Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Armond White
stop making this thread
"Pigposting" is now a thing… might as well name him /ourguy/
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
No he's reddit reject's guy
he has shit taste and is a gay nigger faggot
omg, this is such a lazy and overused OP, so stupid i can't help but laugh.
tfw when my Rodney king thread got anchored but this doesn't.
Armond White, more like Armond Nigger! Amirite?
I like that he seems totally undisturbed by this.
I want him to fuck my wife.
Pretty sure he's gay, user
I want him to fuck me in the ass, then.
i love that pig at the corner.
Stop stop STOP!!! You really don't give a fuck, do you?
We get it, babydicks. You managed to meme a narcissistic, grossly unqualified, pussy grabbing orange orangutan into the Presidency. Here, let me give you a standing ovation.
Meanwhile, normal Americans are hurting. The system cheated us out of having our President. A rigged electoral system set up by white men delayed the first woman President ! ! !
It's sick. It's sad. And it's heartbreaking.
What's worse, we will ALL have to fucking suffer under President Pussygrabber until Democrats sweep Congress in 2018 and then immediately impeach the orange slug.
This is America, assholes,and you ruined it for at least a goddamn generation. I hope you're still laughing when you see the kids screaming as their Muslim and Mexican parents are loaded in black trucks for deportation. I hope you're still laughing when you find a woman willing to put up with the miserable alt right stumps in your pants, only to find out President Pussygrabber let Pence BAN birth control. I hope you're still laughing your evil, sick asses off when hate crimes spike 10,000%, and black people have to band together just to avoid being hunted by fascist thugs after Drumpf's housing policies gut their communities.
The joke is on all of us. Honestly it hurts like hell waking up every fucking day since Hillary lost, knowing we threw away a good woman for a racist, insane, and sadistic piece of orange dogshit no sane country would ever elect postmaster.
You have DAMNED this country, maybe the entire planet, and I have to come here every fucking day to see you laughing like we aren't all hanging over the edge of a cliff. Literally eat my shit.
i'm going to make that my steam username, thanks.
I bet this is a real post somewhere.
He looks like L.A. Reid, the record executive who got fired for sexual harassment
Oh my motherfucking god would I be. Oh lordy I would be. When?
Pulled off 4plebs archive
It's obviously satire there, too.