Why don't we buy billboards telling people there's a media blackout on wikileaks?
Why don't we buy billboards telling people there's a media blackout on wikileaks?
Put up posters in bus stops
Buy airtime on local AM/FM
Bumper stickers on cars in parking lots
There's hundreds more. That's just what I came up with off the top of my head. We could do it, we'll probably know in a day or two if we'll need to, I suppose.
Posters in bus stops
Buy airtime on local AM/FM
Bumper stickers on cars in parking lots
There's hundreds more. That's just what I came up with off the top of my head. We could do it, we'll probably know in a day or two if we'll need to, I suppose.
it's a good idea. organization and crowdsourcing here is impossible though. maybe it can be like the pepe billboard on wesearchr
Finally a thread I can contribute greatly to.
I buy a billboards along interstate 25 to advertize my website and chatline, they're cheap enough that a basement dwelling fuck could afford one, I mean it. My computer cost more than five of the things.
I go through BLM BlueLineMedia you fucking nigger-lovers which services something like three hundred cities in the continental US. If they don't service yours just drive two hours out of town and look for blank billboards, then contact whoever owns the stand / stand grouping.
If Palmer really wants to help us he should do this.
I mean we only have Thiel, Lucky, and the Mercer clan on our side the least they could do is put up some fucking billboards.
How do we contact him? Was he not scared off over the reddit drama and being named?
Someone needs to make an ad tho.
and posting the URL to Wikileaks' Twitter account is better than www.wikileaks.org
and instead of an american flag over Assange's mouth put CNN's logo
Shouldn't be hard at all.
Needs a Holla Forums knot somewhere for lulz
What happened with this? I had to go sleep.
Last I saw he was still disappeared.
Needs a headline and a call to action. And I mean needs. Otherwise people won't "get" it and won't know what to do,
I'm not very good at this, but I hope I could at least help get some ideas flowing.
confirmed, we must begin shitposting on billboards
Nice energy OP, but you need focus. I think ee all collectively (fuck leftists made me hate that word) focus on the flashpoints. O'keefe leaks, which I've proudly hyped for weeks. The wikileaks drama etc. This month is the most important in our lives, regardless of nationality. If she wins, it will bleed down and destroy the western world.
I have no idea for what this could possibly be used.
Are billboards owned by particulars or companies? If there's some big conglomerate behind the billboards (read: kikes) you best believe they won't allow a single redpill in these
People are inherently lazy. What we should do is start off by saying there's a media blackout and then provide some interesting email pieces below that.
Plan B: make photocopies and paste the shit out of them on bus stop shelters and other public areas.
because that would require time, money and actual work
Are you 12? There is literally a "Stop White Genocide" billboard up somewhere in the South.