Mozilla's research uncovers important ways to promote diversity and inclusion in open source project
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How can they be so far from reality?
Anyway nothing changed they are sinking themselves into useless politic.
Install Icecat.
With the webbrowser firewall umatrix
Use a whitelist methodology for umatrix.
A whitelist methodology is a simple firewall rule which is:
-Block everything, and authorize when needed.
A blacklist is:
-Authorize everything and block what is known(via a list of known blocked things).
There are 3 kinds of possible states in umatrix
No need to explain the first two.
Neutral means that for example if the CSS/image are in this state if will only allow domain who are authorized, thus if you authorize 1st-party then they will load and all the other non specified third parties will be blocked.
The only thing that you should authorize is 1st-party and let CSS and image neutral
Note: a lot of website have retarded external CSS so you might manually have to authorize some manually and then save your changes (select the padlock when you want to save changes)
I recommend at least to block script everywhere (since most of them are a security/privacy issue and are proprietary).
To do so you need to either add the line
* * script block
To the "my rules" section in the options of umatrix.
Or In the upper left corner there's a blue cell designating the current scope of the matrix. Click on it, select the asterisk and allow/block globally.
Then save your changes (select the padlock when you want to save changes).
Here are basic rules that are proposed.
https-strict: * true
https-strict: behind-the-scene true
matrix-off: about-scheme true
matrix-off: addons.about-scheme true
matrix-off: behind-the-scene true
matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true
matrix-off: chrome-scheme true
matrix-off: localhost true
matrix-off: opera-scheme true
referrer-spoof: * true
referrer-spoof: behind-the-scene true
ua-spoof: * true
ua-spoof: behind-the-scene true
* * * block
* * cookie block
* * frame block
* * media block
* * other block
* * script block
* * xhr block
* 1st-party * allow
Reminder that political correctness is the vector and useless retards that do nothing but antagonise valuable contributors and police speech are the parasites riding the vector
HAHA he has kids, what a loser, he wont be part of my project.
This is so freaking stupid. Odds are someone who doesn't know the jargon doesn't know the subject and can't contribute even if they wanted to (they don't, otherwise they'd learn the subject and, with it, the jargon).
lol, rms is way too honest. I get he's an autist but even so it can't be that hard to not say anything.
It's worth remembering that rms is like this about everything and everyone but himself.
He's smart enough that he learned to couch the rhetoric of his movement in terms of benefiting some abstract "user", but he does not, and never did give a fuck about anyone but himself. Free Software is about Richard Stallman, and that fact that he couldn't get the code to a printer driver back in the 70s, and he never wanted that to happen again.
Every subsequent thing he has done, from creating the GPL, to founding the GNU project and the FSF has been to wrangle people into writing software that he'll always have access to the source of. If there was a way he could achieve the same outcome without having benefited anyone else, and it had been easier, he would have done it.
He's the kind of autist that isn't capable of recognizing the full humanity of other people. We're all just objects to him.
Okay, thanks for your contribution.
That's one kind of autistic BSD cuck interpretation.
nice pasta m8. don't ever talk to me or saint ignucius ever again.
I used to like firefox. Now it's a bloated piece of shit that leaks memory like a sieve. Obviously a problem with technical confidence and lack of diversity going on over there.
I'll admit to knowing nothing at all about Rust. I've never even looked at it, all my exposure is muh garbage collector memes and the in-fighting on here. But how can something not be shit when it got the collective and diverse poo of mozilla behind it? Better divest yourselves from it before the magnitude of the rusty turd blots out the sun.
I think it's fun that these new philosophies tech companies are chaining themselves to would exclude almost all people who have made any real contribution to computing. Most skillful people are a bit abrasive, a property that comes with mastery. I guess there's some grand intel plan with all this bullshit but I sure as hell don't know what it is. Bog down all the public interfaces with retardation until only intel code teams can create shit?
So, Black Lives Matter, kill whitey.
