Plebbit finds okeefe video protestor on hillary campaign payroll
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Fucking Spics
fucking cunt
Good work reddit-san.
What do you anons think?
These rats are everywhere
How do you download the csv?
This unbelievable corruption surrounding Hillary.
Guess what it will be like when she might be in office.
She will be a complete drone to her masters.
Just like Angela Merkel.
Wew lads. This on top of CTR being called a bunch of sunless, kissless nerds is just too good.
That's cheap, she was probably a hooker or some shit earlier in her life.
from pic related
Dear diary, reddit was useful today.
Soros was paying protestors 100k each.
I'd honestly be surprised if she wasn't.
No he wasn't. He was paying the leaders of these monkeys that amount.
The 18 Soros Justice Fellows will each receive a stipend of $74,000 to $108,750 for projects lasting between 12 and 18 months. They will join more than 260 other individuals who, since 1997, have received support through the Soros Justice Fellowships; and who are part of a broader Open Society Foundations effort to curb mass incarceration, reduce harsh punishment, and ensure a fair and equitable system of justice in the United States.
17k to consult and then get busted on camera. What a world where these people can make this much money consulting and be such incompetents.
Even billionaire kikes are still stingy kikes, user. He didn't need to pay them that much, therefore he didn't pay them that much.
Fucker probably leaves pennies for tips at 5-star restaurants.
whats 26 million when you're trying to destabilize the most powerful country on the planet
how soon until the asshole reddit admins claim this is doxing and SHUT IT DOWN?
Roy Tatem is a mole
It wouldn't matter much since there's a shitload of crossposting that goes on between Reddit and 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ and Twitter.
This is a weird time to be alive.
How is niggermania these days?
Gamergaters would've won within the first month had we cooperated like this, instead of infighting and pr cucking.
It's always been that was user.
that's a name i haven't heard in a while.
I kno rite
It is ever pleasant
Do you even know how to meme bro? You should of just posted this image from a popular jewish sitcom.
Not to be rude but your post quality is lacking. by "infighting" you mean jew subversion.
The PR cucking didn't happen till around 4 or 5 months in, and a lot of progress was made in the first 6 months, user. Pretty much as much progress as could possibly be made in that period of time was made until "Muh PR" extended towards leftist shit.
People don't realize that PR is a stronger tool than they realize (not on 8ch, but the other sites), it makes people looking in from the outside more angry to see wrongs against the innocent who won't stoop to the same level, than one who just trades blows. Sure, the one who trades blows might very well win if they're stronger, but the former is the one that can start a full-on brawl if done correctly. The problem was that it *wasn't* done correctly, the PR-whoring extended towards giving money TO THE FUCKING ENEMY
That was when GG lost a lot of its punch, but it still did a lot.
Reading this, I was immediately reminded of the incident in pic related where a known Soros employee was directly involved in disrupting a Trump rally seven months ago. The difference is this time there's direct connections to Crooked so it's far more damning.
Gonzalez, Rodriguez, tomayto, tomahto.
A lot of loyalty for a hired gun.
that spic creature is gonna be locked up right next to Hillary
Still total media blackout.
I'm hoping for a lot of non-white deaths soon.
Jesus fucking christ
I wanna be a SJW now
this post is Ironic in nature in case some imbecile thinks im serious
This beaners salary stopped yesterday
Back on NEETbux for her.
wtf I am shill now
The PR cucking was because of GG's success. Just like OWS, GG fell to the SJW narrative and insiders because we dug up too much stuff. Some cuck journos shilling for a game was linked to DiGRA, Bill Gates, Common Core etc.
well they know they are being inethical.
they know they are shit
all they have to drive them is hubris. so it makes sense.
this.. almost no one remembers but there was a very short time period were ows was mostly Holla Forumstier for a week.. maybe two.. then sjw's came out of no where and took the whole place over.
At that rate that was her neetbux.
Not fucking bad Reddit.
All these dubs and some tripes in this tiny thread.
Kek is telling us to pursue this.