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How can this be, I thought we banned guns?????
At least when you ban guns, you always know it's an out group that does the shooting, and you still gotta accept it.
We need common sense gun control.
come on …
Not much info yet.
Here we go again.
After reading your other post…
fuck off
Did anyone see the shooters boots? That's the key.
Ayy lmao did the perps get the memo?
Those racist neo-nazi Breivik followers again!
I know that you want a happening but people know nothing right now. They're just assuming stuff.
Germany is fucked in WW3. They went full france.
Its the GSG9, they're always coming when police suscpects terrorist activity.
that will teach them for being racist and against diversity :^)
Exactly, give guns to all the good law abiding citizens.
I hope Trump has Switzerland-like plans regarding guns in America.
I'm completely shocked.
And you should always archive things like this.
what more do these shit skins want
That diversity looks pretty great if you ask me.
Regardless of what they want, I think we all know what they're asking for.
I wonder what a newsstand looks like in her native Rwanda?
Oy vey, Germans in Germany!
Registration and permits?
Nobody takes german press serious anyway, amiriteguise? Please tell me I am right.
Cheap TV-Programm Guides with faces from German TV including women of german, polish, czech, russian and even south american descent, also containing french, BeNeLux, nordic and other eastern and western european genes.
So, yes, very diverse.
But I guess she only saw blond/bleached hair and it was meant as a negative remark.
whats the point? they are all priced almost the same
Being white is a sin in the leftist religion, especially if you're doing it in Europe
Any updates?
Translation of the relevant parts of the second image:
right-wing populism
how the AfD wants to live
call for western troops
That's a buttmad niggres that just learned her place in the world.
There was a campaign in Germany a few years back against "völkisch" Settlers.
Their argumentation was the same as in the first picture (from a few months ago):
They are nice to their neighbours.
Do not bother anyone.
Are polite and volunteer in Clubs and Non-Profit Organisations.
They try to make their own clothes and repairs.
And that makes them evil.
(The highlight of the parenting one was that the poor children are well behaved, polite, quiet and wear traditional clothes without american print and that makes them a problem because their world views fom home collides with that of the teachers.)
All sponsored by the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung (Run by (((Anetta Kahane))) that worked for the Communist Secret Police and says that the worst Problem of eastern Germany is, that it is to white.) that gets their money from the SPD and other Parties.
He's more of a globalist than he is a muslim, otherwise he wouldn't bother so much with race quotas on the TfL and everything
It doesn't matter that they are happy, and give back to their community. They have different ideas, and must die. That is how the left thinks, they are completely insane.
It's not their different ideas. It's the color of their hair and skin
correct, thats' the reason why we don't have thousand of gun shooting-related deaths each year
bully me i forgot
no bullying is bad
Maybe you should fuck off back to africa
Don't know why they feel so entitled to a country they have no history of being in
Considering that it's a shooting, I'd certainly fucking hope so.
When I first saw that magazine cover I assumed it was pro-AFD, showing a happy family. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that it's supposed to be anti-AFD
It's the Current Year, everyone knows GSG9 deploys only for fucking white males with guns
You only get it once you start accepting there's something wrong with being white in Europe
mandatory ownership
Her jealousy of beautiful blonde women is palpable.
Yes, only whites are allowed to own guns. It's simple.
D.A.K. was running a couple of days late? Or was it a snackbar?
D.A.K. is really Shemitah 2.0 in disguise, isn't it?
I wonder what shitty KC-tier meme will we have next fall.
All of this users oaths have been restored.
Absolute mad goy
Depends on if assange is alive or not.
Schrodingers white lion.
Thank you
Source would be appreciated of vid related, if anyone has it.
restore and solidify
Yeah, so people have to throw themselves in front of a train if they want to kill themselves. Great system.
Maybe you should try it as well.
Now there is a hostage situation in Brussels. God bless the EU!