Progressive stack, silence whitey.
Whitey who disagrees gets fired.
Block talented whitey to not attend.
White genocide in action.
When you realize Mozilla isn't ditching their old add-ons for security purposes and they're doing it because black women don't know how to code.
rms confirmed for racism against child owners. initiate ejection from the hacker community
uhhhhh. if you say so
it's pretty simple. mozilla is a corporation. corporations for the most part cannot produce qualtiy software. this is why firefox is shit.
firefox was maybe at one point a real open source project but mozilla as a corporation only cares about things like "solving diversity problems". this is why firefox is a slow piece of shit and no bugs are ever fixed (for example the block popups option has never worked, opening an image in tab A and quickly switching to tab B causes the image to open in B instead, etc). literally the only technical problems firefox addresses are security patches and implementing the latest new trendy w3c standards
I have a solution. All self respecting white persons quit turdzilla and fork it under a new project. You will have solved their (((diversity problem))) and also begin working on bringing focus back to the project. Mozilla needs to die.
And this is why Holla Forums has gone go shit. Tech illiterate Holla Forumstards whining about diversity blaming it for their shitty lives.
Is it any coincidence linux is a piece of shit requiring constant maintenance? is absolutely correct, Stallman is a fat lazy autist who expects programmers to "work" their ass off coding, allow anyone to appropriate their work (muh free source) and give no credit to the worker.
Fuck that pale scruffy bearded loser fatass creep piece of shit. It's no surprise this dungeon of social failures applauds his life style and antics. Go fuck yourselves.
Jesus fucking christ, where did it all go so wrong?
How's your third world shithole going, mate?
Didn't mean to mock your contributions to the FOSS community, user. I'm sure your pull requests adding gender-neutral pronouns to documentation are vital to all of us.
You are special.
yep, this faggot's back again
You make multiple errors user.
One you assume that OP is illiterate.
You have no proof of that.
Second you assume Holla Forums .
Maybe because the views of OP aren't to same has yours.
You should take yourself away from politics m8 it only causes tribalism.
Bait or you are tech illiterate.
Please tell which software doesn't ?
You don't say?
Seriously nigga ?
What is copyright.
Wut ?
Where the fuck is the technological progress in this whole mess ?
That article is about mozilla making community rules and brainwashing people about inclusiveness will improve the software.
Oh no, they are retarded.
you've been reported for bodyshaming and your github account will shortly be revoked
Comparing an oil change to engine haul amigo, just because you can build a car doesn't mean it'll go 40 miles to the gallon.
Same reaction.
I seriously wonder on what assumption they are against meritocracy.
O yeah, ultra egalitarism. My bad.
Hello (((m712)))
tl;dr: Software quality does not matter. We did not want those users and developers anyway.
It doesn't matter to them anymore, they're getting paid by Soros to fight 'misinformation', that's their market, now.
Yep, they are just exploiting the brand name to get an audience. That's why everything modern sucks so much: Nobody cares about the product, anymore.
this is your mind on leftycringe
Everything modern sucks because users refuse to invest themselves into developing the software they use. What users do is leech off the work that other people invest in and complain that they won't work for them. This can all be changed when users invest into developing their own software.
Actually his illustration is pretty spot-on, Linux has shit battery life in laptops compared to Windows.
What makes software different from hardware, farming, plumbing, tailoring or road maintenance or any number of other things that other people do on your behalf? Is everyone supposed to do everything?
Yeah. Not everything you listed there, like farming and roads, but they should be able to mend their clothes, fix at least small issues with their pipes, maintain their own car, etc.
inability to do anything about most of the shit in your life without paying someone else to is bad. consumerism and the incomptetence and dependency it breeds are a cancer upon humanity.
Reinstall the OS
"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" or uses the gui to do so.
This but I disagree that they need to develop themselves.
The GPL authorize the users to finance someone else to do so.
