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Mirror |
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Mirror |
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Please be lead by the Kurds somehow.
I. Want. To. Believe.
Has anyone figured out who is leading the coup?
You're dreaming. This world is ugly
The military.
It's Cenk from TYT
This happens a lot in Turkey.
there is more than likely several political stances within the military, coups are never unanimous decisions among officers. I really hope is a leftist and not a worse reactionary.
D ö n m e h
Forget it, it's just Turkish military upholding their proud traditions of buttfucking the fundies
Probably to be replaced by more Turkish reactionaries, tbh. unless you have more info
What a wonderful world we live in.
Is this pro or anti Erdogan?
Would be anti-erdogan, the army has always been pro-secularism because "muh Atatürk"
So what will this lead to?
I think its too early to tell, either more of the same, or at the very least more dead porkies.
coup will be stopped and turkey will become even more tyrannical
Islamig gommunism
kurd genocide
oh my god I've been waiting for this for so long
They said those times were over, that the state had gotten control of the military. Guess who was wrong? Guess whose getting 10 inches of secularism up their redneck fundie ass?
If Erdogan gets executed I can die happy. Probably wishful thinking on my part on how much this will change the status quo in Turkey, but a man can dream.
Why are you guys hyping this so much. This isn't some glorious revolution, just gonna install some other fag in power. Pure power struggle, nothing else.
neat. Take that king roach. He may well get his wish of 'president for life'
I don't think a coup will make things better but it's a major world event and could lead to some very worrisome things (i.e. invasion of Rojava). Then again Erdogan is all but a dictator himself.
Because Erdogan is a shit who accommodates islamists to achieve his own personal goals. Without this total cunt in charge ISIS days are numbered.
Europeans can only go up.
And that's gonna suddenly dissapear with this other dude?
But everyone in IRC and shit treating like this is some amazing thing.
ISIS might get fugged now
Rojava too
We hate Erdogan
how about you go back there and stop posting on Holla Forums
Well I'm not in IRC, no idea what they're thinking.
Erdogan is a chauvenist unlike any other Turkey has seen.
Whoever they replace him with would likely be a lot better, at least in terms of lashing out against other nations.
not funny
yes. The army will secure the border starving ISIS of their supplies, most of which move freely through Turkey.
I'm new to all this. Can somebody give me the abridged version?
Removing Erdogan won't end the conservatism and Turkish nationalism that got him in power, it will only grow if anything.
According to a Dutch journalist in Istanbul the military wants to "restore the laws and maintain international agreements" (loosely translated).
Go back there and stay there.
The military has claimed in a statement that it has taken over.[11][12] They stated that they had "done so to preserve democratic order, and that the rule of law must remain a priority".[13]
Found your problem.
I fucking knew it, Cenk and The Young Turks planned this all along! I knew him and his Turkish magic couldn't be trusted at all.
I feel sorry for Armenia, he may try to start another Armenian genocide since he hates Armenians so much and wants their clay.
Does anyone have that image of a PKK qt talking about ISIS?
It isn't on the booru.
Nah, probably just the same Deep State shit.
This one?
She's from the YPG, not the PKK.
I don't think the Kurds will be safe when le turkish magic man is in power.
As someone who knows someone who fought both with the HPG and the YPG, the notion that the PYD and the PKK are supposed to be different organizations is a joke to most people involved. There's a huge overlap.
I've been hearing Gulen movement.
What are your thoughts on this situation?
threadly reminder that according to wikileaks the U.S. actually loves the Gulen movement because they're more pro free market.
About time someone put that fuck on the firing line.
Might be a good think.
A state thrown into disarray is exactly what allowed the Peshmerga to establish an autonomous zone in Iraq and allowed the PYD to establish Rojava.
With a little luck, Eastern Turkey might have the oppotunity to do that, and then Rojava would truly have the industrial backing it needs to independently compete with Syria and ISIS.
So it's an oppotunity.
The die is cast.
I don't follow
Sort of a "Not Catalonia, but it's not Erdogan. So it's better than nothing." attitude. I come from a family of mostly secularists who fucking HATE Erdogan. I'm mostly just happy to see him gone.
Ancom celebrates Erdogan getting his teeth kicked in.
I imagine that is the attitude of post people here.
supermega fucking cringe
Holla Forums truly is filled with shuddersome shutin permavirgins
Also, fucking kill yourself, space_, you fecking scum of the earth. You sound like Dara Ó Briain, too.
Ah, I see.
Calm you tittys ComradeVAC :^)
I only watch Xexizy to have masturbation material, honestly.
the latest info wants erdogan on his way to istanbul from bodrum
turkey's chief of staff is been held hostage on his hq
Food for thought:
Al Jazeera — Timeline: A history of Turkish coups |
Balkananalysis — The Role of the Military in Turkish Politics and European Union Membership Negotiations |
Al-Monitor — Is Turkey's military returning to politics? |
Fuck you and all you fucking authoritarian coward. Get shot.
I want IRC avatarfag cancer off this board, too. I was kicked from bunkerchan for standing up to those cowards, so I'm not with them.
I'm fine with autism, just not cringey as fuck autism, especially when the autists are obnoxious power-tripping cowards like space_.
I'd be kinda sorta OK with that. An autonomous and semi-independent but still united with the rest of turkey Kurdistan would be cool by me. Only reasons I'm against secession is cause A: am Kebab and (incoming spooks) I'd like to see the country unified. and B: My family lives in Turkey and I don't want anything bad to happen to them. (So many spooks in this post I know)
Stop derailing the thread.
Turkey sounds horrifying
Lol what
It's not that big of a deal. Same deal with Thailand.
This will guarantee that Turkey doesn't get in the EU any time soon though.
Apparently the Middle East is only capable of either military rule or theocracy. I guess, as an outsider, I'd rather have the former, since it's less of a threat to me.
The military is talking about secularism, the rule of law, and a new constitution. If they succeed, maybe this will be a good thing. If Erdogan defeats it, Turkey will become a hellhole. His office has said that he's "on vacation outside the country," which I take to mean that he's fled Turkey, so maybe he's already been effectively beaten.
I'm not. I don't want to talk about this.
Why do you fly the anarchist banner if you're against desolving nation-states?
wew lad
Power-tripping is a sign of latent authoritarianism and it's a form of cowardice manifest through oppression.
They also demonstrated their speciesist authoritarianism in bunkerchan when I was there.
The West destabilized the entire region to lead to this. It isn't some genetic determinism thing fuckwit. The Shah was put in place of a democratically elected leader who wanted to nationalize the oil industry.
Then stop posting.
Or only post if it has to do with the coup and Turkey.
take a drink.
>>>Holla Forums
I never said I was against desolving nation states I just know we're not there yet. Doesn't mean I can't combat the power of the state whenever it attempts to seize more power. Also because there isn't really a libsoc banner that I could find and this was as close as I could get.
I'm not very good at this. I know. I haven't had the opportunity to read up on much literature. I know I've got Kapital on this PC somewhere, just never got the time.
Turkish military are just a bunch of haters. They can't handle Erdogan's Enver Pasha swag.
Singer get out
Is it true the coup is by Kemalists?
I'm not interested in the self-flagellation of Westerners and their guilt complex. If a tree falls on a mouse in a forest, you fucks blame the West. I'm done caring what people like you think about international events, because you only ever have that one response.
I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing I said had anything to do with genes.
We're not talking about Iran.
how did they do that, exactly?
The Turkish Military has always, at least since I've been alive, been a secularist faction and calls itself kemalist. As to how true that is, well……. I hope so. Cause all the commie parties in Turkey are Leninists at least the ones I could find, and tiny as fuck, especially after the split.
Regarding Divine Violence:
One should repeat this, mutatis mutandis, apropos divine violence: "Well and good, gentlemen critical theorists, do you want to know what this divine violence looks like? Look at the revolutionary Terror of 1992-1994. That was the Divine Violence." (And the series goes on: the Red Terror of 1919…) That is to say, one should fearlessly identify divine violence with positively existing historical phenomena, thus avoiding all obscurantist mystification. When those outside the structured social field strike "blindly," demanding AND enacting immediate justice/vengeance, this is "divine violence" - recall, a decade or so ago, the panic in Rio de Janeiro when crowds descended from favelas into the rich part of the city and started looting and burning supermarkets - THIS was "divine violence"… Like the biblical locusts, the divine punishment for men's sinful ways, it strikes out of nowhere, a means without end - or, as Robespierre put it in his speech in which he demanded the execution of Louis XVI: "Peoples do not judge in the same way as courts of law; they do not hand down sentences, they throw thunderbolts; they do not condemn kings, they drop them back into the void; and this justice is worth just as much as that of the courts."
