Drudge has this video on his homepage.
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People are going to say that this stirs up racial hate though - watch a load of articles come from the left denouncing this racism in the next few hours.
Drudge has this video on his homepage.
You will like the video
People are going to say that this stirs up racial hate though - watch a load of articles come from the left denouncing this racism in the next few hours.
I'm the last person to defend nog behaviour, but this video seems scripted. They're not good actors.
And why script it? Perhaps to create the perception amongst blacks that you're supposed to act like that in response to Trump.
bump, I don't think it looks scripted
My favorite part of the Obama presidency is all the racial healing.
Yeah maybe, he was doing well with "AFRICAN-AMERICANS" enough to make Hillary Clinton's campaign nervous.
-tin hat time-
The guy that filmed this is some sort of shit-skin perhaps he might have ties to Clinton?
Perhaps this is the drudge's betrayal?
I like what they did with the colleges. They sure did a number on them with their "safe space" nonsense.
This looks not only scripted but also like a cop-out so Drudge doesn't have to show the Veritas video. We should put more pressure on them to show it.
Yeah we need more info on who he is. He sure as hell isn't on our side trying to red pill people about errant chimp behaviour. This video is probably for them to share on Facebook, and monkey see, monkey do.
Black folk in those neighborhoods tend to damage or steal vehicile.
Bruce W. Smith (creator of the Proud Family) hung around friends who stole vehicles and sold them for scraps. He served as their lookout.
On the one hand, the way that the bar suddenly appears in the next parking space at the 20 second mark is shady as hell. But on the other hand, only a fool would think ghetto nogs need a script to start vandalizing something.
LMAO at that stone throwing nigger.
haha this faggot fakes his videos so much and you're posting that obvious fake bullshit here?
not saying we can't use this for our benefit. just that muslim goatfucker "joey" get jewtube shekels from this. so fuck you op
At 2:17 he misses the car window with a brick from about 2 feet away its ridiculous
Niggers break shit for fun, but do you think they are politically astute enough to have such a visceral reaction to political signage?
Fuck off Joey.
This isn't on Drudge.
Well this would be typical agit prop technique, hiring agent provocateur to act violently to discredit whomever they supposedly representing. But of course we know there are no shady elements behind Trump, so this is impossible in this case.
Literally scripted.
Nvm, I'm a fag definitely could be real.
Wait a minute. Today I saw somebody retweeting some guy's prank where he drove a supposed 'Trump' car into nog neighborhoods.
If you or Drudge posted this unknowingly, you're (a) retard(s).
Sage for low-effort post
monkey noises
Why do they jump around like literal monkeys, pulling at the stickers but jumping back as if they're unsure what it is and might hurt them, so they grab it and run, back and forth until it appears there is no danger?
They're excited at the chance for mayhem.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Drudge is a kike. This isn't fucking news. Everyone already knows most nogs are violent savages.
He needs to put up O'Keefe's video.
stop being dumb, you dummies
Well in this case you're the first person to do it. Congratulations.
Scripted or not, it's highly probable that a Trump car in the ghetto would be destroyed in 30 minutes or less.
go home, 4cuck
Thanks for making great anti-nigger propaganda Joey.
Joey "I like to piss in my mouth" Salads is known for making fake pranks if you did not know.
Any confirmation they're fake or is that just an excuse used by people who believe in dinduism?
Why would someone who makes a living on jewtube create a fake hoax video to get attention? Really not sure about that one.
This negress has an alternate camera view and is claiming that it's fake.
(no archive b/c video)
It's possible that Joey is paying random nogs to smash up the car. The onus really still would be on their stupidity, because they've basically been documented committing vandalism on a car that they might not even have known was his.
If you compare the clothes between some of the perps in both videos, they check out. Note how the trump face is no longer in the windshield wipers in the alternate angle video. Also note in the original video how a metal bar appears next to the black car during the first 30-minute cut, between 0:18 and 0:22.
Also this.
Luckily, since our negroid "whistleblower" apparently didn't give enough of a shit about this to record more than 8 seconds of footage, we really have no idea what's going on.
Think this will stop the endless stream of posts we keep getting inundated with extolling the virtues of "based niggers" and all the excuses for Trump's nigger pandering?
Yep. Somebody has a second video that basically confirms 100% this is fake.
Sorry, link fucked up.
Salad apparently was busted staging vids before.
God damn dude, these people are so fucking stupid it hurts.
but why tho?
almolst as bad as Sandy Hook
You need to change your mindset. Only when you look at things from the correct perspective can you understand them.
That was pretty solid dad humor.
False flag.
Stage a bunch of niggers nigging,
Trump supporters react,
"Trump supporters are racist!" t.CNN,
Only they fucked up and it's been shown as fake, all reaction to the event is nullified because they have to cover their asses and bury it.
It's scripted but who cares? This would happen IRL. No fucking doubt.
Views for shekels. YouTube is this faggots job.
Destroying a running Sentra for a hoax?
This fucking cocksucker. I could use a nice little car like that. I hope the white Nissan pickup comes after this dick.
It was so obvious I could tell right away. You see folks, I have great temperament and judgement. Believe me, these (1) posters are losers working for David Brock, for peanuts! Total losers.
Is Drudge cointel like jonestein?
He plasters this fake ass shit as a main story and theres no mention (i can see on that cancerous eyesore of a website) of the Project Veritas video.
Kikedar is going off like crazy.
Yeah, it's an obvious misdirection piece to deflect the heat off of the Veritas video and Podesta leaks.
When some faggot says ' based Drudge', I will remind him of this.
control the narrative in 3 easy steps
Jaysus Chroyst. I'm calling it now, they're all fucking aliens. Any remotely famous person is an alien meme from their alien controlled media.
Fake as hell.
I was honestly surprised how they didn't chimp out enough.
Now they can say the firebomb was also a false flag.
Why'd that faggot have to wait almost 2 minutes before showing the evidence? Why didn't you just post the original video/evidence instead of this 'literally who' faggot?
shouldn't be hard to repeat the experiment, without staging it like a libshit
They could and did say that before. Don't expect them to play by any rules. They won't.
Also in the original video
but no change in shadows
These youtubers fake all their vids. If they don't then they don't make bread. This is good propaganda but it's likely fake.