First off, I'd like to say that I'm college educated, which means that I'm smarter than 99.6% of the posters on 8ch.
Whether you'd like to admit it or not, Donald Trump is a fucking racist and it's very likely that he'll be the next Hitler of our time. There's absolutely no point denying it, especially here on 8ch of all places. After all, it's the sole reason why you all support him in the first place. The scary part of the matter is that he has the potential to be even worse than Hitler. Think of what one man can do in a country with a population of over 100 million nonwhite citizens. The death toll could potentially be higher than any event in the history of mankind.
He says that he wants to take "OUR" country back and "make America great AGAIN", but what he really wants to do is make America white again. And when he says "we're taking OUR country back", he's talking as if America belongs strictly to white people. One has to really wonder just what he'd be willing to do to accomplish his goal of making America a white homeland again.
It's no secret that all of his supporters are racists as well, at the very least they're complicit in condoning it. All you have to do is ask the average Trump supporter one simple question and they'll tell you all that you need to know, just ask them: "When was America great?". I guarantee you that most of them will tell you that they want to bring America back to somewhere around the 1950s era. They want to bring this country back to a time where whites made up the vast majority of the population and blacks and other minorities were treated like dogs.
Well I have news for you fucking racist white bigots, it's not happening! THIS COUNTRY DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU ANYMORE! The era of the white man is OVER! You're going EXTINCT. You're losing all of your power; all of your privilege; your influence is waning. And you're mad about it, you're so incredibly mad – you're fed up! You just want to elect Trump to preserve and maintain your power and dominance in this country. But it's too fucking bad! This is payback for centuries of oppression under white colonialism. You reap what you have sown and I have absolutely no sympathy for any of you. In fact, I'll quite enjoy watching your timely demise.
The bottom line is that Trump will never be the president of the United States. NEVER! America will never be made "white again". So I suggest you embrace the brown and black future that awaits each and every single one of you. Maybe you could try to make amends with the people that you so vehemently despise and want to get rid of. Maybe they'll decide to give you the mercy that you never cared to give them, but I wouldn't count it. The white race is going to disappear like a fart in the wind and you're powerless to prevent it.
And before one of you stupid stormfag bigots accuses me of being a racist towards white people, I suggest you do your fucking research because it's literally impossible to be racist against white people. Reverse racism doesn't exist. If you're a fucking white male you've literally never had to deal with oppression or any other societal hardships. So just shut the fuck up.
navy seal copypasta right back attcha
please tell me this is pasta or shitposting
I wish it wasn't
Nice bait
I actually agree with this though you uneducated tump-cuck.
Dude, you're trying way too fucking hard.
>>>Holla Forums
notice how these 0 effort shill threads always pop up right after yet another load of damning evidence against Cunton appears? pure cohencidence I assure you
pick one
Is this an rp thread?
That's racist
you aren't wrong
this is some dank bait, shame people really think like this.
so jews are a race?
Lets get some more reports .
Better than being white.
A bit off topic. I have crazy testicle inflation since July. Any idea what caused it?
Sounds like a great endorsement for Emperor Trump.
was there a microwave involved?
Thanks for correcting the record you piece of shit
High Energy
so you're a shitskin that fell for the college meme?
enjoy the debt, nigger.
They were the slave owners, primate.
LOGH quotes thread, I lost all mine
Nah. I hate microwaved food.
Well it looks like I'm going to have to deal with it then.
I have watched it but I don't have all the time in the world friend, probably going to rewatch it slowly starting soon
Did op just get blown the fuck out in a kikebook argument and have to vent here? I think I know who you may be. With the insults again and no substance.
Show, with proof, when Trump was racist.
There is no need to be upset.
Glad to hear you are voting for Trump.
Reported and saged. Attention whore faggotry.
Very high energy shitpost you nigger. If you hadnt put "cuck" as your name you would be the pinnacle of premier poo postulating. Congratulations you fucking dickhead.
Shadilay brother
Thx for making all of these great points OP. I am Mentallyhill now
This brings up a really good point we need to really look down on people who believe their time spent at adult indoctrination camp(college/university) makes them smart or smarter than others. How does paying tens of thousands of dollars to be forcefed shit you could have learned for free at your local library make you smart?
College made you EDUCATED. You learned facts and techniques. A stupid person who goes through college will still be stupid, and a smart person who never goes will still be smart.
stopped right there. go suck a tiny nigger dick you collosal faggot
Record corrected
Dun be upsetti
Eat some sperghetti!
college used to teach you how to think now they teach you what to think
probably fake and gay. But if white americans cannot take their country back doesn't that mean that black south africans are comitting a terrible crime by taking their "country" back?
Huge if True
You're giving me an erection, stop
Actually blacks and other minorities had a %75 higher child legitimacy rate and a %50 higher literacy rate, but whatever.
You honestly think you can win a race war against an armed white society that outnumbers you?
Being college educated in the modern world is a status symbol of belonging to the middle class and possesing average intellegence. Anyone with above average intellect understands it is a money making scheme congradulations you went to extended highschool.
Well at least you learn pretty important shit required to have a decent job…if you're not a cuck who goes liberal arts.
Take this
Notice how OP (who is a faggot) has to try to lower and scare his natural superiors to try to assuage his fears and feelings of his own inferiority. Any enjoyment he gets out of this is from the calming of his own rattled amygdala.
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