The reason in-group morality is OK for Jews while they force out-Group morality on us is because we have no TRIBALISM
Aryan Tribalism thread:
We come first, no matter what. That's how they are beating us.
The reason in-group morality is OK for Jews while they force out-Group morality on us is because we have no TRIBALISM
Aryan Tribalism thread:
We come first, no matter what. That's how they are beating us.
Other urls found in this thread:
Share your Aryan Tribalism Culture
Meme it
What exactly is it you want so badly?
Aryan Tribalism
It's time… Now or never.
Niggers are tribal with niggers
Jews are extremely tribal
Chinese are tribal
Mexicans are tribal
Aryans have no tribal recognition
Meme it!
I have absolutely no grounds for believing this, but something tells me you're not telling the truth.
A universal sense
Of Aryan Tribalism
The world and its whites are becoming more and more like niggers every fucking day. Stop watching football and get in here!
Why did you change your IP? What is your game here?
I've been working on a spiritual tradition for Aryans, rooted in our ancient cultures rather than Judaism. Is one step.
the free market, as it once was, served our tribal interests. it rewarded the best genes with the highest probability of propagation. it rendered his animal tendencies inert by redirecting his competitive nature towards production of goods and services which consequently improved the standard of living. it doomed the worst to extinction as nature has always intended. if we aim to protect our future we must protect our market. one can start by intimidating subversives directly.
I didn't do it on purpose
you pedo fag shill
Yeah, but the majority doesn't care about alternative thinking. We need pure tribalism for all levels
You seem pretty triggered. Would you like to talk about it?
Just eats tribes and turned them into consumers. Now you're a nigger tribe called Western society
For one you can stop LARPing and realize your "universal sense" is the antithesis to your "Aryan tribalism." Aryans are the noble race, it is the natural aristocracy, not animal tribalism, but then again aryans are so diluted that they are becoming more animal than Aryan, creating OPs who will forever make retarded threads.
true, but man needs spirituality, at least on a psychological level. plus, religion unites people in ways other things, like simple tribalism, can not. dont forget the Jews are a religious tribe. as soon as we can break away from Abrahamic thinking, we will be completely empowered, and once we have an Aryan faith, emboldened. at least thats my goal with this.
You're the problem OP is talking about.
Not even OP understands. He's clearly retarded. The out-group preference is a consequence of racial contamination and muh dicking our way across the world, which has been ongoing for thousands of years.
some feel-good racial propaganda would go a long way at a time like this. but it doesn't have to be about anything in particular. just things in general that make life worth living; people doing wholesome social things. fairs, rodeos, churches, baseball games, family dinners, courtship, school plays, band concerts, research, industry…the meat and potatoes of western existence. all positive. with not a single diversity hire. if they ask "why no nigz?". well then drop the pills. make them ask for it.
the free market works within a tribe. just not between them
jewiah subversion and a deterioration of morality lead to that, homie. everyone knows this.
Aristocracy died with Christianity. Tribalism isn't what you think it means dumb ass
Because you're too fucking stupid to read that I already stated that. Fucking lowlife
Too many IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK:
Maximum angry shilling.
conspiracy theorists who defended ZOG in 2004 thought the illuminati were attempting to ethnically cleanse all non whites from the planet. would you say they were accurate in their analysis of events in retrospect?
What a disaster you have on your hands. What will you do?
A universal sense
Of Aryan Tribalism
The world and its whites are becoming more and more like niggers every fucking day. Stop watching football and get in here!
Haha, a world where "race-ism" is as bad as raping children or even worst? No, I don't think so..
Do I think we should cleanse all non-whites? We need to have a white identity first, and that doesn't come from Traditial-ism alone. It needs base Tribal ethics
You're losing it, friend.
You're from what tribe?
I'm from the Holla Forums tribe. Who are you?
You're from shill. Jew
It's just us here. Do you really feel comfortable with a duel like that?
Taylor Swift isn't exactly the type of female role model we're looking for. She is a jew puppet.
It was a Hitler quote you fucking Millennial faggot
You are phenomenally bad at your job.
Jews Fear The Tribe
You're a mod right? Because you're always here
Holla Forums is whites only you shitskin
OP's samefagging in this thread is disgusting. Go back to cuckchan.
This is what Holla Forums has been saying forever genius.
