what was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
He was raised in a time when Christianity was the norm. Less than a century later, he was already an oddity for holding that worldview.
Isn't that amazing? Christianity was inextricable from Western culture for 2,000 years and then, within so brief a time, it was undermined.
The Christian meme had its time in the sun but has lost potency. It will be interesting to see what ultimately replaces it.
The Christian meme had its time in the sun but has lost potency. It will be interesting to see what ultimately replaces it.
Sucking cock and fedoras.
Christianity lost because it was weak and cuckolded.
Fuck you. This is why people get taken advantaged of repeatedly.
Here's the replacement.
Does anyone have the pic proving Viking Peganism was written by Christians after the Viking.
How can paganism be the replacement when Christianity replaced paganism in the first place?
Pendulum swing.
You can say that again
hol up
it feels so innocent in retrospect
Feminism has pretty much replaced religion tbh
just a lot of shitposting on both Holla Forums and Holla Forums
YEA! dat'll teach dem stupid christcucks :'^)
also >>>/leddit/ spacing
Feminism is an offshoot of Protestantism.
So we agree that there's nothing wrong with niggers? :'^)
I enjoy their contemptuous attitude towards truth.
When some fact is inconvenient, they don't agonize over it like Whites do, writing 1000-page treatises and becoming barely-functioning neurotics; "he dindu nuffin", "he a gud boy", "it ain't no thang", and that's it. That's precisely the attitude we need to counter 2000 years of Christian neurosis of sin which eventually led to White guilt and the self-abasing notion of privilege.
I'm also not a Nordic Pagan. It's very ig'nant of you to assume that everyone who LARP as a Jew worships Odin.
Christianity is being undermined by the Jews, but Christianity itself is a Jewish ploy to undermine the West. Subversion within subversion.
You haven't freed yourself from their clutches just because you climbed to the next rung on their ladder of lies.
Yes, you sound that retarded.
Christianity is Judaism reformed and brought back to it's roots by hermeticists and alchemists. The bible is just a compilation of parables for illiterate people.
European Christianity took the best of European paganism and incorporated it into an endemic European religion. European Christianity is as semitic as jews are descendants of the ancient Israelis.
The reason why jews hate it and try to destroy it is becouse it promises that every man can become God through the purification of his spirit and hard work.
We can't have every man a G-d if we are the Chosen people who want to attain that godhood through cheating G-d.
Any materialistic degeneracy thrown out by the current jewish system is just an intricate form of slavery disguised with various forms. Consumerism, neo-paganism, communism, new age. It's all a side of the same schekel that is there to enslave you.
Or in other words: You're a kike.
This isn't your Holla Forums hugbox where you can spew your retarded bullshit unchallenged, though of course Holla Forums would cast you out as a DEGENERATE as well.
That is exactly how it is. What would be more expedient than as system in which people are not only trapped, but also under the illusion that they can free themselves while remaining trapped? It's nigh perfect in suppressing rebellion. Christianity is a syncretist knock-off of Judaism, as you correctly said, and it's "turn the other cheek" ethic has undermined the West. It provided a breeding ground for the foreign Jewish element to thrive in Europe.
However, it wasn't quite kosher enough for the eternally scheming Jew, so he began undermining it with Secularism, Communism, and Liberalism to push even more poz onto people. However, the opposition of the Jew to it does not make Christianity flawless; it's is still a substantially Jewish invention. Lie within lie, subversion within subversion.
Every Christian Church would brand you as a heretic for such a claim.
Jew spotted.
I bet being laughed at is a common experience for you.
Do you spy on me?
Yes, I read your thoughts. I know where you are from and what your father did.
Mods please someone is spying on me, it is really creepy, I need help.
Reported for Jewry.
S-s-so it is a hugbox. You clever man.
4U, you weak minded nihilistic boy.
But why going through the bother of destroying it again if you can just surf the same wave and win? Many things can go wrong while switching the waves.
A: Becouse it's harmful for the jewish cause at it works.
Aside for you completely missing of the symbolic point of the cheek parable it's obvious that you don't want to acknowledge the constant undermining and propaganda going on from the start of Christianity itself. But as it still stands the kernel of teaching remains and thus is still a danger. The image of a lone hero coming from the masses and destroying the evil order is haunting the jews and the new world order.
The secular revolutions in the 18. century provided that.
It cannot be a jewish invention becouse even judaism isn't originally jewish/israeli. And the israelis of the time of jesus were led astray as they are now. Israelis were just priests of the first monotheist Akhenaten that escaped Egypt and converted the ancient peoples of judea.
Christianity is just judaism led again to it's very core which resides in Egypt.
Every christian church IS HERETIC and just a copy of the Roman state church temples. Laying claim on materiel world is going against the hermetic teachings of Jesus by it's definition.
Why don't you post the copypasta I'm sure you have saved? I'd enjoy laughing at the claim that "going the extra mile" was a Christian tactic designed to get Roman soldiers into trouble because they were only allowed to compel you to carry their pack for one mile.
You're an idiot. If you had read the Gospel of Matthew or even the chapter, it would be abundantly clear that Jesus endorsed non-resistance to evil, not some clever social manipulation. "The meek shall inherit the Earth"; "if anyone asks, give him your coat", "pray for those who persecute you". How much clearer can you get?
