Well, I guess it's official.
It's funny how you see these same exact points being made by CTR shills on the internet. What a coinky dink.
"The Media is Rigged FOR Trump"
Other urls found in this thread:
Standard DARVO.
The world will never improve until every single one of these psuedo-journalist talking-head motherfuckers are executed.
These schmucks will be one of the first groups of people to be hung from trees.
The left always projects
Gutfeld is not necessarily wrong - remember the part of the wikileaks when they said that Hillary's chances depended on Trump becoming the Republican nominee? Well, the media gave Trump the coverage so he became the nominee because they thought they could stump the Trump in the general election.
They succeed in the first part (Trump becoming the nominee) but they failed the second one (Stumping the Trump).
i can't wait till its legal to napalm these fucks and their families.
No, you're completely right. All of us who have been here from the beginning and saw every dirty trick they pulled against Trump during the primary including manufacturing an assault charge on his campaign manager which they still misreport what all just part of our imagination. Thanks for the insight, you can go back /r/the_donald now.
Perhaps he will learn the difference in the moments between the floor falling away and the snap.
How much time has this cocksucker spent on the podesta emails?
It is funny to think Hillary felt threatened by the Guac Merchant
Use your brain. Liberal media attacking a Republican candidate makes the Republican base get behind him. They attacked Trump while praising Bush and Rubio, the made the massive hate-boner that Republicans have for liberals, the media and the establishment grow and they stuck behind Trump. That's why Trump's support grew after each vicious attack, it showed that he wasn't in the cahoots with them.
Is that why the first debate with Megyn Kelly on Fox was a major attempt at a take down? You think back then everyone equated Megyn Kelly and Fox news as "liberal media."? Most normies still don't.
Back to reddit.
Trump was supposed to be just a stooge that would make a mess and quickly fade away, leaving the road clear for Cunton.
Then he went rogue
Listen jackass, not everyone you dont like is CTR, greg is a hardcore cruz missile still salty about trump, but unless the last decade of his career on a 3am news show was all an act so he could get on the big stage for this one single segment, hes not a shill.
do you not see how accusing random ass people of being shills is making it harder for people to understand when its serious? This is some real "boy who cried wolf" shit and you guys destroying any hope we have of outing the real problem
jesus christ do some research, you fags are acting like those bronies who got buttmad about the "hate speech" towards them
Knowing how the media works and using it to your advantage isn't the same as the media being rigged for you.
Go shill on reddit.
Megyn Kelly and Fox are Repub establishment shills, they thought Trump candidacy was a joke/publicity stunt and as it went one thought it could really damange the Republican party.
Liberal media was attacking Trump to the republican base behind him, Fox (Establishment conservatives) were trying to get rid of him because the fix was in for Señor Guacbowl.
I see you got triggered. Write "back to reddit/tumblr/cuckchan" more, maybe if you wish it really hard it may happen.
Apparently, from the leaks, his policies were polling really well with minorities and the Dems were afraid that he was going to steal their votes (which is the actual reason Repubs had picked him, if you remember pre-primaries analysis).
And take your friend with you.
The media screwing the pooch bad enough to ACCIDENTALLY give Trump a boost is not the same as intentionally boosting Trump. They're trying all they can to minimize damage for Clinton and maximize damage for Trump. They just have no capital to do so: no good will with the public. If the media wasn't full of such fuck ups who get high on their own supply, they wouldn't be in the mess they're in and Trump would have probably actually been significantly stalled out by their assaults.
You thought you had a slam-dunk chance of pleasing your own ego by dissing another user and got stumped, now you're reduced to "back to plebbit". How pathetic.
Probably a kike to boot.
You can tell this user got blown the fuck out once the smug anime girls came out. It's a tell tell sign.
Remember. The current media strategy is to say the opposite or reality.
Don't worry user, there are still sane individuals left. I wonder where the rest of em went…
*tell tale sign
The media is now accusing the media of being behind trump.
Trump didn't get media attention.
Trump MADE media attention.
And he mindfucked the media (including your precious controlled op Fox News) into giving him all this attention for virtually free
Trump spends less than everyone and WINS
I agree with other user
still havent explained why greg gutfeld spent the last decade on a show at 3am on fox news being ring wing but suddenly now hes a secret clinton operative.
because you cant.
