New FBI leaks references so called "The Shadow Government"
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see Page 56, Document 4
A shadow government? Looks like the days of me not believing in the Illuminati are over (Thought we were just joking or some of us are conspiracy nuts).
Yeah, I'm not sure why people dismiss the notion of people privately planning as a "conspiracy theory".
copying the digging other websites have done until now:
Other wikileaks mails referencing this group, also known as the "Seventh Floor":
https ://
https ://
https ://
Oy vey goy if you goys notice that the powerful conspire, my cousins moishe, chaim and david lose too many shekels.
They're all jews.
I'm not surprised. If they say the cow's mottled, at least one spot she has.
Are they leaks? I thought they were legitimate releases.
I wonder who could be part of said group
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
oy vey if they don't talk about it on CNN it's not true!
yes, they are indeed
we've got 12 replies and no shills
Yep. It turns out that all of the conspiracy theories were right the whole time. At this point, I'm starting to think that 9/11 may really have been an inside job, and that the CIA really did assassinate JFK.
3 of the members can't even be named
Aliens confirmed.
>>>/fringe/ was right
Well well.
Pence, it's not power I want. What I want to take back from The Shadow Government are things like… freedom, civil rights, opportunities. The founding principles of this country. Everything that's about to be wiped out by their digital censorship.
wew lad
Shadow Government
Lastly, the other primary final scenario player is the “shadow government” which includes the military-industrial complex, corrupt political cabals, black ops military networks, certain secret societies, and various corporate and scientific conglomerates. While there may be internal divisions among them, overall it appears they are functionally complicit with the alien agenda. Either they have realized that they cannot beat dimensionally superior forces and have joined them in return for preservation of power through the coming times, or else they are desperate enough to try to overtly seize world power and buck the alien controllers by force, which would fail and play right into alien hands.
Whether intended or not, the shadow government is working as the construction crew for the overt alien control system. They appear responsible for the following:
• Manufacturing and installing the advanced surveillance technologies and control infrastructure needed to run a worldwide police state
• Directing decisive historical events like totalitarian legislation, wars, terrorism, assassinations, disasters, and financial collapses to move mankind ever closer toward global self-enslavement
• Acquiring maximum mind control over the population through psychoactive frequencies and subliminal broadcasts
• Manufacturing artificial humans or clones to move into influential nodes of power
• Operating remote viewing and special modeling systems to predict threats and instabilities to the system
• Abducting/programming certain citizens to create sleeper agents, agent provocateurs (including violent anti-alien survivalist types), and subdue threatening individuals
• Creating decoy abductees who are given screen memories of positive encounters with the wrong alien types
• Grooming disinformation agents, hijacking the channeling and crop circle phenomena, and creating sanctioned releases from insiders to steer public perception of the alien presence
Regardless of whether they are doing all this to advance solely their own power or are knowingly laboring for their alien masters, it is through their efforts that the control system they build will be ready for use by negative aliens and their more dependable proxies. Again, this demonstrates the efficiency by which negative aliens operate: getting the population to enslave itself before handing over control.
In the final scenario, the public role of the shadow government may be to provide some whipping boys who will be punished for crimes against humanity and conspiring to suppress human evolution. The controlled exposure and purging of corruption at “the highest levels” would play to populist anger against the elite responsible for their sufferings. For example, consider what would happen if the World Trade Center attacks were fully disclosed to the world as having been an inside job, and if numerous other corrupt activities of worldwide human leadership were exposed as well. Not only would it lead to the destruction of the old political order, but it would diminish confidence in human leadership as a whole, and that would boost support for a non-human solution to the human problem.
If carefully orchestrated, none of this purging would wipe out the functional core of the shadow government; rather it would be a change at the surface, a symbolic gesture that the old has died and the new is to begin. It would then be an opportune moment for amnesty and rehabilitation to be offered to members of the shadow government so that their tools of control can seemingly be transformed into instruments of peace. Should this happen, there is grave danger that “instruments of peace” may instead mean black ops technology rising into public use against dissenters branded as “human supremacists” and “anti-alien terrorists.” If the public welcomes this move as a necessary step toward safeguarding peace and progress, then there could quickly arise a new kind of tyranny
FBI has officialy confirmed our government is being overtaken by aliens
what the fuck
In what way exactly is this proof of ayys? Stop that shit unless you've got something; "Shadow Government" is a term that's been used for a long time to refer to behind the scenes power brokers, I don't see anything implying ayy in this at all. Nevertheless…
KEK NO!!!!!!!!!
current year is getting out of hand
this shit is fucking great.
That's exactly what I said when I saw this shit.
It's just larping, shadow government simply means there is a cadre of the "real" politicians pulling the strings, and puppets to save public face
No surprise; Hillary seems conscious for 6 hours out of every 24
>Screenshot from 2016-10-17 20:41:38.png
Wow you are slow..
There's been enough proof of that for nearly decades.
What if we ignored you completely would that be even spookier?
right on it
Larpers fuck off.
I'm about as /fringe/ as Holla Forums gets, and I'm telling you, it's fucking nothing. If there were the barest hint of ayy you'd have to pull me off the ceiling with a spatula. This is not it. Is this gay shilling yet again?
Your OP was shit and was made 25 minutes after this OP which has instead of just some ayylmao bullshit, disinfo kike
Actually, you've incorrectly called them the 'illurrrrrminati' when that clearly was a meme started by either the shadow government themselves or the media (in fact I think Clinton's controlled 'progressive' media may have started that).
Shadow governments have operated pretty much since king charles, when parliament gained control in England (and that style of governance spread across Europe).
I'm still convinced that was pushed by merchants.
I copypasted an article about shadow government, I didn't make any claims, but the way you're reacting to me is making me mighty suspicious; why do you have to suppress and SHUT IT DOWN so hard?
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos
Sounds exactly like something an ayylmao would say.
Report and filter all ayylmao kikes attempting to derail the tread.
There's the Holla Forumsanoia I know and love.
Shadow government = moneykikes. Dark pools of liquidity are money kikes too, not ayylmao. It's fun to larp and all, but let's stick to the revealed kikes instead of the imaginary ayys.
People don't in Aus, most here have accepted that powerful people pull strings in governments around the world. The problem nowadays is telling them that the shadow government has become insanely morally corrupt to the point where they need to be removed.
If (((parentheses))) are for kikes, whats the symbol for ayys?
creation of a shadow-government meme
I never made any claims bout ayys, you did it, but I will post the actual structure of the shadow government in a moment…
What we need to tie this all together is the oath fag to come in here.
pdf related is the actual structure of the shadow government
FILTER+ ID: 491870
The drugs shit is DEFINITELY the real deal. US government is, among other things, essentially a narcocartel.
>John Kerry is part of the Majestic 12 the 7th Floor
Same thing with westphalian secret courts in germany operating up till the high 1800's
You answered your own question.
It's hard to truly understand other people.
Since our self is the only person we can know first hand we project our own way of thinking on other people.
We try to forge an understanding by connecting the similarities we share with them. It's harder to understand differences, for we must recognize something that we self do not know first hand.
The equality propaganda that has been spread makes this even harder, making us deny the mere existence of them.
When we talk about people that are able to lead the whole world to ruin, who are able to inflict unimaginable pain without a bit of remorse, most people simply can't wrap their minds around them. They are simply too alien.
The average person lives in a relatively homogenous neighborhoods. They live together with normal people living their normal everyday life. They experience the same kind of struggle and the same kinds of joys.
Yet even there people are often overwhelmed to understand the motives of the peers they are upset about.
It's only natural to assume they'd have even more trouble trying to fathom what a true psychopath is capable of.
There are actually people like that living among us without standing out. Only a few people painfully realize them for what they are when they reveal it through their actions.
This works both ways of course.
That is why a lot of the most conniving and treacherous people are so paranoid.
No doubt about it.
In fact I think a lot of countries run like this and that's the reason why there is so much proxy fighting all of a sudden. Remember - US government supplied weapons to mexican cartels that somehow managed to be used by terrorists in europe.
spotted their ship the other day.
jesus is this shit making anybody feel really anxious?
