New Sam Kriss essay that is triggering people:
New Sam Kriss essay that is triggering people:
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Interesting article. Will still keep playing Pokemon Go. It's gotten me outside and talking to all kinds of people after pretty much being a shut in for the past 7 years. Even met a cute girl playing it.
Let met tell you this, when i was a kid i collected comic books, this was before the rise of comic movies and nerd culture being absorbed by capitalism.
I was not a cool person.
Nowadays being a nerd has been normalized, comic book movies, the big bang theory tv show, all the people who made fun of you in school are now pretending to be what you were.
Or the idea of you, but only within the idea of consuming.
To them being a nerd means playing pokermon and watching captain america.
The reality was being ostracized by your peers and never getting laid.
The mass production of nerd culture for the normies has turned everyone into manchildren.
Being a nerd used to be subversive now its the norm.
So, being an adult is now subversive i guess.
On the other hand you do really look like and old fart complain about kids on the lawn when you write 100000 words about pokemon go
I get where he is coming from, but honestly I don't agree.
I've gotten out of my sedentary lifestyle and walked about 15 miles over 3 days. And had fun doing so.
Tomorrow I'll take my nephew into town and see if we can find a pikachu. So instead of sitting glued to his tablet all day, I have a good excuse to "trick" him into getting a good walk in.
Personally I think it is a fun, unassuming game and i'd recommend it to any other fatass looking to enjoy getting some cardio. Cant see much harm in it tbh lads.
Where's the butthurt?
fucking shitpost flags
oh he's that guy? fuck him.
but I think he makes some good points here. jacobin has a spotty record tho when it comes to media/pop culture critique, and too often takes the side of liberals when they need to be condemned as much as more right wing reactionaries.
Is the first one satire? It has to be.
no, that's lolberterians for you
This sounds like it was written by someone with a weak grasp on how people interact with games, the diversity of experience offered by games, and the diversity in culture associated with games.
Don't be bitter because your hobby is more accessible to people now. People can enjoy the same thing in different ways for different reasons. That doesn't make the way they enjoy something less genuine than the way you enjoy something.
I can get behind this, I just need more friends that act like adults.
Why are people sperging out over Pokemon Go so hard? As far as I can tell the only difference between it and other video games is that it actually gets people to leave their fucking house for once. Which, apparently, is a BAD thing.
Jacobin has a history of this problem.
He's talking about video games, not regular games.
Fuck this guy.
I normally like Jacobin, but this guy is garbage.
I know. I was also referring to video games. Should have made the distinction clearer.
Oh, so you are just retarded.
I'm writing on Debord right now for an essay on Grant Morrison comic books and some of this doesn't truly mesh with Situationism, granted he's using Khatib specifically as something partially outside of it. I don't know where it came from, but there's a line in regards to Disneyland to the effect of wanting to become a child again in Disneyland isn't the real problem, it's assuming that you're an adult when you're outside of it.
While the left likes to fetishize building blocks and lego as something that is more likely to foster independence compared to action figures, the idea that we were REALLY creating new worlds is naive: most often kids take something from a pre-existing product and then do something contrary to its implicit rules, like a girl with lots of Barbies making two Ken dolls kiss. Detournement, in a primitive sense.
This article seems to think that the situationist response to this is to not participate, to remove yourself from the functioning of the world, and somehow you'll not be part of spectacle that way; that genie is already out of the bottle. The goal is to subvert what is already there. Plagiarism is necessary, etc.
There have already been Detourned pokemon images floating around if I remeber correctly.
Sounds like there is a strong situationist response to this article. If you wanted to write something about that up, I think it'd be perfect for bunkermag
I'll give it a shot in a bit, right now I gotta finish the Morrison paper, or rather try and condense writing about Grant Morrison, Debord, Frederic Jameson, and Crisis and its condensed history to 25 pages.
Only bad thing about it is that it has got me to keep my GPS on. So, somewhat less privacy. I'm kind of pissed they're going to do sponsored locations too, but I don't know what I expected. Shitty as the game is I'm having a blast playing it and socializing more than ever.
Much appreciated user
For assuming most people here would understand "games" referred to "video games" in a discussion about video games?
For thinking videogames are not shit.
Jacobin is VERY hit and miss.
I mean, they did one of the "gamers are dead" articles, for fuck's sake.
THIS! They are far too quick to uncritically take the feminist/liberal side.
Jacobin lets a lot of people write for them. That's why the articles tend to be all over the place.
Like I said here
Some of the writers are idpol while others are not.
People need to stop writing serious articles about Pokemon Go just so they could exercise the analysis they were trained to do in undergrad. Very annoying.
This. It has no more cultural or societal significance than any other popular game.
Fuck, we're SJWs now.