Can this stupid meme please finally die? Shemitah DID happen, financially as well as migration-wise. September 2015 was the month when they completely opened the flood gates, and the stock-market "September dip" hopefully also rings a bell.
I begin to think that all these "hurr nuttin habbend XD" idiots are really shills.
Sword or long knife, as in a machete? Hmm, I wonder what kind of person would attack Germans with such a weapon.
That's not what a happening is faggot. That kind of shit happens every week. Stop being 12 and accept that you feel for the shemitah meme.
But you gays have thousands os terrorists attacks anyway, what's the difference.
But I thought guns were banned in Germany! How could this happen?!
Don't mind him. The right to bear guns is maybe even the most important.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
It's not just a meme.
Finally there is something close to me (12 mile ish) and it's something lame.
Ah, well.
It will probably make life a bit better here because people here have already been paranoid and right wing.
Pretty low energy. Why don't these muds learn from the Nice attacker, and mow people down when they're in crowds? Going into shops and trains to do it guarantees a low body count.
Choose one and only one
I always thought it's because we have almost no niggers here.
It's baffling even by the standards of competence I expect from muds.
Try a city bus near a university at lunchtime. Forget a gun, a knife would be far more devastating. Tons of people with no way to run or even evade, and because they're university students most of them wouldn't even be able to formulate the idea of defending themselves. Or a single bomb on one of those would kill dozens, and with how tightly packed people are the scene would be nightmarish.
I always prefer to travel at quieter times for this very reason.
I know the feel. There was an attempted suicide bomber who lived ten minutes from my house, intercepted by police just as he was trying to get a taxi to a military recruiting station. He blew himself up there rather than get arrested, but didn't even injure the taxi driver. Everyone in the town cried Not All Muslims for a few days and forgot about it. It was quite a let-down.
Where the fuck are the brunette girls?
I don't have any suitable reaction images to convey the range and depth of my feels.
There's one on the crossword guide.
Wow the old brunettes are smarter than blondes. WHERE IS THE ADL NOW?
You forgot to mention German govt. is planning to take away children from families who post something right-wing or "too conservative" on social media + be forcefully fired from their job.
You know, it's actually been a little while since we've had a chance to post our dank clapping yuro memes. Terrorists need to step it the fuck up.
Completely and utterly wrong. I'm not a finance guy, so the "September dip" needs to be commented on by a knowledgeable Holla Forumsack, but the migratory happening (which still continues) is a happening indeed. Only WW3/nuclear war could be larger. And I repeat, I was very sceptical and dismissive beforehand, I changed my mind after it happened.
I guess White people really do want to off themselves
They're gonna end up bottlenecking themselves to jewish IQ levels
it seemed too mad and suicidal at the time to really believe possible
What… is the sound of a gun going off considered hate speech too now? Is it too offensive to the rapefugees? ffs
Yes. But at least here in Krautstan it was indeed September - Merkel's infamous speech and the lesser known by De Maizere (Minister of Interior) both were in that month.
No, the thing is, remember how niggers are worse than nukes?
Whites could recover europe after a nucear attack. Europe getting browned out is unrecoverable except by white peope finally getting around to actually genociding niggers. Which whites have been doing the exact opposite, feeding them, healing them, letting them rape white girls in europe and america… etc.
27 year old Sandnigger shot himself and wounded his goat
Poor goat.
Rip goat
27 year old Sandnigger Turkroach shot himself and wounded his goat
fixed it
Shit, it must be those right-wing fascists again.
Quick Merkel, throw another 90-year-old Nazi in jail. That'll fix the crime problem.
Seems to be an honor killing of sorts.
But those are all blacks so it's 100% diverse!
What's the difference?
Guns only in the hands of Whites, I agree.
Radiation resistance.
I would question how much of Sweden or Germany's gun deaths are down to those delightful 'New Europeans' as opposed to the native stock. But it would be raycis to wonder about something like that.
Looks like you really can't trust the Balts to cope with advanced technology like guns. Best to let them have their traditional Perkunas-approved sticks and rocks.