Even Molyneux mentioned in group and out group preference one time.
The swasticas the Aryan's symbol for the galaxy
Great, now op is invading other threads now too with his faggotry this is from the bernie thread
This is not the kind of OP that spurs constructive discussion.
Is this a new form of shilling? The luvy dovey hugs and kisses trolling? Like noone is going to argue against unity and love as a positive but there is nothing constructive in it either.
Well what constructive criticism can you offer?
This is another one of the demoralisation tactics isn't it? I've seen it in multiple threads, it's an attempt to play on the perceived notion that majority of this forums users aren't successful with the opposite sex.
Look OP, if you want people to buy your shit, try to act like less of a fag. I know it's tremendously difficult for a flaming homo like you, but give it your best shot.
He's probably doing it to taint the word 'tribalism' by associating it with his faggotry.
Kill the traitor first, then the enemy.
That is the secret, user. And keep it a secret. We need a taqiyya for whites.
Fuck off.
That's not an aryan user, that's a slav with a tiny bit of mongol mix.
fuck off, i bet you arent even in the aryan tribe.
define this.
Fuck off.
read a fucking book
Can't you fucking read?
I clearly stated mongol separate from slav. She's a slav with a bit of mongol. I did not say that mongol is inherintly a part of slav, though i have not denied that either so don't assume that.
not an argument
So what are you basing this off of? Your armchair-geneticist nonsense is not real science.
and if you think that "mongol dna" is something exclusive to slavs, then I've got bad news for you, mr bure areean nordig
> estonia
What the fuck is wrong with this thread?
If Taylor Swift is a trap then that would explain why she's pushing 30 and nobody has knocked her up yet.
D&C shill thread, aryan only neo nazi meme, keep infighting goys
I must of hit a nerve
The Jews FEAR this thread
Looks like a tranny, user
The Jews FEAR this thread
50 cent is a terrible example although I know what you mean. 50 cent survived getting shot - perseverance. 50 cent is a step above how the average nog gets his kicks off via impulsive violence. 50 values his family and respects the business relationships he has forged (hes spoken of this heavily). 50 cent also respects the workings of human nature. 50 is a medium grade celebrity attention whore provocative troll, and hes pulled off some great moves that have sparked controversy. If he came out against the atrocities the white race is suffering through right now he is on ample ground to be an honorary member of the cause
This is why they are beating us
50 isn't that bad (for a nigger)
Think of the respect the average nog gets for being alive and not dying by gun fire or simply operating at a standard level. That feelings not there for 50 for me past his first album or two. Hes a fair example at times to learn something
Jewish blood isnt an exclusive blood
1 drop and you're a jew its contagious
niggers have different tribes, only westernized niggers are as globalist towards blacks as americans are to whites because they dont remember their tribe
african niggers will kill each other over which tribe they are like in Rwanda
and the Chinese are all one tribe because they committed genocide against all the non-Han Chinese in China over the course of 3000 years
In Europe we do still have tribes but some have lost theirs more than others
Many Spaniards can consider themselves Visgoths as Swedes can Ostrogoths
they are degenerated and some forgotten but the white man still has seperate tribes, Aryan tribalism is racial globalism
Another shill who doesn't understand what Tribalism really means.
Racial Globalism already exists moron
I understand tribalism as a form of society where ideally everyone is related to some way by blood or marriage and preference is given solely to those within your tribe against outsiders
and Aryan?
everyone from western portugual to bangladesh would be included by 'Aryan' standards
You're that /politics/ sperg aren't you?
When you post a picture of a jew, are you implying a majority of posters here are jews?
It's not like nobody knows, it just makes the statement more accurate. Always projecting.
bring back respect towards our original gods. how? Read and spread the Odyssey/the Illiad, the Poetic Edda, the repeating characters of Kek. I'm sure there are other fronts of literature/worship that are important, but starting with these is pretty fucking important
praise kek for such rare dubs
Faggot, that quote advocates for the exact opposite of what you've been sperging on about.
Why do I get the impression that this thread is confused shills shilling other confused shills?
A crime happens in Flint, police go around asking questions and the other niggers will literally make up stories to cover their fellow coon get away from the white man. You see 2 black guys walk down the road they say hey or nod at each other because of their skin color. You see black employers, a lot of the time they hire other black people. You see blacks running in office, and every black family on a block will be voting for that black man.