They're all part of the same globalist party you fucking bluepilled faggot. There is no right v left. How fucking new can you be?
You have nothing to be smug about.
There are Podesta emails that say exactly that. If he's trying to say that's a reason not to support Trump he's retarded though.
sorry, i forgot the true parties are natsoc and marxism
literally fucking kill yourself, there is a right and a left, youre confusing them with republican and democrat, you fucking jackass, ==stop making it easy for people to dismiss real fucking problems==
Hello TRS/4cuck. I told you that the only two true positions are globalism or nationalism. Left v Right is a meme.
literally autistic if you do that, by the way.
and it happened, i wasnt fast enough
hello autism, hows it going?
Kill yourself dumb faggot, you low-functioning types always spout this over and over whenever you get put on the back foot. Go back to wherever you came from because it's not from here.
Go back where you came from.
Did you get lost on your way to /r/The_Donald?
how autistic.
im sure its totally normal for a ctr left wing shill like greg gutfeld to trigger half of canada
here, let me do this too
this is how stupid you sound.
Kill yourself cocksucker.
Now that's pathetic
You're completely incoherent. Is the idea that Greg Glutfeld being a globalist so hard for you to comprehend?
they always kill themselves:
without fail.
divine retribution comes in so many forms that people aren't even aware of its existence.
Get a load of this bluepilled cuck.
Fuck these kike niggerfaggots. As has already been stated, these morons got played into talking about him nonstop. And now finally some of them realize their colossal fuckup, so they say they did it on purpose
I hate these shits so goddamn much
This jew and all the others are completely out of touch with reality and the people.
mere projection
fox attacked hillary for years because they knew she would be easy to defeat
You're the one that needs to go back to reddit with your nigger tier IQ. We have the leaks showing that MSNBC was pushing Trump, Cruz, Carson because they thought he'd be easier for Clinton to beat at first. Its why Morning Joe was so favorable to him early on. This only changed once Bill Clinton started telling them that Trump was a threat which is when they went full out on the attack against him.
Fox on the other hand are republican establishment shills rather than democrat establishment shills so they were trying to stop him to get Bush or Rubio nominated.
Seriously how….
Can Greg Gutfeld not be a kike?
Down the road not across the tracks, pleb
I used to love Greg like five years ago, but he sold out hard. He ditched Bill, who was actually funny, to go be a big shot talking head. Anyone with supposedly such a pulse on young America should understand Trump a lot better. He's Glenn Beck, a stubborn christard who says whatever sells the books, but when it's time to prevent Hillary from being elected, he actively undermines the party.
Greg Gutfeld is a failed comedian and honorary kike. That being said, the reason Trump got so much free coverage is because, just like Trump said in The Art of The Deal: "The press is always hungry for a good story." Trump is a good story. He brings in the eyeballs and the clicks.
That isn't really rigging, though. It's just being a good showman.
Media kikes knew that covering Trump was good for ratings. What they didn't bank on was that them covering Trump also propelled him. What was the number, around 3 billion in free earned media, even if its all negative? Trump is at the forefront of everyone's minds. The ballot might as well be 'Trump' and 'not-Trump'.
Well then, I guess he isn't an honorary kike after all. He's just a kike.
What a dishonest cuck. The media has to cover Donald in some manner or else they wouldn't have anyone watching. They'd be shuttering their doors because no one watches for Hillary news, they tune in for Trump. (((They))) care about shekels more than they care about actually accomplishing their mission.
I bet he knew they would try that and used that to his advantage. there's no way the DNC and the RNC will ever recover from this.
They're complaining that all their smearing hasn't paid off, what a big surprise.
The Jew Cries Out in Pain as He Strikes You
At this point it's not even funny. No wonder the KKK hated them.
Oddly enough, my Jewish friends my parents are liberals, what can I say absolutely hate Catholicism because of muh Nazi collaboration and ignorance of Vatican II. They really like the current Pope, though.
Hah, Alex Jones said to filter you.
The reason why catholics were hated (besides just being a foreign group moving in on the anglo-protestant natives) is because they were perceived as having a dual allegiance. Catholics were allegedly loyal to the pope first, and to their country when convenient.
Personally, I think that's complete bullshit. But it's funny because it legitimately has been and still is a huge issue with the kikes. They're the ones who REALLY have the dual allegiance going on.
