Kenshiro.

The common North American Pavement Ape lacks the higher brain functions required to follow complex story and character development as seen in Jojo. However their need for instant gratification and social capital leads some to gain an interest in the jewed out video game industry. A portion of that became invested in the fighting game genre, within which there is a large portion of fans for the jojo games. Niggers played competitively but eventually became interested in the story the human players talked about. Despite being less involve and incapable of following the story they created a cargo cult based around image macros. Do not mistake their mimicry for understanding. Most simians are capable of some form of mimicry.

Yes… anime is the enemy. We must love our BASED western SJW cartoons where everyone is ugly and fat and fights for social justice and never killing bad guys. I also love my hollywood movies with Jamal fucking white women. How dare those japs actually draw good looking feminine women in cartoons? How dare they portray japanese man as more feminine than western men? It's not like in reality japanese men are more feminine already. Wait a second…

Holla Forumsyps actually think this is an intelligent post.


Whom are you quoting, drmpfcuck?


Lmao cuckime

Not an arguement


But, muh 'cuck'ime!

Still not an argument

*tips dakimakura*


Muh western movies & cartoons
*shoves my little pony dildo in butt while watching BLACKED hollywood movies*

Not arguments are not a replacement for answering a question.

not an argument

Once again a stupid thread turns out to have some interesting discussion despite the subject and reddipol stumbles along to ruin it.

I wish I could look forward to summer ending but Holla Forumsyps don't work and don't go to school so it's not like their greasy overweight privileged asses will leave.

So are you ready to tell ke whom you were quoting?

What the fuck?

Again how is me shitting on your garbage chink animation defending western media?

I counted six levels, did I miss one?

The only reason to shit on that chink garbage is because most of the time is portrays men as more feminine. The rest of the stuff, it does much better than western garbage. So why don't you pick yourself a better target and take the "cuck" out of cuckime and put it in CuckWood?

Lol. Jojo is a meme

The top layer of meta should be the seventh. Congrats.

Your entire life is a meme

Christ you cuckime fags are sensitive. Guess what? It isn't happening.
Hey did you know that heroin is bad for you? And eating a lot makes you gain weight.



What you wrote is a meme

Yeah, very funny. I'll continue to enjoy my shonen shit while you continue to watch BLACKED. It's apparent who's gonna be the cucked one.


Despite this entire board shitting on Hollykikes 24/7 this is the retort you keep going for? Yeah sure Pedro, you enjoy your cuckime.



C U C K I M E___

Prove it bitch

What are you gonna do Batman. Kill me? Damn, I forgot, you can't do that in western cartoons ;)

It isn't especially with the way it objectifies women to degrees unheard of in even western media. I've seen those boobie freak things. God.

Marx advocated for communal sharing of women so I don't think he would object.

Max Stirner IS Holla Forums. He literally says that the destiny of the world rightfully belongs to the white race and the white race alone. Plus he hates kikes.


but muh cuckime! cuckime! heheh, guys?

That's because Karl Marx is a Holla Forumstard. Look how fucking racist he was. Literally made racist jokes about niggers and Jews with his best friend Engels like a Holla Forumstard.

Lol cuckime


The difference is that in the west those views are 100% forced and in anime they are there just to tell an interesting story. Also, anime and Japan entertainment have a lot more of fucked up shit that you'll ever see in the highly contolled and censored western media yet still they are one of the most stable societies in the world.

Read again you dumb retard, the fag you're responding to was clearly a Holla Forumsyp, not Holla Forums.

Even if that were true, there's still the issue that 2D > 3DPD.
Prove me wrong.

Okay so the rulecuck finally gets the joke.

t. unattractive jealous roastie

Literally 0 people who watch anime will defend dubs.


Calm down, Chris Chan.

sauce on this suity cutie?

>>>Holla Forums is where this meme goes
When will you nut up and see that porkys are kikes?

Oh wait, you follow jewish values, so you can't call them out.


Anti-semitism is a canard.

Calm down normalfag

Communism is a canard.

>>>/ovens/ with your foreskin collection, porky.

Dat delicious pink haired slut

what the fuck happened here

Are there any good animes worth watching that aren't pedofile/communist trash?

Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex is pretty right winged.

Boku no Pico


Kodomo no Jikan.

Yes, Legend of the Galactic Heroes and the angel cop fansub.

Dragon Ball Z

That studio owner was in charge of a support studio that produces nothing of its own, so the question of whether they're able to make the kind of anime they want to make was moot. Other studios were and still are making all kinds of stuff, and therefore his complaints were invalid in general. And it's not like there aren't plenty of people in the industry who like making those "obsessive fan market" shows.

The joke is that when feminists complain about objectification they are themselves objectifying characters (or real people) by reducing them to a pair of disembodied tits.