What game is this?
Nah. I'm softly singing Komm Susser Tod to myself and embracing the fact that the corrupt establishment is all tumbling down. Don't worry yourself, Hitler-chan, we're entering amazing territory.
Wouldn't surprise me, oathfag and a LARPer showed up in another sticky about a week or two ago and derailed it.
Second french revolution when?
The leaks have their addresses
The French Revolution is why everything is fucked today. It's when the monarchs were killed and all the cancer began. When equality got memed and Rothschilds started their reign.
I think "KENNEDY" is Patrick Francis Kennedy. Jewish spouse.
Surprise, it's 90% Jews or kryptos!
If this was released 6 months ago I would not have been ready and would have panicked.
But right now I just feel comfort in finally confirming likely suspicions.
Soon I'll feel anger as I prepare to grab as many peers as possible to organize something.
I did my degree for shit like this.
Shadow President
Exactly, that's why we need to do it properly and restore rightful power.
The only one that gets me still is that gore poster with spics having their faces peeled off. Had a nightmare recently of walking through a hospital with lcl fluid on the floor and it turning back into rei with her skin missing off her face. Woke up sweating
we luminaughty now
praise kek
Stop this shitty meme.
Larping is what people used to call "taking action".
Back when people weren't dead inside.
We do it here that we might some day not have to do it in real life.
ya know i made an even better one
I almost want to set my Steam name to that group so people look it up but I know I probably shouldn't since this is beyond National Beyond x2 Top Secret + level shit.
No wonder the shit with Assange happened in relation to Kerry.
local system clock is different than proxy/vpn time? HOLY MOLY
It's just the iris that was a globe, not the entire eye. Might want to fix that before having mother put it up on the fridge, sport.
You could have at least tried to make a serious argument.
I agree. How about WANKer Web Action Neet Keyboard.
Do we have strong evidence that jews have a shadow govt? If so I'm going all out and tell everyone.
As sad as this is to say… this isn't at all surprising, and it just confirms what we already know. I mean Obama has been asleep at the wheel for at least a couple years now. Nigga does not give a shit. Only sort of surprised to hear that John Kerry is running the actual show, he's been a "big guy" since long before he ran for President in whenever the Hell this horrifying sack of shit ran for president.
There's that name again. I'm sure being the secretary of state for the US opens you up to every last spec of corruption on the planet. Can't wait until those files have finished downloading.
I know you're reading this, Mr. FBI (or possibly Madam S. Blackwoman if even your group is being cucked by political correctness and "equality"), so just fucking do it. Black bag me, nigger. Extradite me to your fucking blacksite and prove me right.
Remember how nobody was really surprised about the Snowden leaks?
We were only getting for the first time true undeniable proof that our crazy tinfoil conspiracy theories were legit.
I actually want to believe that most of these conspiracies are made-up stuff because the truth is so, so horrible.
Btw, anyone else think these leaks are being exploited?
All part of the plan to make it seem unbelievable and discredit the leaks. That said, expect Holla Forums to become another connection to this array of organizations if we don't start our own little reign of terror that is. There are clearly a lot of oath takers on here.
Another thing - there may be some FBI lies involved here, but I'm not certain yet.
I talked to a mason a couple months ago on here.
It's apparently more like a social club where they discuss ideas.
like this place:^)
bollocks, it's why more organized than this place
Remote viewing is real and demonstrable and verified. Anyone can learn it and I advise you to go through the parapsychological studies around it.
I won't say anything about aliens. They will reveal themselves later.
Maybe they'll kill Hillary since she is the impetus in this whole mess. Probably not.
Which window is it?
peas in a pod dont have to conspire
The illuminerty has been used as a deflection for centuries.
That's not a new gambit.
"I never thought I'd die this way, but I'd always kind of hoped."
Have more faith in the goddess of the Wired. We've all been drawn here for a reason, and it's not for tea and crumpets. It's to take back our reality
From your own png
Look at the main building in the middle with the tall columns. Above the windows behind those columns that the windows stop but the building keeps going as if there is room for another floor in there before the roof. From this picture there are 6 levels of windows below that level.
How can you tell if there any windows below what you can visibly see?
Lucid dreaming and OOBEs are definitely real. What they really are, I couldn't tell you. But I can certainly tell you that it FEELS like something coming up out of my body when I peel off, and it feels like falling back into my body from a great height as I reäwaken.
Kant killed metaphysics hundreds of years ago faggot.
Look at the windows. Look right above the two top ones on the left. See the two slightly lighter window-shaped squares one floor level above them?
user I think we've been in a psyop for a long time
But, who's?
Underrated post.
They really did a fantastic job of hiding it.
Look at the level where it would be. Wonder why there are marks of new concrete/whatever building material that was not there during the initial build. There WERE windows, but (((someone or something))) changed that when they moved in
I see that but you still need to tell me how many floors the building has and you can't properly intuit that from the fucking picture.
This link on the wikipedia page is dead though.
K. I'll believe my lying damn eyes before any metaphysics.
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to – The Outer Limits
how accurate is this picture?
i hate when these compilation images are just random pictures with the larger picture watermarked on top.
Now we just need someone to get in there.
i know Holla Forums is always right but i picked 10 random people to check out anyways and they were all accurate.
Might not even be the immediate ayys, remember - as above
What happened, we went from knuckling down on hitlery to talking about ayylmaos
Where's my tin foil..
I'm sure the contractor committed suicide by dropping a bar bell on his throat during a workout.
Hey, you should capitalize the title as 7th Floor Group. I fixed some mistakes but I couldn't edit the title. Otherwise good work.
I do large scale building development like that, I'm just guessing as there are trees in the way but you can make out street level and aprox what the first floor size is that you can't see
Did a bit of research to find a picture pre-renovation (
It looks like the contractor finished about 90% of the job before he suicided himself, then they had interns finish off the last two windows.
The brits have a shadow cabinet and its well in the open.. I dont get what your problem is, dis is breddy norme stůf ahma sey
does anyone have the files saved? Looks like they were taken down by The Man…
Judging by this view it looks like there were windows above the 6th level at one point.
Cool you can examine it on the way down, just to make sure lol
Guys I'm still convinced there's something completely missing from all of this.
Who would gain the most from distracting people from the crimes outlayed in the leaks?
Not having windows is the perfect place to run spoopy meetings.
Very rich people?
I'm looking for a photo closer to when the building was first made, pre-1960s, to see if there ever were windows where those lighter spots were. The building does have a huge amount of space above the sixth floor (enough for one or two floors and vents/ducts through the ceiling) so there could be a floor there. I just want to know if the windows existed at some point and were replaced or not.
Older photographs don't have windows and the other side doesn't have the same lightly coloured tiles so it's potentially just those two tiles that were replaced and that there never was a 7th set of windows.
Yeah Hitlers secret scientific ahanerbe commando totaly used them to track battleships.
LOL we had some retarded iranian on a WN conferance I attended a few months back do some talk about this. Shit's retarded, go spread dissinfo somewhere else.
The 7th floor group wiki page already has speedy deletion request in place.
Kant was insane, anyone who buys his ideas on metaphysics is retarded.
Plato was right.
triple dubs in descending order
you bet I checked that
praise kek
There is plenty of room there for both a 7th floor and a mechanical level above that.
New tor
Hillary would probably want us to think of her as immensely powerful.
This is psychological technique to demoralize or perhaps stop us entirely from digging and spreading the memes.
I'm about ready to blitzkrieg social media with memes.
You will stand trial
Holla Forums
What does John Kerry being reel prezident mean? Is there any way we can weaponize this or make it of interest?
just going to leave this here
connect the dots
history of the world mel brooks I need to watch that again.
With this picture it looks clear that it is just lighter shade of stone used for those places.
But what self respecting contractor would fuck up the facade of a building by drawing attention to such an obvious defect. Almost saying, hey look at me.
An Hero.
An Hero who commited suicide by shooting himself in the back 9 times with a revolver.
They could have just been re-surfaced at some point.