The Benjaminian "divine violence" should be thus conceived as divine in the precise sense of the old Latin motto vox populi, vox dei: NOT in the perverse sense of "we are doing it as mere instruments of the People's Will," but as the heroic assumption of the solitude of sovereign decision. It is a decision (to kill, to risk or lose one's own life) made in the absolute solitude, with no cover in the big Other. If it is extra-moral, it is not "immoral," it does not give the agent the license to just kill with some kind of angelic innocence. The motto of divine violence is fiat iustitia, pereat mundus: it is JUSTICE, the point of non-distinction between justice and vengeance, in which "people" (the anonymous part of no-part) imposes its terror and makes other parts pay the price - the Judgment Day for the long history of oppression, exploitation, suffering - or, as Robespierre himself put it in a poignant way:
"What do you want, you who would like truth to be powerless on the lips of representatives of the French people? Truth undoubtedly has its power, it has its anger, its own despotism; it has touching accents and terrible ones, that resound with force in pure hearts as in guilty consciences, and that untruth can no more imitate than Salome can imitate the thunderbolts of heaven; but accuse nature of it, accuse the people, which wants it and loves it."
Isn't kemelism just subtle fascism?
I don't see why this guy is getting a hard time. It is called pragmatism. The world, Turkey more than some, is not anywhere near ready for anarchy or any non-authoritarian communism. Erdogan has pandered to islamists and set about dismantling Turkish democracy. He was regressive and reactionary through and through and is better off deposed.
Oh fuck off. When you say something as retarded as "the people in this region are only possible of X or Y" without considering why the region is the way it is, you come off as an imbecile. I think you're on the wrong board buddy. You don't have to defend Islam to realize that it wouldn't be nearly as dominant in the states of the ME and NA if the west hadn't interfered in the first place.
Alright, I will. Last post. I hate talking about this topic, anyway, but I have zero respect for those IRCowards.
And no, I'm not derailing the thread, space_. Threads can contain multiple conversations about related topics. If I wanted to derail, I wouldn't be dropping the subject and saging when I make posts that aren't related to the main topic.
Refer to quoted post above. I'm apparently "derailing" this thread, so I'm dropping it. It's not relevant anyway. Maybe another time.
I wonder what nationality could be behind this post
Kemalism is supposed to be one of those "third way" ideologies that balances capitalism and socialism.
so yeah, subtle fascism.
Also, I'm not partaking in self deprecation just because I acknowledge that colonialism and regime shifts are bad. I don't hold the proles guilty I'm not an SJW. My point about the west is that the elites need to be lined up against a wall and shot.
Military patrol on Taksim square
….eh, in the same sense that any statist philosophy could be seen as subtle fascism. And considering what it was a response to, it doesn't surprise me that Kemalism is what it is. Still a better alternative than Islamism.
Statism or anarchism is not relevant here. If they're corporatists is subtle fascism.
I wasn't aware that I needed your permission to generalize.
There's a lot more to it than, "The big bad West made a booboo on all the poor, defenseless Turks. :("
I've been here for a long time, pal.
–The Foreign Relations Prayer of the Liberal, to be repeated whenever violence between non-Westerners occurs.
You're right, that's certainly not what you're doing.
I didn't know that Greek Ionia was still such a historically relevant force.
I'll take your word for it.
I agree. But that has fuck-all to do with this coup.
You're just a typical, historically illiterate liberal. I've known dozens of people like you. Nothing you have to say is worth listening to, or even saying in the first place.
either way this plays out, the result is going to be intensely fucking reactionary. if military takeover, then possibly martial law, maybe declare the AKP illegal in the same way that el-Sisi did in Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood. vague promises of a "democratic" election to be held sometime down the road
if Erdogan survives it, he's going to really crack the whip. heads will roll. purging the officer corps of anyone not 100% loyal to him
European Union membership is probably out of the question for the foreseeable future. really worried what this might mean for the refugees that have been funneled from Europe back into Turkey. who knows what the fuck might become of them now
This statement by the military was just read out on Turkish TV: "To again obtain constitutional democratic human rights we are officially managing the country."
Things looked a little dicey after the last round of elections, when pro-Kurdish parties did exceptionally well. But that seemed to have passed, and outside of the repeated terrorist attacks there seemed to be no real political opposition to Erdogan.
For a while I suspected back when the AKP was first swept into office that the military might step in and take things in hand, since they despise anything that even remotely smacks of right-wing soft Islamism. Still, Erdogan seemed to hold things down long enough that I would've thought he'd stack the military with enough of his own men.
With the military coup in Egypt that toppled Morsi, there was an official ultimatum given three days in advance. This happened out of fucking nowhere.
You said Middle East, not Turkey. If you had said Turkey and not the entire ME then your straw man you've erected about me referring to to Turks and not the entire region( why I talked about the Shaw) would actually have some merit :).
I was talking about Turkey in the wider context of trends within Middle Eastern regimes. I thought that was blindingly obvious.
OK, so you're not talking about Turkey. Got it. This thread is about Turkey, though, so you should probably stay on topic.
You've already used one word you didn't understand, don't use another.
Both historically and literally heh illiterate.
How's the weather over in Reddit?
You haven't refuted anything. All you've done is call me a liberal because I don't conform to the "da west ebin meme nuffin:("
Sure. That works. Ataturk did look to Western Capitalism as the basis for much of his ideology, so it makes sense. And considering the theocratic nutcase that came before, it doesn't surprise me that's the route they took.
I'm sorry I'm not on my phone and I can't proof read my post 4 u :(. When I said "self deprecating" that refers to me belittling myself, which I was not doing. The straw man was there. As you talked about the entire middle east and then when I pointed out how that disregards the history you're so literate about you switched to just talking about Turkey.
Apparently the Turkish military wants a withdrawal from Iraq.
This is very disturbing.
Erdogan was an Islamist asshole, but the military is not excactly the "good guys". In fact, I fear that the Kurds and Syria will be in extremly big trouble in the following days (as if their situation wasn't bad enough).
I have a small conspiracy theory that the Russians are behind this.
I hope Anzujaamu is safe and sound.
Oh shut the fuck up.
That's OK, as long as you're a big guy.
You've stated your retarded opinion, I've stated mine. If you're not a liberal, you sure sound like one. "The West is at fault for everything ever," is their usual panacea for any news of violence abroad. If you don't think that the West is responsible for this coup, I welcome you to say so.
What was it?
Me: "The houses in this neighborhood all look like either barracks or minarets, and it looks like this particular house is set to become one or the other."
You: "Not all the houses do, only 90% of them."
Me: "OK, but I'm mainly concerned with this one house."
just fuck my shit up fam
Any factionalism will destabilize the government in the short term, which is good for the Kurds. As for the long term, if the ones doing the coup want to pull out of Iraq, then they might not have a taste for foreign intervention in Rojava. That's my hope anyway.
kek, TYT is silent on this
They'll probably just say "oh it's just a small section of the army, move along, let's talk about Trump"
Like I said. "Not Catalonia, but not Erdogan either." At this point the fucking KLINGONS could take over and I'd still find that preferable to more of Erdogan's bullshit.
I hope that's the case as well. And to my understanding, Kemalism is not really into the whole foreign invasions thing. I could be wrong though.
Thanks for posting, comrade.
Watching this on TV at work is super entertaining tbh,really #woke liberals squirming and trying to decide whether their chosen take is "sanctity of parliamentary democracy" or "Erdogan bad ISIS boy who brought this on himself"
they had some Turkish-background (assuming from the name) professor through phone commenting on pretty vanilla mainstream media accepted stuff like Erdogan intentionally antagonizing Kurds + urban ppl because of his even larger support, newscaster had to stop him talking and had a look on his face as if the commentator had just suggested genociding the conservative countrysidefolk or something
Maybe since Cenk thinks the Kurds are terrorist scum, but we'll have to wait and see how our Young Turk overlord handles the heathens once his Shamanistic Tengrism pagan government fully takes of hold Turkey and begins his regiment of converting its citizens to Tengrist shamanistic turkish magic religion and Neo-Young Turk nationalistic ideology.
Reminder that Cenk denies the Armenian genocide.
People are heading to Istanbul to show their support for Erdogan. Wonder if opposition civilians will show up as well.
The West is not responsible and Islam is toxic. The Wes is "responsible" for a lot elsewhere but I mean that to say the elites of the west. Ergodan was a theocrat and a completely antithetical to any leftist beliefs I hold. I was hoping that one of the ML groups would lead the coup, but it appears not. I do maintain that there are key countries in the Middle East that would still have secular states if Western intervention hadn't taken place.
French ambassady was closed yesterday, so was the consulat. Dunno about Russia, but westerners definitely knew something was up.