Of course, I'm a catholicuck, so I'm probably biased here.
Can't all be like Coughlin. Unfortunately.
There is something about American Catholics that isn't right with me. They always seem to be more liberal and subversive than Protestants. Maybe it's just a WASP meme.
In Eastern Europe Not Orthodox-Eastern, but close to it, the Catholics are the bastion of conservativism and high ranked clergy fought against the communists. That's why I'm torn on the issue. I was also raised as one.
No matter, how many times I see this vid, I'm always amazed. I wish there were more people like him in the Church
Hence #NotALLCatholics. I agree that most of them need to be fucking purged.
In terms of liberal pozz ranking, I'd actually have to put mainline protestants above catholics. Say what you want about Pope Marx I, but the mainline protestants are the ones with female preachers performing fag marriages and telling people to adopt nigger babies. The evangelicals are the only not-so-cucked ones, and even they're pretty cucky on the issue of race and everyone being god's children and all that. And their weird obsession with israel and the jews.
Going back to catholics, the main issue is that most aren't actually religious and only bother going to mass for christmas and easter. That and the priesthood is full of cucks who just say feel-good bullshit and never actually say anything poignant. Plus they love open borders because more mexicans means more catholics to fill their pews.
Maybe there's a breakdown by ethnicity though. I'm Polish Catholic and my entire family is deeply conservative, religious, and redpilled. Not sure if that's an overall trend across polaks across america, or if its just my own social circles.
checking these dubs on an underrated post
The media shouldn't have been so quick to go against him. Trump may have lost if they gave him even half the coverage, but practically everyday Trump was dominating the news cycles. He made himself a constant story and fresh in people's minds. This allowed him to get more eyes on him so he could get his message to more.
Holla Forums is always right
horribly the miscalculated
Hillary would've crushed guacman, rato, and jewbio
Day of the Rope will definitely have to wait until after Knight of the Long Knives 2.
Well, he has a point, Ron Paul got 0 coverage.
Not a typo, fagort
Ron Paul got zero coverage because he was an impotent cuck who knew the system was rigged but sat back and didn't try to fight it. Being principled doesn't mean jack shit if you let everyone pretend you don't exist.
lurk more friend
How many times have we seen the media tell people that the media are saying the opposite of what what they're saying? There should be a word for it.
Hi, shill.
It's funny that they think they can pull this shit when the story is about themselves.
First reply wasn't a faggot today
People don't tune in to see Ron Paul, people tune in to see Donald Trump even if they don't like him. Get lost CTR
gutfeld is 5'2"
Over thinking it nigger. Kikes want shekels, Trump is a household name and a viewer magnet. They kept him on TV because viewers is how they get that sweet sweet advertiser shekels.
What a dumbfuck. This isn't the first time I've heard this argument – that because the media gives a lot of coverage to Trump instead of completely ignoring a major Presidential candidate, it means they're actually shilling for him.
However, this wall-to-wall coverage of Trump has consisted of calling him literally Hitler for the past 18 months while trying to accuse them of tax fraud, rape and being best friends with David Duke.
This isn't the flattering coverage that Hillary gets from the mainstream media. Most politicians would have had their careers destroyed in the first month of the slander that Trump has endured, but unlike most cuckservatives, he didn't apologize for being literally Hitler and continued to double down on making America great again.
So I agree with the point that the media has devoted a substantial amount of time to covering Trump, but virtually all of it has been slander. If we judge support based on this metric than John Oliver is Trump's biggest advocate because that's all he can talk about.
Well said
Don't want to make a new thread for this so I'll ask this here. There are still people who buy into the fox "Trump is a hillary plant!" bullshit, bringing up that they were supposedly friends at some point. For the most part, I only pay attention to the shit that actually matters, so I don't know how to respond to this. How do I even respond to that without bringing up the zog? I'm saving the zog for later.
if Hillary really owned Trump then she would be for more debates because that would mean more chances to surge above him.
That's complete bullshit. The only reason Trump didn't immediately win the primary is because media was all out shilling for Cruz, Rubio, and Jeb.
Yup, Trump's been playing 128-bit chess in their heads and tricking them into giving him coverage since the very beginning.
That's true, thank you user. Not sure why I didn't think of that.