This leak is suspicious.
fucking impressive if true.
lol no check him out on c-span, he has the presence of a roadkill, boooring!
Good photos tho
I don't think the picture is that old though, dates refer to construction dates.
wiki of photographer:
Hold up, guys…Aliens? Are you fucking for real?
I wonder if we'll ever get any leaks that confirm Sandy Hoax.
You tell me ctr. Give it to me straight. No beating off in the bushes ;^{]
There are aliens.
But they're born on planet earth, called jews and Hillary's mob. They are not human :^)
As for ayys?
Probably not.
Shadow government is not used anymore, the current year term is Deep State. Same principles, different names and it has more research on it.
Foggy Bottom is mentioned a few times in /emailid/1984
What is Foggy Bottom?
we Hydra now
The British Broadcasting Company World Service actually had a short piece on sandy about a year ago. Nobody noticed, nobody cared.
I just found this:
Sweet dubs but why are you saging a stickied thread?
Wew, I wasn't ready for space kikes tbh
Accurate but likely out of date. I've seen that picture for a few years. Notice lack of Google and Facebook, not to mention the rest of the (((data mining))) industry
I don't know why that meme came up.
I think that may have been to derail.
skull and bones members are interesting, user, much like the amount of effort required to convict one of them
shit. I'm a nigger. Didn't see google. Rest of my point still stands
Not sure which year, 40's-50's. It's suppose to be one of the State Department buildings, but it looks like the one with the missing windows but from a different side/angle.
No, you fucking idiot. It means there is a permanent group of unelected assholes who hold the real power and as such, are the ones calling the shots. So while faggots like you vote for Obongo, he is just the President when the tv cameras are on. You'd know this if you paid attention and read the Open Society leask and Soros's books. Everything that faggot nigger has done, has been to implement the old Jew's wishes.
His type (like most normies) require their masters to confirm it for them. Literal fucking SLAVE DNA.
UFOs are definitely real. The jury's out on whether or not they're alien craft. But they probably are.
Australia to be a superpower by 2017.
beghorra tis another tato famine!
Too many digits too
Pure Coincidence
Know yet of any of these mystery people under the Office of Legal Adviser?
Harold Hongju Koh was THE Legal Adviser of the State Department June 25, 2009 – January 22, 2013
Mary McLeod (2013 until Brian Egan was sworn in Feb. 22, 2016)
Yeah, only this time the (((world nobility))) is our enemy.
literally never being into leddit,
i just copy/pasted that from some user from here.
just need a proper translation. I think you'll like what's in here, though
I mean it's time to kill already. Thousands of people should siege area 51.
Her cunny smells funny
Here's a google translation, better than nothing:
Part 1/2
Many governments around the market is international conspiracy to overthrow. it's claimed to have captured the international financial community in the size of the AKP government relations with Iran beyond the gold. Can not remove the peep Russia's annexation of the Crimea to the Russian Minister of linking $ 42 billion nuclear power plant tender and face the 70 percent dependence on Russian natural gas may have. London-based approaches $ 45 billion a robbery, it's fog community hostility is wonderful excuse! It scheduled to be played on 30 March, the stock market after Saudi influence our foreign policy big hit before the hot money conspiracy ear care is to be cut.
* Bilal Yasin Al Qadi Erdogan's partner connection between Nexus Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the multi-billion dollar commercial investment and TÜRGEV foundation relations, Saudi Arabia brought up the conspiracy. Egypt Muslim Brotherhood death sentence was understood that the reason given by Erdogan's silence. Arab almost a century the prospect of political Islam or the Muslim Brotherhood model in the world, Saudi King was the greatest threat to the Wahhabi regime. Therefore Syria to hand Nusr, supported the coup in Egypt Sisian King. *
Erdogan's just because they're continuing ulufer he received from the King of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, it is understood that before MIIS then sacrificed. Bilal Erdogan Erdogan's telephone conversations with his father's Saudi Arabia that raised the criticism does not position his son Bilal even the 'enemy within UmUzdAymIş' he brushes that emerged in audio recordings. Strange Bilal, the Saudis have place heavy tweets, all these crimes. Inside the enemy, according to Erdogan a traitor or a spy to be reason enough to be averse to him. What a bitter bondage this God!
Dictators society's most bread, you deal with a business problem, talk to the leader lifted their heads to say they want does not find MecAlu. Already touched the villages, sinless, draw the correct position, they finished with opponents. Look, your father and his son Hafez Assad, Saddam and Gaddafi, they were like that. Tunisia experienced in the stock market, foreign exchange and interest rate of a similar knowledge will be applied in our country immediately after the 30 March coup has reached me through the AKP. I do not know if this is a conspiracy theory. Read on and you decide the data. Source robust.
Available at the Central Bank of Turkey 125 billion dollars in cash and 55 per cent of the gold reserves of the Rothschild family Did you know that? Rothschild, the financier of the British Queen deep state, our country, the AKP was using public money through man 3. close to $ 50 billion. foreign loans of major construction tender was getting through again Rothchild 3. Hand companies. Erdogan's look at everything I did on the air, stood a serious Jewish capital behind the AKP. Rothschild family and şüraka Erdogan has decided to terminate the commercial relationship and wants to charge the hot money in our treasury. The victims of the Mavi Marmara incident dissuade the government case was not enough to soothe even the Rothschild group. Erdogan is now topped their sins would be good reason.
Erdogan's sins by throwing community on Israel and Mossad, the main reason for the US or the CIA to blame, I think two Jewish giant Rothchild and Rocyfel from the group AKP, the prime minister and the government to want back to the game will be played at the stock exchange for their money. a conspiracy theory I get my feet down to earth resource in this market. However, note that March 2001 with a game soaked country $ 10 billion in the economic crisis and 50 percent of our people became poorer. Treasury has in fact empty, in that virtual money is not ours, it says my source will play. Turkish society and state are not a new robbery, heads are leaning forward, pockets emptied, I do my last warning he will have stolen.
But it's true though, it's been a absolutely mental month, and even before that there were weekly happenings at least.
Imagine Hillary actually beeing "voted" in power after these leeks?
What legitimacy would such a administration have?
Part 2/2
Rotchild and the stock market will do a post-election agreement with Rockefeller's prime minister, foreign exchange rate impact and I am writing today, save it somewhere. A calendar columnists often advertising the plot of the deep state in London. lying in the corner, slander, distort oil name Ergun Diler. Aim to break down the neck of the community and in the meantime magnificent robbery Erdogan's 20 billion dollars in the aklat. As Erdogan's Economic Adviser in Yigit Bulut Diler is fulfilling the orders of the British royal deep state. Many foolish consulting, Cloud with mischief for Erdogan and dragging the country into the abyss of economic crisis and rapidly.
* 17 December operation was a flare. The next day calendar and thrown preacher lobby and interest lobby in Sabak purpose was obvious already from the headlines. Clouds and wished aim of the attack, style, plot to be what brings this summer. Theatre by these agents of British influence in the fact that conspiracy. Prime minister lobby keeps saying, but he is preparing for the second major interest and exchange robbery in Turkey 2001. *
Dollar with post-election manipulation fire çıktıkc Central Bank intervention to reduce Tours events will fire as it did during the day and will shed a few billion of hot money into the market. Again, this process will be the same way as bank interest rates increased 7 percent, just as in Tunisia, I'm woken. Rothchild use and Yiğit Bulut prime minister on behalf of the virtual stock market and the Treasury $ 45 billion in total funds had konusund deal. However, the market cheap dollars will be collected prior to the crisis, the dollar will buy dollars and will be thrown. Later, the Central Bank intervened by the dollar will fall, the way they hit the volley. It's that simple.
After sightseeing events brought to başdanışmanlığı Yigit Bulut was supposed to prevent the operation of the preacher lobby. However, it was not up to scratch. purpose behind the scenes of the trip was to phase in 14 percent of the bank. Now bigger goals. When interest rates skyrocketed to 30%, with capital ratios in the 12-20% band, EBITDA will go to sting companies exceeding 15%. Note the automotive industry. If the Turkish industry from manipulation of the Central Bank does not take cheap dollar collected weeks of heavy losses. Rotchild just what had made recently in Tunisia.