Reminder that Cenk only regret is that now he lives in America he will never be able to finish the job ;_;
The military was pro peace talks
Fair enough, seems we're mostly agreed. Let's hold hands and start a cooperative.
[ • ] L I V E F E E D
What do you think to do about Islam in Europe?
Are these pro-Erdogan demonstrators, and if so, how spooked are they?
Yes. Fully.
Islam is a mistake anywhere. Religion is shit, and Islam is the smelliest turd of them all right now. That said, I think people should have freedom of thought, including the freedom to do retarded things like worship obviously false books and ideas.
I'm not sure. Does anyone here speak Turkish? That could help.
I don't speak Turkish, but it sounds like they're chanting his name.
Considering the amounts of Aloha Snackbar being said, I'm pretty sure those are islamists.
to his credit, Cenk has no problem attacking Erdogan in the past. Like when he criticized Turkey for bombing the kurds instead of ISIS.
considering Erdogone asked (begged) his supporters to gather in the streets, Im guessing its pro-islamicfascism.
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d12)even and it will be like the Chávez coup
That too.
holy shit
Shots heard all around.
No problem, user.
And stop worshipping Yui.
Weren't they trying to seize tanks or some shit? I'm confused. I dunno which happened first.
So you don't support open antagonization to the Islamist?
Also apparently both the liberal and nationalist (Turkish, not Kurdish) opposition have at least some statements in favour of the government, so I guess pure military dictatorship with technocrats inbound if this somehow succeeds
I don't have a Zizek nor Stirner big enough.
What does this have to do with the Chilean coup?
those morons snackbar at everything. If Turkish mil enforces mandate from Ataturk against religious tyranny, they'll go full Egypt on them.
Islamism is theocracy. It should be opposed wherever it rears its ugly head, with violence when necessary.
This coup had better not fucking fail, Erdogan needs to be rid of and Islamists need to be put in check.
But you wouldn't support like mass deportation of muslims would you?
Just funposting about the military shooting Erdogan's parliament
The coup is failing, the people don't support it, it isn't even a larger part of the army, they're getting pushed out of Istanbul and they were facing a shuffle out of power in a couple of weeks and YOLO'd it.
If they're illegal immigrants, I'd support it. If they're citizens, then no.
For the love of all that is spooky, this. I sincerely hope the Turkish military doesn't blue ball us on this.
If that's true, Turkey is in for a bad time. Erdogan will purge the fuck out of the government and military if he manages to come back from this.
People is ignorant.
That's why democracy never works.
Most people don't have the desire to gain the necessary knowledge to have valid opinions on political matters.
Does Refugees count as illegal?
w e w
All you need for a democracy to work well is an educated populace and a ban on religious government.
Just find Erdogan and kill him. Shoot him in the fucking head. No trial, no waiting a million years in a cave, just find the boat, and blow it up.
If they entered the country without the permission or knowledge of the government, then yes.
Tanks driving over cars in Istanbul.
So basically an utopian, impossible scenario.
Anything else you would want to ask for in order to make it work? An average IQ of 115 maybe?
Fucking moron
Enemy down, one less akp supporter to worry about
It sounds like when faced with Erdogan and a shit democracy or a military coup which you can't keep in check they're going for Erdogan. None of the rival parties want the military to succeed, but they wouldn't would they.
You say it like you can pick that up on the next weekly shop.
Then you have every faction fighting for control, which would be much worse. They need Erdogan alive because nobody else will dissent while he is still there, so if they can get to him then they have control.
The vast majority of the West is well-educated and has secular constitutions. So no. You're retarded. We have functioning democracies all over the place.
The problem is that they're currently shackled to capitalism.
Is this the first military coup in the age of digital media? I'm losing my shit with some of the footage
It's pure shitting madness
This is literally a GOOD THING for EVERYONE, god damn, the media is trying to rip this coup to pieces before it even ends. Erdogan is not a good leader, Islamism is a threat to everything Turkey was founded upon, there are bombings and attacks nigh daily and some fucking control needs to be established to stop this spiral into the abyss. What madman actually supports Erdogan and his policy of destroying Turkey from the ground up? Where do these people come from? I just don't understand, if "Turkish democracy" gives you a shitter like Erdogan then Turkish democracy should be destroyed.
I swear to god nuke these disgusting fucking COCKROACHES fucking unironically supporting this goddamn fascist pigfucker and willing to die for him when he literally uses them as shields, jesus christ. Just go full Sam Harris on these subhumans.
Civilians stopping a tank, pretty based tbh
the people are using cars and a bus in order to break the military blockade in the bosporos bridges
They're still fucking idiots.
Look at these fucking retards attacking a tank with literal sticks
Stupid fucking fundieroaches
It's not like people don't have good reasons to be skeptical of military autocracies
Nah, I remember a tiny one like half a decade ago where the people took over an armoury and pushed the government out. Didn't get much publicity anywhere though.
Fucking hell, this went from zero to eleven in no time at all
A reminder that with
It's not easy to go from being a backwards shithole to an educated, secular place in a short period. But it does happen, given enough time, prosperity, and stability.
No. You sound like every mainstream journalist who creams themselves when someone says the word "Twitter."
Thailand has a coup every few years.
Honduras a year ago, Thailand two years ago. Egypt like 5 times. It happens pretty frequently.
All the madmen who voted for him
Why the fuck do they support him? Do they support ISIS too?
Islam needs to be fucking eradicated.
This is p cool
Attack choppers laying down fire while kid's chilling on a swing, must be pretty sweet to watch the world burn and not have a fuck to give.
so the US has decided to do a "Turkey with a human face thing" and replace Erdogan with a more stable puppet or?…
I've always dreamt of sitting in a deck chair atop a hill sipping a tumbler of scotch whilst the world burns around me
With benefits, at least?
is yui a cuteboy?
Most Sunnis tacitly support ISIS.
Seeing the street footage really gives you an idea of why the people need guns. There's an immense sense of powerlessness you feel when you see a small group of people in military uniforms and you know you have nothing to fall back on.
I keep imagining what I'd do
Come on it even took Stalin decades and everyone in Russia knew someone who had their death warrant personally signed by him. The scenario you're describing is full of 'everything goes to plan every step of the way and the world is accommodating and friendly'
I can hear Putin's laughter from my fucking house
What's he got to do with this?
I mistyped. What I mean is that it doesn't really happen over short periods. It does happen over long periods, if you already have other conditions in place.
Anyway, the guy posting with a porky flag and arguing against democracy is fucking precious–anyone who opposes democracy doesn't understand the point of socialism.
Amazing how far we've come with technology, it's pretty mind blowing you can just connect to a livestream of any street in the middle of a coup and see what it's like.
I'm watching this one
Disappointed honestly, at least killing Erdogan would accomplish something even if the coup failed, they should have seized him after he landed then started the coup.
Had they taken a video of his execution I'd have fappedmto it every day for a month
Jesus that's a lot of gunfire
You guy are not even pretending to be neutral, you should go to 7pol/ if you want to clap at shit like this.
With Erdogan, we know there's going to be more authoritarianism and theocracy.
With a military coup, which is practically routine for Turkey, there's a large chance for a better outcome.
I'm not supporting it. I'm completely indifferent because, being honest, I know fuck all about Turkey.
damnnn youuuu cenkkkk
Well Erdogan is a piece of shit.
The US has a VERY important military base in the country.
Did the US government see this coming? Yes
Do they want it? I don't think so.
They're secularists and probablyrics willing to end the war against the pkk and stop supporting isis
When the coup fails turky will become another Islamic shithole.
Whoever planned this coup are fucking idiots because they didnt do it right.
cenks thirst for the blood of armenian babies is legendary, i fear for them
You'd have to be stupid not to see a secular coup against an Islamist nigh authoritarian government as a bad thing. Erdogan has been pushing for greater and greater government control over things like the media, he is actively turning the country into a fascist state, if the military can throw a wrench in his plans then this is good.
what a shitty coup
Holy FUCK check out this helicopter firing at a ground target right now
Mosques are now calling prayers, in the middle of the night.
That can't be a good sign.
So you'd prefer Islamists that support ISIS? Ant action that weakens the Turkish state is a good thing.
Shrike?…Is that you?
Jesus Fucking Christ they weren't firing on the protestors were they?!
So what do we think is gonna happen now? Now that the country is terrifyingly close to a civil war, if it's not there already.
Looks like the coup is failing, fugg.
On TV, I heard that a helicopter was firing on the capitol, so I don't think so? I'm assuming this is the same helicopter. However, Erdogan urged his supporters to come out and be a human shield for him so that's fucked up, but they did it.
