Google should be regulated like a utility
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The CIA created google, as much as a lot of other very important tech companies, like Palantir.
You should be more afraid of Palantir to be honest.
So if you want to bring down google, you have to bring down the CIA mafia.
Good luck.
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When the KGB overthrew Gorbachev in 1991 to control the government, they held power for three days before they were ousted....
For all their perceived power, they can only work in the shadows. Once they are out in the open and seen, they collapse.....
there are no alternatives, because they all belong to the CIA/MOSSAD Niggers.
I'm sick of Ancaps defending google
There are effectively no alternatives due to the big tech companies effectively function as one larger company.
There's standing by your principles, and then there's defending Google. I believe a company should have the right to fire an employee for any reason they wish as long as it does not violate any contracts, but I will not defend them firing this guy.
I'm not going to waste my breath defending their right to fire a guy for not being progressive enough when we don't have that right universally applied for all firings. If we lived in a society where we don't have HR departments breathing down the necks of businesses so that they make diversity hires, maybe I'd defend their right to do it. However, this is a clear example of unequal protection under the law, and I'm not going to fight for one side's right to do it.
Please enlighten me. In what areas does Google have an absolute, naturally-formed monopoly that can't be shaken?
Well why hasn't anyone made a better search engine?
We're gonna need a logo to start
Naturally formed? No.
They have an effective monopoly for On Demand Video due to proxy spamming preventing competitors from growing in any meaningful way.
In addition they have an arbitrary format for storing quickref information from a website reducing the capacity for competitors to compete on similar grounds as a data aggregate, and this is inspite of Google using promotion to keep top contributors consistently recommended over alternatives.
You think Putine represent who?
KGB is at power my friend.
If the government don't regulate and forbid monopolies, then they'll, well, become monopolies.
If a companie become too powerful and manage to "influence" (money and power) the government to not do anything against them, so how in the hell do your little liberalism works?
Capitalism's main characteristic is concentration: the more powerful you are, the more powerful you'll become, especially when you are protected by an entity as powerful as the CIA.
Just die fucking liberal. Communists can die too. The only way is to not have any system based on profit, debt and speculation, like in the past. But I'll never gonna happen again.
Google have been chosen to have a certain role in the future society. That's the same for facebook. Same for amazon. Just remember the sweetshirt of Zuckersperg.
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Was literaly the first link with "amazon cia" and "facebook cia" in searx.
You should stop trusting some fucktard you hear on CNN, and start to actually look at what is happening.
You don't need google, you don't need facebook, you don't need amazon, you don't need Windows, there's perfectly good alternatives to all of them. The only reason they're """monopolies""" is because retards are too retarded not to use the first/most popular thing they come across.
If it's seriously your way of thinking... You seem to don't know what is supply and demand.
You need to take economic course my friend...
The problem seems to be Government, but private companies are to blame?
We don't have a free market system, nor a populace intelligent or motivated enough to seek out alternatives. They've transcended monopoly to become general utilities, and they're currently being operated by evil people.
They're an entity which has appendages in both the public and private realm. They're not a private company. Further you should abandon the libertarian/small gov't fantasy. Not all "companies" are equal in access to infrastructure, gov't agencies, or public access.
Well said, that's exactly what happened.
SearX is a fully open source alternative to google, but the search results aren't as good as google at times. If you want to get anywhere remotely close to google then you have to spy on your users constantly.
I haven't used anything from any of those companies for years and there's no reason anybody else has to either. With the exception to Youtube.
Don't like the government? You're free to move to international waters and govern yourself. Not our fault if you're too stupid to make it work out :^)
Yes I am implying that these corporations have achieved government-level power.
Interesting, that was a question someone asked a Dem rep. not long ago. If these big tech companies can become mower powerful than nation states and would we should do about them.
Good luck convincing anyone who wasn't already by now, by a year ago.
Now is as good a time as any to cut the cord. Google isn't integral to using the internet. The only power they have is the power you give them. Stop complaining and do something about it.
We're trying. The greatest shit will come from normal people seeing the bullshit infiltrating their sphere of living, now that it's intensifying.
"Conservatives" in general, the cuck kind, are already suffering the consequences.
Your Grandma isn't going to be rooting her android phone and installing LineageOS any time soon.
Google search is built into most phones.
That's how every monopoly in the history of ever has worked.
People need a Facebook to get a job but the employers don't "really" need a Facebook.
You want people to throw their smart phones into the trash?
Apple? Microsoft? A dumbphone? Most people don't need a phone as much as they'd like to think they do in the first place.
As if not getting security updates was a good enough reason to ditch Android.
For us to be truly free we need the following:
The ability to make our own CPU's SOC's etc. Some sort of open arch like RISC etc. This also includes NICs and all associated firmwares and drivers.
A full free OS
literally who?
You do realize that google had one of the largest hands in making people this stupid, right?
The tech giants are all vying to be the right hand of the Jewish new world order. ZOG isn't going to punish them for that, obviously, and they will be increasingly harmful to you. If you want to see them brought down, you'll need to start thinking of ways we can do it.