The Central Bank will draw large amounts of foreign currency. Bank, we were forced to increase interest rates by 7-10 points in the next two months. the dollar could jump up to $ 3. Playwrights, shot after they leave few dollars 2.5 TL. Coming in this game, maybe you'll win if you get timely dollars. However, now and always and always big wins in the currency market, the small are swallowed Remember to always win when you play gambling. If you think the Prime Minister should be warned in advance of Germany and France. Because if the dollar played a game like this, the automotive industry in our country will be seriously damaged, if the engine of the economy sank this sector, German and French into crisis in the automotive industry.
Erdogan, to be sincere and should avoid being a prisoner of international players and throw all the blame on the community should come clean up the habit. Coming a serious storm. Erdogan, which makes it unreliable for investment in our country, knows the country would reduce much the note of the international credit rating institutions. Audio recordings showed that the country is in the hands of all the ropes authoritarian and dictatorial Erdogan is a leader. Populism be passed with the transfer path. Although targeted community or subjected to defamation Erdogan to deflect the target does not survive the approaching storm. The country is taking with him to the immersion. Erdogan strange thing is, that all those accused of büht community itself is doing himself. As the saying goes, if you slander, defamation and you will live without you take.
Oh, and the subject translates as:
$ 45 BILLION LIKE Conspiracy …
They are separate. else who pulls Trump's strings if he wins. Trump wants no string but Barry is okay with letting Joh "Ocelot" Kerry be his handler.
So these kikes, probably many others, keep the vast majority of their "wealth" in roachland.
>Rothschild, the financier of the British Queen deep state, our country, the AKP was using public money through man 3. close to $ 50 billion.
Its all interesting, but its this part right here that I thought was relevant to the thread
When you redpilled for so long, you know more than the Jew's do.
Maybe the other one was a roof access?
Also, there is one replaced tile on the corner of the middle structure.
These 2 are also relevant, their related paragraph as well. Seems to confirm that the former British PM is, literally, Rockefeller's. The royal deep state probably refers to all the cryptos within the royal family and their collection of (((Lords))).
Roof access would be through a staircase that leads direcly to the roof. Usually it's just the emergency exit stairs that keep going up to the mechanical and roof levels.
The windows aren't really important. There is clearly the space there for another floor. Like the exact right size.
But why would only one side have had the prior roof access/window in an otherwise highly symmetrical design?
it sound like the stuff from the first Deus Ex game. I'm ready to bet there's going to be a "Why contain it?" in one of the Podesta e-mails.
so I was thinking.. .why just check podesta's emails when we have Clinton emails that are loaded up already. . .
so there is apparently a 7th floor that gets mentioned a whole lot. hell there was even a fire that was started on the 7th floor of the state department building and 3 people got hurt. . .maybe its the same 7th floor?
for example
maybe 7th floor group has something to do with the asshats that work on the 7th floor of the state department building?
here is the fire one:
WASHINGTON (AP) - District of Columbia fire officials say three people were seriously injured after a fire broke out at the State Department headquarters in Washington. Fire and EMS spokesman Lon Walls said the fire broke out at around 11 a.m. Saturday in the ductwork on the 7th floor as crews were working on the building. Workers were able to put the fire out before firefighters arrived, but not before three people suffered burns. Walls said one person suffered life-threatening injuries and two others had serious but non-life-threatening injuries.
did we go back through all the old releases?
there were a few mentions of the 7th floor in others. like this:
Is there a comic book version of the Metal Gear games? I don't have a lot of time to play video games but I'd like to read the story
forgot to say what if the "7th floor group" is like how some people refer to some people who work together as a group like maybe its a real group of people who work there. . .and they mention it a whole lot the 7th floor in clintons emails.
I think they actually did do a VN version of MGS? Other than that, just jewtube all the cutscenes.
I think there was some kind of motion comic.
I was looking through the clinton email leak looking for 7th floor. . .it shows up maybe this helps?
seems they like to meet on Wednesdays
You guys think that the attempted coup in Turkey might be to send a message to Erdogan to make him understand that they are in control over him?
This alone should support that theory
here is a schedule. . .they met on the 7th floor. . on a wed. . . .and look who was there:
Treaty Room, 7th Floor 11:45 am OFFICE TIME 12:30 pm Secretary's Office UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05769621 Date: 08/31/2015 12:30 pm MEETING w/JACK LEW 1:00 pm Secretary's Office 1:15 pm MEETING w/JEFF FELTMAN 1:45 pm Secretary's Office 1:45 pm MEETING w/ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER 2:15 pm Secretary's Office 2:30 pm MEETING w/INDIAN EDUCATION MINISTER KAPIL SIBAL 2:45 pm Secretary's Conference Room 3:00 pm PRE-BRIEF FOR THE INDIA STRATEGIC DIALOGUE 4:00 pm Secretary's Office 4:00 pm MEETING w/SANDY VVEILL 4:30 pm Secretary's Office 4:45 pm MEETING w/GEORGE SOROS
There's "movies" (cutscene compilations, little/no gameplay) of the games on Jewtube, you might like those. Kojimbo wanted to be a movie director, after all.
Just search [game] movie and you should find it.
The notion of conspiracy theory has been demonized for decades as fringe and just adult child fiction. By doing this they took away the meanings of both conspiracy and theory. It's nothing new really once people realize that every word or phrase the left uses is a complete bastardization of the actual meaning.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
wait even more guess who else they met on the 7th's floor?
10:30 am George Marshall Room, 7th Floor Contact: Elizabeth Roberts-Strang (FSI) Tel. 703-302-7470 Staff: Claire CLOSED PRESS (official FSI photographer only) Staff: FSI Ambassador Tracey Jacobson, Co-Chair FSI Ambassador Carol Rodley, Co-Chair FSI Ambassador Marianne Myles, Co-Chair FSI Elizabeth Roberts-Strang, Coordinator, Ambassadorial Seminar Ambassador-designates and Spouses (9/5) Mark Asquino and Jane Asquino Equatorial Guinea Timothy Broas and Julia Broas Netherlands Susan Elliott Tajikistan Tracey Jacobson . Kosovo UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05788835 Date: 12/31/2015 Joseph Macmanus and Carol Macmanus UNVIE and IAEA Nancy Powell India Chris Stevens Libya
Spooky dude
these kikels have been at this for generations.
The seventh floor might also be similar to this case, the US version of it. We all know that (((they))) have alot of control over the world. One could say that they dont have a HQ in a specific country. Now we just need to know about the other such types of groups
I can't say I expected my life to turn out this way.
"director of foreign assistance" (so called F) within State. The lines of authority also seem less direct. Although I'm told Shah reports directly to the Secretary, the new second deputy secretary (filled by Jack Lew) is an extra layer between USAID and the State Department's 7th floor that didn't exist before.
This is one weird fucking email
I'd like to know how many times George Sauron had a meeting with them.
Heh cloudflare on 8/pol/?
That's called a cartoon user.
Get some sleep friend
It means they use Free BSD.
read the OP picture again. Go through the clinton email leak there is anactual 7th floor and ou needed some serious passes to get to it.
it's all over in the clinton email leak from before emails. Keep in mind this is concerning the Clinton private server investigation which she had Durring her secretary of state tenure!
(Check'd and Deus Kek'd)
Can you imagine how the original discoverers and anons felt unraveling the Jewish Global Conspiracy for the very first time? What a heavy burden, but at least then they didn't have all this new insane Bernstein shit going on, unless you guys are still here in this board, in which case god help your sanity tbqh
I hope one day we all receive medals and/or special recognition for this work throughout the last years but true pursuit of truth and white justice asks nor needs no recognition or fame, it is the duty which must be done
checking relevant digits
Found others. Lots of scheduled meetings on the 7th floor, particularly in a section called the Marshall room named after Gen. George Marshall I assume.
There is a DS agent that guards the S elevator, which goes up to the 7th floor, and is probably the only way to gain access to that floor.