But people are still fucking retarded on that subject because it's gratis.
They do need to invest themselves into learning basic functions, update/upgrade aren't difficult to learn but a lot people can't even do this.
Plus there's all the bullshit about gratis services (gmail, discord etc...) has long they don't understand that selling their privacy is the same has paying but with worse result it won't change faster.
It's more or less this.
The problem comes from what is responsible for X to not work.
For example people blame "linux" for not working with adobe software when in reality it's adobe's fault.
All proprietary software are the ones responsible for not making their software work on a platform that let's them have total freedom over it.
Not exactly has said has before it will change when people will accept to pay for a service instead of giving up on their privacy.
Very easy.
copy software
cp your_file "destination"
Ok I understood what you mean and I agree with you a user can't do this in general but if they want they can learn.
There's some basic theoretical knowledge that should be known tho because if to ignorant they can be manipulated into a lot of shit that's why the actual tech world is driven by GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft).
Since they know jack shit they can even know what's good or bad.
You need a complete knowledge about chemistry mathematics, metallurgy, hydraulics, electronic, software developing and basically almost every possible human knowledge.
Copying hardware means that you need the knowledge, tools and assembly lines.
You can't do it on your own.
I should say I'm not the poster you replied to, since what I said doesnt really imply most users should necesarially know C/++ and actually ocntribute to development. But the retard-proof "IT JUST WERKS" attitude of normalfag software renders users unable to understand whats wrong, articulate why, or change how they do anything should a better way be presented.
Can we please invent a new web.
Let's start by designing logo for it.
Gnunet it is then.
Daily remider that cultural marxism/critical theory is the methodology that these fuckers are applying. It literally consists of the following premise: Every thought/concept that supports our agenda is beneficial. Otherwise it is our enemy. Furthermore, TWISTED LOGIC is one of the core concepts.
So I dare you: Don't even bother to argue with these fuckers because it is literally impossible. Ridicule them, ignore them, hate them, but do not let this cancer into your brain.
In these days, Holla Forums and Holla Forums are inseperable because they are targeted by the same agenda. Together we stand strong.
This board is owned by leftypol, we've been here longer than you
Fuck off commie, take your diversity, move your panties aside, and shove it up there deep like your tranny bf does
How's the night in Tel Aviv, Moishe?
This is /christian/ board because you can't write a fucking compiler.
diversity and sjws = neo-marxism
Google, the monolithic monopoly making millions in profits every day, is neo-Marxist. Of course.
uhhh sorry sweetie :), wrong, wrong, and also wrong maybe next time hon :)
Google is 'liberal', for sure. That is what you mean when you say 'left-leaning'. You mean progressive social politics, which can be a feature of socialist but also of capitalist societies.
Marxism is an economic theory. I am not an expert, but I'm fairly sure of the following. One of the key Marxist principles is that the taking of profit is an unjust or undeserved right of companies. Labour was put in by the worker which resulted in turnover, and the worker has lost a proportion of the fruits of his labour when profits are skimmed off the top by the owners of a company. If Google were Marxist, they could not take any profit by definition; however, they rake in millions of dollars a day which goes to shareholders, execs, etc. and not to the programmers. Google cannot be Marxist.
If you want to call them authoritarian for firing James Damore, go ahead (although the more capitalist someone is, the more likely they are to support the right of a company to hire and fire for any reason). If you want to call them liberal for their politics, go ahead. Do not call them Marxist, because they cannot be.
But the worker doesn't risk his skin like the owner :p
I'm not arguing for that, just so you know.
Holla Forums hates STEM. If any of them could use a computer maybe they'd have a job and wouldn't be commies.
I used to agree with that, but pretty much any marxist alive supports SJWs so SJW is now in effect a part of modern-day marxism. Tell me with whom you walk and I will tell you who you are.
I think you realize that, but thinking the employer should be able to terminate an employee at any time doesn't mean you agree a company who fires people for their political views is a good company.
wat? I thought this was the lolbert computing board?