Bourgeois state out, bourgeois state in.
RT live stream
HDP: "We are against any sort of coup as a matter of principle. There is no way but democracy."
Meant "calling to prayers," as in telling people to come to the mosques right the hell now.
I'm right there with ya brah. Half my family lives in Istanbul.
Am not sayinf Erdogan is good… But not "The army is good!"
Also, never forgeti, that this all happens right after he tried to make up things with Russia and US doesn't like him as much anymore..
You should call him, if you can.
Try to contact him. Good luck, comrade.
Priorities.Don't be such an ideologue.
That doesn't make it less important.
Turkish f-16 shoots down helicopter of coup faction
1 retweet 6 likes
people are so fucking stupid
Huh. I didn't even know fighters could do that. Helicopters usually beat fighters in combat, for some reason. Was this an attack helicopter or a transport helicopter?
I'm having a really surreal moment. Watching all these clips, all these livestreams, listening to some music. It's like I'm some sort of omnipotent creature staring into the lives of mortals, whilst in the comfort of my own dimension.
Tomorrow I'll wake up and continue a life devoid of anything, as if nothing happened.
Hard to describe, but it's a very very surreal feeling.
i can`t contact him he just doesen`t respond tryt everything
hopefully your family is well comerade
Why didn't Ukraine have good footage like this?
My friends GF is near Ankara
Fug, c'mon coup faction! I hear most of the coup forces are Airforce and Navy, hopefully they'll have plenty of airpower.
please excuse my spelling
what a time to be alive.
Helicopters are slow compared to most other areal vehicles. If they are surprised they will go down with all their superior firepower.
They didnt attack kiev, but rural shit
BREAKING: State-run AA reports 17 policemen killed in attack on #Gölbaşı Special Ops HQ - @CNNTURK_ENG
If you consider pterodactyls in sweaters a "benefit."
But yes, he is very cute.
The "west" does not mean Britain and the Soviet Union.
while posting on leftypol is great, keep a journal comrade something the future generations can look back on when they find it.
You have to define "working" tho.
People are too poor to afford such luxuries to record stuff over in Ukraine.
So let me get this straight.
Basically, the people now saying that this Coup is good for Turkey are the same morons who were talking about how ousting Assad or Gaddafi was good because they were "islamo-Fascists"?
Porkies and pettybourg hangarounds who are at least somewhat religious, or simply just don't mind the state enforcement of Islamic values, support him at least (which I guess helps with the political coverage that ridiculously skewed for his favour).
I mean, they and Erdogan are (assuming this fails) living the conservative dream where the support of the lower classes so strongly secured through religion, so that economically they only need to throw 'em some poor scraps once in a while.
Well, they have cut off social media, so, I guess they've also cut off phones or something… :/
Make an IRC thread already, so all the offtopic bullshit is located in one place. Good fucking God.
I'm sorry, user. Hopefully he's staying indoors.
I know, but there have been studies and surprise trials that determined that attack helicopters are pretty good at taking down fighters. I assume it's just because most fighter pilots never expect to be attacked by a fucking helicopter because the idea is frankly ludicrous, but apparently it works.
I'm feeling, so intensely something I don't even know the name of it. It's like a mixture of rage, fear and sadness. This could very well turn into a civil war.
Ukraine isn't even that poor compared to Turkey.
Going to dump the interesting footage I have collected so far.
Forgot my flag.
i have been abel to contact other parts of my family but somehow i can`t get through too him
White house statement on the coup
What the hell is the answer then if not violence? Peaceful protest? Don't be such a fucking deluded idiot, the only language fascists understand is violence, if the army is the instrument by which justice can be done and fascists can be destroyed then we ought to see this coup as a positive thing.
I don't think so. Turkey had a functioning and competent government, unlike Libya and Syria.
let`s just hope that that doesen`t happen
Oh fuck, just bouncing around the FB livemap I can hear it on a few across the country.
>[email protected]/* */ 6 minutes ago
lol, of course he's got Trump as his picture.
"Hey Ahmed, go fly the chopper, shoot at the capital, then we will shoot you down and put Erdogan in power for life"
"Sounds fair!"
Ha, felt I had to point it out before I saw you did too.
They are. There are helicopters build specifically to counter jets.
The thing is: it's late, jets are fast, the helicopter might have fired and the crew was preparing for another run. They got unlucky, or maybe the crew was just incompetent.
Thank you!
We tried the peaceful protest shit in 2013 in Taksim. Look what happened. It got us fucking nowhere.
What do you expect them to report on? That Cenk is directing his Tengri Young Turk nationalists army to remove Erdogen and the rest of his islamic infidels from government?
Cenk only kills Armenians because he must, for the blood of Armenian babies is what pleases tengri/ Angra Mainyu the most.
Are you an idiot, or something?
I wish I could physically be with you turkbro
Turks have resorted to Die-ins.
That's what I'm saying, Erdogan and his cronies need to be lined up and shot.
Hitler was fairly elected, that doesn't mean we ought to have tolerated him. When democracy fails and puts a tyrant in power you kill the tyrant, full stop, there is no ambiguity here.
Most of the fighting is rural, most people there couldn't afford cameras/phones let alone have internet. Not to add they were fleeting from there homes so they wouldn't get caught in a rocket artillery sector barrage. They were more worried about that then recording firefights.
Pretty lights!
Even if the army is "fascist" how is it a bad thing that fascists are killing each other?
Are you brain dead? Would you prefer the Erdogan government that has been cooperating with ISIS stay in power? Would you like to see protests or limp dicked political reform or something that actually works?
t. never played Advance Wars
Bah, he was filming over the side of the bridge and there were hundreds of cars with blinkers on
Ye, we're over 9000
get on with it now.
It's a bad thing, cause the ones suffering are the common folk on the streets.
If this wasn't the case, it'd be neutral.
It's the Spectacle.
That's fine. The Military knows they can't go back, or face mass execution. The Islamists won't let the army live this down, IF the government does (it won't). There's rioting in the streets, people being shot at, left right and center. There's lines being drawn in the stone between Secular and islam. It very well could turn into a civil war.
The "common folk" that are supporting a fascist government. If they don't want to get hurt they should go home, the army isn't raiding homes.
That's true, I was going off of some US Air Force studies.
I don't like turn-based games.
Better a civil war than an unopposed, ISIS-collaborating theocracy.
Teşekkürler yoldaş. Ama barikatlar kadar değil dek.
You goddamn faggot apologist the only reason they are even outside is because their daddy told them to go die for him
fuckin Turks are dissing us
Everyone here should read "Coup d'etat: a practical guidebook"
Is he wrong, though?
I just hope my family gets out safe.
Don't worry about it too much. Gul and Erdogan don't represent all of the Turkish People here come the spooks again!. Just the Islamists.
The common folk of turkey are brain dead morons who voted in an idiot who wants to start the neo ottoman empire.
I have no sympathy for them.
BREAKING: 4 coup-attempting soldiers, including 1 high-ranked, neutralized by police after attempt to take over state TV - @anadoluagency
Can we start fucking murdering people who bring up Game of Thrones to talk about serious shit?
Hdp says they are against coup on democratic principles
great idea, we can murder cenk and stop the coup
Any time I listen to a radio program, the minute they have a journalist on there to provide "expert commentary," I immediately start listening to something else. Their job is literally repeating things that other people said.
I fucking laughed out loud.
I think their job is pretty much to parrot whatever politicians tell them to in order to legitimize it.
Erdogan won the election with just 13.3% of the vote, he doesn't represent the average Turk.
How is this bullshit possible?
What a weird fucking footage.
comfy as fuck tbqh
Fuck @Conflicts has a lot of retards.
It's not even affiliated with the show lel.
Corruption and Pro-Capitalist Islamism go hand in hand.
Pockets of Turkish Erdogan supporters are rioting in the Netherlands.
The Blairite coup failed, though.
I was going to say, and what's the point, but then I remembered that they were Muslims.
what now
Shows over, government is restoring power, Turkish army is giving up.
Is anyone else finding 8ch slow as fuck?
my dad just contacted me thank god he is save
Why? That's hilarious.
People have joked about serious shit as long as there have been people. You can't censor comedy. Or are you a tankie?
Woah dude! You're so radical! Totally anti-capitalist and shit.
I'm really glad to hear it.
Yeah, a bit. Lot of traffic on Holla Forums, I imagine.
Glad to hear that, comrade.
Your dad just contacted me too.
He said he's going to come into my room at night naked and beat me up
Every time some dipshit makes a pop culture reference to Game of Thrones I just want to rip his fucking head off.
congrads comrade
They took the ideology pill.