Free BSD?
So that is the person they decided to run with? It was established in earlier emails they had a script they wanted to plant on someone to be the voice of guncontrol. If someone has the email im referring to please link.
Turkey might be the best bet for surviving a nuclear war. Why hide such wealth in a country they didnt expect to survive? we know that Turkey is getting further from the US, but still not an allie of russia. and nuclear war might just be around the corner
Holy shit this is like the mother lode of conspiratorial flow chartery. Love that shit. Have a Mark Lombardi, they suicided him :{
Just like the Hillary and Molac jokes the 5th wave of Holla Forums can't see the fucking joke.
The 5th wave killed Holla Forums
Idiot faggot christian and muslim mods like RealMoonman and ImKaumphy, plus idiot 4chan users killed Holla Forums
This whole site has been dedicated to "WW3" Alex Jonestien FEAR-ISM for weeks now
CTR shill detected
Was that even English?
weird how little shills we have had in this thread. other than the larpers
The term conspiracy was created to discredit theories that were getting too close or asking too many question, it was made so that people would associate it with crazy and farfetched beliefs and lump anything that questioned the popular belief or "truth" making people believe they were all just tin foil hat wearing looneys to make it easier to control information of what they wanted people to believe in and what they wanted to be able to dismiss easily in the minds of people
Not you, that motherfucker.
they always come in a quick succession of 3
It's like a shitty cartoon with speech bubbles.
The anima are gathering together
The zohar don't let Fei come to it
Things are certainly becoming…. strange.
oh, well
is there time to redo the branding of the dem campaign?
Yes shall be as Gods
I think there's something there
interesting group that met on the 7th floor.
the treaty room is the 7th floor:
I was going to post this if no one else had.
It's actually a pretty good song relistening to it.
If they are still around, sanity is probably the least of their worries.
[s]Holla Forums[/s] Xenogears is always right.
I was going to post this if no one else had.
It's actually a pretty good song relistening to it.
>Marshall room named after Gen. George Marshall I assume.
I think there was also a supreme court justice named John Marshal. He played a pretty big role as the first head of the supreme court if I remember correctly.
someday they'll remake it and have a non-jewed second disc…someday…
John Marshall wasn't the first Chief Justice, just the first to practice judicial activism. His introduction of it to American government is what made him famous.
What program was used to make that?
This isn't an admission of some vast conspiracy (one exists, but this isn't it), it's just some busybody over-achievers getting together to plot their way further up the ladder.
If you doubt me, look at Jennifer Stout's public appearances. She's no ebul seekrit mastermind, she's a brainless bitch. Also look at how many women are on that list. It's more of a support group than anything, with the men likely doing most of the leg work (i.e. reviewing records, pitching talking points, etc.) while the women drank overpriced coffee and texted.
oh wow, I for one, am surprised a cabal of the most powerful people in the USG meet regularly with powerful NGOs and Thinktank chairmen and people like Soros, Rothschild, Goldman Sachs execs on concurrent things
Ah, my bad.
forgot to add
"its ayy lmaos" is a funny theory but whats happening more likely is that this level of communication is necessary in order to keep us competitive with BRICS, Iran/Syria/Yemen, etc who do this as well
More mentions of this D and S with relation to the 7th floor, and one of the many "7th floor principals" mentions:
The "principals", when they're referred to, seem like some entity that originates from the 7th floor or connected to it. If you search for "Principle Meeting" in the emails, there are 14 pages worth.
Here's one clue:
Other mentions of the "7th Floor Principles" there are no other "Principles" weather it be 6th floor, 5th floor etcetera, there's only one, and they are the 7th Floor Principles:
Confirms what user's have suspected: They were planning the rapefugee "crisis" since 9/11. Pic related is a screencap of the document within the pdf links below, which is part of the 9/11 documents.
They were also mentioned in the Benghazi hearings:
This is some spooky shit, anons. Reads like a literal lalilulelo.
are you a fucking retard? who the fuck said this is the first time i see this image? never seen any one talking about it before so i thought to ask. you are probably a shill in the end though. divide and conquer
I'm talking about the actual program used to make that link diagram. A program like that would be useful in mining the emails.
i am sorry to call you a shill. you are a fucking retard for sure
m8, the Secretary of State's office is on the seventh floor. "Seventh floor principals"/"The Shadow Government" are the Secretary's advisers. This thread should not be stickied.
That really needs a proper translation, if only to understand what other "players" think of the game.
How can Obama and a 4 star USMC general be the Secretary of State's "advisors"?
You realize you can create your own board and investigate the mod tools, right?
I really wanted to be wrong. Why kek, why must you rain down all these redpills upon us in this current year?!?!?
Seventh floor of what, could this be a reference to the building where they meet?
It is funny watching the newfags in the pool splash around being retarded.
http:// www. filedropper. com/dcgvol62june1983seventhfloor
I suspect the Harry S. Truman building. 7th floor is the Secretary of State's ceremonial office level. So referencing the 7th floor could be an oblique reference to the secretary and his close advisors.
It's the 7th floor of whatever building George Soros operates from in the UK.
The wikikes shall hang.
7th floor of the US State Dept.
this https ://
means republicans knew all the time
remember this if older than 1984
i uploaded that file since anothe user posted this
and wanted to contribute with a faster link, no need to access a gigle account
the motion comic was a compilation of the MGS comics with aftereffects motion action and implied 3rd dimension added to the art
Open Society Foundation–London
7th Floor Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank
London, SW1P 4QP
United Kingdom
In the UK "The Shadow Cabinet" is the name of the main opposition party's proposed Cabinet (the MPs who are supposed to be in charge of each government department and make create policy for those departments, although we found out from Ian Duncan Smith that they actually get told what to do by the Prime Minister & those who control the PM and don't really create the policy themselves, so we're living in a dictatorship) for government if they are voted in. As you said, it's a totally open thing.
That's not what's in this leak as it's clearly not the main opposition party's proposed Cabinet (or whatever you call it in the USA) for government as for a start John Kerry is a Democrat, the current party in government, not a Republican.
All of these Jews…. every single one of them. Even the Indian guy is a Jew.
Every single one of them is evil. There is no end to the bullshit.
The difference is the 7th Floor Principles can ignore congressional subpoenas, remove and destroy Benghazi documents when ordered to produce them, operate secret servers, destroying them at their leisure, and shutdown FBI investigations. You know, do all the stuff a shadow government is able to get away with.
their drones are fast
I have a feeling that a lot of us are going to end up with terrible freak low speed vehicle crash aaccidents, suicides via shotgun to the back of the head, gym mishaps and sudden, unexplained respiratory arrest with pillows definitely not over our faces. Especially if we do anything important/will do something important in our futures
What a coincidence that this kike's Open Society Foundation was founded in the 80's and then relocated after the 9/11 attacks, just in time for the 7th Floor Principles to be mentioned in the 9/11 documents.
https: //
Notice how both Bush and Kerry stop laughing about it when the number 322 is mentioned and change the subject? Obviously something significant about 322 that they don't want people to know or even think about.
Yeah I wonder.
That's quite the conspiracy theory you have there
Who could suspected?
Almost feels like CTR is hiring from the godlike productions crowd, doesn't it?
wtf you can actually see where they plastered over the 7th floor windows…
These are not leaks!
If you present them as leaks bluepilled faggots and other liberals will try to dismiss them as forged. These are documents officially put out by the FBI and should be presented as such so the can not be hand-waved away by the enemy.
Churchill was a jewaboo. He thought they should be given Palestine because they were the superior race, and he was a good friend of Richard Kalergi and advocate of his plan to use a supranational entity to promote massive immigration in order to transform Europe into a land of mulatto serfs ruled by a jewish "spiritual nobility". (hence why we have the EU today).
Thing is, Churchill acknowledged everything the kikes were doing - he just thought they were right.
in the wake of the release of about 2,500 documents by hackers calling themselves DC Leaks. All of the documents are related to George Soros’s Open Society Foundation. The hackers describe Soros as “an architect and sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years.” And, they continue, “the USA is thought to be a vampire due to him and his puppets…. His minions spill blood of millions and millions of people just to make him even more rich.”
holly shit user that was funny as fuck.
