How will the campaign respond to this leak?
How will the campaign respond to this leak?
How will you ever shill after the election?
How is Angelina Jolie not trashed for buying her kids?
Holy hell CNN
This is getting embarrassing
kek when did Trump film this? Hilarious
Haven't seen that sketch before kek
This will steal votes from Gary Johnson. Master persuasion at work.
CNN isn't actually treating this as if it's real, are they? They can't be that stupid, can they?
Clearly a stunt, Trump doesn't even hand over real money.
I wonder what they could be diverting attention away from?
That's what tipped me off as well.
Everytime Scott advertises his book it reminds me of vid related
He had to have bought Barron, as in, purchased genetic engineering for him. He's not even in puberty and he's already taller than nu-male twitter manlets. Trump has said Barron is "good with computers" which means he's already on Holla Forums fully redpilled. This type of ubermensch doesn't spring into the world naturally.
From last year
"Those your kids? Well I'm buying them too."
Best laugh I've had in a while.
No, they're not. It's audio footage from the 'pussy grab' story layered over a comedy sketch with a shooped footer.
Even Cunton News Network wouldn't be credulous enough to run something this obvious.
Sage for obvious shill for channel views.
shit forgot to embed.
what even is the context of this
says he loves "big hairy guys." For their "soul"
This made me laugh, the joke is almost as funny as CNN's credibility now
CNN trying their best bless them.
Meanwhile. The final editing of O'Keefe's new vid will be out in a few hours.
Is this a joke from one of us or did this actually air on CNN? I can't tell even tell anymore.
Google only turned up the video itself, and it seems to be hosted on an account that is not CNN's. I am guessing it is just a joke or some commie fag's attempt at forging evidence.
This is just badass, he's going to rise in the polls over this. Trust me
Watch the second vid.
It's a mashup of CNN audio from the pussy grab coverage together with some old sketch and some fake CNN headers.
oh kek
You want fun you piece of shit? Go to cuckchan or play vidya, like children your age usually does.
Leftists don't understand humor at all. For a lefty humor is an offensive oppression. In leftist perfect would there are no humor or jokes. Only shitty jokes at those who they hate.
Video fucking related.
I came into this thread expecting dread, now I can sleep happy. Thank you OP, you're not a faggot.
I did. I know the video is a shop, but I was not sure if it was actually from CNN.
This. Baron is clearly destined to become a Pharaoh-tier leader. Couple that with young Prince George who at age 3 is already tactically BTFOing cucked leaders (as much as a toddler is able) and the Anglosphere is going to be in safe hands by the time we are old men.
Its fake you god damn morons
Interesting how hate can interfere with creative humor.
this is the funniest shit i've ever seen
i'm okay with this
thank goodness for you
omg this is clearly scripted
this is a joke i— it's so obvious i feel stupid for poointing it out
That's pretty funny. You guys think it's too much to hope some news outlets pick up on this as if it was real?
Well boards often push hilarious bullshit on tv.
Holy fuck CNN is retarded. That guy at the end is from those David Blaine Street Magic videos from like 10 years ago.
tfw cassette boy did it for the lulz
It's fake you retards
I can't believe how many anons are actually asking if it's real or if it's being picked up by CNN. I thought you guys were better than this. Don't be so fucking gullible.
Well, Holla Forums, what do you have to say for yourselves?
So the bit about it being on cnn is fake?
There's been so much crazy shit that it seems entirely plausible.
It's ok, they weren't niggers.
its a skit you dumbass
This… this is obviously scripted?
How did CNN fall for this?????????
But how do you know? It's coming straight from CNN. Sure, they twist the fuck out of Trump's stories, but all of them still happened!
But nah, lets ignore all this coincidental info about him right around the election season and nice job letting us all know you swallowed the media kool aid hard.
Liberals in charge of getting a joke NEVER EVER.
Don't you know goyim? Only the choosen show SNL can make political jokes that are funny, now watch as yer jewish comedians make "funny jokes" then reblog about it on your social medias as they talked about MAH VAGINAAAA and how evil trump is goyim. Don't you want to be progressive like us? : ^)
It's not coming from CNN. The CNN headers are fake. Some YouTuber just made a funny edit to an old sketch
what a bunch of absolute fucking retards
Actually this makes me wonder what if Donald Trump actually adopted hundreds of white kids from across America and raised them to be winners.
I think he's probably a nice dad.
You seem a bit salty there, newfriend.
Thank you for correcting the rectum.
Ok maybe there are idiots ITT
I like you, user. We can be friends.
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
Yeah, the people who don't believe this is real.
Don't act like those children won't be better off.
That sounds like System of a Down mixed with angry muslim.
We're all friends here.
that would be awesome
The sketch seems to be from his 2004 appearance on Saturday Night Live. Season 29 Episode 16. I think that's the intro to the episode.
Mikey Day is listed as cast. He's the reporter with dialogue.
Fucking Christ. Why is anyone in that club sitting there listening to this faggot?
