What's up with this guy.
What's up with this guy
Other urls found in this thread:
PoMos are all a bunch of frauds.
He once chased someone down with a knife when he was a student. He also once told a friend of his that he was "going to the local dept store to buy some rope and hang [himself]", but when he did try committing suicide he actually used a razor blade.
Foucault > Chomsky
That's deep
plagiaristic pussy for pseudo-intellectuals.
This woman has written two books attacking BLM.
gay thread tbh
Nice trips shit that they didn't go to a person who shouldn't be posting here.
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organisation founded on a complete lie. If you support them you're a fucking idiot.
I wish
Daily reminder that Chomsky's humanism and teleological view of history are completely incompatible with Judith Butler's ideas of gender performativity.
I'd rather fuck Butler than Chomsky so
Chomsky hasn't produced a single good idea in over ten years. I've seen him speak plenty of times in Boston since 2006 and he practically repeats the same talk again and again every time.
It's time to let the man die and turn to other intellectuals or thinkers for inspiration.
He's like 90 years old. The fact that he's still making movies and writing books is impressive, even if he's not producing new ideas.
I mean as long as he has a podium to speak on these issues and convince people, by all means. But his career as an academic did die a while ago.
the value of chomsky's work is not the originality of his ideas
if that's what you're looking for you're missing the point
the fact of US global hegemony has not changed and therefore chomsky's lectures need not change
So what? I'm more interested in the content of his arguments and works, not who he is as a person.
It's way more than that unfortunately. Besides, what makes Chomsky's works unique in this regard? All he does is provide a laundry list of US crimes abroad, which any Marxist thinker could do a lot better.
Chomsky became an "accidental" celebrity, he was basically a brilliant linguistics professor that came with Generative Grammar, his far-left criticisms of American hegemony came only after that.
Either way, he still has plenty of die-hard fans who make Eminem fans look sane.
It all make sense now
If you want to say something like postmodernism, as in its entirety, is backed by the FBI, without any sort of leak about something that massive infiltrating leftism to prove a point for nothing, then you also, should not be posting here.
There's no reason for the FBI to do that, there would be evidence at this point, likewise it would be the CIA who handle that not the FBI.
That idea is pretty fucking funny.
Modern academia is just a clusterfuck. PoMo, while not entirely bad, descends into nothing more than mental masturbation and arguably liberalizes a lot of social movements. "Well, we can't know the truth so let's just hold back on societal change and instead focus on our interactions with other individuals since that's all we can know."
Also this:
That's not really postmodernism.
Well it certainly leads to that way of thinking.
Not always. If understood correctly it leads more to post-structuralist thought.
Zizek > Chomsky
Post-structuralism and PoMo have been used interchangeably.
A faggot with aids and severe mental illness ruining the left and turning it on a raimbow coloured capitalism
What lie?
Any good books on Biopolitics?
I love people who say shit like this because they've never read a book about history beyond the magic tree house
I'm trying to post The Society Must Be Defended pdf here but I keep getting errors
Yeah he goes full neolib in that talk.
Kill yourself.
Not a wish, it's real
Is that Anthony Fantano
I just it on wikipedia. The summary anyway. Seems more or less accurate to me, not sure what makes it neoliberal? Especially for 1976/77. Or do you mean liberal in general?
Does this
Look like the best teeth in the game to you?
'Les mots et les choses' and 'L'archéologie du savoir' are honestly some of the best books out there for despooking yourself from humanistic bullshit
Why are you linking videos to right-wing liberal bullshit?
Holla Forums pls leave
I have a hard time coping with that fact that Foucault had hair at some point in his life.
It makes feel strange on the inside, like seeing Hitler without his poopstache
His political work isn't scholarly work though. Of course there aren't going to be a ton of original ideas. He sees his political work primarily as activism and spreading awareness. Most people are still unaware of the basic historical facts he keeps repeating, so he keeps repeating them.
But many don't. And they don't have the platform for it. Again, Chomsky's work in politics is not academic, so claiming uniqueness in that regard is a bit silly. He is famous, and so does a good job spreading awareness about US crimes abroad. I don't think any die hard Chomsky fan thinks of him a s a genius political scholar.
Had good ideas, but written in the French philosophical tradition, characterized by:
1. A lot of derivative ideas from better philosophers (Satre is perhaps the best example of this, contributing almost nothing interesting and original). Of course he has some good original ideas as well.
2. A lot of fluff, ambiguity, inconsistency, and imprecise language. One has to try hard to get to the heart of what he really "means," and people argue about it.
Literally me
His ambiguity is nothing compared to people like Derrida and Lacan, though.
Foucault was easy for me once I got a grasp on his terminology and framework of thinking. I don't think I'll ever fully understand Derrida; I don't know how anyone ever tolerated interviewing him.
Foucault looked like such a straight-laced young man when he had hair.
Heather Mac Donald is a literal know nothing that's only famous because of others' political agendas