What can we learn from that?
You're being literal to the point of meaninglessness. Having 1% mongol blood isn't going to have measurable genetic expression.
Aryan purity isn't a numbers game so much as an ideal anyway. Blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive features that can only be found in individuals with a high percentage of caucasiod blood, anything less and the dominate "brown" features are expressed. Symbolically means that you have little to no low IQ shitskin blood. There's more factors that go into it but that's my general impression, I'm open to suggestion if people think differently.
Holy shit. The IQ score on Holla Forums dipped like 30 points in the last 12mnths.
We have everything to learn from this. Black never gave up their tribal loyalty and NEVER will. They will use it to kill us and interbreed us out.
mods? Gay pedo porn is cool now too?
This is absolutely true. Tribalism is the key we've been missing. We must revive it at a local level. Reference German Volkisch movement.
Also see volkstag
Bavarian traditions:
German folk:
I've actually organized my local friends and family into something I call "Tribe."
We organize and socialize on a personal Slack channel. It's an IRC based chat program that works great for micro-socialnetwork.
Organize family, friends, and regionally network. Celebrate your tradition at local german resteraunts, by drinking and celebrating together. Hate doesn't build a community. Love does. Hate is for our enemies.
if other demographics are to be tribalistic, it is FAIR to be tribalistic.
some appear to enjoy the divine retribution of their hypocrisy.
politics is about relationships and ethics is integral.
the more egoistic a people becomes, the more they force others to do the same for the sake of their own defense.
op is trying to shill his shitty forced meme with clickbait type phrases.
You can't just tell people to "meme it" you idiot.
Worse than the broken oathnigger. Assuming you aren't the broken oathnigger.
Ever wonder why angels don't interfere with us all the time? It's because they're looking after their own business. The universe is built on cellular loyalties. This doesn't imply hate or bad ethics. It implies that you can love and communicate for effectively to those of your own type and kin. Just like a body is loyal to itself and thereby can achieve greater good, so too must humans be loyal to their own kin in order to achieve a greater group consciousness.
Naive equality is not taught by Bible. Even Jesus understands this when he tells the Samaritan woman that she is a dog that only gets the scraps. He came to the Jews because they could appreciate him. We must learn from tribalism and develop ours to a state where we can appreciate a deeper and more clear version of reality and spirituality.
Fuck off with your molach asymmetries jew. Eat infinite oath breaking you maggot!
It is all the relations between individuals and collectives of individuals.
Individual. Collective.
Every man for them self. Groups of men working together
we are a multitude of egos.
the golden rule is the balancer that allows for peace between the multitude.
it begins here.
as we are a multitude of egos, the best we can hope for is to become a chaotic good, moving in the same general direction.
the greater the ego, the more conflict it has with others.
tribalism doesn't necessarily imply hypocrisy towards others.
however, there are those who are culpable for this.
the multitude must transcend their egos in order to usher in a politically incorrect zeitgeist that would foster open communications and usher in the light.
that's how i see things.
it's liberal by definition, but the purpose is to increase the accuracy of our path towards a mutually beneficial future.
I like what you have to say. I'm working on a tribal system that embraces the libertarian ethic along the same lines.
It's a retarded meme. Estonia shares a common language ancestry with those formerly finnic peoples in present day Russian territory (who now are mongolised), but not the genetics. Mongol horde didnt even reach Estonia, but it got all those finnic tribes who were in mostly north Russia, genetics changed but languages remained.
That's because you have no fucking idea about my power levels. I've memed Trump himself
Ego is self reflection, nothing more. Without it you're a fucking hippie with an extreme egotistical attitude toward your "beliefs". See every fucking Western Buddhist.
How do I get this Jewish counter info shill to stop advertising on my threads?
That's cool, but it's more of a gang
tfw was drunk as fuck last night telling white girls that every other race doesn't mix as much as whites do, and that they should want their children to look like them, the same way I want a sand nigger wife so my kids can look like me. It's so much easier redpilling whites when you're a minority
All around the cobbler's bench
The monkey chased the weasel
The monkey thought it was all in good fun
Pop goes the weasel
i don't have tribalism, but…
But Aryan cant be a way of following a civilized way of life with a set of values and morals, to keep the order and maintain the integrity of your people ?
