Why did she keep making this face?

Why did she keep making this face?

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Yeah, I second TFU. The characters are really well developed
and convey human emotion in its greatest depths, allowing us to relate
to them on similar, human levels .It's difficult to interpret some of the
deep figurative metaphors the first time you watch the movie, with the
mature themes that the show presents to its audience. It asks significant
life questions, such as the duality of mankind, the definition of love,
and encourages the viewer to make his/her own assessment to these tough
questions. Overall it's an enticing and engaging experience, best watched
with a parent or a friend.

Executive orders from the big kike.

She's obviously craving Finn's BBC.

She had a serious case of constipation

Can people have fart constipation?

It's called bloating and it can be extremely painful.

she is dogshit at acting

she's obviously CHARISMATIC AS HELL

You're a big guy


TL;DR: you're not watching an actress, you're watching a computer algorithm.


That is so fucking creepy.

no its a shitty actress that JJ said on the first day couldnt act

This tech is from 2015, released publicly around the same time the movie was released (so it was likely available during post-production).

True, so wouldn't it be probable Abrams used this tech trying to fix the acting? Resulting in an uncanny valley of a movie. I also wouldn't be suprised if he used a different actress, fucking up the algorithm. Hell, knowing Disney he probably used a child.


If I didn't already believe that Osama bin Laden died long before the raid on his compound, this would convince me.

That scene where they rush towards each other gushing about how amazing the other was, was so stupid it caused physical pain. Looked like a first take deal too.

Anyway, yeah. Stare wide eyed, mouth agape = intense focus.

What the fuck are you paranoid idiots talking about?
You people are insane.

Cause she's ugly.

not scary at all


TFA was honestly more forgettable than Avatar, it was so reliant on a by the numbers plot and pretty visuals. I don't remember a single line besides BOIPUSSED CUMPRESSOR and that's purely from browsing Holla Forums.

They didnt though, if you arent an autist you can see shes acting terribly in the entire film, theres deleted scenes too where shes acting like a fucking freak of nature. They just picked a cheap actress and didnt care is all

I can't imagine what it's like going through life while being this fucking stupid.

You would just be constantly amazed and terrified by every inane thing.

the hollywood kikes boypussahd her compressor too hard

there is literally nothing wrong with her acting.
it's the best acting in the movie, actually. anything wrong with her character is on the script, not the actress




Watch the first two minutes fagboy. Shes the worst actress I've ever seen besides Jlaw. Bitch literally can't change her facial expressions for 90% of her screentime shes wide eyed and mouth agape.


I love her mouth.

Ok Sauron