Angel Cop is completely redpilled. I didn't make the connection between communists until I became woke about jews.

I miss when leftykike shills hadn't flooded the board and it was actually good.


Its actually the other way around
They pretty much put Eastern influence aside when they became trannies when their work before that was pretty heavy on Asian influence, including anime.

Transwhateverism is much more common and loud in America than it is in Japan.

even the new gundam had a full episode about nothing but a couple of homosexuals

I dread to even think how the bald one looks now.
They obviously fuck each other.

There were gays in Sailor Moon. Ranma 1/2 is about a boy who can change his sex. You're Under Arrest has a transsexual. Boys' love manga goes back to the 1970s. The Takarazuka Revue, where women perform all male roles, was founded in the early 20th century. Kabuki theatre, where men perform all female roles, is hundreds of years old.

Everything I don't like is leftism

nothing i love more than watching helpless reactionary cuckservatives sperg out as history leaves them in the dust. leftism is growing by the day thanks to you autistic fedoras and your violent worship of the rich.

Whats your final objective user?
Death by famine or death by an accidental fall while on an helicopter?


objective? i'm just wrecking conservatives, it's easy amusement.


You don't want to be here and we don't want you here.

So you don't want us. Well too bad you aren't the board owner because he explicitly said anime was welcome.

Cry harder Holla Forumsyp

fam no one who belongs here hates anime. only crusty old boomers who still defend shit like capitalism & war hate anime. they hate whatever they dont understand.

It's almost too easy to spot the "fresh from reddit" Conservatives. Sorry kids, the net is not your echo chamber/hugbox.

Memeing and being a leftard ironically aside, are there actually any cuckservatives on reddit?

Only cuckservatives are left. Aut-right took over and either drove the actual fascists out or absorbed the weaker willed ones into their brand of civic nationalism as far as I can tell.

all cuckolds

Only The_Donald as far as I can tell. Everyone else is an obnoxious leftard with exceptions here and there. Even on r/kappa, which a part of fgc and anti-sjw as they come, I've seen people saying that Trump's wrestling gif is a call to violence against journalists. One guy was saying he was overreacting but he wasn't the one being upboated.

It's just a garbage site.

If you count Stalinists and Maoists as pseudo fascists I guess.

There was coontown and TD before it got absorbed into the aut-right

I raise you one higher

seems about right tbqh
pic related is mfw some loser turd that takes a pillow out to dinner is going to talk shit to me for not also dating a pillow and making sweet, passionate love to it.

Because we're the group trying to get everyone to chop their dicks off and be a tranny and to hide trannies in every bathroom in the country.

Yep. That's us.


Lol butturt normalfag/roastie

And therefore what I said has been proved.

Shills like you subvert media in the West to advance your political agendas. You can stop wasting your time now, you have failed utterly.

>4chan cucks are actually defending that line

Fuck those voices are AWFUL.
I hardly noticed the cringeworthy SJW dialogue.

What were they saying? I can't find anything on it and I really wanna know how far cuckchan has fallen.
4chan has become more cancerous than reddit at this point.


Aww, Drumpfy's worried about the bathroom situation. If you want to go and use the wrong bathroom, Trump said it was okay in the town hall debate! If your dick is clitoris sized like most Grumpfcucks, the womens bathroom might be more your speed. You could reapply some makeup and lube up for your date with your based black trump loving boyfriend Tyrone too! Don't worry, letting a huge black buck treat you like one of those bitches from BLACKED is a truly epic 4D chess move that is actually not gay at all! Why not snuggle up and watch 'Schindler's List' after? It'll be required viewing for all Americans in a few years.

Fucking disgusting. Most of them were more concerned with whining about Holla Forums and even justifying the line than discussing the effects these kinds of practices will have on the anime industry.

This is sadly true. I could lay some of the blame on the astroturfing effects of samefagging that we've known about for years but unfortunately the problem is the complicit userbase.

I haven't seen mental gymnastics like that since before the exodus. Good riddance.

You can see comparable mental gymnastics every day; just go to Holla Forums.

Lmao the bad guys are globalist LMAO DBZ IS FUCKING EPIC

You want go know how I know you are a communist cuck shill? Because reddipol is too fat for gymnastics.

You wanna know how I know you're a nu/pol/ drone? You can't take criticism of your board and have a laughably simplistic sense of politics.

How do I know you are a brainless tankie?

Cause you can't into jokes.

How do I know you're summer trash? Bad bantz and redditposting.

You know how I know you are Reddipol trash?


You're not a real libertarian!

That's not an argument

all me

Good post.
I mean that unironically.





Also go here if you want to see pantyshots from decades ago.


