HABBENING The O'Keefe video got the guy from the DNC PAC fired
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Thank you for cucking CTR's first poster.
oh wow
Also someone ID'd this beaner from one of the protests.
what's this weird perspective on this picture of a screen?
it would appear distorted and leaning when looked at straight
is is a fotochoppe?
Fucking yes. Time to watch the rats flee the burning ship.
Get out of here, Pancho. This is an english speaking board and continent.
Need proof, then dance thread
It's a picture of a tv, user
Daily reminder.
Fucking spics
Scott Foval is not getting fired; he's getting "shuffled." There's a big fucking difference.
This fucking AIDS-ridden faggot is not getting tarred and feathered and hung out to dry. This fucker worked for Soros directly for fucks sake. What will and is happening is he'll get picked up by some other Democratic arm belonging to the same corrupt body and go back to work in an undisclosed position until it's safe to come out again.
When Trump wins, there will be no safe zones. No places to hide. In the next three weeks, the entire world will know Trump's power.
damn I thought she was a nigger
well, beaner is an upgrade i guess
Is this beaner tranny trying to show off her tits? Literally why is this thing standing with her tits pushed out?
I think what user means it looks like the text would be tilting to the right even if viewed straight on. Thinking its just an optical illusion tho
What's this gif from?
From some lame ass kid's soul train show from the 90s i would presume.
I know it is
but I know enough about graphic design and 3d modeling to notice that the "texture" (in that case, the image) seems to be distorted in this pic
simple deformation to make the image appear rectangular relative to the screen border, see pic related
it's as if the text was pasted in the image in photoshop by someone who doesn't know enough about perspective
a tv chanel would never broadcast such an image
so I think it's fake
when you don't know enough about a subject to be able to identify a sentence about it in your own language, you look really, really stupid
okay grandpa
Note the bike lock around her neck attached to the truck door.
And he'll probably get rehired right back at Hillary's campaign or the Clinton foundation or some shit just like DWS.
Some Barbie video with Paula Abdul I think?
I would.
looks like she's got a rigid u-shaped bike lock around her neck and the b-pilar of the open van door. Good for not being able to close the door and drive the van. Also good for dragging a beaner like Dinky the dog in National Lampoon's Family Vacation.
Damn she's perfectly positioned for rape.
It's funny because it won't change anything so he was fired for no reason in a way
Is Scott Foval suicide?
They tried to block the highway for a Trump Phoenix rally and were hauled away by Sheriff Joe's Stormtroopers. There are some pictures floating around of the cops laughing at their dumb asses.
They shot themselves in the foot, by firing him they legitimized it.
They'll just move him to another organization.
FWIW, James O'Keefe's verified plebbit account is where this image originated from.
Oh I know the full backstory. This is my OC. Never really noticed her prominently sticking her tits out like that, though.
I agree with you. He's "fired" But still his name is tainted which is good.
where the fuck are you sitting when u watch TV?
Dubs confirm. Dog was not prepared for cross-country journey.
Ah, ok. Got it. Yeah, that's the pic. Bonus image 4u.
Yeah that image makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. There are dozens if not hundreds of people involved in the violent agitation incidents.
tv image is weird, then, but I don't have a television, what would I know
do fox news usually display splash text in swirling graphics, rotating planes, hypnotic flashy shit like that?
dubs of truth.
Firing the middle man is not a victory. The people exposed are just agents of the broken machine.They'll publicly "fire" someone, distance themselves from the scandal, and back to the same old tricks.
I'm stunned that one woman can be so many different kinds of terrible at once. Waste of nice tits.
note that he's not "fired", he's "no longer associated with"
he's been promoted somewhere not accessible to the public
Yeah, but now they can say they fired someone, give him a new job, and the press will quit covering the issue. Problem solved, goyim. :^)
Redditor took it. He was probably laying on the floor like this when he saw it.
They think this statement will help quell some of the fire. We all know, however-
The fire rises
If soros has 8 billion invested, and only 1 billion in the US, the 7B in the rest of the world must be huge….
He's one of the proprietors of the migrant crisis.
9/11 digits confirms DWS all over again.