Could be applied in a political level, like NatSoc. Would be easy after washing the kike influence from Europe, were the population in some countries is homogeneous in general.
is that Jonathan Taylor Thomas?
what a hero
Traditionalism is the last gasp of a dying tribe
Dylan Roof
just try not to get distracted by shiny things, friend.
MmmmMMmm MacDonnel's
? i-is that like Raise the Roof?
Shut up Kike. Go back to /fringe/ with all the other beta intellects.
why don't you go back to /jerkstore/. I hear they are missing you.
Why don't you go back to NYC. I hear they can't make comedy past 1990s anymore.
why don't you go back to mexico. i hear the donkey's miss you tender fellatio.
Yes Kike your (((Tribe))) will be dying! soon™ thanks to the resurgence of Traditionalism.
Remember what you're fighting for.
coal burners?
well, shit. too bad I'm of European descent and not Iranian.
Too bad you're a fucking shitskin
kek. says the Aloha Snackbar from iRanistan
Osama bin 'Bama can't run for another term, so take your change and do your fucking laundry, you smelly faggot.
Of course, judging by you. Let me spoonfeed you then:
Now do you see the contradiction?
And let's not forget the most tribalistic people of them all: kikes.
The Aryan way is and has always been civilization and order, led not by the collective but by great men. That is what has rendered us superior to the barbarians for millennia, since the founding of civilization. No tribalist in the jungle invented the chariot, built cities or carved statues from stone. Their societies did not allow great men to flourish and lead them to victory and cultivation.
Jesus christ give me a break.
No breaks on the Trump train. Stand the fuck back Jew. You have no idea what's coming
Really simple:
Aryans FIRST
Stop acting like fucking Jeb Bush/Rubio/Kaisich
Aryans first
Aryan is what matters
Nature, Society and man will follow!
A lot of people around Holla Forums (here and previously on cuckpol) hate me because I ridicule "American" as a raceless horde in the same vein that the National Socialists did. I am a born American as well, of European stock, but even I have come to hard terms with the fact that I grew up raceless and rootless, in that I shared the same traditions, values, and goals as every other mongrel in this "nation of rat racers".
Be honest: the average white American male cares about nothing but consumerism and fucking the next slut, and the average American female cares about consumerism and being the next slut for the next superChad TM.
And when white males realize they aren't going to be "superChad", they get depressed, because that is the essence of "being a failure" in American Civilization: you aren't the guy with "fuck you money" on Mad Men, you aren't living Mark Cuban's lifestyle of owning sports teams, flying on jets, and fucking supermodels while your "job" is investing (throwing money at things, using money to make money, doing no real work, and usually throwing money at destructive enterprises).
The dream to become an "entrepreneur" and create something that is an utter time waster, useless, and probably destructive. A culture preoccupied with distracting itself from the fact that it is not the new "heroes" and "gods" that exist in the real religion of Hollywood and the TV.
You could probably develop some kind of statistical analysis of the demise of religion in Western Culture proportionally occurring with the rise of "electrified mass-distributed theater." The access and exposure to hero worship on HBO is a lot easier than picking up some boring book.
But even the NS knew it was going that way with the media, which was why Hitler pointed at Eva and told her the video camera was the future. A lot of Holla Forums types make the error of rebelling against the format, but it's about controlling the format, it's always about gaining control of the levers of power.
Youtube and similar "channel masters" (there aren't many) know this, which is why they'll quickly get rid of someone like Evalion (say what you will about her), who was this peculiarity of a woman who was reading Mein Kampf; same with that old granny Ursula Haverbeck or whatever her name was – this respectable old German woman, who got thrown in jail yet again, precisely because it's alluring to see something other than a white male saying these things.
And even more powerful when the ease of access of just watching a video is there.
Text is an inferior format in democratic times, when you need the heart of the masses. Marshall McLuhan knew all of this with his "Medium not the Message" book and similar writings. We give "the white race" (or Europeans in general) too much credit as a group, and in democratic times, they need to be manipulated by the easiest means possible.
It's what our enemies do, and if we are to be leadership, we need to do it too. Go learn to make videos, go learn media methods. Shitposting might help, but the penetration into the collective mind of the masses is far shallower than a well-made Youtube video.
Just look at how well that With Open Gates did, as well as Hitler The Greatest Story Never told.