Soros has now turned his amoral eye on the internal affairs of the United States. A high-profile megabucks donor to the Clinton campaign, it was recently exposed by WikiLeaks that Soros issued directives on foreign policy to Clinton when she was Secretary of State – instructions that she followed to the letter.
His enormous donations to the American ruling class have earned him a seat in the shadow government, pulling puppet strings behind the scenes.
Assange is taking the kikes down with him.
Heil kek!
Does that mean there's a "dark" government as well?
The US Department of State.
Essentially the ministry of foreign affairs.
Just a theory guys but maybe the sixth floor is underground?
I mean when we talk about hell's 7 planes, it goes down counting down from 1-7.
Are you even trying to hide it anymore?
I don't think they're the best bet. It's probably more that Turkey is corrupt enough to take everyone's money, but not loyal enough to keep any alliances. As long as Erdogan gets paid, he'll keep their gold safe.
Besides, Turkey is the closest land to Israel (geographically speaking) that's not a complete war-torn shithole. So if shit gets down, Turkey is less likely to get nuked than the US or Russia, and yet "friendly" enough to keep their supplies near.
They working you guys overtime now chaim?
You may be on to something, user.
that…. is real interesting. i didn't know about Peter Comey. highly suspicious.
some of the conspiracies in that are base on real world information, everything th terrorist says in mission on is true
"What difference does it make?"
Boy, you guys really can't recognise Iceland when you see it can you
Well it's about fucking time. We've all known it for yonks now.
Kikerberg wouldn't get a seat at that table.
I find this odd
It's because he is not an established person, it is very likely that the upper echelon doesn't actually value his abilities that much.
Stanley Kubrick was right
This one was made with this website:
Get in touch with them and tell them how you think they can help Wikileaks
https ://
He's just the face of Facebook. Not the guy actually pulling strings.
Interesting naming, as there are 6 floors to the white house.
But why was this posted? Seems too good to be true… Especially seeing we're at like DEFCON 2, here…
Imagine going full "hotline miami" at 7th floor during their meeting.
Creation of Dualism and Chronic Indescision in the Public Mind by the Media
I'll ask here instead of making a second thread.
Why are (((they))) so scared by this shit if they are just going to rig the elections in their favor?
Oh fuck off with threats, nigger. This is about exposing crime and corruption. Violence would only benefit Hillary.
Newly released Wikileaks emails reveal that Hillary Clinton plans to usher in a One World Government when elected US President.
Fuck you, as you post disinfo.
There is also something called deep state. Basically only a few people in gov have to worry about elections. Those who don't are deep state.
Lose the ego, user
mfw no rewards, just keks
Do the "shadow government" or "7th floor" perhaps have anything to do with the mysterious "Agency" mentioned in the Congressional hearing on Hillary's non-indictment?
now with webm attached
interested as well. Source on this text?
It's simple. The White House has 6 floors, so the 7th floor is one step above the White House. The schizophrenic disinfo needs to stop.
There is so much shit coming out we need a running list or something that is easily digestible by normies.
/pol never disputed /fringe/ on this.
Both were right, all along.
It's just useful idiots selectively shutting their mind off and repeating buzzwords based on who's saying it. They can talk about white privilege, patriarchy, systematic racism, the rich, etc. all they want, but if a cis scum suggests the existence of a powerful elite they get triggered and reflexively spout buzzwords because that's all they know.
Holla Forums is always right.
And never forget…you're here forever.
When the media covers this I'm sure it'll go like this
You introduced "aliums" into a legitimate exposure of the existence of a "shadow government"…that is /fringe/ tier.
Also, it is EXACTLY what covert operatives would do to discredit those that are exposing something real & damaging…attempt to link it with the ludicrous, to discredit all speculation on it by association.
Trump already knows about it.
Disinfo kikes muddying the waters. Blaming Masonic Reptilian Illuminati Jesuits to distract and misdirect people from the true nature of the shadow government: top kikes planning their shit away from the eyes of the goyim.
Holla Forums is always right. There's no escape, and you can never go back. All that awaits us is a cycle of crippling paranoia, followed by getting proven right, culminating in getting v&. If Trump loses, which (((they))) will all but assure, I give up.
I refuse to check those digits, faggot.
Aliums don't impress me.
Their saucers keep crashing all the time, how smart can they be?
7th floor, no windows.
Or maybe the pilots.
Whatever, they're dumb.
Maybe it's spaceslavs?
webm related.
Oh shit, son. Good job linking to montalk so early in the thread.
If Israel ever gets nuked or loses the US then Turkey will burn as well.
Wait, a sane comment made not by me? I though we are RWDS and shit now. Oh well. I guess i'l go fap on my anime porn.
PS: To the entire thread, one specific organization, if its secret, would never meet at same building twice. Location of "7th floor" probably changes constantly.
Jesus Christ. Fucking Masonikikes and their endless symbolism, man. Not just the seventh floor, but conducting it in the darkness, too?
Well if Steven (((Speilberg))) says it's good then I guess ayys really are real after all. I know he'd never lie about anything.
crap, wrong image.
I hope you niggers are spreading this like the herp.I'm spamming on twatter but not getting any responses.
Alien Slavs….
Can confirm. Ayy means "it hurts" in russian.
Ayy Ayy Ayy means - "you did something terrible", "you shouldn't act like that", or just general disappointment sign.
To believe this, it is necessary that you;
a) never actually studied Kant
b) decided that the problems with Kant were more acceptable than the problems of other schools
Either way, your comment makes you look liek a shit-brain to anyone that knows.
She means satellite warfare - no big deal.
corroborating evidence from wikileaks here:
needs a 40oz of beer, tbh fam
lmao they wear their jew hats under their other hats? what the hell
OK, so this is orgasmic level info… But why did alphabet goons release it? This is, in an OFFICIAL FBI DOCUMENT, admitting that there are a known (and now identified) select group of people above the law who have used their power to manipulate events. Why? It's too freaking good to be true.
Because the FBI is frenemies with Holla Forums.
Captcha: dnkbqr
[Spoiler]I wish I could afford some dank barbeque[/spoiler]
I thought they were in bed with CIS? I mean, i can understand if they would be fed up (kek) with the USA. They get enough exposure to the fucked up shit in the world and don't get enough of the high tier special goodies from the powers that be.
Is that accurate? Or am I off the mark?
fucking white washed leak.
There is a significant faction in our government that is as tired of this shit as we are. Trump definitely has Deep State supporters, who see the writing on the wall and don't want to end up nailed to it. Think of it like plate tectonics, absolutely colossal forces grinding against each other and threatening to slip.
does this actually mean anything? The FBI is referring to a group of high ranking state officials that seem to call themselves "the shadow government" and it includes retards like john kerry. If you read further it says that the FOIA request for hillary's emails should have been released slowly over time but the "shadow government" wanted them all released at once for some reason. That seems like they threw hillary under the bus a little.
This isnt compelling evidence. This just looks like someone was making a joke about a committee of super serious tryhards by sarcastically calling them the shadow government. I dont know, I want to believe, someone help me out.
I cut my teeth on early conspiracy theory boards as a young lad (daily reminder that anyone who tries to tell you that early normalfag free internet wasn’t a better place is a damn liar).
At the time it all seemed so farfetched, I consumed it like I did fiction. But between then and now I would say in excess of half of the “theory’s” have been vindicated fully. Even David Icke turned out telling the truth on lots of things.
Still waiting for confirmation on Ayyy’s though, the only thing I ever wanted settled.
Come to think of it, it’s only ever the horrible things that turn out to be true and even then they turn out to be more horrid than speculated. Still, the Tall Blondes will turn up and save us, any day now. R-right?
Still waiting for ayys as well. Of course it's probably literally demons from literally Hell, just like the most paranoid and reactionary of the Christian nutters proclaim.
Really good analogy. Thanks bruh- I am now informed.