Should have cut the door and let her wear that all week in the prison as a reminder of her stupidity.
actually, the text does look slanted, could be the news trying to be edgy, but do we have other confirmation of this?
this seems to be the answer:
htt ps://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5809hx/i_found_proof_that_the_hillary_campaign_had_the/
Direct link to the FEC record: htt ps://beta.fec.gov/data/disbursements/?two_year_transaction_period=2016&recipient_name=ZULEMA+RODRIGUEZ&min_date=01%2F01%2F2015&max_date=12%2F31%2F2016
Absolute proof that Hillary's campaign DIRECTLY FUNDED the Chicago protests which caused multiple officers to be inured.
Here, I corrected the photographic record.
They got this from us you sperglord
oh right :^]
Ugh. Nice tits, sir.
Why did Fox report the firing, but not the actual video?
We are le reddit
t. redditchan 2016
Are we in a competition?
it doesn't matter who gets credit, all that matters is our plan
Crashing this ZOG with no survivors?
Was getting full/pol/ OC onto plebbit part of your plan?
Of courshe
You're a big guy.
Jesus, he's literally a homosexual with AIDS. What a fucking degenerate.
Link to his twatter: twitter.com
Fox is actively rooting for Hillary. Instead of showing the tapes, they played cute animal videos on The Five. I'm not joking.
So is my penis
Yeah we know he was a democrat, thanks for pointing out the obvious.
Fox is controlled op
Hume, Hannity, maybe OReily, and Vansusstren before she quit are the only loyalists there.
I forgot Judge Jeanine
Hume is an anti-Trump neocon faggot.
O'Reilly can't be trusted.
Hannity is legit, though.
Lou Dobbs, too.
Fake Old Xionists, they're controlled by Israel from top to bottom
The biggest shareholder of Fox News is a Saudi prince.
The biggest shareholder of Fox News is a Saudi prince
I haven't seen anything with him hating on Trump, I could be wrong
I know Wallace is no friend (he's mod for 3rd debate). He was no friend during that primary debate either.
And Cavuto (along with the entire Gutfeld cast) have all shown their stripes as well. Gutfeld even has a cuntbag lolberg who talks like a sjw. None of them are trustworthy.
A legit shabbos goy.
Yeah. Like he said. ISRAEL. What, did you think the Saudi royal family aren’t jews?
Hannity's one of the only people in the media who's played the Project Veritas tapes.
So? He still cucks himself for Israel 24/7. Not even slight criticism.
Good to see one of these fucks suffer after they've done it to us for years.
Who gives a shit? He's not a Holla Forumslack. What does that have to do with this story? We need allies in the media and he's one of only a handful who's actually at least somewhat on our side.
But no…keep up the circular firing squad like a good little autist and see where that gets you.
His email is scottfoval @ gmail.com if anyone whats to send him a message.
He lives in Sun Prairie, WI (right outside of Madison), but I can't find anything about his specific address.
Okay, reported. Thanks for playing.
Jewtube account: youtube.com
Except that he's right.
I wonder if this guy had anything to do with the big anti Scott Walker protests at the state capital.
Read: He's just not with them anymore. They probably didn't fire him.
Gas yourself, faggot. Hannity is nuclear butthurt about the GOPe fucking Trump over and the media's Wikileaks coverup. He's doing good work lately.
fucking jim why do you love hannity so much
Joe "The Sinaloa Shoah" Arpaio deputizes liberal Jewish prisoners so he can make them arrest New Americans.
I know a true Hibernian brother when he speaks.
I'd still fuck her.
wasn't that in the video today? they staged a disturbance with scott walker, seems very probable. ( they saw him as more of a threat, because they were thinking this was going to be a conventional election before trump landed and BTFO everyone.)
Hanging with Mom at the #russfeingold2016 #elizabethwarren student loan debt event at UW Madison. (at Wisconsin Union Theater)
he's gay right?
Well, he definitely has a social disease. Not sure if faggot or retarded.
I want to share an important milestone with you. This year I am celebrating my 10th anniversary of being diagnosed HIV+.
If you got an email from me last year, you may remember me telling you how I came out as HIV+ in a Huffington Post column in 2008
user, we discussed this earlier. He's a HIV-infected faggot.
what exactly is he doing here to this poor astranged child?
