I knew Ryan was a bit cucky, but I never thought it would come to this. Anyone have the original? :^)
Wake up in the morning
You mean the one where the pumpkin is off to deliver incriminating evidence on Hillary but spontaneously decides to commit suicide by setting his head on fire?
Why do leftists have practically nonexistent senses of humour?
Why does OP have to be such a fag?
Never seen this meme before, anyone care to explain.
Sure thing stef
dank af
Ask him about pic related
post the real links to his site nigger: stormfront.com
wot's upb
Universally Preferable Behavior AKA golden rule its moly's proposed system of ethics for atheists.
Wait, didn't I just see that artist in ?
Not much, how about you
I thought pumpkin was pissed at the horrible leftyshit meme he got exposed to on the phone.
Yep, same guy.
Wowie, I thought it was just me being a meme vessel again, like with Tay.
Thanks for posting the original.
All of this anti-Trump faggotry is making me want to return to my drawfag NEET days to make propaganda for the God Emperor.
You done misspelled snek, faggot.
Somehow it's amazing that this meme get's countered in various funny alterations just within 3 hours.
I am glad to be here, at this magical place.
So he made a comic about how Trump makes him butthurt.
Like it's a comic about how he's mad at something Trump said. That's it. That's the comic.
Why even draw/publish this?