He would build them a big beautiful tree house. which mexico paid for
Oh great, now I'm going to have to convince the liberal crazies I'm already in a war with about the 'pussy-grabbing' that this is a joke. Those liberals actually consider Trump's comment itself, sexual assault and it took days of arguing to get them to retreat from that position into ' could mean sexual assault!'
captcha: negzym .. that can't be good.
I hate donald trump now
Fucking kill him
LOLd hard
holy shit, those people are dragging the bottom of the barrel to find anything remotely damaging to Trump and what do they come up with?
A fucking blooper reel of hilarious bants
The original sketch vid is pretty funny, like when the lady looks at the check and says "ok, bye guys" to the kids. LOL
This edited troll vid isn't very good.
That's quite well done.
We should send this to various mainstream and pro-Clinton media outlets. See if any of them have a knee-jerk reaction and report on it.
Relax, the CNN additions are a spoof over the comedy tape.
Quads of the Gods.
Kek this is a pretty old video. The Don has a good sense of humor, too bad Tumblrcunts and SJW are too daft to see it.
make libshits believe this is true
well yea thats obvious, but poes law is hard with this one
I cant tell if this is supposed to be mocking the leftist media or some idiot actually thought he could embarass Trump with a bad edit of a sketch.
Nice shill, reporting your channel too. Fuck off with all this, I hope you get paid enough, you probably won't want this one on your resume though.
wew we have a youtube hero in the house lads
I think we have an autism problem on the chan folks, true, it's true. We have an autism problem and you're never going to get to solve it if you won't name the problem. Hillary isn't going to fix the autism, I can tell you that.
It's such an obviously coordinated attack considering that now they've also faked Assange being a pedo in order to go after him. The whole "But they're mean to wymminz!" angle didn't work in either case, so now they're bringing out "Won't somebody please think of the children?" instead.
I'm pretty sure one of those cameramen is one of the fags from the david blane parody videos
Always the first post. Always.
This is supposed to be damaging? This is hilarious. It looks like a fucking comedy sketch
The genuine anger of a person who can't handle the bantz is one of the simple joys that gets me through the day.
It is.
Did anyone actually watch the vid? It's not actually on CNN. I've seen one or two people point out that it's fake, but my god … has Trump worship gotten to the point on this board that any suggested possible slight - even when it's little more than locker room humor - is met with the rage of a thousand neckbeards?
What happened to fun?
Not being able to detect sarcasm or irony is one of the symptoms of autism/asperger's.
Bait SJWs to spread it calling it real. We could probably use it to make them look dumb. Or get their vote since being a pedophile is progressive.
Return whence you came.
Psst, gas yourself.
This. Disappointing to see it so much on Holla Forums and not tumblr, but you take what you can get.
This is actually hilarious.
What the fuck is CNN thinking?
Clearly this tbh
OP you nigger, gave me a heartattack by that headline. rape yourself.
Barron is Holla Forums.
This makes quite a lot of sense.
Wait, since when have we ever been against slavery? I always that that was all brown people were good for..
I just wish someone would make the reply a cut from the Blues Brothers movie.
"Your women, we want to buy your women. How much for the little girl?", and use their own Hollyjewood against them.
The sword of Damocles is already over their heads but now they seem to be trying to get it to fall on them.
That's how we got our nigger problem in the first place.
Oh snap, we have an Andy Kaufman on our hands. But he gave it away too soon.
This is not from CNN you dummies.
The (((Media))) is literally scraping the bottom of the barrel.
yeah, this is a satire of cnn. its funny but nothing to see here really.
Now this is trolling, he's like a bourgeois Sam Hyde.
Is this really CNN or some dude faking a CNN report for satire at this point? I honestly can't tell anymore because CNN might actually be stupid enough to report on a satire piece done by Trump like it's news or this might just be someone's satire of the false news reporting done by CNN.
Is CNN serious here? I wonder if hook noses wrote a article about this already
Kikes are too desperate for their own good.
You need to simmer down, hothead
Because if they were, we all know cnn and the daily shoah would have been all over it by now…
what the fuck is the matter with his hair?
Silly haircuts and troll speeches go hand in hand. See JREF award video.
does the left not get jokes anymore?
Trump buying kids because they wont get out of the car he just bought because he hates the paparazzi?
It's an SNL skit from 2004.
yeah thats generally what i would assume
are there liberals that think its real?
You had me worried there for a second, OP.
This is the funniest shit I've ever seen.
This has to be fake, staged, and/or scripted.
Get this out, seriously. Just to troll lefties who take this shit seriously.
What kind of autist wastes time putting that together?
But it's hilarious.
You can hear the laugh track in between cuts, it's scripted from some comedy show.
cnn, this… this… this is a joke right?
this isn't real right? somebody made this as a joke?!
It's from Saturday Night Live.
This happens in frequencies higher than expected, in more areas around the world than you expected.
I gained utmost respect for the most redpilled party of my country by reading a book slandering it by a journalist against it. They released so much juicy shit "against" it that it would remove the doubts of anyone that could be on the fence about it.
It's all about enforcing a certain bias to the public, and then reporting based on that bias.
How are the normies reacting?
Is this real? Is this CNN? What?