What you don't understand is that Google isn't a company. It's an intel front. The people who control Google don't give a shit about progressive social politics. They don't care if it's you commie retards or the natsoc Holla Forums type who are in charge of spearheading culture. On that they go wherever the wind is blowing. As soon as the poo diversity angle is spent and you commies are thoroughly unpopular (after the boomers die) they'll latch onto the growing crop of Holla Forumstard millennials with kek Google logos and all that clap.
Because intel represents totalitarian interests, and the only thing they really care about is more control to the command structure.
By the actual owner of Holla Forums
Whoever made that image is a fucking idiot. The "left" that the USA uses to label those more liberal, socially speaking, has absolutely nothing to do with the "left" as it is understood in the rest of the world.
In fact, in most countries liberalism is considered a "right", more capitalist thing.
Americans have an awful pastiche and it all begins with their stupid bipartidist system.
No idea where you're from but pretty much the entire western world would lump the left together like in that image.
I admit you're right, user. Google is surely left leaning and SJW friendly as fuck, but not Marxist. You have to understand though that at least many SJW talking points are marxist in nature (class struggle applied to sex amd race, for example) so saying "Google is Marxist" although wrong, is understandable.
honestly the people and images on the left of the pic are still disgusting, just a different kind of disgusting
Fuck off commie
I thought communists couldn't own things
"class struggle applied to sex and race" is precisely and exactly as marxist as stormfront. Thats called "false conciousness."
Guess this is the "cultural marxism" thread, so look what I found:
Isn't this wingo guy the one behind guile and guixsd?
At least, staying far from bloated shit should keep you from hearing about those nutcases.
Divert funding from development towards echo chambers and think tanks.
Get people who have no involvement with the organization, understanding of its goals and a permanent chip on their shoulder to police the community.
Start an inquisition against internal dissent.
Let's make our product appeal more to people who don't want to use our product!
Through exclusion as dictated by a handful of privileged self-righteous white women.
Genesis 11:1–9
Import more single-minded liberal activists from unrelated fields to strengthen the foothold of the kakistocracy.
Lower the already minimal bar for admission for more dead weight.
Oldspeak make think malquoted, newspeak create fullwise plus good groupthink.
Less development, more conferences.
Forego acknowledgement of talent, introduce participation trophies.
Privacy but with the capability to arbitrarily censor and dox people we don't like.
All in all, it sounds like they're advocating for an asylum run by the inmates.
It's not realistic or sensible to expect people to be able to do everything, and you are a hypocrite because there are any number of things that you are unable to do and rely on others to do on your behalf.
Software is a work of functional logic. Software isn't a physical thing that you can touch and smell just like human thoughts or network protocols. Software is a set of instructions that control a computer to achieve a particular outcome for a particular user. Free software is software that permits users tinker with the software that they use. This is opposed to proprietary software which restricts and controls users in how they use and tinker with the software. When users have free software, the freedom that they have in the software implies that they should also have responsibility to tinker and improve the software instructions at any time they please. What I'm saying is: your software has the potential to be perfect when you choose to make it that way. You simply refuse to do it.
I agree with you completely, the point I'm making is that the users ought to be responsible enough to invest into the software they use. One possible way to do this is to have programming skills and personally invest time and effort to tinker with the software. Another possible way is to ask a favor from a friend to tinker with the software. The other way (and this is universally applicable) is to hire a skilled programmer to consult with and develop the software. Any way it happens, the point is that the user of the software is responsible for the software they use, as opposed to the way of proprietary software which seeks to subjugate what users do with the software. This lifestyle of helplessness and entitlement is a trained behavior of the proprietary software industry. It is abundantly clear when users who only know this behavior of helplessness, they whine that a particular free software is imperfect and they do nothing more to get it fixed.