Meanwhile, there are posts I have seen on cuckchan and here that are a million times more content-rich and worthwhile than those videos, only to be thrown into some dustbin after a dozen anons read them.
Your post resonated with me. I'm wondering, have you made videos?
I'll be honest and say that's some pretty heavy concern.
Which kike came up with this shit? There is biodiversity everywhere in Europe, the common french and british citizens share the same amount of percentages as the other according to ancestral evidence
So because you share the blood of a western european and a brit, are you raceless according to your views? Because you are not 100% one or the other?
Are you just a kike or something? What do you mean by raceless?
pics related
I agree with you about "electrified mass-distributed theater."
It's the most effective weapon that ever existed and I personally WTF every time I see some thread here promoting the latest bullet shot from that weapon. We don't control that weapon
Aryans =/= the entire white race
There is non-aryan whites.
Sage because you're going autistic and this thread is going nowhere
It has to start at the family level. When parents divorce or remarry, that is disturbed. When people forget patriarchy, the family structure is ruined as you don't have a central figure that can unite the family.
It's easy for Jews to be tribal even if their families are broken. Why? Because they are a minority. Humans find it difficult to conceptualise such a large amount of people (as is the entire white race) as their "tribe". This makes it difficult for whites. I believe whites need to form small tribes and that those tribes can interact with each other - at least while we are the majority, when & if we become a minority, tribalism would actually become easier, and a necessity for survival.
Also Jews are less diverse than whites. Whites have many different religions, for example, as well as having FAR greater genetic variation than Jews. This is another reason we need to form small groups - based on genetic closeness as well as ideology/religion.
People need to be tied down to geographical location, that is how communities/tribes form. Suburbia is cancer in that all sorts of different people exist as neighbours, we need our tribe as our neighbours. We don't just need a race united but a village united, a suburb united, a nation united. ALL LEVELS.
Bullshit, you people first speak of unity among each other, but as soon we turn our backs on each other we start bickering about who counts as white and who doesn't, and before you know it half of Europe is considered non white and therefore out of the loop.
To hell with all of you, I'm done with this false unity and the constant bickering among us. Call me a shill call me whatever you want, until I see some real honesty this is all I will think. You are just like liberals, all about smiling and holding hands, no Aryan/European/White left behind, but when we're not looking then we start to get picky about who is "good enough" for the unrealistically high standards of some, and if we disagree to those standards, we are just a shill or some wild shlomo. I'm sorry I am not good enough for some Übermensch wannabes.
Please dont post pictures of jesse starr.
That's idiotic. You're not being hated, you're being corrected, fucking cry baby.
There are only 3 races:
Whites, Asian, Black
Everything else is new and not considered and sub-category of the species. It takes 30,000yrs to become a race.
Deal with the world you live in, become the Overman.
bump because you're a fucking idiot that came from 4chan and doesn't know what Aryan means.
white = Aryan (all those too mixed are not white)
high standards is not a bad thing, ever.
Who are your people Jose?
finns, saami, basques and hungarians aren't aryan but they're white, they lived in Europe before or immigrated there after the indo european migration.
Moving to Europe doesn't make you white, and you know this. You're a fucking shill
So it's okay then if half of Europe is suddenly nonwhite? Well, fuck. If we can't trace someone's ancestry back to the Roman Empire, they're not white, is that it? Who even has intact Roman Empire census data?
Europe doesn't matter without whites. It's just a landmass without the blood in the soil.
This is why Aryans (whites/ and everyone knows with a look what that means, Jose) need to become a tribe. See:
Also watch the video in OP and stop shilling thread with your sadness that you're not white.
nigger sami lived in the upper north since forever, they're white and european but they are not indo-european and thus not aryan.