Subsidiary of Alphabet, they run a search engine.
Bill Gates apart, they're already all-Jews.
Bill Gates like all other power vultures is running their plays. We're sending massive amounts of food to Africa and he's dumping massive amounts of money there as the Jews have some prophecy where they need to have the children of some tribe I forget the name of but are basically the niggers take over the west. So they're having us produce a bumper crop of them, estimated to be around 5 BILLION by 2100, and preparing our culture so we'll let them all in in some future "refugee crisis".
Please clarify, I'm confused: So basic net neutrality is an evil communist plot to take over the internet, but the big government should step in to arbitrarily seize private enterprises for the benefit the people?
Governments should have power, but being small in scope. Like Monarchies for instance.
Not intervening now would be a sign of a big government that holds no power.
Monopolies are bad and they were created by an unregulated free market, that emerged a couple decades ago and only now authorities are starting to realise that leaving them loose will destroy the nation.
Same thing with the Rockfellers, Carnegies and Morgans of history.
You do realize you're responding to one of those stupid people, right?
thanks for disproving yourself
But they're no longer commie maggots.
No, but he should be the one to do it.
So the government needs to step in to stop businesses from growing too large because they'll control the government. But they only bother to influence the government when there is the potential for monetary gain, such as government contracts or regulatory control. This is some self-serving logic.
Yeah, I remember when your perfect, idyllic socialism worked in the past, too. I wonder why it failed when it was such a flawless system.
The Internet is about the closest thing to a free market we have in this country. I'd prefer to keep it that way. How exactly is Google preventing people from competing here? If it has such a commanding monopoly, how come I can choose from a plethora of competing services? The only way I can see someone getting their hobby web services shut down is coercion through government regulation.
Then maybe the solution is to educate and motivate people to do so.
Google is not a monopoly, and "general utilities" is a label assigned by the government to frame their regulations. Regardless, what is your objective standard for when a company deserves to be a general utility? Would this be influenced by them being "evil" or not? Is there an absoute dollar amount in profit or net worth? Is it percent of market share?
Giving someone a revolver loaded with six bullets and forcing them to play Russian Roulette is not a great argument against firearms.
Why aren't Google paramilitaries busting my door down right now?
Implying they would need to when they have all your secrets and can deplatform you like they did to TDS.
Pitiful statement, just shows your ignorance.
You're a fucking tard. All these state monopoly corporations can just throw infinite money into their loss making product in order to destroy you.
Nobody can compete. You will be crushed.
(Pro tip: Google's monopoly isn't in the field of search)
What is Netflix? Does Google own Netflix?
What secrets? Why do you believe that Google has my secrets?
Not an argument
Crushed doing what? If I want to start a search engine, nobody will stop me. If I want to start an email service, noboody will stop. This is the same for a web logging service or advertising service, or video streaming service. Google cannot stop anybody from competing. Everybody is free to use alternatives to Google, Facebook, Microsoft etc.
And the Lolbertarian outs himself.
Seriously now, both Holla Forums and Holla Forums have enough arguments to lay this free market bullshit into the ground, as it was many times in the past. Stop watching youtube shit and read a goddamn book.
The internet is not a free market because it prevents people from using it without the consent of a board of private institutions who're also a cartel... which formed precisely because before them there was a free market.
What if they crush the search engine that you're going to use? They can do that with copyright laws, "intellectual property" and by mobbing.
So stop using "What prevents me" as a general argument for the whole population. People are stupid, people don't care about what you think and what you would do, they don't care about researching, they don't care about anything outside of their daily-life routine.
Have you ever realised how the collective decision of peoples has always been shit? Look at where we are now, look at how conformist and detached people are from any issue, look at how the Media lies to them everyday throughout their lives and how they keep returning to it for more lies - because that's what they want to hear, if it weren't, they would be seeking out confirmation and self-realisations anywhere. THEY DON'T CARE.
The Free Market is a lie, and it's so ideologically broken that it never worked when tried, the internet is a testament of how this system is subverted once established because it doesn't account for several human traits and natures and reduces them to economic units.
Fuck you, piece of shit.
It doesn't buy due to antitrust laws, which it's already being targeted. Also, Netflix doesn't make any profits, it lives of the money of investors in the stock market, so it's a bad decision to buy it, or to buy it now.
But hey, Google bought both YouTube and Twitch, remember? The first was destroying Google Videos and the second was destroying YouTube, now they're coordinated and content creators are lashed by Google in both platforms.
Actually, it was rumoured that Apple would buy Netflix, because it needed more services, so don't count that out.
God, inform yourself more Libtard.
Even if you make no use of anything Google, you're being tracked on which sites you visit even if you use ad blockers due to recaptcha, and everyone else out there uploading video to Google and walking around with hot mics on their phones for voice recognition are recording the majority of your life in excruciating detail.
I hear Google restructured itself to avoid the law. I forgot what the type of laws they're trying to avoid.
As long as there are stupid and ignorant people, the government should intervene against these kind of abuses.