The only thing haunting the Jews is the semi-Gnostic Gospel of John, and its Gnostic contents had been disclaimed by the time of the Nicean Council. Ever since then, Christianity has been a kosher restatement of Judaism, with a domesticated Gnostic element of the the savior added.
They certainly accelerated it, but the Pope had protected Jews from the charges of "blood libel" in the middle ages, and the Church as a whole often protected Jews from White mobs. Those are just details, however. The main problem with Christianity is that it introduced the notion of an exclusive monotheism to Europe, and demanded that everyone convert. Celsus complains about this, and, though Origen gives a convincing defense of Christianity as he understood it, this defense would be regarded as wholly heretical today. Christianity elevated some Jewish tribal god into the supreme ruler of the universe and claimed that we were all subservient to him. In doing this, it normalized Judaism. Now it could be claimed that Jews worshipped "the same God as we did", albeit with theological differences. Had Europe remained pagan, the Jews and their weird beliefs would've been regarded as wholly alien.
That's actually an interesting point you make. I wouldn't call Egyptian priests "Israelis", though. Yes, it's very much possible that Jewish monotheism originates or was influenced by the cult of Akhenaten, but the problem is the deeply Jewish influence on that monotheism. Whatever good elements there are (or rather: were) in Christianity, the whole religion is hopelessly polluted with Jewish influences.
Heh. Well, I leave what I wrote in the beginning for reference, but I take it back. It seems you aren't an idiot.
But I'd ask a broader question: what defines the essence of a religion? If, as you say, every Christian church has strayed from the path, then don't they constitute Christianity, even if they corrupted it? When every Church believes X, then that's what Christianity is, at least in the social sense. That's what Christianity as an institution is.
Omg I love le Thor!
pagans will save le white race xDDD
Leaving aside the issue that Christianity had been spiritually impoverished by the 4th century, reducing life to being terrified of muh sin, denying oneself IS a subversion.
Also, there's literally nothing wrong with those quotes, even if they come from Lenin and Stalin.
Having a strong will to deny harmful behavior is against subversion.
That's blatant nigger philosophy.
Choose only one.
[ ] act like a nigger
[ ] shame niggers
Real morality is this:
Good = good for us
Bad = bad for us
Your fake morality is this:
Good = be a bitch
Bad = don't be a bitch
Are those not nigger values? It sounds like hood values.
The problem is your morality is situational and self-serving.
Yes, exactly. Whom else is it supposed to serve?
Compassion, empathy, and forgiveness are for the in-group. The out-group can get fucked. Morality must be subordinated to group interests, which are its origin in the first place. Those who believe that moral values are just "out there", independent of any human concern, and valid even if they are contrary to the interests of everyone, is deluded, and this is a completely unjustifiable position to boot.
Something is not evil just be cause niggers do it. The problem with Jews and niggers isn't that they're ruthless or conniving, but that they employ those tactics against us. I am absolutely in favor of us being ruthless and conniving as well.
how many pagan armies were defending Europe against the muslim hordes?
Given that Islam arose as an offshoot of Christianity in a Christian region: none.
He fought for the wrong side.
Don't remind of Logan. I don't wanna cry myself to sleep tonight as well…
Neither were there many christcuck armies doing that, since they were too busy fighting themselves, on in the case of the frogs, allying themselves with the muslims to fight other christcucks.
Is this Red Skull supposed to be a villain?
At the very least, doesn't seem like the Captain shouldn't view him as an antagonist.
Materialism, energy, general distrust, chaos, disruption.
This is the age of Aquarius, the age of science and the mob, the aeon of Horus and Set.
Captain America is a golem that sides with the American goyim only when they are needed to kill other goyim.
You're a retard who believes that a modern English translation of a text written in Koine Greek 2000 years ago will actually allow you to understand fully what is meant. You're interpreting the text in a modern context using modern words, which is why you're wrong and retarded.
Islam was an offshoot of Judaism you fool. Arabia was largely pagan and Jewish before Islam.
Let's see
And that's just off the top of my head
That's one case and you oversimplify the causes of it. The alliance caused a scandal among other Christian countries as well.
This guy gets it.
wtf? I love Jews nao!
How many layers of subversion are you on, bro?
It only takes one generation to change everything.
go hump a crucifix you faggots
Varg, pls
That's not morality, that's nepotism.
I actually kind of agree with you that you have to vigilant of the groups who threaten you. But these are terrible values to have. However you don't need to be a human demon (ruthless, selfish, vengeful) to protect your boarders, marry within your race or preserve your culture.
he was written by an atheist.
>the Jews achieved that miracle of inversion of values thanks to which life on earth has for a couple millennia acquired a new and dangerous fascination–their prophets fused 'rich', 'godless', 'evil', 'violent', 'sensual' into one and were the first to coin the word 'world' as a term of infamy. It is this inversion of values (with which is involved the employment of the word for 'poor' as a synonym for 'holy' and 'friend') that the significance of the Jewish people resides: with them there begins the slave revolt in morals.
did the reddit embassy have another open house?
He is an evil Nazi enhanced by a superhuman program who is worse than Hitler in Marvel's universes.
They create strawmen then insert the words of people in real life they disagree with (who are LITERALLY HITLER) in order to show those people as evil.
Red Skull Did Nothing Wrong
No temples, no written language. Viking paganism was probably no more than bedtime stories they got from celts and huns etc. Then the christian converts 'refined' them, i.e. put some detail into it.