shhhhhhhhh no more tears, only right wing death squads now.
HAHAHA Dumb Cunt Obama Shill Starts Crying on Fox at the Thought of a Trump Presidency
Other urls found in this thread:
Salt from tears is the tastiest
tfw she runs off to her safe space at the Calais jungle in November.
I'm not surprised, hope she got to her safe space safely or hit by a car
I wonder if she knows about pic related.
learn 2 embed fag
learn 2 webm instead fag
Every time one of you niggers links a youtube video instead of an MP4 or WEBM version of the same a jew somewhere makes money off you
this is female privilege
if it were a dude he's be mocked by the left
better than having to click on the op and sent to a jewtube tab faggtron
blame the op for not doing that and im not spending that time encoding for this shit
You can see her trying to work up those crocodile tears from the very first second. Give this girl an Emmy.
Would grab her by the pussy.
She knows the day of the rope is coming
Does the jew make money even with an ad blocker?
Genuine question, faggots on youtube can't keep this answer consistent so I have no clue.
hey it's me vinny bumperino
Choose one.
6,000 hours in AutoCAD
Women should not be allowed in politics.
That only works on white knights and women. They are running out of tactics. The last desperate attempt will come out soon.
On that topic, what's the site everyone around here prefers? I was going to make one yesterday but then drew a blank on the recommended converter.
If you don't struggle, you're giving consent. If you let someone force themselves on you and go with it, you're consenting. I don't care about the "oh I feared for my life!" excuse because that's all it is is an excuse.
Rule #1: Don't let them on-camera if they're on their period. She needs a Right Wing Death Trumpette to kick the living fuck out of her for that shamefur dispray.
Women are property, borderline slaves, for tending to kids and helping the sick get back to work. Anything else is absurd perversion on nature and reality.
Depends on the state and the culture of the people. For societies focused on art and culture that is the case. For societies focused on war and self-mastery that isn't.
I just wonder, who grabbed her by the pussy?
if you want to chop up videos in browser
Except that such a society is never going to exist again unless we find ourselves in a 40k scenario. War sucks today because personal skill plays almost no part on it, so everyone hates it since the only difference between life and death is luck.
Much obliged
Funniest thing I've seen in awhile.
Maybe she wouldn't be having emotional breakdowns if someone grabbed her by the pussy and helped her relax.
Actually, she's just mad because no one will grab her pussy.
Now we need to rape her twatter.
Off topic, but can someone post the webm of Trump mixed in with Neon Genesis Evagellion, where he's being congratulated among his supporters.
Do you really think the day of the rope will actually come? It is a wishy thought. It will be nice if the traitors are actually hang publicly.
Fake crying. Feminists do this often. Add her to this list of liars.
These are dangerous lies being spread accusing Mr. Trump of advocating sexual assault. This is scary. See Anderson Cooper's absurd questions at the debate. Kelly Oxford's cynical use of sexual assault victims on twitter is another example. Lynda Tran's absurd comments on CBSN after the debate too.
Any regular person can tell that Trump's words were not to be taken literally. That he was basically boasting about being sexually desired because he is famous. Even when taken literally, Trump clearly characterized the kisses and touching as consensual, bragging that "they let me". Not only is there nothing that implies non-consent, consent is explicitly said! Many of these liars take it a step further and say he was saying you can go up to random girls and grab their pussies (LIES!), but even then whether or no it was sexual assault would be up to those hypothetical girls, and in Trump's words consent was given.
Why is this important? Because feminists are evil and want to destroy normal heterosexual relations. They want men to be forced to ask, by threat of criminal penalty, before trying anything with a woman. Before kissing her, like in the Trump example. This is unnatural. It turns most women off, it makes most men feel sexually uncomfortable. That is the point. To make men and women have bad sexual experiences. This promotes the breakdown of heterosexual relations and has another effect: it will cause BDSM to explode.
Most women are sexually submissive. They will seek out things that allow them to be sexually fulfilled. By fucking over normal heterosexual relations, BDSM is the natural outlet. Men will either become controlling doms, or submissive subs. They want you daughter to be tied up in basements.
This is what they want to make HS Sex Ed Like:
youtube-dl and ffmpeg. If you use anything else, you're retarded.
I don't think so, do we have any real date that suggests this is what happens? I mean sweden has been a feminist cuckfest for at least 30 years. I bet the BDSM scene in the place is dead (at least for straight white people anyway)
most parents don't know much about the sex lives of their children (thank god), but who's to say thats not already happening normally?
whenever I've met women that had a weird sexual kink, it was usually because of something she was exposed to as a child. in an old school feminist "utopia" when men aren't even allowed to speak to women, girls probably would only devlup lesbian related kinks
but of course today's feminist utopia is mostly about white men not being allowed to do anything (excpit becom submisive gay cucks or trannys) while black's, arab's (and jews I guess) get to do pretty much whatever they want.
