Is he (dare I say it) /ourguy/?
SJWs and Antifas step, piss on, and burn the US flag
Pretty sure he is posting on Holla Forums
I'm getting sick of your shit. You are the cancer that is killing this board.
t. reddipol
just fuck off back to r/movies if you want to talk about films
You are the cancer, cancer.
I never said anything about movies, I'm just pointing out that your boring politisperging is cancer.
Gay faggot.
One trick pony.
That's the flag of Cusco not a fag flag, and apparently neither of them know this.
Stop being a fucking triggered faggot, people are going to do things you disagree with
You are worse than cancer.
the LGBTQSFDASXZCHLMNPZ community is being persecuted for over SIX MILLION years, stepping on our flag is literally another oppression.
lel burgerniggers are retarded, cant even do basic research before they do a prop bit
thats still a gay ass flag, i get it that the peruvians have colorful hats and shit but thats hella gay
i like it
Hey shareblue