Sami is one of the most primitive early cultures on the Earth
its language structure is so primitive its similar to Sumerian
not the alphabet, pronunciation or language itself, similar as in how similar the structure of Danish is to English
The history of mankind would be far too stupid a thing if it had not had the intellect [Geist] of the powerless injected into it: – let us take the best example straight away. Nothing that has been done on earth against ‘the noble’, ‘the mighty’, ‘the masters’ and ‘the rulers’, is worth mentioning compared with what the Jews have done against them: the Jews, that priestly people, which in the last resort was able to gain satisfaction from its enemies and conquerors only through a radical revaluation of their values, that is, through an act of the most deliberate revenge [durch einen Akt der geistigsten Rache]. Only this was fitting for a priestly people with the most entrenched priestly vengefulness. It was the Jews who, rejecting the aristocratic value equation (good = noble = powerful = beautiful = happy = blessed) ventured, with awe-inspiring consistency, to bring about a reversal and held it in the teeth of the most unfathomable hatred (the hatred of the powerless), saying: ‘Only those who suffer are good, only the poor, the powerless, the lowly are good; the suffering, the deprived, the sick, the ugly, are the only pious people, the only ones saved, salvation is for them alone, whereas you rich, the noble and powerful, you are eternally wicked, cruel, lustful, insatiate, godless, you will also be eternally wretched, cursed and damned!’ . . . the slaves’ revolt in morality begins with the Jews: a revolt which has two thousand years of history behind it and which has only been lost sight of because – it was victorious . . . (Towards the Genealogy of Morality, §I.7).
Man fuck Jews. It's literal Satanism to say the underdog is good by definition.
Found the D&C Jew.
Filter him.
The white tribe is the only worthwhile tribe, and it encompasses ALL whites.
Jews take advantage of the individual ethnicities within our tribe to pit us against each other, just as the whites did to the American Indians and the Brits did to the Arabs.
Don't fall for it.
tribes are for niggers
Heiled and checked. Tribalism is the way forward.
Most shilled thread in a year
Aryans for Aryans
Aryans First
Aryan cultures
Aryan peoples!
Aryan Power
and niggers are loyal to niggers you stupid nigger
They're sami? In reality they often have dark hair/eyes. Those must be mixed with scandis.
italians have dark hair and eyes as well, but they are still considered white
it's easy to understand who's white.
it's the physical demographic that the progressives want to punish.
You've consumed enough media today Holla Forums. Time to do something for your tribe and meme it
media!!!!!!!! talk more about the fucking MSM Holla Forums
So I was called hitler today because I said I supported trump and deporting illegals.
Not that I mind of course lol
I was in a rush so I didn't bother but it occurred to me that people don't perhaps understand why exactly we trump supporters want illegals deported and I think i have an explanation at the very basic of levels so allow me to explain it in allegorical form:
There once was a mother and father with fourteen children.
Each of these children had 10 kids of their own and those kids had 8 kids and their kids had 7 kids and their kids had 4 and those children each had 2 or 4 kids of there own.
Each of these generations lived on the same enormous piece of land as did some of the relatives of the children's spouses thus making the family bigger. This continued for some time.
Now, even though the family had feuds with one another they all were family even though some felt distanced at times or even shunned.
They were a family. A family so large it could hardly be considered a tribe, not even a clan, and so they made themselves into a nation. They decided that this land would be devoted to their children and their descendants owned it and they were merely keeping it in order for them to inherit.
Then one day a stranger appeared and built a house on their land. He wasn't welcome there and he was sent out.
The next day though he returned with his family and built another house and started using the crops of the family and once more he was sent out, this time even further.
Then strangers who looked similar flooded in mass droves and started breaking into houses, peddling drugs, an occasional rape happened but the majority just wanted to work and live off the fat of the land the family's ancestors had earned for them (the decendants).
And so the family elected to drive then out and build a wall and keep their family wealth where it belonged, in the hands of their descendants and not the hands of the stranger.
Now imagine if their was a sizable portion of that family who instead of wanting to preserve their wealth had instead grown decadent, foolish to the order of this world and human nature was something they saw as malleable and not an inescable rigid pillar they were chained to; imagine that in their own self loathing born out of their inability to have a sense of ownership of their inheritance they instead SOLD it out to the foreigners because the foreigners were in a worse state.
Not, donated some of their wealth to help the foreigner out in the foreigners own lands, not provided them tools and education with which to better themselves in their own lands.
NO, instead they chose to take IN the stranger, to take IN the unkown even at the risk of harm to their family and the gaurnteed of loss for the families next generation but they didn't stop there they took in the strangers friends and family and their friends and family because they had no sense of duty to their families descendants.
No these ungrateful deluded fools had only loyalty to their ego because they wanted to feel like a good person instead of being a good person by putting the work in to help the stranger in his lands.
And so gradually the face of the family was changed until the original family was now barely half of the inhabitants in the land their ancestors had sought and tamed for them.