The email is signed "CLINTON", and contains info about BIDDING for BUREAU OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS positions - "Assignments in
H afford Foreign Service Officers a unique opportunity to
shape the Department's legislative strategy"
Way back in the last century when I was a boy I saw something I will always remember, my dad also saw it at the same time and he said to me "what was that?".
What we both saw at the same time I will never be a able to explain.
We both happened to be facing the same direction and "a object" kind of silver gray colored streaked at an angle between 2 large puffy clouds, it moved down and to the right in a literal instant between the 2 clouds. This happened in a fraction of a second and if either of us were not looking in the correct direction we would not have seen it.
It has always stuck with me and today I wonder was it manmade or was it something else?
I have friends that have confided in me they have seen things in the skies that were unexplainable to them given what they knew about our current level of air travel abilities.
So the real question is does it stem from earth?
Or are we being set up as many people have said for a false alien invasion.
I don't think I will ever truly be able to figure out which scene is correct.
>selling off vital non elected positions that can potentially start a world war in a format of a McDonalds job advertisement
I hope that Trumps puts them on crosses from D.C to New York.
I can't wait for Holla Forumsacks to start serving in the Foreign Services Office. Can you fucking imagine it? We'd either raise global GDP by 50% in a year or two or burn the entire thing down to the foundation.
this… need to get back to destroying hildabeast user desu
Well lads …
kill everyone in the 7th floor group
What are the foreign policy goals?
Ayy lmao
"Shadow Government"?
Guys obviously the name '7th floor' has nothing to do with the actual location. The sociopaths at the top are paranoid as fuck and not retarded. Seeing as how these fuckers love their symbolism, floor might refer to rungs on their hierarchy, with 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest. What about the '7th'? Let's see what Kikopedia has to say.
>The number 7 is the Divine number of completion
>The general symbol for all association with God; the favorite religious number of Judaism, typifying the covenant of holiness and sanctification, and also all that was holy and sanctifying in purpose
https:/ /
My theory is that '7th' refers to their belief it is their divine right to rule over mankind. They don't even try to hide it, they truly believe they are gods. This religious significance of the number 7 probably means it's only jews, and maybe a few goyim converts who underwent some gruesome ritual in which they achieved 'godhood' by bathing in some goy toddler blood, or got fucked in the ass, or both. I wouldn't put it past them to do their meetings in the highest floors of buildings each time because the highest floor is closest to heaven, which is where gods and angels belong. The only thing that matches their amorality is their arrogance.
Someone post the mad bitch in Europe talking about magic number 7.
what degree?
Found it, but it's an annotated version.
The (((Corporate Media)))
America's "Ministry of Truth"
was thinking about this too
holiest of shit
this is too much
So what's this going to lead to? We now have GLORIOUS PROOF that what we've thought for so long was real. And big people are talking about it- I'm told Rush L. had a large section on it today.
1 second of using google
7th Layer of Heaven by some jew heresy is considered Saturn.
1. Moon
2. Mercury
3. Venus
4. Sun
5. Mars
6. Jupiter
7. Saturn
was thinking about this; we have to keep making sure that big people talk about it, using whatever means we know
this could lead to great things, but the memoryhole is ever present…from what i understand there are good people in the 'real' government who would care about this, maybe if this hits critical mass of awareness, it will develop into lawsuits, subpoenas, jail time, high test rope
i'm an antisocial motherfucker though, not on any social media and nearly autistic when it comes to getting conversations started…thinking tactical media…putting up unauthorized iterations "Page 56 Doc 4" around, what does everyone think? i don't want to call the wrong kind of attention to this
John Kerry at Shimon Peres funeral
I like it.
Lets go with that.
Even if it is a just bunch of blowhards, we have a bunch of corrupt sleazebags who need to be taken down a peg or two, and the normies will lose all trust in them once they see the words "Shadow Government" straight out of the FBI's mouth plastered all over the internet.
all these new revelations need to synthesize somehow…can we somehow prove "the shadow government" is #riggingtheelections
yes, the jews worship saturn
i'm not surprised, but this is a very deep rabbit hole, indeed…
I recently realized that maybe most of cospiracy theorist are controlled opposition and useful idiots to make ALL cospiracy theories look a bunch of of tinfoil bullshit.
The truth is drowning in a ocean of lies but I think Wikileaks can counter this, i really hope the White Lion is fine
Any source on that picture?
Dude, most normies can barely communicate properly, yet formulate coherent thoughts. Most conspiracy theorists are likely in the grey area between normie, crackpot, and red pilled.
But yes, a lot of it is definitely controlled opposition and definite well poisoning ops.
All the document really says is that some people refer to the group as the shadow government, not that the group is a literal shadow government. I think the whole thing is overblown.
Everyday it's happening
checked and praise kek
Who sincerely doubted this reality?
The FBI does not have a sense of humor it is aware of.
They aren't ayy lmaos, they're evil spirits (demons). The "macrobes" from C. S. Lewis's THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH.
it's not, zoom in m8
I thought like 50% of this was just fiction, but now…
All the darkness, hopelessness and corruption of a cyberpunk dystopia, none of the glamour. Figures.
try 4/pol/, they're fake nazi's there
I don't the they thought it was true either. It was written by (((Warren Spector))) after all. He's probably a typical leftist kike and didn't realize that his parody LARP about conspiracies actually turned out to all be true.
Goddamn sky-kikes
Symbolic meaning:
7th Floor Group
7th Floor > 7th Heaven
Meaning of the Names of the Babylonian Talmud’s Seven Heavens
* The Seven Heavens of Judaism *
1) Wilon: Curtain
2) Rakia: Expanse, firmament
3) Shehakim: Clouds, dust
4) Zebul: Elevation, height, lofty abode, Temple
5) Ma’on: Dwelling, habitation
6) Makon: Fixed or established place, residence
7) Araboth: to be dark, in darkness
SOURCE: Babylonian Talmud, Chagigah 12b, Soncino Edition
Just to add to the General Jones stuff and, in particular, the "Principals meeting", which is in this case is the National Security Counci. It's becoming clear that these "Principal" groups, like the 7th Floor Principles, are just a few of the tentacles of this shadow government permeating our (((government))). While the 7th Floor group is controlled by Soros, the Principals that participate in the NSC are controlled by another kike, Henry Kissinger:
Maybe some of you are too young to remember, but Sandy Berger, another jew, stole and destroyed Top Secret memos and documents from the National Archives throughout the 1990s and in the year 2000, all related to al-Qaida. Like with Hillary, the FBI investigation was shutdown and he was never prosecuted, instead he was reworded for his loyalty and ended up as one of the Principles on "Obama's" NSC.
he was rewarded*
Bro try reading "Double Cross". The about Sam and Chuck Giancana. The mafia was the biggest player in killing JFK because they were also the biggest player in getting him elected. JFK betrayed Sam and all of them. He also ruined a bunch of their operations.
I think the CIA was partly responsible for covering up them wacking him. But seriously consider reading Double Cross, great book IMO.
Holy shit. We should all know by now these people have no morals. None.
Just crash the economy already, you fucking faggots. Fuck
This is why those people never got anywhere. Endlessly spinning their wheels. Worrying about muh PR. Even Bill Cooper would be admitting it's the kikes now.
It's pretty simple. The court jews eventually became so rich they took over the court.
Yeah, Holla Forums does this fucky thing where it inserts newlines after every line of text you copy from it. You probably should have noticed that before posting, but it's still a retarded anti-feature.
Open Society Foundations
O = 15 = 1+5 = 6
S = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1
F = 6
OSF = 616
616 = The Number of the Beast
616 is catholic bullshit
the original greek letters for 666 look like "in allahs name" in arabic….that is what John saw…that is what he wrote down
Maybe because they want to avoid being prosecuted criminally for participating in a conspiracy?
That sums it up nicely in a compact axiomatic formula. Have a rare Pepe.
Guys with the scandals coming so hot and heavy, wouldn't it be a good time for a hashtag along the lines of #nolongerwithher or #fedupwithhillary #mindmadeup #shesworse or something similar?