Spooky af
I swear, this is just a clickbait article on a site that doesn't use ad revenue. Just contrarianism for the sake of it.
Doesn't have adds, but it does sell merchantise!!!
We had this thread before. Lurk moar.
Pokemon Go is a trend. A meme. It doesn't even have a stable hardware. It's not even working properly.
The AR thing, however… that is a spectacle we have yet to see IF and HOW works. And what chalenges it will create for modern society.
Plus mass gathering of people in public spaces. What could possibly go wrong?
Well… If you don't have a formed line, don't expect to be taken seriously.
Am not saying to have a party line dictated by Stalin and so on. But if you let the boundaries too loose.. ..that's what you get.
And that's why I don't like Jacobin.
what is this meme where every new fad is treated like the worst fucking thing ever? Remember when people first started taking seflies, twitter first started getting popular, and so on?
If being left means being anti-pokemon then sign me up for the right. What an idiotic thing to get mad about.
You never want to be the "stop having fun guys" party. There's a reason fundies were such a laughingstock.
never change lolberts, never change.
Fuck you. Just fucking kill yourself right now.
I'm willing to bet that the majority of people responding in this thread never read the article
When the cringe is too strong
There is a small grain of truth in there beneath the layers of bullshit - Pokemon Go commodifies imagination, provides you with false feeling of adventure along corporate-dictated preset paths.
That much is a valid observation. Too bad it's hidden behind all the pretentiousness, condescension, unrelated cries of raycism, and the unwarranted implication of "therefore reject it entirely just because I said so". Crying that a toy is oppressive is pathetic. It's a toy. You and only you decide how to play with it.
I have hopes for Jacobin, I really do. I wish it just stopped ridiculing itself and the left in general by giving exposure to this kind of idiots.
t. sam griss
Pretty much this. It's empty symbolism that compares a shitty mobile game to real capitalist brainwashing like media slant.
You really need to go out more.
Jacobin is not "THE left".
Well, maybe more people would have read it, if it said more things with less words, instead of writting a bunch of BS without saying anything!
it's very predictable
you just need to insert [current pop cultural craze] and then fart on about infantilism and adorno
I know it's not; if it was I wouldn't be here. I'm trying to illustrate the depth of my contempt for this strain of thought.
What separates a false feeling of adventure from a genuine feeling of adventure?
In what sense?
pls don't enjoy things under gabidalism :-DDD
t. jacobin
Sasuga Holla Forums.
what a waste of human being
What even fucking is the point of this homo gay shit article? I read the entire thing and he never raised his objection properly. I think it's something about "It's TOO REAL it's training them to shoot people hack computers TUNE OUT REALITY! and also this is socialism because reasons"
Look, the only thing you have to do is go look at his articles. Fucking Pokemon Go analysis with impenetrably thick jargon, Star Wars, Back to the Future, Game of Thrones, Age of fucking Empires?? This guy is a huge one trick pony and a colossal tool. All in all this better be a Sokal or a brain-dead midget in a wheelchair. None of his articles make any sense at all. If you don't believe me try to read them.
What even fucking is the point of this homo gay shit article? I read the entire thing and he never raised his objection properly. I think it's something about "It's TOO REAL it's training them to shoot people hack computers TUNE OUT REALITY! and also this is socialism because reasons"
Look, the only thing you have to do is go look at his articles. Fucking Pokemon Go analysis with impenetrably thick jargon, Star Wars, Back to the Future, Game of Thrones, Age of fucking Empires?? This guy is a huge one trick pony and a colossal tool. All in all this better be a Sokal or a brain-dead midget in a wheelchair. None of his articles make any sense at all. If you don't believe me try to read them.
Gonna keep playing it. The workers communicating amongst each other is a good thing.
How dare you infringe on their intellectual property, you thief. Get sued into oblivion for your crimes against corporations.
I read the article, it's much ado about nothing. A bunch of wordy pseudo-intellectual bullshit demonizing technology, riddled with the genetic fallacy, and blatant appeals to emotion in its descriptions. It's painting a picture, not critically examining a subject, which certainly shows the writer has plenty of the imagination of which he speaks, but not much sense.
Yeah, no kidding. In his Star Wars article he calls the "mass awakening" trope fascist. Pls be Sokal.
I feel that a lot can be said about the infantilism of society and how this is a good example of spectacle, and yet the article touches more on the idea of muh sheeple
Being left does not mean being anti-pokemon, but being anti-pokemon means being left.
Can Pokemon GO be exploited in the way to generate class consciousness among players?
Communist Valor SURPLUS VALOR propaganda when?
Tell that to the Holla Forumstards whining about how it's degeneracy for manchildren or a Jewish plot or whatever their latest buzzwords are.
I don't play Pokemon Go because smartphones are botnet, not because of "muh morals"