Fullmetal Alchemist is cool if you're a weeb or not opposed to Japanese graphic novels. You can view it through an antisemitic lens too.
Xerxes was, obviously, the homeland for true Aryans. (((Homunculi))), including Father, represent Jews, and the Dwarf in the flask was the myth of a "perfect Aryan," (making whites betray and fight within their in-group) which lead to the destruction of their white enthostate. The tragedy of Xerses is a metaphor for the destruction that occurs when whites in-fight with the premise that Jews are by nature destructive toward white civilization.
The (((Homunculi))) clearly represent Jews, as they both manipulate and subvert white nations, Xerxes and Amestris, behind the scenes for their own plans. They view goyim as insects. The figurehead of the white nation, Bradley, is a "good goy." He isn't a Jew, although some gene therapy may have been implied through his (((Homunculi))) transformation backstory.
Also when you look at each non-human-based (((Homunculi))), they represent an aspect of Jewish culture or subversion:
Gluttony (GMOs/genetic manipulation of food sources to increase carbs and reduce nutritional value), Lust (pornography), Envy (LGBT/gender politics), Sloth (whitepassing Jew meant to subvert goyim, "Oh vey, I'm totally white, goy, look at my figure!"), and Pride (Jews indoctrinating children).
Now look at how the (((Homunculi))) are defeated. They need to be killed an incredily large amount of times (perhaps they need to die a total of 6 million times altogether). As for methods, Mustang exterminates Lust and Envy, two Jews, with flames (Yes, Envy killed himself rather than dying directly to the flames, a head-nod to the Holohoax). The Jew, Sloth, is defeated by the (Aryan) Armstrong siblings and Izumi and her husband, who represent traditional family values. Gluttony, eaten by Pride, and Pride being defeated from the inside by Kimbley, symbolizes how Jews will cause their own demise through their narcissism. Wrath is defeated by Scar, an Arab, a symbol of a minority being weaponized by Jews against whites (This is also represented by Ling becoming Greed, although in the end, he avoids Jewish subversion and becomes rogue, but nonetheless dangerous).
Since the author is Japanese there is some pozz; all races unite to defeat the last Jew at the end, and one of the white brothers mixes with an Asian princess. It's implied that without the Jew, the races live in harmony, and the whites help the brown people rebuild they tiny territory which they destroyed while under Jewish subversion. One of the Jew offspring survives and an elderly white checks on him regularly to make sure he isn't going down the path to evil - raising an interesting question of whether all Jews need to be destroyed or if 1 could remain.


really makes you think

This is the single most retarded thing I have read in my life. I spent the evening acting like a complete retard trying to instigate a fight between /cow/ and Holla Forums. I have been on image boards for over 14 years.

I have never in my life read something as stupid as that. I hope to God that is just kopipe or a brilliantly satirical OC. I hope to God so in the off chance you reproduce your children have at least a 50/50 chance of having the proper number of chromosomes.

Your small mind will never understand anikino. Stick to baiting, kid.

This is the single most retarded thing I have read in my life. I spent the evening acting like a complete retard trying to instigate a fight between /bl/ and Holla Forums.

I have been on image-boards for over 14 years.
I have never in my life read something as stupid as that. I hope to G-d that is just kopipe or a brilliantly satirical OC. I hope to G-d so in the off chance you reproduce your children have at least a 14/88 chance of having the proper number of chromosomes.

This is the single most retarded thing I have read in my life. I spent the evening acting like a complete retard trying to instigate a fight between /cow/ and Holla Forums. I have been on image boards for over 14 years.

I have never in my life read something as stupid as that. I hope to God that is just kopipe or a brilliantly satirical OC. I hope to God so in the off chance you reproduce your children have at least a 50/50 chance of having the proper number of chromosomes.

Post K-On stuff looks way cooler tbh. Aside from that one nigger.

Never post again.

No user, YOU never post again.

Never post again.

Make me, faggot.

Should I keep posting?

Give me your address.

1 CNN Center
Atlanta, Georgia, 30303
United States


Are you implying that's not my real address?

I'll take anime and hookers, thanks.

We're hitting levels of good goy that shouldn't even be possible.

We are hitting levels of goon that are about par for the course.


Good goys are the ones getting married though.

This is awesome, user

Uh, is that graph supposed to prove me wrong? Schlomo wants you fucking around and not having a family. The further right on there the gooder the goy.

Women who are worth marrying don't exist in these times, that's the point.

Correction; you are incapable of attracting a woman worth marrying. Good women don't associate with the trash that uses Holla Forums.

That's not a nice thing to say about your mother.


Leftism is just louder since they've lost the argument and are resorting to violence. A few more steps and slights against the NAP and you'll be helicopter bound, the lot of y'all.