Things are getting so obvious at this point that later is soon becoming now.
The audacity of these people. Are they simply unfamiliar with the idea of vengeance, or don't they fear it?
Yeah, I'm quickly realizing that. Just waiting for the right chance.
This is an actual narrative thought up by hundreds if not thousands of consultants and being sold on national television.
(((Gutfield))) only a kike could use such tortured reasoning with a straight face
That's like a washout claiming he's the reason the winner went on to be so successful.
That's the talk of a bitter loser.
from an establishment perspective it's actually a pretty decent smokescreen to distract from the fact that they got worked by Trump at every juncture of the race. pretend like you're still playing kingmaker and that "promoting" Trump was a "mistake"
Except literally nobody buys it. Shitlibs will parrot it, because that's what they do, but they don't actually believe it. They know the media was on their side from day one regardless of if they'll admit to it or not.
They outed themselves as NeverTrump last year with the very first debate. The network is full of bitter NeverTrump-fags and (((Neocons))).
The only ones worth watching are Dubbs(Checked), Hannity, and Pirro because they're openly pro-Trump.
the media gave him coverage but it was never their intention to help trump in any way. There is hardly 1/100 news article saying positive things about him on MSM. Even fox news was making fun of him.
Negative coverage helped or not, I don't know. But these kikes had nothing planned.
oh no, what will this do to your narrative? he straight up attacks globalism and supports nationalism, WOOPS
Doesnt matter though, you shills have successfully turned everyone's attention to a strawman, congrats CTR, you win this round, It will make your death only sweeter.
why would you care about him ditching the kike? This isnt undermining the party, people trying to convince you he is a target are, just because he doesnt want trump to focus on a rigged system doesnt mean he wants trump to lose. Talking about it isnt working, meaning greg is right, until we can outright prove its rigged then normalfags will never care.
Think again dumbass. Is that you Greg? You actually being him is the only reason I could think of for someone, presumably a "man", to have a globalist faggot's dick so far down his throat.
Kikefeld is a company man who does whatever his overlords tell him.
manlets did nothing wrong, just this guy.
5'2" isn't even manlet status
Gutfeld, stop! I can only add your name to the cucked traitor list so many times!
This fucker should be put on anti-psychotic meds holy shit. How insane do you have to be? Yeah he is right that they report every sneeze Trump has… But they report that sneeze as "wtf he zyklon raped 6 trillion jewish THOTS ;_;".
Wow, that is a punchable face
Media being dumb as fuck, we shouldn't be surprised at this point
This was their hubris filled projection before Lord Emperor Trump was born. They didnt see us and the internet, and Trump, as a true threat then. Their hubris was at its highest then, in its passive state.
Their hubris in its active state is something filled with anxiety, blindness, and fear. Lots and lots of fear. They're not used to this.
They begin to panic.
An enemy, no matter how strong, in a state of panic is EXTREMELY vulnerable to the wise attacker.
They are fighting an army they didn't realize was there ready to go. They suspected its existence, but their sloth, hubris, and general delusional mindset let this army grow truly unseen. Their hubris made it so.
Gutfeld should consider suicide now.
No, im not one of you, im Holla Forums oldguard who knows what the fuck a shill smells like, reconsider living, immediately.
Loving every laugh.
Because you dont grasp what is actually going on, and you subtly defend the LYING PRESS, you have outed yourself as, at best, a normalfag; at worst, CTR faggot kike shill.
Your choices are limited presently.
Realize you're on the dying side and understand wtf im telling you now, or persist foolishly because you stand for nothing.
Funny how things work out. They thought they could get an easy win against Trump, and now their plans are falling apart at the seams thanks to their own hubris
Praise whoever gets to Anderson Cooper first on the DOTR "oy vey shut it down don't do nothing goyim you can't win." said the increasingly nervous gay kike.
that is one of the smuggest cuckfaces ever.
man, it really is GG all over again…
checkin' dem troofs.
>yfw you're such an incompetent globalist both of your assets went rogue, and you could only corral the cuck.
If Clinton's activities had been in the open, she'd have hung herself with her own incompetence already.
you couldn't even have the original, could you.
it's shit, weeb.
anime has always been trash
yeah, because they were first making fun of him, and then, they tried to destroy him.
This is what you get when you ditch all morality and decide everything is fair game.