Well, they definetly are fucking scared. Why doesn't Trump sue them already?
no, I mean did cnn actually report on this?
BTW if this trends on shit like Twitter, it could be an additional final nail in the coffin for the MSM.
No. Somebody edited the video to look like they did
Oh, the video is a joke. CNN has become so ridiculous you can't be sure
Record corrected. I know the voice. It's definitely one of CNN's.
oh ok. whoever did that gets an award, I haven't laughed that hard in a while
I cant believe how many people ITT cant tell whether this was actually aired on CNN or not.
Average Holla Forums isnt stupid, the american media has just sunk so low that this could just as well be real.
I can't believe there are so many low-IQ retards on Holla Forums now. Are these the redditors I hear so much about?
If you can't understand an obvious set up with hammy acting, hilarious lines and suspicious graphics, I can't imagine how confusing daily life must be for you.
This has to be fake its so fucking scripted
Holy shit his acting in that clip was completely deadpan. But this is a hoax right? CNN didn't seriously cover this as truth, right? Damn you current year
For you retards who can't figure out why this is so obviously fake I'll point out a few things:
Headline is "Trump vs. Clinton". CNN would not use such a generic headline. It would say something like "Trump's new leak could spell trouble" or something more detailed. Not something generic.
Graphics are flat. There is no active scrolling ticker.
And for the most obvious giveaway that this is fake: "Clinton to deliver speech on taxes in Ohio"
The audio is from their coverage of the pussy grap tapes. The video is from SNL in 2004.
Haha, they mute the audio when he says "who's is it? I like this car" to have their own commentary.
This is fucking dumb as shit. 1488d chess?
It ain't real but it is hilarious. Here's the full clip.
Can't embed because the file already exists.
Fuck off CTR, no one's biting your bullshit bait to make us look stupid.
wait, this is real CNN footage?
fuck my sides
ancap memes never really made me chuckle, pol version is much better
Those photographers at 0:38 are the same guys from those "David Blaine Street Magic" parody videos
fuck, you beat me to it
Uhh, you don't get to bring friends…
Because its actually true though, ancaps are just roleplay.
Germa 66 did nothing wrong.
Sounds like an actual MSM article headline about this.
It's a comedy skit.
Nobody reacts like that Eye Arr Ell.
Especially not the children holding hands and stuff.
They didn't, but you fell for it.
I can still hear the laugh track, between the switch of him buying the car/kids comment, the news reporter is talking over it, but I can hear it.
I can even hear the crowd cheer at the end.
Plumpf's campaign will never be the same again
Didn't know english teachers have a campaign going.
top kek
it was a joke you spergs
In current year anything can happen.
What the eff?
At least he doesn't buy ones for the Saudis :^)
Time to watch those again.
Somebody post the pic indicating that Barron is gonna be over 7 feet tall when he's grown up.
It's called a check.
trump saw boys from brazil and thought it was documentary, but he had the money to make it happen
The god emperor needs loyal primarchs to lead his legions.
#HillMissiles are so stupid they'll believe this is real. Then we can mock both CNN and them even more while showing the faggots that they'll believe anything the media tells them to believe
If there's any redpilled anons working in CNN, run this shit as if it was real, to discredit CNN.
Sabotage via Poe's Law.
holy shit this is fucking hilarious
how fucking stupid are you people to not realize what this video is
and it also just LOOKS fake too
like not even hoax fake but regular fake. the only people who could possibly believe this is a real cnn video are liberal retards who believe everything they read online
Thought it was mildly amusing tbh. Just seems like some normalfag comedy sketch.
holy fuck is he actually just a foot shorter than his dad?
Post YFW we meme'd in the literal God Emperor of mankind into existence.
No Trump is 6ft 5" or something absurd. He is literally Sky People.
Holy shit is this fucking real? I'm laughing so fucking hard right now.
>its from a comedy skit
This has to be the work of Kek.
it's not actually CNN you blind fucking retards. can't tell if shills or just horribly unobservant
CNN didn't report on this, but this is funny as shit.
I thought Holla Forums was against slavery in America, because it resulted in blacks being here.
Barron confirmed for Guccifer 2.0.
Honestly, Trump and the woman are the funniest part. The reporters are just cringey.
I'm sorry fam, its really easy to get fooled by this kind of thing when you've seen the media behave this way for the past year.
From the latest rally, I thought he was about to say battle brother.
holy shit, that's hilarious
They clearly can tell he's joking, right?
Is this all they have?
that was actually fun to watch
Did one of you guys insert the audio from a report of grab the pussy with this video from some skit and try to play it off as being legit from CNN because there is no way they can be this stupid, right?
Just when I thought this election couldnt get any funnier haha holy shit
Theyre so serious in the commentary…what do you live in a cave im donald trump goddamn this cracked me up
hahaha looks like an SNL skit that got left on the cutting room floor. Did CNN really report this as real? If so, their retardedness has reached a new low.
Kikes are retarded, big surprise.
America & Israel. It's like Dumb&Dumber, only unbearably stupid. Two autistic clowns found themselves.
nice bump of an old thread faggot, stop sliding