Most Turkish-Dutch I've spoken about it are nationalistic about Turkey, but can't explain further. In fact, most of them are nationalistic about Turkey alone and don't support nationalism in broad.
I'm not sure why Turks are as nationalistic as they are. Maybe somebody with better understanding of the culture, history and society can provide perspective.
Did you see the bit where the reporter was harassed on camera? Apparently they had to drive out of there like crazy, because the camera staff was being attacked. Some shit.
Good stuff, comrade.
Why is Erdogan free? Isn't "kill/kidnap/arrest current leader" pretty much coup 101?
user, don't make promises you can't keep. ;)
He was on vacation outside of the country.
Duuuude, so fucking edgy! You're so cool and anarchist man.
Fucking turks need to leave, if they dont want to be dutch they need to fuck off to turkey
he was out of the country
He was either abroad at the time, or fled as soon as he got word about the coup. Personally, I think they made the vacation stuff up, and that he ran at the first sign of trouble.
final video for the night, i reckon
What exactly are you trying to do here?
Thank god you're here to put him in his place!
It wouldn't be so bad if it was only regular idiots doing it. But news websites that are supposed to be the "serious news" employing the "serious pundits" do it.
Will something like this ever happen in America?
That has nothing to do with edginess or anarchism, and everything to do with the fact that people who make that sort pop culture "jokes" are philistine morons.
He's allegedly in Bodrum on holiday or currently fleeing to Europe.
TURKEY: "Every warplane flying over Ankara will be immediately shot down”: PM Yıldırım - @DailySabah
I can't even view the picture, but if you're not sick of "omg, it woz lyk a fing wot out the movey it woz" and "i felt lyk a woz on summert out da telly!" all I can infer is that you must be younger than me, because it becomes a fucking retarded trope after a bit.
Whenever a bomb goes off, or a gun is fired at someone, I open up the news report and I just fucking know going in someone is going to betray their coddled fuckwit views of the world.
I think I've heard of many instances were coups are made while the leader is a way so that he can't respond. Ghadaffi took power when the old monarch was getting health care treatement somewhere far away
nah he's right, fuck that shit
respectable journalists today are not above going
I really don't want to image what kind of replacement governement they would come up with.
America doesn't have the same history of coups and Obama isn't a radical islamist as far as we can tell
No. The US military doesn't fuck around internally like that. If they were ever deployed internally, it would only be at the behest of the President, or possibly as the culmination of a long-brewing civil war. It wouldn't be like this, coming out of nowhere.
US military establishment is too tied to business and too occupied to ponder nonsense like that
… this is the most counter revolutionary thing I've heard in my life…
Greek coup 1967, political leader were sent to islands or fled the country. No deaths. except for commies
TRYING to flee.
Then what was the point in staging the coup tonight?
bomb hit parliament
t. a facebook comment I saw
That's what I call "revolutionary"!
Niggaz. IF this is a small group then it is not a real attempt at coup it is likely staged by Erdogan to create an excuse to tighten his grip.
If it is indeed a real coup military commanders would likely do it with victory in mind, and they would not be arrested by police at the airport, and they would have control of Erdogans whereabouts.
it's all over
Putin savaged your mom
t. facebook comment
… staging a coup you know will fail…
… Current Goverment comes out of it as heros…
I wander…
Sometimes groups will deliberately stage coups when the president is out of the country, presumably so that he can't respond as effectively and it takes longer for his orders to reach subordinates.
It might have also just not been well-planned.
Maybe because this is a coup, not a revolution, there is a very big difference you know.
Fug. Am I the only one who juts wanted to see what happens when shit hits the fan successfully? I don't even support either side, I just wanted to see some shit getting fucked up.
"people should stay in their homes and let things roll"
THAT'S counter-revolutionary.
BREAKING: Bomb thrown at Turkish Parliament in #Ankara: witnesses - @anadoluagency
BREAKING: Large explosion just reported in #Istanbul. Cause so far unknown. - @CeylanWrites
I don't get it, why don't they open fire?
Fucking pussies man.
Well "shit getting fucked up" means that civilians who din du nuffin are going to die.
THIS isn't a revolution.
Why do you even support Erdogan. Even if it's implicitly.
its happening.
They probably know they'll be facing trial in a few days
very revolutionary
So, according to you, the people should only express their opinion when the official revolution is decleared.
How about "you get to vote every 4-5 years. Why are you protesting?"
"I do not support feminism"
"Oh, so you think women should be breeding machines?"
Can I not just not support a coup that is not commie or whatever, without supporting erdogan?
Do we have to take sides, even in wars that are not ours?
He wasn't saying anything like that, Groucho. He was saying that this is a coup, not a revolution.
and with the joke of the day: the american goverment was "surprised" by this coup
it looks like the coup failed completely
I don't know if you ever saw the Tom Cruise movie where he tries and fails to kill Hitler. The deciding factor is when the communication ministry (dunno if it's real), decides to broadcast Hitler's messages and not the ones of the coup makers. So the deciding factor in the coup attempt is when they dont have control of the communication infrastructure.
Now flashforward to today. The communication is democratized. We are seeing twitter videos of what is actually happening, and then both sides are trying their best to display PR that they have the situation under control, the reality is hard to know at the moment. Government is claiming they have control, the coup makers say they have it, obviously it can't be both :D
In the past Erdogan couldn't mobilize this much civlians this quickly. Very interesting times
Here is a fine example of 5/5 AKP propaganda
We can just sit back and watch the world burn…
I fucking told you so
I'd just try to get myself and my nearest to a safe place with supplies tbh, fuck risking my life for Erdogans gain with some really fucking haunted spooklords
There is nothing close to a revolution happening here, this is a spur-of-the-moment coup, there is no revolutionary potential at all, in fact it seems the opposite considering there are so many pro-government protestors all shitting up the streets with their nonsense. A revolution has certain conditions and preconditions that need to be met to actually even be considered a revolution at all and this coup exhibits a grand total of zero of any of those.
what a time 2 be alive
That cracked me up.
It's not like these people are the sharpest. They probably thought "Solidarity!" when Erdogan made a thinly veiled request for meat shields
You've claimed that a military coup – or rather this one – will not improve the situation at hand. That is indirect support for the status quo, Erdogans regime. Even if you don't support any revolt except the Revolution, that still bleeds favouritism for the status quo.
My question is what you see in Erdogans government that needs t o be maintained. That is favorable over a coup and new government.
Please keep your acridity to yourself.
Enjoy the parties while you can, kafir.
I don't get invited to parties
If people don't want the army to take over, good for them. If they then rebel against Erdogan as well, even better.
I am.
Is the army taking over better? I don't see anything good in the status quo. I don't see anything good in the army taking over to "protect", either.
I haven't even heard any gunfire for an hour
I know that feel.
So why choose the status quo over the coup?
This stream most interesting atm. Lots of gunfire.
So many fucking people on social media pondering that this is staged in order to give the current president more power
People have become so politically lazy that the only ways through which they can understand world politics is through conspiracy theories and Game of Thrones analogies
I choose nothing.
The people there choose.
If the coop had popular support, it wouldn't have failed. Nor would people rush to the banks and so on.
Ankara does seem to be where it's at, that's where I posted the facebook stream with lots of fighting before. I keep bouncing around there though and hear nothing. Probably just bad timing on my part, but bombs are fucking loud. You can hear them from one side of a city to the next.
I don't know who's shooting, but that's quite frequent gunfire.
Yeah, I mean where do you actually get the bodies from? Do they drag homeless corpses out the morgue and play dress up, with blank firing shootouts? Are asploded cars sneakily dragged onto the road under cover of smoke bombs? Are the downed aircraft remote controlled or holographs? I have to get to the bottom of this conspiracy.
Latuff is such a fucking retard
So you support a dictator, because he has political support.
Ah yeah, this is the one I posted earlier and the only one I heard gunshots on. This guy knows where all the action is!
Then again when I watched him first time round he was the only person moving towards the gunfire. Absolute madman.
You'll see this picture again and again in your lifetime.
Oh shit it's really fucking heating up. Machine guns, bombs, sirens. I think the coup members are all from Ankara
Fucking hell, helicopter fire. Lots of running.
Fuck did a bomb just go off on the same street?
The militarization of the West marches on.
Coup Leader Cenk Ugyur is doing a live show now, he's already called for patriotic turks to rise up and smash kurdish stores and houses
Apparently, Al Jazeera America is reporting that the coup is over and has been suppressed. Erdoğan is now blaming a movement associated with Gülen (who lives in Pennsylvania) for inciting this coup, though they are denying it.
A friend from Germany also told me that this is allegedly Erdogan's plane:
Here is Al Jazeera's livestream:
Absolutely haram
I see you pedro
What the fuck are you talking about.