I don't expect people to do everything. I do expect them to invest into the software that they run on their own computer: hire programmers to fix the mostly complete software you have into the complete and perfect software you desire.
Try actually reading what I said.
Which is a completely asinine expectation.
So...is there a Firefox fork out there completely compatible with the Firefox addons I have right now that I can switch to? Better yet is there a browser out there with features like those found in Random Agent Spoofer + uBlock Matrix? I'd move to that in a heartbeat.
Boy, Holla Forums babies swarmed this thread fast.
What if the majority of Holla Forums users are also against this bullshit? No need to bring Holla Forums everywhere, it's already leaking too much.
im (789622) not a Holla Forumstard, you nignog. i've been hating firefox before pol existed (at least i didnt know about pol until a few years ago). your shit about stallman is retarded and literally the argument polniggers make when they scream "rms iz commie!111"
go back to reddit
Not an argument
here, let me help you:
I never said everyone should be a highly trained specialist at everything. Hell, see the post I made replying to myself.
Given that, its not unrealistic to expect the level of generalism and comptetence in all matters important to ones life I'm actually talking about in the sense of being not viable. Its what humans have always done, and its fundementally in our nature. Knowing nothing about anything you do and rely upon and desiring not to is not natural, even though it is common nowadays. Its as I said in the first post.
People should fix their own cars, maintain their own homes, etc etc. Hell, if their location is good for it, gardening is pretty good. if not as an individual than as a community at least. And this principle applied to software means they shouldnt have trouble using software/systems that isnt thoroughly padded with layer upon layer of retard proofing. And, while it would not mean they'd necesarially know how to program and contribute to projects, they'd have the conciousness and capacity to organize funding for things they want done, know at least to some extent what to ask for, and be better able to recognize better design, not just whatever 'just werks', and choose intelligently.
to call this 'unrealistic' is a condemnation of the consumerism driving the modern economy and not much else.
That won't send them to reddit, you dumb bitch. Get the fuck back to Reddit.
Here let me help you
It is not at all asinine. Responsibility is an explicit part of freedom. People who live in freedom are expected to take responsibility over themselves. In the case of free software, this means free users should be investing into the development of software that is not quite perfect for their subjective situations: if it's already perfect, then there is no need to develop it further. A private road is the road owner's responsibility. A private plane is the plane owner's responsibility. Software running on a user's own computer is that user's responsibility.
Having said that, nothing about this implies that the user has to have any skills to achieve anything. If you believe that I'm arguing for users to become IT experts and computer programmers, you are confused about my point. If this is true, then you are conflating technical aptitude to be the same as having freedom. Users who need technical help need to go out and find a skilled helper for this help.
It's your own choice if you refuse to take responsibility over your own software, nobody is going to force you to take care of yourself. However, users should not have any sense of entitlement whenever they complain about free software and choose to do nothing further about it.
It's time to kill SJW snowflakes. We should save them from their own vicious mental deranged cycles.
People cannot be expected to be able to do everything. You have no counter-arguments to this. You are objectively wrong.
It is asinine and I already explained why. You have no counter-arguments because you are objectively wrong.
Get the fuck out of here you retards.
fuck off nigger
For all her realization of the reality and the countless examples proven to her, she still thinks she isn't an outlier. Good luck to her filling tech companies with "awesome women" -- by that time she'll be dead and buried. The reason why these morons tried to do away with meritocracy is so they could focus on mediocrity. So, now they're back to hiring the best -- men. What deluded, brain dead fools. If I knew of her history of discrimination based on gender, I would quit and encourage other men to do the same. Leave her to her utopia and see where it leads.
It's real and utterly unironic too.
I forgot how funny this was.
social justice is not left wing.
Listen m8 even some /polacks/ agrees with the principals of free software.
Free software and the GPL is neutral ground since anyone can benefit form it.
Them there's retards like for example webber and other faggots who will use that neutral common ground to try and make it political.
Go fuck yourself in the ass fuckboi.