When people are perfectly informed and willful to learn better tools, if there are many (infinite) offered tech services, then your utopian libertarian tech industry might work.
Right now, it isn't working except for enslaving us further.
Anti-trust law. And the "Restructuring" was basically chartering a holdings company to manage their assets, this is supposed to avoid anti-trust laws through horizontal integration rather than vertical integration
kys. people like you don't belong on tech. facebook or google or whatever crap we're talking about is not even tech
if the worse thing that could happen from the free market is this shitty web existing, then there's literally nothing wrong with the free market
At least a semi nude highschooler lacking a 3rd dimension will throw around porn, right? I'm sure the entire anime is going to become real, not just the "all seeing eye chooses what is halel and what is harem" part right?
This hopefully.
can't wait to get high while lying on a bed with a few dozen shotas
do you see a problem now?
Why would you care if Google delists you? Why would you care about your app on Google's store? Why do want to make money with an adsense account? Why are you relying on other people to host your Internet site? Who is going to take away your domain name? Why do you care if you're labelled a nazi?
Their are not seizing shit retard, they would break up the company
Google search would become an independent company
So would google services
Android and youtube would go back to being a separate companies like before google bought them
Same with adwords
Google is used by a majority of people to find information
The android OS is used by a majority of phones in the world
Because pay to use and subscription plans are not as popular with people and google is the biggest platform for advertising which guarantees income.
How does it make you feel to be retarded?
Because its a term of abuse and implies that you are an enemy of the nation.
If your site relies on advertising it's never going to manage to keep all that content up in the first place. Advertisers will just keep threatening to pull their ads unless you remove the content they find objectionable.
End net neutrality, end government subsidies to businesses, or else make the subsidies dependent upon their conduct, and it's compliance with the 1st amendment.
Google is not a utility. It is easy to live without Google.
The only solution is to distinctly separate the functions of the government and the private sector. The government's job is to make good laws and to enforce those laws for the public's benefit. The rest of the shit that it does (spying on its citizens, human experimentation, foreign adventurism, etc) should be left alone. But for this to work, we would have to leave democracy behind and reform the government into something close to a monarchy, without popular elections to ensure that only the best people govern.
Spotted the google shills.
>implying Google will have less power WHEN THEY LITERALLY BECOME PART OF THE STATE
Politicians and bureaucrats will only ever work on their own interest, just like everybody else. The idea that these rats will be good boys and dismantle a monopoly (even though BY DEFINITION the state owning Google would be a monopoly) is beyond delusional.
==Giving more state power to Google would only solidify it's monopoly for as long as the state exists.==
I know Holla Forums is dumb as fuck when it comes to how the state works but this is too much. You fuckers actually deserve to get fucked by the monopolies you wish to support.
Google needs to be broken up like ma Bell was.
Yes, let the biggest monopoly of all have increasing power over the ebil "monopolies" that aren't actually monopolies. What could go wrong?
Google needs to be split up, bottom line, regulators need to rethink century old anti-trust laws. It would be a miracle if we could somehow get past Googles own lobbying to make this happen but one can only fucking dream
Because that type of direct kinetic action can be outsourced, or have CIAniggers outsource it for them. Besides, there are other ways to fuck someone up besides kicking in their doors. Say attempted social engineering or blackballing someone for having double plus ungoodthink.
Null pls is planning to set up an alternative hosting infrastructure, for shitlords tossed into the memory hole in response to the shuttening.
why? filename, why?
Thankfully though the Windows Monopoly is dying and people are waking up.
People are leaving Facebook, or trying their best to ignore. They don't like the retards who have a voice. The ones that want to leave, but can't are usually because their place of work requires it, but that is quickly becoming less common.
Amazon and Google though people haven't found out about. If the US government is smart, they'll break up these monopolies before they take over the government.
There are providers out there that won't let you use a dumb phone anymore. I'm not kidding either.
Of course people don't need a phone, it's just retarded normies that post pictures of their asses on Facebook for attention that do.
Eh, just get one of these from Worst Korea and throw a sim card in it.
Were they ever?
I'm retarded with phones, can you seriously do that?
Yeah, as you can use it on any carrier that has gsn/umts.
i was going to suggest that browsers should just default to better search engines, but then i remembered that google chrome became the most popular browser by promoting it down people's throat on their homepage
problem is, at least in the US the government is completely bought by megacorps
that's one shit of a slippery slope.
and what's wrong with the DailyStormer being called nazi? triggered much?
I like it too, but that thing uses and depends on Google or other search engines to begin with.
If Google and all of it's services and products completely disappeared from the surface of the earth overnight, most people would just start using some of the many excellent alternatives. There's nothing vital or indispensible about Google.
why don't more anons run their own email??
is not THAT hard to setup and configure. do it on a vps and then you've also got a vps to fuck around with.
tech larps but does not codes all of you faggots are faggots
The reason Google invests in Chrome, ChromeOS and Android is preciously because of this. They can turn the Internet into their own walled garden if everyone is using their software.
By whom? A bunch of drooling keyboard warriors stroking their dicks?
more links on google/fb antics