A boot stamping on a human face, forever
inb4 the old SAM presidential takedown
inb4 the old subverted SAM presidential takedown, a downed airliner and an international incident
How can erdogans plane land, don't the couper's still have the airports on lockdown?
Maybe they just shoot people, because people don't matter
He's got the dragon lady on his side.
How are people even so certain that he is riding that plane?
Apologise, brexiteers.
Of all the stupid things I've read tonight, this is the stupidest.
Nope. Police took over.
Talk about narcisism!
Here is some psychedelic 70s Turkish rock you can listen to while browsing the coup
But rock and roll is haram.
2016 is so fucking rad so far
Fuck sake Tolga, you're a pretty cool guy livestreaming a coup but did you have to wear that fucking mask?
But you are cheering for the secular army people right? I am, if nothing else because I like habbenings
Here is a live map, that updates the coup
how so?
Please, takfir, this is a halal imageboard.
The messy shit I took this morning had a bigger effect on this coup than Brexit, jesus christ.
Mastermind of Erdoğan's presidential election campaign, Erol Olçak and his 16-year-old son killed by coup soldiers on Bosphorus bridge.
Gulen's crew, the Alliance for Shared Values, are denouncing the coup.
The Parliament is being bombed as we speak.
post sauce
English speaking streamer in istanbul
Bombings and shootings are still going on. How is this "under control"?
Cnn reporting it's cnn turk offices being stormed by soldiers
"Soldiers involved in coup attempt retreat from Atatürk airport, 2 generals arrested "
Not good for the coup if they are retreating, that's not how you coup
Far right are the ones taking advantage of it politically at the moment. Of course individually you could have different views.
was posted for mention of Olcak death
Fair enough.
My brother thinks this might have been a false flag by Erdoğan in order to increase nationalist sentiments and popular support and to provide an excuse to transition into an autocratic Islamist rule. His evidence is that the alleged flight path of Erdoğan's plane as linked in was a straight descent as opposed to circling the airport or coming in at a curve. He considers that alone to be evidence of it "most likely" being a false flag, since Erdoğan in his opinion simply couldn't seriously come in that quickly without knowing that he was safe and he'd only know that if the coup was not a serious threat to him (i.e., it was staged).
Is my brother just bullshitting or is he onto something?
Al Jazeera America doesn't work anywhere else for me.
Holy shit, shots fired
firing into crowds i think, holy fucking shit. jets flying close by, this guy running for his life
Yeah when the president is trying to return to the country you're couping then you really don't know how to coup
Guy is based as fuck.
Who are the good guys?
Watch this guys, jets are flying low over civs and the cops are shooting at the jets
jesus christ this fucking stream right now. jets flying by, police shooting at jets with small arms, this guy almost having a breakdown
It's gray and gray, military might bring in a lighter shade of gray if we're lucky.
holy fucking shit
We are watching history
Another big explosion in Ankara
Based journalist man
The coupers by virtue of being against Erdogan.
We live in a time that will be remembered as one of great turmoil. It's only getting started.
Name one decade since WW1 that had less shit going in
The '20s and the '90s, at least in the West.
Maybe if the coup wasn't squashed.
lol waste of bullets
This clip is not for the weak of heart. Fucking hell.
Mirror please.
It being taken out doesn't change the fact that the world is being slowly pushed towards more of these events. Revolution soon, but it probably won't be a glorious one.
Jesus Christ. Obviously civilians too, this is terrible.
BREAKING: Police and military exchange fire in #Istanbul's Taksim square, large explosion heard. - @AP
All this did was make Erdogan even more paranoid and thus even more of a scumbag. And the Turks will open wide, just look at their behavior tonight.
Remember that history is not a consistent movement forward: it's a chaotic mess of random factors and events.
"Loud Explosion Heard At Istanbul's Ataturk Airport -Reuters Witness"
Maybe they got him?
Shit. Are those civilians?
What the fuck man. Nightmarish
Most likely, yes.
Lot of dead civilians.
Reminder that, as much as civilian deaths are tragic, many of the ones killed today are violently attacking the coup soldiers. I doubt these were simple executions.
CNN Turkey airing empty studio, sounds of gunfire in background.
Was one guy nearly blown in half there? Can rifles do that? God whats the death count of this shit? Must be in the hundreds by now.
How do you know?
It's likely some of that was 30mm helicopter fire.
Does that matter?
Fuck those two soldiers were lucky that jet flew over just as they were about to get pulled out of that truck and lynched. Literally seconds within getting themselves killed and that fucking bang goes off.
There's footage of helicopter shooting at ground targets, maybe that's what caused it.
Naught but a few hours, and already an apologist on leftypol with almost no information behind him.
From the other videos I've seen, it looks like they don't lynch coup-involved soldiers but sort of escort them to the police or something.
If that's the case than they didn't shoot civilians. They shot freedom fighters resisting military dictatorship. Not exactly better.
nice, i'm rooting for the secular military
Videos of them fighting against that tank crew, for one.
I think it does. It's worse to shoot people who aren't attacking you. Though that's probably also going on tonight, too.
Let me guess, it's because they have brown skin?
Plastic glory hunter
From the video someone else posted, the guy mentioned the soldiers were essentially kids who had no idea what they were doing there.
You're not from around here, are you?
Secularism is a spook. A society with religious liberty doesn't compel any additional freedom onto people, only more liberty onto religion
it's okay i'm a supporter of the secular military, the rest of Holla Forums can support erdogan for all i care
There are pics of soldiers in the police department and they look like they're teenagers in costumes waiting for their parents to bail them out
'cause it's not just fundie fascist supporters. All parties condemned the coup, and better a fundie who can be voted out than a military with a long history of having the left lined up and shot.
Care to share?
My only hope for this coup is that the political destabilization becomes beneficial for the kurds
You have no idea what you're talking about.
What are the implications of this coup for the narrative of the infallibility of the nation-state.
What are they saying?
Fuck off retard
Give me one reason why anyone but an Erdogan cuck would even be outside on the fucking streets right now? There are only so many news reporters.
It didn't seem like they did anything to the actual crew.
I don't see that happening.
Cnn some may be anti erdogan
Well, maybe I'm wrong, then.
They were already disarmed and in police custody I think, the mob were getting pissed off just because they were still around. The coup jets buzzed them but probably because they were late in helping them secure the square.
Large crowds greet President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as he emerges from a vehicle at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport.
none, history is over
muh spectacle
what are the people chanting??? whats the news anchor been saying??
Because they don't want to live in a military dictatorship.
That CNN stream is some cinematic shit.
Now there's one dude there, I think he's unaware that there are thousands of people watching him.
You know you've fucked up your coup hard when the president just comes waltzing back in, or the conspiracy nuts were right.
Return to reddit
At worst they'd be Erdogan 2.0.
he's probably kekking hard because erdogan was a cunt to them during the syrian intervention
That empty CNN live footage looks like a contemporary art installation.
The guys who led the 1980 coup were a lot more bloodthirsty and authoritarian than Erdogan.
Kill yourself, sociopath. You're unfit for humanity.
vaporwave album cover tbh
Coup defeated. Erdogan back in charge.
Walking through the aftermath of tanks. Crushed cars, tanks litter the roads. Helicopter above, something could happen at any moment.
Next zombie flick should totally steal this
I'm sorry it didn't work out, Turkbros. I hope the purges spare you.
Sup prickly_cactus
This is not autism, they aren't this fucking annoying. Stop accepting psychological discourse so blindly anytime.
Real edgy, sperglord.
I didn't know unarmed civilians could literally hijack a tank
Empathy for fundie fascists IS retarded. Like I said, the only reason you're crying is because they have brown skin.
edgy basement dweller detected.
at what point did anybody say this
So, the coup was defeated?
If the PKK were ever to make a strike against the Turkish goverment, now would be the time..
Shit's going down on this stream now.
I mean it. Commit suicide. You lack the basic faculties to qualify as human.
Emotionless and retarded? Yeah, definitely go suck a gun.
I don't know if those victims are fundamentalists or fascists or whatever. All I know is that they are human beings and civilians who were mowed down by military-grade fire and who were suffering in their final moments as they died on the street. That alone is a sufficient condition that demands empathy. Knowing their ideological positions or relationship to the events that unfolded doesn't change that basic fact. It may help me better understand the context of those events and recognize the potential inevitability or even necessity of their occurrence, but it won't change the basic fact that those events warrant empathy.
I don't give a shit what color of skin they have, Holla Forums. I care about the fact that they are people who are suffering. If it makes you feel any better, I won't feel the slightest bit of empathy if you put a bullet in your fucking skull, so please do so as soon as possible.