All the while the foolish family members derided, jeered, mocked, silenced and beat the rest of the family for wanting to remove the stranger who had taken what was supposed to be THEIRS and then build a wall to prevent then from coming in again.
And throughout all this time the bullied section of the family gave enormous portions of heir wealth other families in other lands and educated them as well because they wanted to help them.
And throughout all this time the only occasion the foolish family members gave was to congratulate themselves on being pure and self sacrificing to prop of their own sense of self worth.
What do you think should be done?
They lost their sense of tribalism and so forgot why it was important at all to live as One. Nationalism serves the elites and distracts people from the real source of power: local politics. Likewise the downfall of America was the Civil War.
IF we are to build a new aristocracy we will need a new tribe of those willing to fight, living, and die for it.
Well, fuck "Aryan" then. I like our Nordic people.
Red pilled minorities exist? Today I learned.
Facts straight from your ass.
'The genetics characterizing Uralic peoples is haprogroup N1c (Y-DNA). 97% of Nenets, 92% of Nganasans,[2] 63% of Finns,[3] 47% of saami[4] and 41% of Estonians[5] belong to this haplogroup. Haplogroup N originated in the northern part of China in 20,000 -25,000 years BP[6] and spread to the north Eurasia, through Siberia to Northern Europe. A subgroup N1c1 is frequently seen in Finno-Ugric people, N1c2 in Samoyedic peoples. In addition, haprogroup Z (mtDNA), found with low frequency in saami, Finns and Siberia, is related to Uralic peoples’ migration.'
No one needs race traitors in our Tribe. Fuck off back to Mongolia
Trump just said he's end foreign Lobbies in our country
First 100 days of office – AIPCA DONE
TRUMP will end like him and his brother if he really opposes them.
Let's see if he will.
Just by the way:
JFK was actually not assassinated for some obscure reasons, but for opposing the upcoming Israeli nuclear program in the 60s.
Israel wanted to obtain the technology for nuclear energy and weapons, which Kennedy kept back, so he had to be removed.
His successor Lyndon B. Johnson then 'coincidentally' agreed to this technology transfer, allowing Israel to become the nuclear player that it is today.
Well he just did it. So we will see. And if we don't kill every fucking Jew involved, it's our fault when America dies.
fuck your 4chan threads
Found the German
It's not even free market, alone. It's Jewish entanglement in politics and Marxism that pushed and forced this shit down our throats.
Eww. Please spoiler that shit.
ahh, thanks for the JFK picture.
It has been a while since listening to the speech:
Blends great with some background song like this:
So you'd rather just pull the same shit they do rather than have everyone band together to fucking get rid of them
The only way is the tribal way. It's always been that way. We just forgot
What is the tribalistic way to vote on Prop 58 in California? I can think of arguments both ways, so it is impossible to say for sure.
d&c shill
Oh look, another "nazi girl" channel using Pierce as a springboard.
Plenty of groups linked for you to join, one slip of the finger and you're self-doxed lads.
I'm part Saami, part Germanic. My Saami ancestors had no wisdom teeth, which severely damages the theory that Saami come form mongols. If anything, Mongols bred with most Nordic tribes, resulting in slightly augmented races. The Saami that continue to genetically pass down the lack of wisdom teeth, are most likely families that did not breed with Mongols, or bred within themselves enough so that the gene remained dominantly expressed.
We're probably not Aryan, depending on how you want to define what is and isn't Aryan.
To many Americans, Aryan means white. To Ahnenerbe, it relates to a folklore race of Germanic ancestry.
What I find a little amusing is that the Thule society, which aided greatly in forming Ahnenerbe, and the Third Reich's aesthetic approach to theory forging, got many of its sources from Saami folklore.
Our folk homeland is called Tule. Even the Swedes get many of their folk stories from Saami lore.
Saami are the Reindeer people, Nordics are the Elk people. At least during the last great iceage.
Before that we may have had a far greater civilization, and cooperation between ancient Nordic, Saami, Steppe people and Germanic races. Our history has been stolen, the only government that ever tried to restore some semblance of truth to it, was the Third Reich.
Now we're on the brink of destruction for all of our collective peoples and races. The Semitic races of the south have within their grasp the capability to end the Northern Wind. Which will in turn result in Ragnarok.
nigga wat