I think the vector of attack is comments on any video/blog/article/etc… that reports on her ongoing corruption scandals. Pose as a former Hillary acolyte who just can't help but vote their conscience and leave Hillary behind. More of a Jill Stein kind of stance. These comments would be great for persuading independents even if her base stays strong. How sound? What do?
It might be just the meme we need to push these people sitting on the precipice over the edge to voting for the Emperor?
Make a new thread
It's a good idea but the other guy is right: That should get a new thread to spread the idea around.
is the illuminati not just esotericists.
New thread discussing topic:
It's no different than when Hitler called international finance Jewry the shadow gov, because it is; and even they reign over Kerry and the rest, who only do what they are told by those who write the checks.
Kerry is a lesser-kike puppet, as is Clinton; these people have a fraction of the wealth and control of the real masters, and in the end, they're just stage coordinators, not playwrights.
Illuminati is just grandeous name for "couple of greedy authoritarian jews that hide in shadows, colluding together in half connected group that can trip/fuck over each other to meet same/similar goal"
Just wondering, as everyone here's fixated on The Shadow Government: Was Trump ever invited to a meeting with the 7th Floor Group?
While you may be genuinely curious, please use some discretion when asking a question that could derail the thread.
That's no coincidence since that's what the thread's topic is.
Someone posted this in the other wikileaks Todd Claire thread, but apparently some reporters already knew about this 'shadow party' back in 2004.
Some selections:
good job user
some deeper analysis
Oy vey, this is very anti-semitic. Please take down this image goy, you are inciting hatred and unfound suspiion; stop with these silly conspiracy theories.
Didn't see it until now, lol these kikes build their architecture corresponding to the content of the kabbalah. This shit is too real, it does read like a bad movie script i.e. the (((davinci code))), and soon (((inferno)))
Holy hell, you've figured it out.
Holla Forums finally finds the answer. Thank god for those leaked emails. Lot of you call yourself redpilled and bask in this false spotlight not aware of how bad things really are. Jews are mereley the most evident because of media control they possess. They're but pawns in conspiracious world chess play.
What the fuck even are Freemasons? I know they're basically a secret society, but after all these years I've never been able to figure out what they actually do.
Im a mason
We talk thats it
its like a brother hood and pritty much now anyones free to join so find out where your nearest lodge is and check it out if your really that keen
anyone remember The Finders? That was fun a few years ago now. Just had flashbacks when I thought that's what his name was
Is this a joke?
There are only six floors in the white house.
Good luck, triple six cultists, Kek's on our side
The Finders are connected to Pedowood by way of a CIA-linked Florida megachurch; see also the the mysterious daycare in Salt Lake City with the white rabbit graffiti.
those digits
that message
goodbye, going to the bunker
The Seventh floor is the secret floor.
Trump is more than likely going to lose now. Fake polls or not, there is no historical precedent for the kind of shift Trump would need to make to get elected. We can cry about it all day when people point it out, but it's true. The talons of the media machine run too deep, and the public is still too much controlled by the media.
Maybe there will be a chance of winning in 2020, if America is even worth living in by that point. It will be very hard to repair the damage Hilary Clinton is going to do.
Reagan? Brexit? thanks CTR
The normies are waking up, the stench of Hillary's shitty actions is everywhere.
Not in Aus because they know that the democracy is a joke hence the reason why they are apathetic toward the politicians and would be happy to see them gone and not shed a tear.
The mad woman actually
It's the Truman building.
Dumping some stuff I uncovered about the 7th Floor Group while snooping the other day. Check it out anons.
Apparently Rowdy Gowdy has been making some veiled references to this whole 7th Floor Group
Another email about the 7th Floor, literally #1984, wew lad
The members of this "Shadow Government" group are quite the meddlers:
Making attempts to hide evidence of anyone being connected to this group:
People have been speculating that the DOD may be involved? Can anyone confirm this?
"7th Floor" is apparently an old term from for "head of departments"
Holla Forums users have identified the following list of government officials who are members of the 7th Floor Group:
-Jonathan Finer, CoS for John Kerry
-Jennifer Stout, deputy CoS
-Heather Higginbottom, Deputy SoS for Management and Resources
-Someone named only as 'KENNEDY' (or does this name refer to the function or boss of Higginbottom?)
-Julia Frifield, assistent secretary legislative affairs
-BLANK NAME 'office of legal adviser'
-BLANK 'office of legal adv. overseeing state's BLANK'
-Three additional posts that are totally redacted
Hearing reports that both major parties in the UK, the World Bank and Fabian Society have offices in the same building as Soros' Open Society Foundation
A 1975 cable has revealed more information about the 7th Floor Group, which was founded by HENRY KISSINGER:
Under point 3, a few paragraphs down:
This will be a truly historic debate.
This is it anons.
This deserves it's own thread.
we punks now
Did anyone of you fucks even imagine in June 16, 2015 that we would see this 20 days before the election.
Holy fucking shit mother fucker monkey balls jesus on a stick.
Trump is going all in.
Yes, but not for fear of what they can do to me, more from what I'm going to have to do to rid my world of them when the time comes. Our world really is going to burn, one way or another.
Just because the number 7 is significant, you wouldn't think they'd use the 7th floor of a building because of the number?
←—— First pic happened to me, but it was 10 years, not 20.
What degree? Because you dont know shit until youre at least 33rd degree. Thats where real Fremasonry begins. Youre basically a Shriner atp. The rite is compartmentalized on a need to know basis like an intelligence agency. Have fun with your apron though.
Is the five picture photoshopped? Because I noticed the hexagon shape on the top of Saturn. It look like someone is living down there.
Could be your anus.
That was back when turkey leaned to the west.
The coup is essentially removing the gulenist (cia asset) infestation in the military and the govt after Putin told spurdogan that the ziojews and cia is out to get him after pivoting to the east (something about pissing off his 'western partners' because he sided with russia after making deals with them)
Yeah spurdogan still has problems with Syria about his now broken ottoman dream but that's basically under the rug right now, as he's no longer obliged into giving the jihadists in Syria a helping hand now that the gulenists and their cia handlers in incirlik have been booted out.
After the coup, the Turkish Army is simply undermanned at the moment so they can't do anything that involved carving out N. Syria for his ottoman ambitions; they can only go so far within Syrian territory before not being able to go further, even with their jihadi goons on hand.
He's currently making sure the kurdish fifth columns with US spec op backing in western and eastern syria are not connected while keeping their distance from the Syrian Army positions in N. Aleppo as per the deal he made with Russia and The Syrian Goverment
As long as people keep an eye on him not doing anything stupid, it's all good as of the current period.
The hexagon on Saturn's north pole is very real. NASA has some good shots of it. Its basically a band of wind that blows backwards and around corners. Scientists can't explain it.
Is there a video of backward winds on the top? I like to see.
Never mind
We'll have to adapt and fight back.
i will never get tired of shilling this beauty, "not opening your wide shut eyes", but only confirming information you [should] have.
i'm sorry i'm late for the party but, could you answer me: "on how many levels of woke are you on" ?
things are bad, low-levelers are but a pawns, yet they pave a way for a new age mysteries with materialization of "old gods". Rivers will overflow with blood, mountains of corpses will shadow the sun, reapers will do their job, yet you (i mean every one of you) will accept their "gift", the mark of the beast.
there can be only one truth and there is only one.
digging deeper into ufo reveals their occult ties.
spirits possess your body and your soul.
last one: never trust the "eye", no matter how blinding its light is.
Not at all. They dominate the chess play recently.
They are control freaks.
so all these documents keep getting released, why the fuck isnt gowdy shoving the gavel of justice up these faggots asses?
interesting stuff. a little bump to save the thread.
Reminder this happened months ago as well.
It's like they're unveiling themselves this year or something.
I just worry we've got some megakike demons to deal with after the rothchilds and soros of the world.
page 24. I'm saving a good thread from page 26
page 24. a little bump to save a good thread
page 25
final boss is going to be literally the antichrist. these kikes ain't shit
Page 23. A little bump. I posted a link to this thread in another one.