Looks like clashes are still ongoing. The coup wasn't successful, but it hasn't been broken yet, hope it doesn't turn into civil war.
until some solid information comes through, I'm assuming it's defeatist shills
I very much doubt they have the manpower, firepower or will to do such a thing at this current time.
Why? I see no downside to that.
mass death of civilians is just a meme, right xD
Speaking of the Kurds, do we have any information on what they're doing (if anything) right now?
I doubt they had any idea something like this was going to happen. They are probably trying to figure out what they can/should do if anything.
Holy shit, Erdogan literally calling out for "a cleansing" and even going as far as saying it's good that he has strong reasons for doing that
Reminding this is from a guy who got irate because of some German version of John Oliver and wanted Merkel to imprison him
I mean, if by miracle the Kurds DID manage to establish more communes over than Rojava over this, as the military is in shambles right now they may not fall to the same fate as literally every other commune before it - they may have a chance to establish a real foot hold as an even stronger bastion of socialism.
We can only hope.
the fuck are they doing with the bulldozers?
hard cover?
Islamist purge incoming
Is this another whoever wins we lose?
who cares? it's just fascist fuck erdogan supporters or kemalists fighting over who gets the fascist government
Do you guys think getting caught was part of the military's plan?
let's go into hypothetics, and the army starts executing muslims in the streets, then what?
Not arguments.
Are you sure you are the source of what one has to have to be a human? Because I could very well be psychotic and not have to care about any of your bullshit which you pretend is universal for anyone.
And yes, your thinking that psychology is the objective discourse (imply such a thing exists) of what is right and what is not in a mind is laughable, especially from a retarded primitivist. Eat lead, braindead moron.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
it's almost as if you didn't post an argument either.
And now the president is back in power, his followers are mobilized and armed, and he has a reason to purge the military and become more repressive
Good job, Turks
You've blown my small world apart.
another stream, less laggy. Are these the tanks controlled by pro-government unarmed civilians?
At least they tried
I worded that awfully I meant erdogan would purge the military of non islamists
Certain basic emotions are essential components of the human condition. It's literally an integral part of our instincts and evolutionary history, so contending that they are merely products of social relations is not a tenable argument. If you lack these basic qualities, then you are by definition lacking in the essential criteria which defines your humanity.
I'm not a primitivist, fucking imbecile. This flag represents green anarchism and eco-socialism in general, and can include anarcho-communists who emphasize green issues (like me). Lurk more or get the fuck off this board.
Fuck off to >>>/vp/ with all the other underage
You are ruining this board.
Lurk more.
Fuck, am I seeing things or did I just see the three-crescented banner of the neo-fascist Grey Wolves in the live stream?
I don't know, I'll look out for it. will review footage afterwards, perhaps.
ruh roh, 'ere come the rozzers.
It was like ten minutes ago, a vertical banner seemingly hanging down from a window or something.
Psychopaths are human. You falsely believe that there is some inherent goodness in being human.
This feels like some kind of celebration of the absurd
There is inherent empathy. Which is why the majority of people aren't homicidal maniacs.
Well Damn I was not expecting the coup to fail. Then again I am still wondering how the hell the pro-government civilians got hold of a tank.
i'm hearing this a lot and not seeing any evidence
It was reddit tier and it was on Holla Forums
It's not over till its over
So what? It's possible to have empathy for anyone, even someone you're killing at that very moment. What's your point?
Only you can explain the point and then fail to grasp it.
every western media service has been claiming its over and the entire military surrender for the last 4 hours.
Obviously if youve been watching the streams you know there is still shit going down.
Lacking empathy does not makeone a separate species, faggots.
Well most people aren't autistic either.
Loud explosion in Bostancı, İstanbul. Shit's not over until it's over.
Yeah but it can be extremely limited depending on your upbringing. The whole "care about strangers" already requires a decent upbringing, but "care about all human life because le inherent value meme" just requires flat-out indoctrination.
This is the average person who didn't get memed into caring about strangers.
Well I say fail I mean seizing the bastard Erdogan now that he is back in the country. Isn't that the purpose of a coup anyways? To capture the figure head? I don't what will happen but I do know Erdogan is using people as his meat shields and are completely brain washed.
Media is playing it down, hardly surprising.
I don't give the slightest fuck about your opinion. This board is already ruined and has been an abortive failure for at least a year now, if not since its beginning. Go play Russian roulette with a fully-loaded gun.
I didn't assert any inherent goodness, only an inherent ability to experience emotions such as fear, hatred, pain, empathy, love, happiness, joy, etc. Psychopaths may be humans but that's because they can experience emotions. Sociopaths generally cannot.
My point is that if you are incapable of experiencing that basic empathy, you are a sociopath and thus lack the basic qualities of humanity to be classified as one. Moreover, such individuals are an active danger to themselves and others and should be either subdued, rehabilitated, or—as a last resort—terminated as soon as possible.
Of course not, retard, but it does disqualify you of your humanity.
Will you boring fucking cunts please shut the fuck up? Nobody cares about your le Reddit Phd in Cyber Faggotry and Pop Psychlology. Just fucking stop it.
Not that mad tbh
Thanks, couldn't have worded it better. Guys, just stop derailing the thread and take it somewhere else.
That is not the same thing as what you argued earlier.
I'm not the guy he was arguing with.
Haha no really it's time to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of the thread.
Nigga, you need to read more psychology, especially on sociopathy, psychopathy, and emotions because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Now stop posting facebook-level psych BS and stay relevant to the thread
Truly the apotheosis of poseur cancer faggotry.
I specified that the ability to experience emotions is an essential criterion for humanity, so yes it is the same as I argued previously.
Make me. :^)
fuck you both shut up
Speak for yourself faggot
The Parliament bombing killed 12+.
The New York Times |
Lol. If I were psychotic, I wouldn't really care about your constant cries about empathy about how I should feel this for that, while completely ignoring the subject's symbolic order. I don't give a shit if you add characteristics of neurosis to the natural condition of humans, because it is psychosis before neurosis.
You're gonna play with the instinct card now, so I'm going to go straight and say a human is any animal belonging to the homo sapiens species capable of thinking.
Sociopathy, psychopathy and the rest of personality "disorders" are mere memes created by the medical establishment to put anyone who doesn't behave in a normal way as if there was any reason to be like other people. I guess we're psychopaths too since we're communists and don't see violence as the ultimate evil.
I am a human regardless of what I feel in certain situations, and there's nothing you can do about it, you assbroken moron.
This is my last post here, sorry for the shitposting, just this autistic recurrent bitching about muh psychopath/sociopath boogeymen gets really annoying judging how they appear in every thread.>>790385
Lol. If I were psychotic, I wouldn't really care about your constant cries about empathy about how I should feel this for that, while completely ignoring the subject's symbolic order. I don't give a shit if you add characteristics of neurosis to the natural condition of humans, because it is psychosis before neurosis.
You're gonna play with muh instincs now, so I'm going to go straight and say a human is any animal belonging to the homo sapiens species capable of thinking.
Sociopathy, psychopathy and the rest of personality "disorders" are mere memes created by the medical establishment to put anyone who doesn't behave in a normal way as if there was any reason to be like other people. I guess we're psychopaths too since we're communists and don't see violence as the ultimate evil.
I am a human regardless of what I feel in certain situations, and there's nothing you can do about it, you assbroken moron.
This is my last post here, sorry for the shitposting, just this autistic recurrent bitching about muh psychopath/sociopath boogeymen gets really annoying judging how they appear in every thread.
You've written all this to have a shitty fuckin argument about something utterly inconsequential and irrelevant on a thread about something consequential and relevant.
You're wasting your life.
what if my dick is behind ur mum
no its becky (and by becky I mean Erdogan)
Oh buddy.
So is the coup pretty much kill at this point or does it still have some steam left in it?
Very disheartening to see the majority of people siding with the government here, it is hard to imagine Turkey actually getting worse with Erdogan out of the picture.
And people say the IRC is killing leftypol…
It's not the retards who derail important, relevant thread with autistic bullshit at all, not at all.
The emergent cognitive qualities of this species allots it the ability to experience and identify complex emotions like empathy and loyalty and pride. The inability to experience and identify such emotions indicates a defective humanity in the agent.
Thanks for proving your total and utter ignorance about the basics of psychology. Your reactionary approach to psychology is the sort that I would expect from hard-of-thinking conservative liberals, not someone who is ostensibly a rational and scientifically-minded individual.
Maybe it keeps recurring because the openly sociopathic remarks likewise recur and anons who consider that sort of dangerous behavior to be a toxic threat to this community and the greater communist movement are calling it out to express their disapproval?
Sociopathy and psychopathy are not mutually inclusive, though some psychological works treat them as such. Perhaps the confusion is because you're too retarded to distinguish between the two.