Yeah that's not suspicious or anything…
grinning madly next to a child (again with the mouth/feeding thing) with his red hot AIDS blood going through his veins
this fucking shit
gays wouldn't be a problem if they didn't fucking spend all day bragging about their diseases. these people have nothing to their precious IDENTITIES other than sex and disease
Here's a red-pill on HIV
Yeah 300 miles of dick
Holla Forums do me a favor,
All I ask is you pray with me that he gets a fair trial and thrown in jail for his terrorism crimes. and the women too.
Sure thing faggot, are we praying to Kek or Odin?
Sex sells
His username makes it taste less salty. We fucked up, should of thought of that though. I am ashamed. Plebbit is beating us some of the scoops, this never happened before.
The average female takes 500 miles of dick and 4.75 gallons of cum over the entire course of her sex life, and that's averaging 2 encounters a week from 12-50 years old. Imagine how many dozens more marathons the average fag's ass has over the average cunt. It's like an overstretched balloon of despair after just 10 years of taking the sausage.
God please destroy the SJW, libtard heretics. AMEN
This is important to keep in mind. Also, earlier today google turned up more pictures of Foval and Minter, now there are only a few. Anyone have any saved?
i guess you go with a david duke for president shirt to the gethos kike
Pretty sure it's a video of a video. They taped a video monitor on the set. Think I've seen them do this before.
Hume did the report, right after 9/11, on possible Israeli involvement. He might be alright.
Chris Wallace is a Jew, son of (((Mike Wallace))). Would not trust.
Sauce on that pic ? Wtf is going on behind the policeman is this some kind of party ?
Some ppl don't realize that Fox News's The Five is supposed to be a humorous program.
b-but the male nurse from TRS read a rational wiki page on the air and said that was debunked?
Not good enough.
Everyone involved gets punished or justice remains unattained.
This piece of shit justified completely undermining the democracy of an entire nation because "Half of Iowa is racist as fuck." Either put him in a mental hospital for his clinical obsession or put him in jail for treason.
Goes for everyone involved.
You shall have my memetic focus.
Same thing as he was trying to do to your nation. Pos his neg hole
That was good, thanks. Is anything even real? I swear, the more time I spend here, the more I realize that there is a red-pill for everything I have ever been told. And the more I swallow, the more disconnected I am from the rest of the world. It literally is just fantasy.
I would've "accidentally rear ended her van just enough to break her neck and say it was an accident. Plus how was i supposed to know some woman was neck bound to it?
I bet they simply moved him elsewhere. Those kind of guys always tend to stay in some way unless you burn the whole thing down
Someone send him a blanket wrapped in fucking smallpox. The only good faggit is a dead faggit
Just 15 minutes in I feel at once astonished and not surprised at all. After all the big lies floating around the world, it only figures that AIDS/HIV was just another ruse cruise to sucker dumb goyim out of cash.
Only memes are real user. Our reality is just people believing memes to be the truth, thus making them the truth.
Peggy, call the police
The only things that are real are the ironclad laws of nature (might IS right, Death and suffering IS necessary because Life Feeds on Life.) and the Hermetic Laws of Reality.
Get a copy of Might is Right, Ragnar Redbeard and ''The Kybalion".
Both are found in /pdfs/ General thread.(The one with Gottfried Feder's book in front, red swastika cover)
Also (phoneposting here) this video here on Hermetic laws. An hour long but worth every minute.
Holy shit, nice catch, whoever found that.
Please tell me the Phoenix police cut the door off the van before cutting the lock.
If you haven't seen it yet, here is all the shit she is involved in
beta.fec. gov/data/disbursements/?two_year_transaction_period=2016&recipient_name=ZULEMA+RODRIGUEZ&min_date=01%2F01%2F2015&max_date=12%2F31%2F2016
This guy spilled extremely spicy beans to a reporter and now has made millions aware of his party's tricks, all with his name and face plastered all over it. This retard is absolute poison to anyone working in intelligence now, no one will trust him with a damn thing again.
you know i never thought i'd need this image, and i had no real intention of digging too deep into the points it was making, but after watching half an hour of that video im having second thoughts
is there another video coming today right before the debate?