Streaming To Catch A Predator

streaming To Catch A Predator
its hot as balls, come pass the time with some comfy

Other urls found in this thread:'s 50 Most Scandalous Political Scandals/articles/10/Bob Allen Men Room Misadventures

no one cares

This shit maximum comfy


Yeeeee comfy engaged

fuck off, go get a real job to make some money

It's a lil bit o comfy you got squared out here fella

What's goin on in this thread

bumpin bb



Oh man these are some good feels



C o m f o r t



Poo in loo time

why don't you have a seat right over there

B t f o




Holla Forums is really slow, stop bumping every five minutes so you can stay on the front page.

Sorry, did we disrupt your waifuposting?

why in the world is this still not on the air?




Ought to know what I liar I am
Ought to know me by now
Don't curse me for my nature
Don't blast me for my wrongs
Just a bad penny
I always come back to you
Just a bad penny



Is this kino?

Why would I want to watch a show about sending innocent men to prison?

pedo detected


Thanks, Lori.

It's fun in here.



Daily reminder that TCAP was mostly watched by people with latent pedophile fantasies to project their own urges onto a designated perp, thereby absolving them of their own guilt.

It's the modern version of the scapegoat.

Sounds like something a pedokike would say.

The show is also produced by Jews.

Is there one that isn't?
The kike influence explains the rarity of niggers and faggots as offenders and not the show altogether.

The show, like every other show, exploits the goyim. This particular show is marketed to hillbillies who like to hoot and holler bout dem pehdofiles while checking out the asses of their daughters. The only sad part is that they think it's fooling anyone.

t. pedo who thinks pedophilia isn't cancer because Jews also made a TV show about embarrassing pedos, neglecting the fact that the kikes use Hollywood as their own pedo ring and the fact that the most kiked media outlets like Salon are normalizing pedophilia as well as polygamy and incest

There's also a show called The First 48 which follows detectives who solve murders in major cities, is your cryptokike narrative that everyone wants to be like the niggers who kill over a pair of shoes so we just watch the show to have a scape goat for those tendencies?

Every time.

Sad, but one cannot reason with the neurotic.

This the mindset of the witch-hunter who represses his own sexual urges by making up fantasies about women fucking Satan in goat-form.

I never said you were a pedo for not being interested in the show, but it's obvious you're fucking pedo faggot from how ass mad you are that others watch it.
"Durr everyone who doesn't like pedos is a closet pedo," exact same shit the kikes say about people who don't endorse faggotry. On top of opening up with such a kikey argument, you put words in my mouth and pretend my argument was that you were a pedi merely because you didn't want to watch the show.
Don't watch the show? I don't give a fuck. Insist everyone who watches the show is a closet ped? That's exactly what a pedokike would say to feel better about their perversion, it's as much a lie to themselves as it is to others "I-I'm not the broken one, everyone's this way, I'm just honest!"
No, kike, you're the one that's broken and I hope you get raped in prison.

A reminder that nobody bats an eye when Pedro, Tyrone, Mohamed, and Schlomo get cunny, and that fucking nubile young girls is only ever considered a bad thing when it comes to Whites. You are literally and anti-White feminist if you are against this brand of 'pedophilia', and being attracted to teenage girls is by no means pedophilia by the way.

Not for straight White men they're not, but don't worry Ahmed will get to have a harem of young girls while you get none. It's a good thing based G-d's chosen took the time to deliver some justice to terrible White pedos.

Yes, clearly, keeping 13-year-old girls away from 45-year-old men is a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the White race, we didn't have any age of consent laws until feminism got really big post WW2

Yeah, I'm just repressing my natural urges to fuck a small boy.
There's maybe 12 seconds where they read back the chatlog when the pedos deny it.

It's not just white people on the show, retard. Also, you forgot to put Pajeet on your list.

If you don't like them, why do you watch a weekly show about them?

Fun you should mention that.'s 50 Most Scandalous Political Scandals/articles/10/Bob Allen Men Room Misadventures

You are the one who's twisting my words. The issue was never whether anyone disliked pedos, but why anyone would watch regularly watch a show purely about "catching dem pee-do-files". It seems that there must be some motivation about exposing yourself repeatedly to something you claim to deeply dislike and be repulsed by.

Not everyone, just many. I quote my words, which you twisted:

>TCAP was mostly watched by people with latent pedophile fantasies

I am not mad at you. I feel sympathy for a man caught up in his own guilt. I hope you get better one day, brother.

1. They do read out the chatlog, and are sure to read out the most salacious part. This is for the sake of the audience.
2. They spend a great deal of time discussing what the pedo wanted to do, why he brought condoms, what he would've done had Hanson not been there, etc.

Be aware that everything shown is shown for the audience's sake: the chatlogs from which they pull the most perverted shit they can, the discussion of all the fucking the guy intended to do, showing the young-looking actor interact with the guy as he stares at her lustily, etc. And you enthusiastically watch this. It's pornographic.

Certainly, the schadenfreude is an aspect of why people watch the show, but if it were merely that, they would not have included all those details. Those are there to titillate people, and this will remain true, no matter how much you and your friend lash out in anger at being discovered.

Every girl out of high school is a massive slut I hope you realize. Getting them young is the only chance you will have to obtain a half-decent woman for any length of time in 2017. You've basically sanctified the idea that if you've got to let everyone else have a chance to fuck a girl before you get your turn. That is literally the result of your belief. The age of a man is completely irrelevant, you can breed until death, and your status and resources only increase with age. Women on the other hand have quite an early expiration date. Women should be tied down early. The fact that you consider that immoral, and the fact that you consider it 'pedophilia' makes you a huge feminist cuck. The female question is perhaps more important than the Jewish question.

Do you honestly think this show is titillating? Those chatlogs are for laughs, they're funny.

And do you honestly think it's a natural sexual urge to have sex with a 13 year old boy?

If you haven't figured it out yet, you're projecting.

Some are, but one has to wonder why it's about sucking and fucking and lucking pussy or whatnot every week.

I wouldn't know, I don't want to fuck 13-year-old boys. But I ALSO know that I'm not interested in watching a show about 13-year-old-boy-fucking, and I have to wonder about people who are.

I'm a guy who thinks that the whole affair is deeply distasteful and wishes to stay away from all of it. You're the one who's actively engaging in it. I think the facts are clear.

Being a faggot is a different issue entirely.

Still waiting for all these white guys to show up. Guess I picked the wrong episode to start watching.


can you stream again OP?

stream is up all the time bb
cycles through cops/tcap/mxc and some other stuff