What a fucking baby. God damn women should not be involved in politics.
Depends on how they're being paid.
If they're receiving money solely from Google's (((AdSense))) program, which is entirely automated and not very profitable than no.
If they're receiving money from DNC kikes, then it won't matter, likewise with corporations who give YouTubers products to endorse/review. At that point they're negotiating a contract with a third party that has little to nothing to do with YouTube, but may still be contingent upon a multitude of things which may or may not include the amount of views a video receives.
This belongs on page 1.
These deserve to be checked.
She's not concern that if Hillary wins, her changes of getting rape by a rapeffugee is higher?
My best try
Probably because she's a jew and still thinks Trump is "Hitler" which is wrong.
He's far better than Hitler so far
Also I still think he's using his daughter as a chess piece
This. For added salt, if dubs, Kek wills thy rape of her twitter
Do better
Is that a google codec?
Here's some OC 4U.
Literally shaking right now
Portland, Oregonfag here. On the surface this place is as pozzed as can be, but the night life here is FULL of craven whores who want to be tied down, whipped and "raped". Girls who act like total bitches and the most toxic legbeards will do the most degrading shit imaginable, then justify it by saying "it makes me feel empowered". Empowered to wear a dog shock collar and be assfucked while being called a cumdumpster.
Disrespect bitches, acquire unlimited crazy sex.
t. dom.
Hey, at least someone gets to enjoy the end of our civilization.
If you allow them to change personas when in public you are no real dom
I use it to pass the red pill.
1: Meet craven whore in bar.
2: BDSM until she wants to "kick things up a notch", because caning her ass until it bleeds and making her drink piss in the bathtub is way too mainstream.
3: make her put on an apron and act like a 50's housewife for "humiliation and degradation"
4: Treat her like a domineering but loving "husband" until she grows to really like it.
5: Watch all the gears in her brain seize up when she starts to like it too much and "cant be a good feminist at the same time"
I usually loose em at this point, but hope springs eternal.
Despite being a sick fuck who probably makes them hold your hand, you're doing God's work user.
Nah, the one that really fucks with them, because its so vile is consensual sex in the missionary position after making her greet me at the door with a martini.
Most women aren't evil, they just need to be controlled. The few dommes I know have heads so full of bad wiring that even basic communication is impossible. The ones I feel worst for though are the male subs. they prostrate themselves in hope of getting to hold the hand and wind up with their wallets used. They're irredeemable, on the DOTR I wish them a speedy trip.
All bdsm folks are mentally fucked in some way. I guarantee every one of them has some baggage in their past that made them go down this fetish path. Raped/molested/got spanked a lot as a kid/etc
What is dom?
I nearly vomited, and I consumed snuff and scat porn for years. GTFO you vile degenerate.
just like the bern victims cried when he endorsed hillfag.
Post yfw this bitch commits suicide after the election
This is a goddamn morale boost thread if I've ever seen one, kryptonite to shills.
See if we can't get some remixes of this bitch losing it.
So, this thread has been dead for two days.
And now, after the "obvious sliding" tactic has failed, all these dead threads gets bumped.
Well, that's not suspicious at all.
lol she knows
I keep telling you guys, she's NSA.
Faceblind faggot.
Umad, nsa?
That's not the same person, faggot.
Yes it is.
The one on the news clip is wearing makeup because she's on television.
She's a crisis actor.
That's the best kek I've gotten from Fox since "I'm literally shaking!" (
Here's the half where she starts to lose it.
Do you suffer from autism? Faceblindness is common among autists.
A faggot.
Some just want immersion and the pet people crowd seem to be from families with very little human touch. Dogs get petted all the time right?
So, become someone's pet, get all the pettings.
Nah, it can be a long process. Kinsey got fucked after his study. Becoming desensitized to violence and sex can happen to anyone, especially the internet imageboard crowd. Then it's time for NEXT LEVEL sexual violence and suddenly you're the faggot.
Those are crocodile tears of an actor. Finkelstein was needed in that situation.
negative m8y
The fact that a woman is a whore nearly always traces back to daddy issues specifically, not rape in general.
She's going to crave attention from men, and once she discovers that the easiest way to do it is to open her legs, those legs will stay open until the day she dies.
Women are often attracted to men who are like their fathers, and there are no men out there who don't want sex, SO…
She'll sleep around as a form of protest.
She'll find a sugar daddy so she can keep up her lavish lifestyle.
Raising a daughter is like walking on a tightrope above a pit with alligators in one half and sharks in the other.