Hey user, want to come over for movie night
This is why drugs are invented.
How many real life flesh and blood people have you met that were so into superhero films that they had to watch every single one to ensure that they didn't miss out on the stories that they consider interesting and important knowledge to consider in the context of future superhero films?
It's pretty common in commiefornia. I fucking hate this state.
Even though there are super hero movies everywhere and there obviously must be an audience, I have yet to spend any extended time with anyone who is obsessed with the modern superhero trend. What are those people like?
They aren't so much obsessed with superheroes as they are spoiled kids with way too much time on their hands, and thus organize weekly viewing parties for "pasta night + flicks"
They are the people who think playing video games is a lifestyle and take ritalin everyday.
Those are suburban and rural retards from flyover states, commiefornia has trust-fund limosine liberals and spics
If I had that much excess time, I'd at least hope to progress beyond capeshit in my first couple weeks of learning about cinema in my free time. Of course, I understand they aren't even taking films seriously.
Where's the link?
I wish I had friends who invited me to marathon movies with them.
Fucking dumbass, you could've had an epic orgy with your friends, you freaking beta!
Ah, yes. Two things that go together very well - pasta and movies. It's almost like mother nature always intended it to be that way, which is why all the popular movie houses have pasta bars, and why the finest Italian restaurants also screen movies.
That's actually not a bad idea for a restaurant.
at least you get invited to movie night
all my friends have moved on from me
choose one, your local pizza parlor is not a fine restaurant faggot
Sit down to order in the middle of a film, your meal arrives as it's ending, you leave in the middle of the next film.
Either you can't hear it over the sound of everyone else talking and eating, or it's playing at an uncomfortably loud level through blown-out, poor-quality speakers.
You never had friends. Only people who tolerated your presence in order to ease their own loneliness.
reddit pls
What if you have a mini screen on each table with headsets, like in a plane?
That's just mean and uncalled for, you should apologize to him, you cyberbully.
t. Parents