So basically this is the Reichstag fire of Turkey? Say goodbye to secular democracy in Turkey.
I'm not convinced that it's a false flag.
Sociopathy is the less extreme version of psychopathy, retard.
Regardless if it was or not, if Erdogan comes out on top in this mess Turkey is gonna be in an even worse state for the people.
To my knowledge, if the coup is actually over, it isn't going quietly into that good night.
No, it's the people who post thumbnails.
erdogan nuffin
How so? Are there divisions of allegiances among the people? Are they significant and profound enough to drive the country into civil war?
I'm afraid I'm witnessing Erdogan's security increasing as the people throw the military to the police.
Autists pls go and stay go
It's something normie faggots do constantly, you can only ignore them.
Fuck off you pretentious little faggot. This thread is about a fucking military coup not your verbose masturbatory keyboard diarrhea.
Hopefully those spooky dudes will stop haunting this thread now, because I actually have something on topic.
Okay so we were laughing at people saying this coup was staged before, because early on it's about as spergy a suggestion could get, but let's have a post-game review:
Military personnel killed, but no footage of their bodies. I know they're more likely to be taken away by comrades but you'd think given the amount of gunfire in some places it would be more evident
Helicopter reportedly shot down, no footage
Only footage of people being directly fired upon is the same helicopter at the bridge, from two angles, also the scene where the civilian corpses were found. So how did people miss the big fireball in the sky?
The police cordially invite the coup forces to disarm themselves and allow themselves to be detained, even with citizens politely escorting them to the police
The tank crews do not shoot civilians and let the tanks be captured
Lots of gunfire, but the military and police were regularly shooting in the air as warning shots/at fucking fighter jets (!)
The population flooded out into the streets when asked to, could rentamobs have been used to instigate it?
Now I know that obviously people have died, but the entirety of the government won't be in on it and you can expect soldiers and the police to take some initiative when a coup has been announced, and I've seen them launching some missiles around too. But there's just too many things slightly off, like the fact most of the military weren't in on it (what outcome did they actually expect?), Erdogan being in hot water with Russia and having no political clout or public will to join the EU, lots of confusion about who was doing what from the get go and how quickly it was all over.
Also if that plane was Erdogan's just how much fuel did he put in it? Where was he going again?
If this or something similar becomes the next "Tank Man" after some sort of rancid media campaign, I'm gonna rage/cry sooo hard
BREAKING: Turkish soldiers reportedly take Ataturk Airport - Reuters witness
Look at all the meat shields protecting Erdogan's corrupted government. Now the bastard is now the bastion of Democracy right, I swear this people are useful idiots.
im pretty shocked people are defending erdogan. i guess order>freedom.
Anyone see a Square Pizza here?
I think I agree with most of your suspicions (not as clear evidence of a false flag, but at least 'suggestions,' if you will). However, I can't image making mincemeat of the people would be looked upon too well, especially in the name of freeing them from some despot.
update says that order has been restored at the airport.
haha yay democracy based erdogan for the win!
That's the joy of having two indistinguishable forces fighting each other (as well a good guy cops). It was those big mean coupies that barraged the bridge!
they saved erdogan's propaganda station!
Just fucking kill me now.
I have ambiguous feelings about how this is gonna be presented in the news tomorrow while I'm at work. Don't get me wrong, this is going to be squeezed by the media for every drop of "muh sweet sweet democracy."
What I mean is, when the little television banner across the screen reads, "The people triumph tyranny" and everyone eats it up, I don't know if I'll laugh or frown.
World sucks man
Turkey's already in a worse state whoever comes out on top. Military consolidating power or civil war both look a lot worse than the pre-coup status quo (unless they were actually serious about the "preserving democracy" thing and it isn't the same boilerplate rhetoric every military regime uses before consolidating power) and if Erdogan wins he strengthens his domestic hand immensely.
I will have to agree with you on this. The media is going to squeeze it to death and the propaganda machine will continue. I don't know how to feel about it myself.
In the event of Erdogan winning, we know what will happen. He is going to purge those who aren't part of his group, and try to make a mini Neo-Ottoman Empire. Which would be bad in all cases.
What about the supposed "secularism" I've heard of regarding the military? I may be mistaken in that I'm only really getting this information presently, but some people here seem to think that the military's success would be a victory - though small - for progress.
It would likely have been a small victory for the people. If it was a genuine attempt at a coup, that is, which it was not.
I wonder how many anti-coup protesters were actual Erdogan supporters and how many were simply apolitical people who flipped their shit when they saw the tanks and heard the explosions.
I can see why folks with next to no insight into the history and politics of their own country would see a coup attempt as an anti-democratic threat to be fought against rather than a turn of event that might arguably be politically beneficial to them.
it's the 'all violence is bad' types
And how have you concluded this? Yeah Edogan's regime has heavily capitalized on the coup but I don't think one can conclude it was a false flag or some shit yet.
more likely it's know nothings who heard "Military coup!" and flipped out
This tbh I imagine had this been an actual bottom up popular revolution most of those people would join. The idea of a military coup pretty much rings red flags in anybodies heads who care about democracy or representation
Casualties so far: 60+ dead and 150+ wounded, the major part of which civilians.
this isnt new to turkey. they've had about 6 in the past century alone.
while it's awful to here that civilians were killed, many were responding to erdogan's call to resist the coup. im sure they'll be heralded as martyrs.
Muslims freak the fuck out at funerals, and there are going to be a lot of funerals.
Yeah, but are 30-something normies really acquainted with the complex political interactions between democracy, secularism and the military in Turkey? I don't think so.
Does expert-level knowledge about Turkey pop into your head when you turn 40?
They didn't get (or seemingly even go for) president or PM. They were a very small group with basically no chance of success. Surrender to police within hours. Why would they even attempt a coup unless they are retarded or have been duped into this shit?
Just another day in the spectacle I guess
Come on, don't play with words. What I implied is that people too young to have experienced the country's history of military incursions into politics firsthand are even less likely to see today's coup attempt with perspective and nuance.
"Secularism" is a euphemism. It's Kemalism the military has historically upheld, and while fiercely secular it's also a very nationalistic ideology with a long record of suppressing the working class.
Technically, what does modern "kemalism" stands for beyond a shallow cult of personality centered around Atatürk?
really makes you think
That does sound convincing. Still, I need see more before making a strong conclusion. Is there news of who exactly was behind the coup yet?
No source that I know of is ever precise about who exactly in the military staged the coup. Wikipedia still defines them as "unclear".
Now that I think of it, isn't most military personnel in Turkey conscripted? If the higher-ups weren't part of the coup attempt, then who the fuck was?
Honestly my guess is they got duped instead of it being some conspiracy.
Some generals have been captured as far as I know of, but I'd think it a little absurd for the coup to come from just that level of the military, not to mention the government.
Isn't Istanbul pro-CHP or something?
It's elegant. Expose anti-erdo soldiers by staging a "coup" against ones own govt. Exploit said "coup" to consolidate power.
I usually don't buy into these crazy theories but erdogan seems just power hungry enough to do it.
Which stream are you guys watching?
All streams are off air AFAIK.
Brazil before the coup had a center-left gov, Turgay have with Erdogan an increasingly religious right-wing gov. It's not that fucking hard to see why would one support the coup in turgay.
You know nothing.
Oh, you're one of those faggots, even with an actual neo-liberal in power still claims that the PT was the same shit.
Remember when there were blackouts during the last election in Turkey that conveniently ended up helping the AKP?
; _ ;
erdogan funds terrorism, censors the press, and imprisons dissidents.
Repeat after me: E R G E N E K O N
I don't see how that differs from your average leftypoller/ML
So, since this all happened while I was asleep, how things are now?
erdogan said that coup is over and he is staying in the office, no media are suggesting othervise
This is a video I managed to get last night from a guy called Abdullah İrgin on Facebook. He's the same one who got all those civilian corpses on video, if you've seen that clip. Very harrowing.
From what I gather, he's with a gang of pro-government supporters in a military building. I managed to translate the text on one of the doors as "Command Headquarters", so I assume military. There are crowds of people outside.
At 3:50 gunshots sound outside, and things get progressively more intense from there. This guy gets seriously scared at one point.
Now, from what I can tell from checking this guy's facebook and the rough google translate of turkish, he may have sustained gunshot wounds in his arm and leg later in the day. I can only assume he was involved in the civilian shooting.
He or Facebook has taken all the videos down, so I'm lucky I managed to archive clips.
Damn, 100+ coup plotters killed.
ABC News |
Fucking shitskin.
Bunların Erdogan'ı desteklemesinden bıktım!
I disagree .